Test Bank for Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy: Systems, Strategies, and Skills, 5th Edition

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Chapter 2 Freud and Classic Psychoanalysis MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. According to Freud, people struggle to find a balance (a) between Oedipal and Electra complexes. (b) between sexual drives and socially acceptable behavior. (c) between neurotic and psychotic defense mechanisms. (d) between self-expression and the expectations of authority figures. 2. Which statement accurately reflects Freudโ€™s perspective on biology? (a) People are generally the victims of their biological characteristics. (b) Biology is an important determinant of human behavior. (c) Biology has more influence on the ego than on the id or superego. (d) Biology has more influence on the superego than on the ego or id. 3. The pursuit of pleasure and gratification as embodied by the โ€œpleasure principleโ€ is the goal of the (a) ego. (b) id. (c) superego. (d) unconscious. 4. All of the following are aspects of the personality EXCEPT (a) life instincts. (b) id. (c) ego. (d) superego. 5. The term โ€œlibidoโ€ refers to (a) conscience. (b) rational thought. (c) energy and vitality. (d) the death instinct. 6. Despite its self-defeating quality, Gabe had been unsuccessful in eliminating his use of alcohol because of the pleasure it brought him. In Freudian terms, which personality system was dominating his behavior? (a) ego (b) superego (c) libido (d) id 7. The life instinct is also known as also known as (a) eros; thanatos. (b) libido; eros. (c) thanatos; eros. (d) pleasure principle; reality principle 8. The and the death instinct is can be thought of as the opposite of the id. (a) ego (b) unconscious (c) libido (d) superego 9. Jared felt guilty about sleeping late on Sunday morning instead of going to church. To which personality system would Freud attribute Jaredโ€™s feelings? (a) superego (b) ego (c) libido (d) id 10. Which two of the following are most likely to be in conflict with each other? (a) the conscience and the superego (b) the life instinct and the libido (c) the superego and the id (d) the id and the libido 11. Rasheed wanted to go fishing with his friends Saturday morning, but he knew that his daughter would be disappointed if he didnโ€™t attend her soccer game. Rasheed decided to compromise by attending the soccer game and joining his friends later in the day. The personality system most likely to be responsible for Rasheedโ€™s decision is the (a) id. (b) ego. (c) superego. (d) libido. 12. Symptoms of gullibility, overeating, and argumentativeness are results of developmental problems during the stage. (a) latency (b) oral (c) genital (d) anal 13. According to psychoanalytic theory, parents who reward and praise children for appropriate bowel and bladder control are likely to (a) spoil their children. (b) predispose their children to sexual promiscuity. (c) predispose their children to academic difficulties. (d) foster creativity. 14. Julianne was extremely vulnerable to practical jokes because she believed anything that anyone told her. How would Julianneโ€™s vulnerability best be explained using Freudian theory? (a) She probably had developmental problems in the oral stage. (b) Her ego is not properly differentiated from her superego. (c) She is in the genital stage. (d) Her superego is excessively rigid. 15. Anna had been married and divorced three times and stated that she never had a really satisfying relationship with a partner. According to psychoanalytic theory, she most likely did not resolve the stage. (a) genital (b) anal (c) phallic (d) latency 16. The Electra complex and Oedipus complex are navigated during the stage. (a) oral (b) latency (c) anal (d) phallic 17. Successful resolution of the empowerment. (a) latency (b) genital (c) oral (d) anal stage typically results in feelings of 18. The phallic stage described by Freud is most strongly related to the development of (a) inappropriate feelings about the body (b) self-esteem, sexuality, need for love (c) gullibility, argumentativeness, and overeating (d) penis envy 19. An Oedipus or Electra complex is typically resolved through (a) a childโ€™s identification with the same sex parent. (b) treatment for oral stage conflicts. (c) abreaction. (d) increasing childrenโ€™s comfort with their own sexuality. 20. Kiara complained of feeling inferior to almost everyone and felt that she could not be successful at anything. Freudians would suspect that she had difficulty in the stage. (a) latency (b) anal (c) oral (d) phallic 21. What is sublimation? (a) A defense mechanism that involves turning to others for help and support, but retaining responsibility for oneโ€™s own difficulties (b) A defense mechanism that involves redirecting potentially harmful emotions or impulses into social acceptable ones (c) A defense mechanism that involves transferring strong feelings from the situation in which they originated to a less threatening situation (d) A defense mechanism that involves expressing anger and hostility in indirect ways 22. The expression of previously repressed feelings is known as which of the following? (a) Working through (b) Catharsis (c) Transference (d) Countertransference 23. In psychoanalysis, therapist neutrality is important in order to foster (a) a strong therapeutic alliance. (b) countertransference. (c) interpretations. (d) transference. 24. Freudโ€™s approach is most effective with those clients who (a) have psychotic disorders. (b) are emotionally fragile. (c) have neurotic disorders. (d) have relationship problems. 25. All of the following are true of psychoanalytic therapy EXCEPT (a) It is a lengthy form of treatment. (b) It has little influence on current clinicians. (c) It does not provide guidelines for healthy adult lifestyles. (d) Research substantiating its value is limited. 26. The material in awareness, always available to us is known as the whereas the material that includes repressed drives and impulses is known as the . (a) Conscious; unconscious (b) Unconscious; conscious (c) Preconscious; unconscious (d) Conscious; preconscious 27. Projection onto the therapist of characteristics of another person is known as whereas clinicianโ€™s projection onto a client of characteristics of important people is known as . (a) Transference; countertransference (b) Countertransference; transference (c) Interpretation; abreaction (d) Abreaction; interpretation 28. All of the following processes can be assessed during free association EXCEPT? (a) Discrepancies (b) Omissions (c) Transference (d) Excesses 29. Addressing clientsโ€™ past problems and issues (a) usually has little impact since no change can occur in the past. (b) is an emphasis of the psychodynamic approach. (c) is correlated positively with successful treatment. (d) usually alienates clients because it does not focus on immediate concerns. 30. All of the following are true about classic psychoanalysis EXCEPT? (a) Its goal is to make the unconscious conscious. (b) Clients participated in analysis 3 to 4 times a week, for years. (c) Clients would lie on a couch and the therapist would sit outside their field of vision. (d) Classic psychoanalysis continues to be a leading form of treatment. SHORT ANSWER/ESSAY QUESTIONS 1. Define and discuss eros (life instinct) and thanatos (death instinct). Do you agree with Freudโ€™s dualistic model? How does it help explain the development of personality? 2. Discuss the purpose of defense mechanisms. Explain 2 examples of healthy defense mechanisms and 2 examples of unhealthy defense mechanisms. 3. Discuss the strengths, contributions, and limitations of psychoanalytic theory. 4. Define and discuss the importance of each of the following in psychoanalytic treatment: transference, countertransference, free association, abreaction. CHAPTER 2 Multiple Choice 1. b 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. d 7. a 8. d 9. a 10. c 11. b 12. b 13. d 14. a 15. c 16. d 17. a 18. b 19. a 20. a 21. b 22. b 23. d 24. c 25. b 26. a 27. a 28. c 29. b 30. d Short Answer/Essay 1. See page 59 in the text. 2. See pages 61-63 in the text. 3. See pages 70-71 in the text. 4. See pages 64-67 in the text.

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