Understanding Nutrition, Second Canadian Edition Test Bank

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Chapter 2: Planning a healthy diet Multiple choice 1. The main principles of diet planning include: a. ensuring that foods are enjoyable and appropriate to the preferences of the individual. b. considering adequacy, balance and variety. c. considerations of food availability, cost and age. d. a focus on meeting protein and energy needs. ANS: b TOP: Principles and guidelines DIF: Knowledge Level 2. When comparing the nutrient density between foods, one method that can be used is to: a. compare the amount of a nutrient with a standard serving. b. weigh a serving of each food; the heaviest is likely to be the most nutrient-dense. c. compare nutrient contributions per kilojoule. d. assess the water content of each food; the food that contains less water is more nutrient-dense. ANS: c TOP: Principles and guidelines DIF: Knowledge Level 3. Which of the following is the most calcium-dense food? a. Whole milk b. Non-fat milk c. Low-fat milk d. Cheddar cheese ANS: b TOP: Principles and guidelines DIF: Application Level 4. The term nutrient-dense refers to foods that: a. carry the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) nutrition labelling. b. are higher in weight relative to volume. c. provide more nutrients relative to kilojoules. d. contain a mixture of carbohydrates, fat and protein. ANS: c TOP: Principles and guidelines DIF: Knowledge Level 5. The concept of nutrient density is most helpful to achieving which principle of diet planning? a. Variety b. Balance c. Moderation d. Kilojoule control ANS: d TOP: Diet planning guides DIF: Knowledge Level 6. a. b. c. 25 Which of the following is an expression of the nutrient density of a food? 0.01 milligrams iron per kilojoule 110 kilojoules per cup 0.5 milligrams iron per serving 25 d. 110 kilojoules per serving ANS: a TOP: Diet planning guides DIF: Application Level 7. Providing enough, but not an excess, of a food is a diet-planning principle known as: a. safety. b. variety. c. moderation. d. undernutrition. ANS: c TOP: Diet planning guides DIF: Knowledge Level 8. An empty-kilojoule food is one that contains: a. no kilojoules. b. an abundance of vitamins, but little or no minerals. c. an abundance of minerals, but little or no vitamins. d. excess energy and little or no protein, vitamins or minerals. ANS: d TOP: Diet planning guides DIF: Application Level 9. Applying the principle of variety in food planning ensures the benefits of: a. moderation. b. vegetarianism. c. nutrient density. d. dilution of harmful substances. ANS: d TOP: Diet planning guides DIF: Application Level 10. The Australian Dietary Guidelines: a. outline the specific quantities of foods that people should eat. b. are designed to meet the nutritional requirements of most Australians. c. aim to minimise the development of common mineral deficiencies, such as calcium deficiency. d. aim to minimise the risk of developing diet-related diseases. ANS: d TOP: Principles and Guidelines DIF: Knowledge Level 11. In which of the following food groups are legumes found? a. Meats and vegetables b. Dairy c. Fruits d. Grains ANS: a TOP: Principles and Guidelines DIF: Knowledge Level 12. Which of the following is not a characteristic of The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating? a. It places most foods into one of five groups. b. Its nutrients of greatest concern include iron, chromium and vitamin B 12. c. It can be used with great flexibility once its intent is understood. 26 26 d. It emphasises nutrient-dense food options from within each food group. ANS: b TOP: Principles and guidelines DIF: Application Level 13. Consider the following menu from the point of view of The Australian Guide To Healthy Eating. Breakfast Two eggs One tsp. margarine Two slices enriched white bread One cup whole milk coffee Lunch 60 grams tuna fish lettuce One tbsp. mayonnaise Two slices enriched white bread One apple Supper 80 grams hamburger meat 30 grams cheese ยฝ cup cooked rice ยฝ cup carrots coffee Which of the following describes the nutritional value of the fruits and vegetables in this menu? a. A source of vitamin A is missing. b. A source of vitamin C is marginal. c. The daily amounts recommended for a 8500-kilojoule diet are met. d. The daily amounts recommended for a 8500-kilojoule diet are exceeded. ANS: b TOP: Diet planning guide DIF: Application Level 14. Which of the following two major nutrients are supplied by the fruit and vegetable group? a. Vitamins D and E b. Vitamins A and C c. Protein and calcium d. B vitamins and iron ANS: b TOP: Diet planning guide DIF: Knowledge Level 15. Leanne is a 26-year-old woman. To meet the recommended number of serves for grains and cereals per day, she could eat the following: a. ยฝ cup cereal flakes, two slices bread and one cup pasta. b. ยฝ cup porridge, two cups pasta and one slice bread. c. One cup porridge, two cups rice, two slices bread. d. One English muffin, one cup porridge and one cup pasta. ANS: b TOP: Diet planning guides DIF: Application Level 16. Jamie is a vegetarian who is trying to plan a healthy diet with the help of The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating. Which of the following meat alternatives would be his best nutrient choice for one day? a. Two pieces bacon, ยฝ can tuna, two pieces bread b. 85 grams cheese, ยฝ sweet potato, two tbsp. peanut butter c. ยฝ cup canned beans, two tbsp. peanut butter, one cup spinach d. One skinless chicken breast, two egg whites, muesli bar ANS: c TOP: Diet planning guide DIF: Application Level 17. Which of the following is an alternative choice to meats in The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating? 27 27 a. Legumes and nuts b. Bacon c. Baked potatoes d. Sweet potatoes ANS: a TOP: Diet planning guide DIF: Application Level 18. All of the following are examples of legumes, except: a. peas. b. beans. c. chickpeas. d. potatoes. ANS: d TOP: Diet planning guide DIF: Knowledge Level 19. Which of the following foods could help to meet the iron needs of vegetarians who consume dairy? a. Coconut b. Legumes c. Skim milk d. Potato salad ANS: b TOP: Diet planning Guide DIF: Application Level 20. Which of the following is not one of the general features of legumes? a. They are high in fat. b. They are low in cost. c. They are rich in fibre. d. They include peanuts. ANS: a TOP: Diet planning Guide DIF: Knowledge Level 21. Legumes are used as meat alternatives for all of the following reasons, except that: a. they are economical. b. they can be graded as prime, choice and select. c. they can be processed to look and taste like meat. d. they contribute the same key nutrients as meat, including iron and protein. ANS: b TOP: Diet planning Guide; from guidelines to the shopping trolley DIF: Knowledge Level 22. According to the principles of The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating, food groups that contribute niacin to a diet include: a. fats and oils. b. vegetables. c. fruit. d. cereal-based foods. ANS: d TOP: Diet Planning Guides DIF: Knowledge Level 28 28 23. A cup of fruit or vegetables is about the size of a: a. golf ball. b. cricket ball. c. deck of cards d. marshmallow. ANS: b TOP: Diet planning Guides DIF: Application Level 24. If a 19-year-old old man ate one meat pie, one can of soft drink and two packets of chips, he would have consumed the equivalent of: a. one meat serve, ยฝ vegetable serve and one extra serve. b. two meat serves, ยฝ vegetable serve and two extra serves. c. six extra serves. d. four extra serves. ANS: c TOP: Diet planning guides DIF: Knowledge Level 25. According to The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating, the approximate number of kilojoules in two serves of fruit, one serve of poultry and two serves of grain-based foods is: a. 1100โ€“1350 Kj. b. 2000โ€“2250 Kj. c. 2250โ€“2550 Kj. d. 950โ€“1200 Kj. ANS: b TOP: Diet Planning Guides DIF: Application Level 26. Whole-grain products contain all parts of the grain, with the exception of the: a. bran. b. husk. c. germ. d. endosperm. ANS: b TOP: From Guidelines to the Shopping Trolley DIF: Application Level 27. Refined grain products contain only the: a. bran. b. husk. c. germ. d. endosperm. ANS: d TOP: From Guidelines to the Shopping Trolley DIF: Application Level 28. The addition of calcium to orange juice products by food manufacturers is most properly termed nutrient: a. enrichment. b. restoration. c. fortification. d. mineralisation. ANS: c TOP: From Guidelines to the Shopping Trolley 29 29 DIF: Application Level 29. Which nutrient(s) make(s) up most of the endosperm section of grains such as wheat and rice? a. Fat b. Fibre c. Starch and protein d. Water ANS: c TOP: From Guidelines to the Shopping Trolley DIF: Knowledge Level 30. Which of the following is a characteristic of enriched grain products? a. They contain all of the added nutrients listed on the label. b. They have their fibre restored during the refining process. c. They have virtually all of their nutrients restored during the refining process. d. They contain only four vitamins and four minerals, all added by the manufacturer. ANS: a TOP: From Guidelines to the Shopping Trolley DIF: Knowledge Level 31. The germ part of a grain is: a. rich in vitamins and minerals.. b. a good source of fibre. c. removed from the grain when milled.. d. a rich source of fat. ANS: a TOP: From Guidelines to the Shopping Trolley DIF: Knowledge Level 32. Which of the following breads contains the highest fibre content? a. White b. Refined c. Enriched d. Whole-grain ANS: d TOP: From Guidelines to the Shopping Trolley DIF: Application Level 33. There is now a mandatory requirement for folic acid to be added to all: a. organic bread. b. wheat-based products. c. milled flours, except for organic. d. breads and cereals. ANS: c TOP: From Guidelines to the Shopping Trolley DIF: Knowledge Level 34. The most commonly fortified foods on the market are: a. frozen foods. b. imitation foods. c. enriched breads. d. breakfast cereals. ANS: d TOP: From Guidelines to the Shopping Trolley 30 30 DIF: Knowledge Level 35. Which of the following is an enrichment nutrient for grains? a. Zinc b. Folate c. Protein d. Calcium ANS: b TOP: From Guidelines to the Shopping Trolley DIF: Knowledge Level 36. If you cooked and ate a 240-gram lean steak, approximately how many meat serves, according to The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating, would you consume? a. Two b. Four c. Three d. One ANS: c TOP: From Guidelines to the Shopping Trolley DIF: Application Level 37. Which of the following is not the same as fat-free milk? a. Skim milk b. No-fat milk c. 1.5-per cent milk d. Non-fat milk ANS: c TOP: From Guidelines to the Shopping Trolley DIF: Knowledge Level 38. When preparing meat, to keep its fat intake modest, when preparing meat you should use any of the following cooking methods, except: a. braising. b. roasting. c. baking. d. frying in fat. ANS: d TOP: From Guidelines to the Shopping Trolley DIF: Knowledge Level 39. Suppose you want to reduce your sugar intake. While shopping, you notice a new dessert featuring a label that says the product is โ€˜low in sugarโ€™. To be able to make this claim, the dessert should contain the following amount of sugar: a. < 5 grams / serve. b. โ‰ค 10 grams / 100 grams. c. โ‰ค 5 grams / 100 grams. d. < 10 grams / 100grams. ANS: c TOP: Food Labels DIF: Knowledge Level 40. Which of the following is a feature of Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) governing legislation on food labels? a. The term โ€˜freshโ€™ can be used only for raw and moderately processed food. 31 31 b. Nutrition labelling must appear on virtually all processed and fresh foods. c. Restaurants must provide nutrient content information on their menus. d. Nutrition labelling is not required on foods produced by small businesses or on products produced and sold in the same establishment. ANS: d TOP: Food labels DIF: Applications Level 41. Information that must, according to law, be provided on food labels includes all of the following, except: a. the amount recommended for ingestion each day. b. the amounts of specified nutrients and food components. c. the ingredient list, in descending order of predominance by weight. d. the name and address of the manufacturer, packer or distributor. ANS: a TOP: Food Labels DIF: Knowledge Level 42. Which of the following is a characteristic of food serving sizes? a. Serving sizes for most foods have not yet been established by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ). b. The serving size for ice-cream is two cups, and the serving size for all beverages is one cup. c. Serving sizes on food labels are not always the same as those in The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating. d. Serving sizes must be listed in common household measures. ANS: c TOP: Food Labels DIF: Knowledge Level 43. A food scientist is developing a new and improved cereal bar. She contacts you to ask in what order the ingredients should be listed on the food label. The ingredients of the cereal bar are as follows: sugar (30 grams), puffed wheat (28 grams), dry milk powder (five grams), red food colouring (35 milligrams) and salt (two grams). What is the appropriate order in which to list these ingredients on the food label? a. Sugar, puffed wheat, dry milk powder, salt, red food colouring b. Red food colouring, salt, dry milk powder, puffed wheat, sugar c. Dry milk powder, puffed wheat, red food colouring, salt, sugar d. Puffed wheat, sugar, dry milk powder, salt, red food colouring ANS: a TOP: Food Labels DIF: Application Level 44. A food label ingredient list reads in the following order: wheat flour, vegetable fat, sugar, salt and cornstarch. Which item would be found in the smallest amount in the food? a. Salt b. Sugar c. Cornstarch d. Wheat flour ANS: c TOP: Food Labels DIF: Application Level 45. By law, on beverage food labels, one serving size is: a. 50 mL. b. 100 mL. c. 250 mL. d. 10 mL. 32 32 ANS: b TOP: Food labels DIF: Application level 46. Approximately how many millilitres are there in one cup? a. 100 b. 200 c. 250 d. 400 ANS: c TOP: Food Labels DIF: Knowledge Level 47. A product that claims to be low in salt should contain: a. less than 120 milligrams of salt per 100 grams. b. no more than 600 milligrams of sodium per 100 grams. c. less than 120 milligrams of sodium per 100 grams. d. a maximum of 200 milligrams of sodium per 100 grams. ANS: d TOP: Food Labels DIF: Knowledge Level 48. The percentage labelling on food products refers to the percentage(s) of: a. the key ingredients. b. each nutrient in the product. c. nutrient contribution to the diet. d. number of recommended serves. ANS: a TOP: Food Labels DIF: Knowledge Level 49. Andrew is trying to keep his total dietary cholesterol low. During a trip to the supermarket, he is considering a range of frozen meals. Andrewโ€™s best choice would be to buy a frozen meal containing: a. 25 milligrams of cholesterol per 100 grams. b. 50 milligrams of cholesterol per 100grams. c. 20 milligrams of cholesterol per 100 grams. d. 120 milligrams of cholesterol per 100 grams. ANS: c TOP: Food Labels DIF: Knowledge Level 50. According to Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ), which of the following foods qualifies as a โ€˜low-fatโ€™ food? a. Cheese containing 50 grams of fat per serving. b. Milk containing one gram of fat per 100 millilitres. c. Ice-cream containing nine g calcium per 100 grams. d. Whole milk containing 3.5 grams of fat per 100 millilitres. ANS: b TOP: Food Labels DIF: Application Level 51. The statement โ€˜a high source of calciumโ€™ on a food label can be classified as a: a. nutrient content claim. b. general health claim. 33 33 c. maintenance of good health claim. d. high-level claim. ANS: a TOP: Food Labels DIF: Application Level 52. Greg is trying to decide which brand of cereal to buy, but is a somewhat confused by the health claims made by each of them. Which of the following claims is in line with the highest level of significant scientific agreement on the subject? a. โ€˜This product promotes a healthy heart.โ€™ b. โ€˜This cereal supports heart health.โ€™ c. โ€˜This product contains whole grains, which have been proven to reduce the risk of heart disease and certain cancers.โ€™ d. โ€˜Very limited and preliminary scientific research suggests this product might reduce the risk of developing cancer, but Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) concludes there is little scientific evidence to support this claim.โ€™ ANS: c TOP: Food Labels DIF: Application Level 53. Approximately how many millilitres are contained in one tablespoon? a. 10 b. 20 c. 30 d. 40 ANS: b TOP: Food Labels DIF: Knowledge Level 54. Which of the following is not a feature of serving size information on food labels? a. Nutrition information per 100 grams (or 100 millilitres) of the product is provided. b. Small bags of individually wrapped food items must contain only one serving. c. The serving sizes on food labels may not be the same as those of The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating. d. For a given product, the serving size is the same no matter how large the package. ANS: b TOP: Food Labels DIF: Knowledge Level 55. A general health claim: a. is similar to a nutrient content claim, but needs a high level of scientific evidence. b. needs to be preapproved by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ). c. refers to a nutrient or substance that has a health effect. d. should not refer to a biomarker of a serious disease. ANS: d TOP: Food Labels DIF: Knowledge Level 56. The Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) definition of โ€˜high-fibreโ€™ is that: a. the food must contain more fibre than fat. b. the food must not contain less than 1.5 grams of dietary fibre per 100 grams. c. the food must not contain less than three grams of dietary fibre per serving. d. the food must not contain less than 10 grams of dietary fibre per serving. ANS: c TOP: Food Labels 34 34 DIF: Knowledge Level 57. What is a โ€˜flexitarianโ€™? a. A strict vegetarian who adheres to a macrobiotic diet for one week per month. b. A vegetarian who occasionally eats small amounts of meat. c. A vegetarian who practises complementary protein intake, even though dairy products and eggs are consumed. d. A vegetarian whose food intake is guided by The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating plan that emphasises meat alternatives. ANS: b TOP: Highlight 2 Vegetarian Diets DIF: Knowledge Level 58. Which of the following ingredients commonly found on a food label is a source of protein? a. Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) b. Tofu c. Cornstarch d. Diglycerides ANS: b TOP: Food Labels DIF: Application Level 59. John is a vegan. As a consequence, he could be at risk of being deficient in: a. vitamin C. b. thiamine. c. vitamin B12. d. vitamin A. ANS: c TOP: Highlight 2 Vegetarian Diets DIF: Application Level 60. In a vegetarian diet, meeting zinc requirements can be achieved through: a. including wholegrains, nuts and kidney beans in the diet b. ensuring the diet includes high levels of soybean-based foods c. fruit, vegetables and soy-based foods. d. soy-based foods, nuts and vegetables. ANS: a TOP: Highlight 2 Vegetarian Diets DIF: Knowledge Level 61. A vegetarian diet that is low in omega-3 fatty acids can be improved through: a. including a fish meal at least once per week. b. fruit and green, leafy vegetables. c. eggs and milk-based products. d. walnuts, flaxseeds and soy products. ANS: d TOP: Highlight 2 Vegetarian Diets DIF: Application Level 62. Which of the following is a feature of iron nutrition in vegetarians? a. Vegetarians absorb iron more efficiently than non-vegetarians. b. Iron utilisation is inhibited by the high zinc content of grains. c. The absorption of iron is low, due to vegetariansโ€™ high vitamin C intake. d. More iron deficiency is found in vegetarians than in people eating a mixed diet. 35 35 ANS: a TOP: Highlight 2 Vegetarian Diets DIF: Application Level 63. Textured vegetable protein is usually made of: a. soy protein. b. fish protein. c. beans and rice proteins. d. beans and cheese proteins. ANS: a TOP: Highlight 2 Vegetarian Diets DIF: Knowledge Level 64. Compared to a meat-based diet, a vegetarian diet can reduce the risk of developing heart disease, due to all of the following factors, except: a. lower total fat and cholesterol. b. high levels of phytochemicals. c. high levels of antioxidants. d. high calcium levels. ANS: d TOP: Highlight 2 Vegetarian Diets DIF: Application Level 65. Which of the following is a feature of vitamin B 12 nutrition in vegetarians? a. The vitamin B12 in fortified cereals has low bioavailability. b. Vegan mothers only need infrequent intake of vitamin B 12-fortified cereals. c. The vitamin B12 in fermented soy products may be in an inactive form. d. Infants born to vegan mothers are resistant to the development of vitamin B 12 deficiency. ANS: c TOP: Highlight 2 Vegetarian Diets DIF: Application Level Matching Match the statements with the words that best fit them from the lists below. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. 36 Legumes 20 Three Vegans Tempeh Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) Bran Physical activity 2003 Dietary Guidelines for Australian Adults Four Cricket ball Balance Vitamin B12 Low-fat Endosperm Nutrient density High-level health claim General-level health claim 36 S. T. Margarine containing plant sterols Orange juice containing added calcium 1. The principle of consuming a number of foods in proportion to each other 2. The principle of recognising that a food has more iron than another food when expressed per kilojoule 3. The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating combines recommendations from this 4. Plants of the bean and pea family, with seeds that are rich in protein 5. One cup of fruit or vegetables approximates the size of this 6. The part of grain that is richest in fibre 7. Included as part of the Australian Dietary Guidelines as integral to supporting health 8. The part of grain that contains the most starch 9. Example of a fortified food 10. Example of a functional food 11. How many serves of grain (cereal) foods should a 10-year-old girl consume per day? 12. Milk that contains 3grams of fat per 200 millilitres is termed this 13. People who exclude all animal-derived foods from their diets 14. A fermented soybean food 15. For a food label to include the claim โ€˜low in fatโ€™, the food must not contain more than this amount of grams of fat per 100 grams 16. A tablespoon holds this many millilitres 17. The agency that regulates food labelling 18. Those claims that make reference to a serious disease are referred to as this 19. โ€˜Gives you energyโ€™ is an example of this 20. A nutrient commonly added during the soy milk fortification process 1. ANS: L TOP: Diet Planning Principles 2. ANS: P TOP: Diet Planning Principles 3. ANS: I TOP: Diet Planning Guides 4. ANS: A TOP: Diet Planning Guides 5. ANS: K TOP: Recommended amounts 6. ANS: G TOP: From guidelines to the shopping trolley 7. ANS: H TOP: Australian Dietary Guidelines 8. ANS: O TOP: From guidelines to the shopping trolley 9. ANS: T TOP: From guidelines to the shopping trolley 10. ANS: S TOP: Food labels 11. ANS: J TOP: Diet Planning Guide 12. ANS: N TOP: From guidelines to the shopping trolley 13. ANS: D TOP: Highlight 1 Vegetarian Diets 14. ANS: E TOP: Highlight 1 Vegetarian Diets 15. ANS: C TOP: Food Labels 16. ANS: B TOP: Food labels 17. ANS: F TOP: Food Labels 18. ANS: Q TOP: Food Labels 19. ANS: R TOP: Food Labels 20. ANS: M TOP: Highlight 1 Vegetarian Diets Essay 1. List, and discuss the significance of, the six diet-planning principles. ANS: Answers will vary. TOP: Diet planning principles 2. What is meant by the term โ€˜nutrient-dense foodโ€™? Give three examples each of foods with high nutrient density and low nutrient density. 37 37 ANS: Answers will vary. TOP: Diet planning principles 3. Why do dietary guidelines include recommendations for physical activity? ANS: Answers will vary. TOP: Australian Dietary Guidelines 4. List and discuss seven key recommendations of the 2003 Dietary Guidelines for Australian Adults. ANS: Answers will vary. TOP: Australian Dietary Guidelines 5. List the five major food groups outlined in The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating. Describe how foods are classified in each of these groups. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this schema? ANS: Answers will vary. TOP: Diet Planning Guides 6. Define, and discuss the significance of, foods that are refined, enriched, fortified and wholegrain. ANS: Answers will vary. TOP: From Guidelines to the Shopping Trolley 7. When preparing meat, fish and poultry, what steps can be taken to reduce the contribution of fat kilojoules? ANS: Answers will vary. TOP: From Guidelines to the Shopping Trolley 8. Discuss the meanings of the three main categories of health claims as they relate to food labelling. Provide an example of each type of claim. ANS: Answers will vary. TOP: Food Labels 9. Describe the regulations surrounding nutrient and health claims on food labels. ANS: Answers will vary. TOP: Food Labels 10. Research indicates that following a vegetarian diet has certain health benefits. Discuss the potential health benefits of a vegetarian diet for a person who is considering adopting this pattern of eating. ANS: Answers will vary. TOP: Highlight 2 Vegetarian Diets 11. Discuss the key nutrients of importance in a vegetarian diet. ANS: Answers will vary. TOP: Highlight 2 Vegetarian Diets 38 38

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