The Principles Of Learning And Behavior, 7th Edition Test Bank

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Chapter 02 : Elicited Behavior, Habituation, and Sensitization 1. Which of the following is the simplest form of elicited behavior? a. the habitation response b. feedback stimuli c. reflexive behavior d. the sensitization process ANSWER: c REFERENCES: Page 30 KEYWORDS: Fact 2. Which two closely related events constitute a reflex? a. eliciting outcome; corresponding reward b. eliciting stimulus; corresponding response c. eliciting response; corresponding outcome d. eliciting response; corresponding reward ANSWER: b REFERENCES: Page 30 KEYWORDS: Fact 3. What is the correct pathway of the neural signal in a reflex arc? a. afferent neuron, efferent neuron, interneuron b. efferent neuron, afferent neuron, interneuron c. afferent neuron, sensory neuron, efferent neuron d. afferent neuron, interneuron, efferent neuron ANSWER: d REFERENCES: Pages 30-31 KEYWORDS: Fact 4. Of the following, which is not a reflexive behavior? a. a baby pulling away when its nose and mouth are covered b. maintaining attention when driving c. turning to the location of a loud noise d. sneezing in response to dust ANSWER: b REFERENCES: Pages 30-32 KEYWORDS: Concept Powered by Cognero Page 1 Chapter 02 : Elicited Behavior, Habituation, and Sensitization 5. Which of the following is true regarding the respiratory occlusion reflex? a. It causes humans to hold their breath underwater. b. It is a multistage response to a reduction of airflow. c. It allows nursing to proceed when the nose is covered. d. It causes an infant to orient towards the nipple. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: Pages 31-32 KEYWORDS: Fact 6. Which of the following is the incorrect statement about reflexive behaviors? a. Most reflexes promote the well-being of the organism. b. Simple reflexes are not influenced by higher nervous system functions. c. Reflexes are the simplest form of elicited behavior. d. The organization of the nervous system determines the specificity of the stimulus/response relationship. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: Page 31 KEYWORDS: Fact 7. The respiratory occlusion response in babies begins with which of the following? a. a swiping motion across the face; then the infant pulls away, then cries b. crying; then the infant pulls away, then swipes the face c. pulling the head back; then the infant swipes the face, then cries d. pulling the head back; then the infant cries, then swipes the face ANSWER: c REFERENCES: Pages 31-32 KEYWORDS: Fact 8. Which of the following is true regarding any given modal action pattern? a. usually found in many species b. involves species-specific responses c. cannot be elicited by a stimulus found in the organismโ€™s usual environment d. involves movement towards or away from a stimulus ANSWER: b REFERENCES: Pages 32-33 KEYWORDS: Fact Powered by Cognero Page 2 Chapter 02 : Elicited Behavior, Habituation, and Sensitization 9. Which of the following is not a modal action pattern? a. the startle response of rats b. the beak-pecking behavior of herring gull chicks c. the nest building behaviors of male sticklebacks d. the courtship interactions of ring doves. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: Pages 32-33 KEYWORDS: Fact 10. Which of the following is one of the characteristics of a modal action pattern? a. The eliciting stimulus is usually easy to identify. b. They are species-specific response patterns. c. The threshold for eliciting the behavior is relatively invariant. d. The eliciting stimulus will have similar effects over different situations. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: Page 33 KEYWORDS: Fact 11. Which of the following most correctly describes a sign stimulus? a. first causes sensitization, then habituation b. first causes habituation, then sensitization c. sufficient for eliciting a modal action pattern d. similar to an instinct ANSWER: c REFERENCES: Page 33 KEYWORDS: Fact 12. Of the following, which is true of sign stimuli? a. Sign stimuli release behaviors that are performed in the same way every time. b. Sign stimuli characteristically release the same behavior across several species. c. Researchers are unable to determine which sign stimuli release behaviors. d. The optimal sign stimulus may not occur naturally. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: Page 33 KEYWORDS: Fact Powered by Cognero Page 3 Chapter 02 : Elicited Behavior, Habituation, and Sensitization 13. If all the members of a species perform the same behavior, this is an indication a. that an instinct is mediating behavior. b. that a fixed action pattern is mediating behavior. c. that the behavior is inherited. d. of none of the above ANSWER: d REFERENCES: Page 34 KEYWORDS: Concept 14. Appetitive behaviors are most correctly described by which of the following? a. activities that because of their vigor increase hunger b. early components of a behavior sequence c. activities that satisfy an appetite or drive d. end components of an organized sequence of behaviors ANSWER: b REFERENCES: Page 35 KEYWORDS: Fact 15. Behaviors such as foraging for food in animals and cooking food in humans are classified as a. consummatory behaviors. b. releasing behaviors. c. appetitive behaviors. d. supranormal behaviors. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: Page 35 KEYWORDS: Concept 16. Which of the following is likely to be the most stereotyped response? a. a squirrel eating a walnut b. a robin searching for a worm c. a grandmother preparing a pie d. a young man issuing a threatening gesture ANSWER: a REFERENCES: Page 35 KEYWORDS: Concept Powered by Cognero Page 4 Chapter 02 : Elicited Behavior, Habituation, and Sensitization 17. Which of the following describes the difference between a general search and a focal search? a. General searches are localized, while focal searches focus on a larger area. b. General searches occur when an animal does not yet know specifically where to look for food, while focal searches are spatially localized. c. General searches are appetitive while focal searches are consummatory. d. There are no differences; both terms are alternative ways of describing appetitive behavior. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: Page 35 KEYWORDS: Concept 18. Which of the following is most likely to be characterized as an appetitive behavior? a. a sparrow manipulating a seed in its beak b. a woman drinking a glass of milk c. a woodchuck chewing on a blade of grass d. a chef preparing a cream pie ANSWER: d REFERENCES: Page 35 KEYWORDS: Concept 19. Which of the following is the correct order in a foraging behavior sequence? a. general search, food handling, focal search b. focal search, general search, food handling c. general search, focal search, food handling d. food handling, focal search, general search ANSWER: c REFERENCES: Page 35 KEYWORDS: Fact 20. Elicited behaviors are interesting to researchers studying learning because of which following result? a. They are invariant and make good controls. b. They are present in most animals except humans and provide clues to the evolution of behavior. c. They do not occur the same way each time the eliciting stimulus is presented. d. They allow for voluntary behavior in non-human animals. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: Page 36 KEYWORDS: Concept Powered by Cognero Page 5 Chapter 02 : Elicited Behavior, Habituation, and Sensitization 21. Which of the following is a true statement about habituation? a. increases responsiveness to a stimulus with repeated presentations b. decreases responsiveness to a stimulus with repeated presentations c. either increases or decreases responsiveness to a stimulus with repeated presentations, depending on the background cues d. both increases and decreases responsiveness to a stimulus with repeated presentations ANSWER: b REFERENCES: Page 37 KEYWORDS: Fact 22. Your roommate no longer drinks his orange juice every morning like the doctor ordered. He says he does not care for it any more. Based on learning principles, to increase his juice consumption, and benefit his health you suggest a. switching to drinking mild vinegar. b. switching to drinking tangerine juice. c. eating peanuts before breakfast. d. requiring foraging in the refrigerator for the orange juice. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: Page 36-37 KEYWORDS: Concept 23. According to one study using lemon and lime juice to investigate the role of familiarity of food and its rated pleasantness, which of the following is correct? a. As we encounter a food over and over, we become familiar with it, and it increases in pleasantness. b. As we repeatedly encounter a taste, it initially increases then decreases in pleasantness. c. As we repeatedly encounter a taste, it initially decreases then increases in pleasantness. d. Overeating may be discouraged by varying the foods that are available. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: Pages 36-37 KEYWORDS: Fact 24. Your professor is conducting an investigation of visual attention in infants. A relatively complex pattern will be presented to the infants, hopefully eliciting visual attention. What do you predict will happen with repeated presentations of the complex visual stimulus? a. The infants will show uniformly high levels of responding across all trials. b. The infants will increase, then decrease, responding. c. The infants will decrease, then increase, responding. d. The infants will show a high level of responding on the first trial, then decreasing responding on subsequent trials. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: Pages 38-39 KEYWORDS: Concept Powered by Cognero Page 6 Chapter 02 : Elicited Behavior, Habituation, and Sensitization 25. Which of the following is true of visual attention in human infants? a. All stimuli elicit similar responses across repeated presentations. b. Infants initially increase responding to repeated presentations of complex stimuli and decrease responding to repeated presentations of simple stimuli. c. Infants initially increase responding to repeated presentations of simple stimuli and decrease responding to repeated presentations of complex stimuli. d. Infants increase responding to all stimuli as they become familiar with repeated presentations. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: Pages 38-39 KEYWORDS: Fact 26. The stabilimeter measures which of the following? a. startle responses in rats b. taxes in rats c. kinesis in rats d. orientation responses in rats ANSWER: a REFERENCES: Page 41 KEYWORDS: Fact 27. Repeated presentation of a stimulus will cause which of the following? a. both habituation and sensitization effects b. either habituation or sensitization effects, depending on the subjectโ€™s level of arousal c. only habituation effects or only sensitization effects, regardless of background conditions d. invariant behavior changes if it is a true eliciting stimulus ANSWER: b REFERENCES: Pages 42-43 KEYWORDS: Concept 28. Spontaneous recovery from habituation occurs a. after time passes. b. after a strong extraneous stimulus is presented. c. after a weak extraneous stimulus is presented. d. All of the above ANSWER: a REFERENCES: Page 42 KEYWORDS: Fact Powered by Cognero Page 7 Chapter 02 : Elicited Behavior, Habituation, and Sensitization 29. Habituation and sensitization effects perform which of the following functions? a. Focus attention on all stimuli present. b. Direct responses to all stimuli present. c. Focus attention on background stimuli. d. Focus attention on relevant stimuli. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: Page 45 KEYWORDS: Fact 30. A loud tone is repeatedly presented to a group of rats. Initially, there is a large startle response that decreases across trials. The response decrease across trials may be due to a. habituation. b. fatigue. c. sensory adaptation. d. All of the above ANSWER: d REFERENCES: Page 46 KEYWORDS: Concept 31. Repeated presentations of a tactile stimulus make the skin receptors less sensitive, and responding decreases across trials. This is an example of a. response fatigue. b. sensory adaptation. c. habituation. d. sensitization. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: Page 46 KEYWORDS: Fact 32. Response fatigue occurs during which of the following conditions? a. Repeated actions cause muscles to temporarily weaken. b. Changes in the nervous system hinder transmission of neural impulses. c. Neurophysiological changes alter sense organs. d. All of the above ANSWER: a REFERENCES: Page 46 KEYWORDS: Fact Powered by Cognero Page 8 Chapter 02 : Elicited Behavior, Habituation, and Sensitization 33. Sensory adaptation occurs in which of the following physiological areas? a. the nervous system b. the sense organ c. the muscle tissue d. the interneuron ANSWER: b REFERENCES: Page 46 KEYWORDS: Fact 34. Fatigue occurs in which of the following physiological areas? a. the nervous system b. the sense organ c. the muscle tissue d. the interneuron ANSWER: c REFERENCES: Page 46 KEYWORDS: Fact 35. To rule out response fatigue as the cause for the decreased responding that occurs over repeated presentations of a stimulus, the researcher should a. determine if the subject can still sense the stimulus. b. determine if the subject is responding to the stimulus in other ways. c. present a new stimulus that elicits a similar response. d. present a new stimulus that elicits an unrelated response. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: Pages 46-47 KEYWORDS: Concept 36. A bright light causes a startle response. The second presentation of the light elicits less of a response because the subject was temporarily blinded by the first light flash. This is an example of a. habituation. b. sensitization. c. sensory adaptation. d. habituation. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: Page 46 KEYWORDS: Concept Powered by Cognero Page 9 Chapter 02 : Elicited Behavior, Habituation, and Sensitization 37. Sensory adaptation refers to changes in responses that occur due to which of the following? a. changes in the nervous system that hinder transmission from sensory to motor neurons b. changes in the nervous system that facilitate transmission from sensory to motor neurons c. changes in the sensory receptors d. changes in the muscles ANSWER: c REFERENCES: Page 46 KEYWORDS: Fact 38. The dual-process theory assumes which of the following? a. One neural process is responsible for increases and decreases in responsiveness to stimulation. b. Different types of neural mechanisms are responsible for increases and decreases in responsiveness to stimulation. c. Habituation and sensitization effects are essentially the same. d. Habituation is due to fatigue; sensitization is due to learning. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: Page 47 KEYWORDS: Fact 39. Which of the following is not true of the dual-process theory? a. Different processes are assumed to underlie increases and decreases in responsiveness to stimulation. b. The habituation and sensitization processes are mutually exclusive. c. The habituation effect is not a direct reflection of the habituation process. d. The sensitization effect is not a direct reflection of the sensitization process. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: Pages 47-49 KEYWORDS: Fact 40. According to Groves and Thompson (1970), which of the following is true? a. Habituation and sensitization processes occur in different parts of the nervous system. b. Habituation is similar to fatigue; sensitization is similar to adaptation. c. Habituation is similar to adaptation; sensitization is similar to fatigue. d. Both habituation and sensitization occur at the level of the sensory receptors. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: Pages 47-49 KEYWORDS: Fact Powered by Cognero Page 10 Chapter 02 : Elicited Behavior, Habituation, and Sensitization 41. Habituation processes occur in the a. state; sensory b. S-R; S-S c. S-R; state d. state; S-S system. Sensitization processes occur in the system. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: Page 47 KEYWORDS: Fact 42. Habituation is to sensitization as a. motor is to sensory. b. S-R is to state. c. S-S is to S-R. d. state is to S-S. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: Page 47 KEYWORDS: Concept 43. The dual-process theory suggests which of the following? a. Habituation processes occur in parts of the nervous system that determine the organismโ€™s general level of responsiveness. b. Habituation processes occur in the shortest neural path between sense organs and muscles. c. Habituation and sensitization processes occur in the parts of the nervous system that determine the organismโ€™s general level of responsiveness. d. Habituation and sensitization processes determine the animalโ€™s general readiness to respond. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: Page 47 KEYWORDS: Concept 44. According to the dual-process theory, each presentation of a given stimulus activates a. both the state and S-R systems. b. the state system and may activate the S-R system. c. the S-R system. d. the state system. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: Page 47 KEYWORDS: Fact Powered by Cognero Page 11 Chapter 02 : Elicited Behavior, Habituation, and Sensitization 45. According to the dual-process theory, when rats were tested with a relatively quiet background noise, their response to a startling tone a. habituated because the state system was already responding to auditory stimuli. b. habituated because only the S-R system was activated. c. sensitized because the state system was responding to the background tone. d. sensitized because both the state and S-R systems were activated. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: Page 48 KEYWORDS: Fact 46. Why would the same tone result in habituation for rats exposed to a low level background noise and sensitization for rats exposed to high level background noise? a. Only the high level background noise masked the tone. b. Only the low level background noise masked the tone. c. The low level background noise and tone combination activated the state and S-R system. d. The high level background noise and tone combination activated the state and S-R system. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: Page 48 KEYWORDS: Concept 47. The dual-process theory can account for qualitative differences a. between short-term and long-term habituation. b. between sensitization and long-term habituation. c. between sensitization and short-term habituation. d. among sensitization, short-term habituation, and long-term habituation. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: Pages 48-49 KEYWORDS: Fact 48. The stimulus specificity of sensitization is a. less than that of habituation. b. greater than c. either less than or greater than (depending on the stimulus) d. equal to ANSWER: a REFERENCES: Page 49 KEYWORDS: Fact Powered by Cognero Page 12 Chapter 02 : Elicited Behavior, Habituation, and Sensitization 49. In Aplysia, habituation of the gill withdrawal effect due to stimulation of the siphon a. has no effect on the response to stimulation of the mantle. b. increases the effect of stimulating the mantle. c. decreases the effect of stimulating the mantle. d. completely attenuates responding to stimulation of the mantle. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: Pages 49-51 KEYWORDS: Fact 50. Applying a shock to the tail of the Aplysia a. has no effect on the responses to stimulation of the siphon or mantle. b. increases responding to stimulation of the mantle but not the siphon. c. increases responding to stimulation of the siphon but not the mantle. d. increases responding to stimulation of both the siphon and mantle. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: Pages 49-51 KEYWORDS: Fact 51. In Aplysia, the role of the facilitory interneuron is to a. increase sensitivity of the motor neuron. b. increase the release of neurotransmitter from the sensory neuron. c. decrease the sensitivity of the motor neuron. d. decrease the release of neurotransmitter from the motor neuron. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: Pages 49-51 KEYWORDS: Fact 52. Habituation in the Aplysia occurs due to a. changes in the facilitory interneuron. b. changes in the sensitivity of the motor neuron. c. changes in the amount of neurotransmitter released by the sensory neuron. d. changes in the action potential of the sensory neuron. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: Pages 49-51 KEYWORDS: Fact Powered by Cognero Page 13 Chapter 02 : Elicited Behavior, Habituation, and Sensitization 53. Sensitization in the Aplysia occurs due to a. engagement of the facilitory interneuron. b. changes in the sensitivity of the motor neuron. c. changes in the sensitivity of the sensory neuron d. changes in the action potential of the sensory neuron. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: Pages 49-51 KEYWORDS: Fact 54. The opponent-process theory assumes a. the a process is inefficient. b. the b process is inefficient. c. the a and b processes are inefficient. d. the a and b processes are independent. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: Page 53 KEYWORDS: Fact 55. An emotion-arousing stimulus elicits a. emotion after-effects directly. b. the a process directly. c. the b process directly. d. the a and b processes directly. ANSWER: b REFERENCES: Page 53 KEYWORDS: Fact 56. According to the opponent-process theory, drug tolerance develops because a. the a process weakens. b. the b process weakens. c. the a process strengthens. d. the b process strengthens. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: Pages 52-55 KEYWORDS: Concept Powered by Cognero Page 14 Chapter 02 : Elicited Behavior, Habituation, and Sensitization 57. The opponent-process theory predicts that couples who have spent many years together a. become bored and enjoy time apart. b. become increasingly affectionate. c. become resentful if the other partner leaves, even for a short time. d. will show few overt signs of affection. ANSWER: d REFERENCES: Pages 53-54 KEYWORDS: Fact 58. The opponent-process theory suggests that alcoholics continue drinking to a. avoid opponent after-effects. b. increase opponent after-effects. c. enjoy the primary pleasurable effects. d. enjoy the secondary pleasurable effects. ANSWER: a REFERENCES: Pages 53-55 KEYWORDS: Concept 59. Your friend is surprised by his grandmotherโ€™s reaction to the unfortunate passing of her husband. Although for years she had shown her husband no overt signs of affection, his death has left her devastated. You explain to your friend that according to the opponent-process theory this change is due to a. a new a process activated by the funeral. b. a new b process activated by the funeral. c. the removal of the a process associated with her husband. d. the removal of the b process associated with her husband. ANSWER: c REFERENCES: Pages 53-55 KEYWORDS: Concept 60. Explain how two different reflexes can promote the well being of an organism. ANSWER: Answer not provided 61. What factors influence the elicitation of a modal action pattern? ANSWER: Answer not provided 62. What is the difference between a modal action pattern and a simple general reflex? Provide an example of each. ANSWER: Answer not provided 63. Describe how a researcher can determine which stimulus features elicit modal action patterns. ANSWER: Answer not provided Powered by Cognero Page 15 Chapter 02 : Elicited Behavior, Habituation, and Sensitization 64. Discuss the importance of behavioral sequences. What role do appetitive and consummatory behaviors play in organizing behavior? How do general search, focal search, and consummatory behaviors differ? Provide examples of each. ANSWER: Answer not provided 65. Compare and contrast habituation and sensitization effects. Include descriptions of the stimulus specificity of each. ANSWER: Answer not provided 66. How does the dual-process theory account for habituation effects? Sensitization effects? ANSWER: Answer not provided 67. Explain why repeated presentations of the same stimulus can elicit responses that decrease in one group of subjects and increase in another group of subjects. ANSWER: Answer not provided 68. Describe how researchers ensure that fatigue and sensory adaptation are not the cause of response decrements in experiments investigating habituation. ANSWER: Answer not provided 69. Explain the role of the S-R and state systems in elicited behaviors. ANSWER: Answer not provided 70. How can a response that has decreased through habituation to the eliciting stimulus be reinstated? ANSWER: Answer not provided 71. Describe two changes in neurons of aplysia that are associated with habituation. ANSWER: Answer not provided 72. What is the role of facilitory interneurons in sensitization of the gill-withdrawal reflex of aplysia? ANSWER: Answer not provided 73. What is the biphasic pattern of emotional responses? Apply this concept in the description of a common human experience. ANSWER: Answer not provided 74. Compare the dual-process theory to the opponent-process theory of motivation. What is the goal of each theory? What similarities do you notice in the mechanisms? Differences? How does each account for habituation effects? ANSWER: Answer not provided 75. Describe the opponent-process theory of motivation. Using an example from common human experience, demonstrate how the mechanisms of the theory account for an overt response. ANSWER: Answer not provided Powered by Cognero Page 16 Chapter 02 : Elicited Behavior, Habituation, and Sensitization 76. How does the opponent-process theory of motivation explain drug tolerance and addictive behaviors? What is the evidence for the underlying mechanisms? ANSWER: Answer not provided 77. Describe how elicited behavior can be involved in complex social interactions, like breast feeding. ANSWER: Answer not provided 78. Describe sign stimuli involved in the control of human behavior. ANSWER: Answer not provided 79. Compare and contrast appetitive and consummatory behavior, and describe how these are related to general search, focal search, and food handling. ANSWER: Answer not provided 80. Describe components of the startle response and how the startle response may undergo sensitization. ANSWER: Answer not provided 81. Describe the distinction between habituation, sensory adaptation, and fatigue. ANSWER: Answer not provided 82. Describe the two processes of the dual-process theory of habituation and sensitization and the differences between these processes. ANSWER: Answer not provided 83. Describe how habituation and sensitization are involved in emotion regulation and drug addiction. ANSWER: Answer not provided Powered by Cognero Page 17

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