Test Bank for Public Speaking: An Audience-Centered Approach, 11th Edition

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Beebe, Public Speaking 11e Test Bank CHAPTER 2 Presenting Your First Speech Multiple Choice Questions 1. The central focus during public speaking should be the __________. a. audience b. speaker c. venue d. speech topic Answer: A Learning Objective: 2.1 Explain why it is important to be audience-centered during each step of the speechmaking process. Topic: Consider Your Audience Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 2. When you focus on your audience, your speech becomes __________, so that the speaker and audience influence each other. a. interactional b. relevant c. transactional d. analytical Answer: C Learning Objective: 2.1 Explain why it is important to be audience-centered during each step of the speechmaking process. Topic: Consider Your Audience Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 3. The fact that people from China have a different public speaking style than people from the U.S. is due to __________. a. cultural differences b. educational norms c. language restrictions d. stricter values Answer: A Learning Objective: 2.1 Explain why it is important to be audience-centered during each step of the speechmaking process. Topic: Consider the Culturally Diverse Backgrounds of Your Audience Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 1 Copyright ยฉ 2021, 2018, 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Beebe, Public Speaking 11e Test Bank 4. Dalina has decided what she wants to speak about, but there is one thing she neglected to do. What should happen before she chooses her speech topic? a. Generate main ideas. b. Develop your central idea. c. Determine your purpose. d. Consider your audience. Answer: D Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: The Audience-Centered Speechmaking Process Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 5. The key focus of the content of a speech is known as the __________. a. general purpose b. speech topic c. speech body d. presentation goal Answer: B Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Select and Narrow Your Topic Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 6. According to one research study, as a student, the amount of time you spend preparing your speech is one of the best predictors of __________. a. your level of speaking experience b. your success in business c. the speech grade you receive d. your perceived credibility and charisma Answer: C Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Select and Narrow Your Topic Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 7. Which question should you ask yourself when selecting and narrowing your topic? a. How nervous am I to speak in public? b. What experts can I use as sources in my speech? c. Where can I find credible statistics for my speech? d. What are my talents, interests, and experiences? 2 Copyright ยฉ 2021, 2018, 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Beebe, Public Speaking 11e Test Bank Answer: D Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Select and Narrow Your Topic Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 8. If a person gives an after-dinner speech with the goal of making the audience laugh, entertainment is the __________. a. general purpose b. specific purpose c. central idea d. blueprint statement Answer: A Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Determine Your Purpose Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 9. What are the three types of general purposes for speeches? a. to inform, to persuade, to entertain b. to entertain, to persuade, to elaborate c. to educate, to elaborate, to entertain d. to persuade, to elaborate, to convince Answer: A Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Determine Your Purpose Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 10. If the general purpose of a speech is to __________, the speaker will teach, define, illustrate, clarify, or elaborate on a topic. a. persuade b. entertain c. inform d. inspire Answer: C Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Determine Your Purpose 3 Copyright ยฉ 2021, 2018, 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Beebe, Public Speaking 11e Test Bank Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 11. A speech designed to __________ seeks to change or reinforce listenersโ€™ attitudes, beliefs, values, or behavior. a. inform b. persuade c. entertain d. inspire Answer: B Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Determine Your Purpose Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 12. Ads on TV, radio, and pop-up ads on the Internet, as well as sermons, political speeches, and sales presentations, all have the general purpose to __________. a. inform b. persuade c. entertain d. inspire Answer: B Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Determine Your Purpose Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 13. Comedic monologues have the primary general purpose to __________. a. inform b. persuade c. entertain d. inspire Answer: C Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Determine Your Purpose Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 4 Copyright ยฉ 2021, 2018, 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Beebe, Public Speaking 11e Test Bank 14. โ€œAt the end of my speech, the class will be able to identify three counseling facilities on campus and describe the best way to get help at each one.โ€ This statement is an example of a __________. a. general purpose b. central idea c. specific purpose d. blueprint statement. Answer: C Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Determine Your Purpose Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 15. The specific purpose states what you want the audience to __________ by the end of the speech. a. believe b. do c. think about d. understand Answer: B Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Determine Your Purpose Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 16. The __________ is a one-sentence summary of the speech content. a. general purpose b. central idea c. specific purpose d. blueprint statement Answer: B Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Develop Your Central Idea Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 17. How does the specific purpose statement differ from the central idea? a. Your central idea indicates what you want your audience to do when you have finished your speech; your specific purpose identifies the essence of your message. 5 Copyright ยฉ 2021, 2018, 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Beebe, Public Speaking 11e Test Bank b. Your central idea indicates the overarching goal of the speech; your specific purpose identifies the essence of your message. c. Your specific purpose indicates what you want your audience to do when you have finished your speech; your central idea identifies the essence of your message. d. Your specific purpose indicates the overarching goal of the speech; your central idea identifies the essence of your message. Answer: C Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Develop Your Central Idea Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 18. โ€œThe Wheat Belly diet is based on reducing the amount of processed foods that you eat, avoiding all processed flour, and increasing the amount of exercise you get.โ€ This statement is an example of a(n) __________. a. general purpose b. central idea c. specific purpose d. attention-getter Answer: B Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Develop Your Central Idea Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 19. What term did the ancient Romans use to refer to the ability to develop or discover ideas that result in new insights or new approaches to old problems? a. invention b. inspiration c. ethos d. logos Answer: A Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Generate the Main Ideas Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 20. To determine how to subdivide your central idea into key points, you should ask which question? 6 Copyright ยฉ 2021, 2018, 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Beebe, Public Speaking 11e Test Bank a. b. c. d. Does the general purpose match the specific purpose? Do the main ideas contradict one another? Is the central idea phrased in infinitive form? Does the central idea have logical divisions? Answer: D Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Generate the Main Ideas Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 21. In general, how can you make your support material more interesting? a. by choosing support material that appeals to your listenersโ€™ senses b. by choosing support material that corresponds with your audienceโ€™s schematic framework c. by avoiding support material that is over one year old d. by choosing support material that appeals to the audienceโ€™s sense of history Answer: A Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Gather Supporting Material Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 22. Kareem gathered facts, examples, definitions, and quotations for his speech. These are all types of __________. a. main ideas b. primary data c. secondary sources d. supporting materials Answer: D Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Gather Supporting Material Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 23. To make a speech audience-centered, when gathering support material you should make sure that it is both interesting and __________. a. complex b. unusual. c. simple d. relevant 7 Copyright ยฉ 2021, 2018, 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Beebe, Public Speaking 11e Test Bank Answer: D Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Gather Supporting Material Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 24. Every well-prepared speech has three major divisions. What are these three divisions? a. the general purpose, the specific purpose, and the central idea b. the introduction, the body, and the conclusion c. the attention-getter, the blueprint, and the summary d. the topic, the central idea, and the specific purpose Answer: B Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Organize Your Speech Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 25. One purpose of an introduction is to __________. a. summarize your key ideas b. identify the main ideas c. give your audience a reason to listen d. motivate the audience to take action Answer: C Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Organize Your Speech Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 26. Most public speaking teachers recommend that you prepare your speech introduction __________. a. before you prepare any other part of your speech b. before preparing the body of your speech, but after writing the conclusion c. after you have carefully organized the body of your talk d. after you have completed your research, but before organizing the body Answer: C Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Organize Your Speech Difficulty Level: Moderate 8 Copyright ยฉ 2021, 2018, 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Beebe, Public Speaking 11e Test Bank Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 27. After you have selected your topic and purpose and generated your main idea, what should you do next? a. write your introduction b. write your conclusion c. create a presentation outline d. write the body of the speech Answer: D Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Organize Your Speech Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 28. When developing an outline, indicate your major ideas by using __________. a. capital letters b. lowercase letters c. bullet points d. Roman numerals Answer: D Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Organize Your Speech Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 29. When developing an outline, indicate your supporting points by using __________. a. capital letters b. lowercase letters c. bullet points d. Roman numerals Answer: A Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Organize Your Speech Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 30. When developing an outline, if you need to further subdivide your speech beyond the supporting points, use __________. 9 Copyright ยฉ 2021, 2018, 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Beebe, Public Speaking 11e Test Bank a. b. c. d. capital letters lowercase letters bullet points Arabic numerals Answer: D Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Organize Your Speech Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 31. If you use notes during your speech, they should be __________. a. in a complete manuscript form b. in full sentences c. easy to read at a glance d. displayed to the audience Answer: C Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Organize Your Speech Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 32. In addition to developing a written outline to use as you speak, consider using __________ to add structure and clarity to your major ideas. a. presentation aids b. a word processor c. note cards d. a manuscript Answer: A Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Organize Your Speech Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 33. The best way to practice your speech is to rehearse it __________. a. quietly in your head just before you deliver it b. quietly in your head repeatedly until you are able to commit it to memory c. aloud, standing just as you will when you deliver it to your audience d. aloud in any public setting 10 Copyright ยฉ 2021, 2018, 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Beebe, Public Speaking 11e Test Bank Answer: C Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Rehearse Your Speech Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 34. If you don’t know what to do with your hands during a speech, what is suggested you do when rehearsing? a. Use them for emphasis. b. Keep them at your side. c. Use them to hold your notes. d. Point to the pretend audience periodically. Answer: B Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Rehearse Your Speech Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 35. What is included in the style of your speech? a. the words you choose and how you use them b. whether it is to inform, persuade, or entertain c. your presentation aids d. your notes and the form they are in Answer: A Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Rehearse Your Speech Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts True/False Questions 36. You should always make choices in designing and delivering your speech with your audience in mind. Answer: True Learning Objective: 2.1 Explain why it is important to be audience-centered during each step of the speechmaking process. Topic: Consider Your Audience Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 11 Copyright ยฉ 2021, 2018, 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Beebe, Public Speaking 11e Test Bank 37. Audience analysis should only be performed at the beginning of preparing your speech. Answer: False Learning Objective: 2.1 Explain why it is important to be audience-centered during each step of the speechmaking process. Topic: Consider Your Audience Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 38. Different cultures can have radically different expectations about public speaking. Answer: True Learning Objective: 2.1 Explain why it is important to be audience-centered during each step of the speechmaking process. Topic: Consider the Culturally Diverse Backgrounds of Your Audience Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 39. When selecting and narrowing a speech topic, it is necessary to consider your own interests, talents, and experiences. Answer: True Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: The Audience-Centered Speechmaking Process Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 40. โ€œTo informโ€ is an example of a specific purpose. Answer: False Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Determine Your Purpose Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 41. Once you have determined an appropriate topic, a specific purpose, and a central idea, the next task is to identify the major divisions of your speech or key points that you wish to develop. Answer: True Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Generate the Main Ideas Difficulty Level: Easy 12 Copyright ยฉ 2021, 2018, 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Beebe, Public Speaking 11e Test Bank Skill Level: Remember the Facts 42. Supporting material should be personal and concrete, and it should appeal to your listenersโ€™ senses. Answer: True Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Gather Supporting Material Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 43. Online sources such as YouTube videos and tweets can be valid resources for examples and illustrations that could be used in a speech. Answer: True Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Gather Supporting Material Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 44. Effective public speakers rely mostly on their personal knowledge to provide interesting supporting material for a speech. Answer: False Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Gather Supporting Material Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts 45. When delivering your speech, you should avoid eye contact with the audience until you have finished your introduction. Answer: False Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Deliver Your Speech Difficulty Level: Easy Skill Level: Remember the Facts Essay Questions 46. What do you need to consider when creating an audience-centered speech? 13 Copyright ยฉ 2021, 2018, 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Beebe, Public Speaking 11e Test Bank Answer: โ€ข Always be mindful of your audience. Make choices in designing and delivering the speech with the audience in mind. The audience affects every stage of the speech writing process. โ€ข Identify and analyze information about the listeners. If necessary, ask them questions in advance. โ€ข Note the audience’s reactions when you are speaking and make adjustments. โ€ข If your speech isn’t live, anticipate how the audience may respond and choose examples and materials you think will connect with them. โ€ข Consider the culturally diverse backgrounds of the audience. Learning Objective: 2.1 Explain why it is important to be audience-centered during each step of the speechmaking process. Topic: Consider Your Audience Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 47. Identify the three types of general purposes for speeches and provide an example of each. Answer: โ€ข The three types of general purposes are to inform, to persuade, and to entertain. โ€ข A class lecture has a general purpose to inform. โ€ข A political candidateโ€™s speech during an election has a general purpose to persuade. โ€ข A comedianโ€™s stand- up routine has a general purpose to entertain. โ€ข Answers will vary. Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Determine Your Purpose Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Apply What You Know 48. Write a specific purpose statement for a speech on the topic of common food allergies with the general purpose โ€œto inform.โ€ Answer: โ€ข At the end of my speech, the audience will be able to identify the three most common food allergies and list the symptoms of each. โ€ข Answers will vary. Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Determine Your Purpose Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Apply What You Know 14 Copyright ยฉ 2021, 2018, 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Beebe, Public Speaking 11e Test Bank 49. Identify and explain the three questions to ask when subdividing your central idea into key points. Answer: 1) Does the central idea have logical divisions? 2) Can you think of several reasons the central idea is true? 3) Can you support the central idea with a series of steps? Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Generate the Main Ideas Difficulty Level: Difficult Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 50. What are the four general strategies for effective speech delivery? Answer: โ€ข Consider the audience. โ€ข Act confident and calm. โ€ข Take a moment. โ€ข Deliver the speech as you rehearsed it. Learning Objective: 2.2 Describe and discuss the eight steps of the audience-centered speechmaking process. Topic: Deliver Your Speech Difficulty Level: Moderate Skill Level: Understand the Concepts 15 Copyright ยฉ 2021, 2018, 2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

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