Test Bank For Proactive Police Management, 9th Edition

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CHAPTER 2 MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1) In communicating with one another, police officers have developed a language that is not generally shared by others. It is known as: A) code of ethics B) argot C) semantics D) modern linguistic Answer: B Page: 18 Level: Basic 2) What type of body of knowledge can a recruit expect to gain during academy training? A) Quantitative knowledge B) Esoteric knowledge C) Qualitative knowledge D) Pseudo-knowledge Answer: B Page: 18 Level: Basic 3) The greatest influence of conformity among police officers is: A) supervisor control B) rules and regulation C) peer pressure D) recruit training Answer: C Page: 19 Level: Basic 4) An example of a professional courtesy, which remains controversial, is overlooking: A) business dealings B) zoning violations C) traffic violations D) animal control laws Answer: C Page: 20 Level: Basic 5) Police consider one of the most dangerous calls to be: A) burglary B) traffic accident C) shoplifting D) domestic dispute Answer: D Page: 21 Level: Basic 6) Fraternal orders comprised of officers who play golf, belong to ethnic groups, or extended kinship groups are a significant part of: A) the formal bureaucracy B) the administration C) the informal group structure D) the development of good officers Answer: C Page: 22 Level: Basic 7) Informal cliques, ethnic, and racial groups make up what Peter Drucker calls: A) the bureau B) the organization C) the administration D) the work community Answer: D Page: 23 Level: Basic 8) An officer who shows a tendency to do more than the normal workload is: A) a book officer B) a rate buster C) a grass eater D) a dedicated officer Answer: B Page: 23 Level: Basic 9) Officers who aggressively seek out opportunities for illegal large financial gains are: A) conscientious B) grass eaters C) meat eaters D) opportunists Answer: C Page: 27 Level: Basic 10) Officer Martin, Washington D.C., showed that a certain type of officer faced performance pressure, isolation from co-workers, and tests of loyalty and entrapment. They are: A) recruits B) sergeants C) narcotics officers D) female police officers Answer: D Page: 33 Level: Basic 11) Which of the following is not an important characteristic of an occupational subculture? A) shared behavior patterns B) shared values C) common language D) comparable salary structure Answer: D Page: 17-22 Level: 12) A Rabbi in police argot is: A) a Jewish police officer who wants a promotion B) an investigator from internal affairs C) a highly placed official who helps align an officer’s career D) a key administrator during civil service selection Answer: C Page: 23 Level: 13) Academic studies on police subculture show: A) strong sense of disunity B) social isolation C) police vocation is like any other D) police officers act like any other citizen Answer: B Page: 29 Level: Basic 14) Which of the following is not a characteristic of police as a subculture? A) perception of violence B) strong sense of disunity C) social isolation D) need for psychological distance Answer: B Page: 29 Level: Basic 15) Which one of the following is considered a “classic” on police culture? A) Westley, In Front of the Shield B) Weber, The Organized Patrol Officer C) O.W. Wilson, The Onion Field D) Niederhoffer, Behind the Shield Answer: D Page: 18 Level: Basic 16) Which of the following is not considered an important issue for black police officers? A) lack of political power wielded by black social clubs in large urban areas B) perception among white police officers that blacks are less qualified to perform the job C) a sense of social exclusion from white officer’s social activities D) lack of opportunities for promotion to higher administrative ranks Answer: A Page: 31-33 Level: Basic 17) Which of the following is not an important issue for female police officers? A) a sense of exclusion from female officer’s social activities B) the charge that female officers are emotionally unstable C) the charge that female police officers are cowardly D) that female officers lack unity and internal political clout Answer: A Page: 33-35 Level: Basic 18) In what way do African-American police officers and female police officers differ in the way they work in police organizations? A) female police officer have more rapid promotion than black officers B) female officers are more emotional than black police officers C) black police officers have more rapid promotion than female officers D) black police officers organize in effective political groups, while female officersโ€”until recentlyโ€”did not Answer: D Page: 31-35 Level: Intermediate 19) What are the three major cultural norms for police as a vocational subculture? A) secrecy, solidarity, social isolation B) male bonding, social isolation, networking C) secrecy, violence, solidarity D) argot, secrecy, solidarity Answer: A Page: 21 Level: Basic 20) Which one of the following is a major reason for the successful integration of gay and lesbian police officers into the department? A) crisis management B) the elimination of sexism C) the elimination of racism D) special training providing appropriate rules of conduct Answer: D Page: 37-38 Level: Basic TRUE/FALSE. Write ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if the statement is false. 21) A Hook in police argot is a superior officer who may help a police officer in trouble or mentor for promotion. A) True B) False Answer: A Page: 18 Level: Basic 22) Female police officers on patrol feel that female police officers are beginning to emerge as police leaders and managers. A) True B) False Answer: A Page: 37 Level: Basic 23) Recent studies conclude that female police officers have the same potential to perform duties as male police officers. A) True B) False Answer: A Page: 34 Level: Basic 24) The typologies for Wilson’s styles of policing are legalistic, watchman, and proactive. A) True B) False Answer: B Page: 24 Level: Basic 25) For police corruption studies, a meat eater goes out of his or her way to find opportunities for illegal financial gain. A) True B) False Answer: A Page: 27 Level: Basic 26) The informal organization involves the organizational chart and the lines of authority that appear in the duty manual. A) True B) False Answer: B Page: 19 Level: Basic 27) Police personality types involve typologies created by researchers that show various social roles in performing tasks. A) True B) False Answer: A Page: 29 Level: Basic 28) The first female officers appointed by many departments were assigned to road patrol and sex crime units. A) True B) False Answer: B Page: 33 Level: Basic 29) The existence of informal work norms in a work environment was first presented in the Kansas City study. A) True B) False Answer: B Page: 23 Level: Basic 30) Sherman concluded that giving patrol officers less supervision would reduce corruption activities. A) True B) False Answer: B Page: 26 Level: Basic FILL IN THE BLANKS. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question. 31) Goofing off or sleeping on the job is called ________. Answer: cooping Page: 18 Level: Basic 32) The struggle over discrimination towards female police chiefs is illustrated in the ________ case study. Answer: Paula Meara Page: 36 Level: Basic 33) A pattern of distinctive values, norms, and lifestyles for a work group is called a ________. Answer: subculture Page: 17 Level: Basic 34) The concept that police are the barrier between chaos and order is called the ________. Answer: thin blue line Page: 35 Level: Basic 35) The need to not become emotionally involved in police situations is called ________. Answer: psychological distance Page: 21 Level: Basic 36) ________ is used as a negative comment by African-Americans who have a bad attitude toward AfricanAmerican police officers. Answer: Uncle Tom Page: 32 Level: Basic 37) Why officers today may be afraid to make decision while on patrol: ________. Answer: Monday Morning Quarterbacking Page: 20 Level: Basic 38) The social isolation discussed in this chapter often gives rise to the concept of the ________ minority. Answer: blue Page: 21 Level: Basic 39) Niederhoffer shows how police recruits become ________ as they move into various stages in their careers. Answer: cynical Page: 18 Level: Basic 40) The peer influence among police officers that leads to conformity is called ________. Answer: solidarity Page: 19 Level: Basic MATCHING QUESTIONS. Match the sentence with the concept, person, or phrase. A) Argot B) Cynicism C) Grass eater D) Secrecy E) Social isolation F) Solidarity G) Hawthorne Study H) Legalistic style I) Monday Morning Quarterbacking J) Knapp 41) An officer who accepts gratuities that fall his or her way, but does not actively go looking for such gratuities. Answer: C – Grass eater Page: 27 Level: Basic 42) The Harvard Business School study of employee behaviors at a Western Electric Company plant. Answer: G – Hawthorne Study Page: 23 Level: Basic 43) A police officer keeping the details of an active criminal investigation from family or friends as a necessary component of the jobโ€™s confidentiality requirement leads to what important norm of the police subculture? Answer: D – Secrecy Page: 25 Level: Intermediate 44) An off-duty police officer informing an on-duty police officer that he is, โ€œon the job,โ€ is an example of policingโ€™s special vocabulary, or? Answer: A – Argot Page: 18 Level: Intermediate 45) As a new police officer learns the reality that he or she will not be able to help everyone needing help, and that many people will lie to him or her every day, there is a tendency for the officer to develop resentment and hostility toward the public in the form of? Answer: B – Cynicism Page: 18-19 Level: Intermediate 46) What policing style would find the police officer arresting ever person he observes jaywalking, regardless of the reason? Answer: H – Legalistic style Page: 27 Level: Intermediate 47) With all of the portable cameras and social media, a police officer faced with an immediate decision to take someone into custody in a public area may pause, fearing that any decision made might get him or her in trouble. This police officer is worrying about the media, supervisors, internal affairs, and/or the public doing what? Answer: I – Monday Morning Quarterbacking Page: 20 Level: Intermediate 48) Police officers tend to socialize primarily with other police officers. This is an example of the police subculture characteristic of? Answer: E – Social isolation Page: 20 Level: Basic 49) The commission that was formed in NY City as a result of a police detective, Frank Serpico, reporting corruption in the police force. Answer: J – Knapp Page: 26 Level: Basic 50) The police funeral is the ultimate symbol of? Answer: F – Solidarity Page: 27 Level: Basic Essay Questsions 51) Every occupational subculture has certain norms. What makes the police subculture so unique? Answer: What makes this unique is the perception of danger and thus the need for personnel to back each other up in dangerous situations. This becomes particularly apparent for officer needs assistance calls and at police funeral, where hundreds of officers and command staff outside of the department will show up to pay respects and to honor the member who died in the performance of their duty. Page: 16-40 Level: moderate 52) Every major ethnic and racial group offers a unique perspective on occupational subculture. What are some new emergent groups in this area? Answer: Although there have been women police officers since the turn of the 19 th century, there are still many small police departments without any women officers. Additionally, women still do not hold a major part of command positions for a number of reasons such as leaving the organization for child rearing. A new group is lesbian gay, bisexual and transgender officers who have representation in major city departments In these discussions, an โ€œemergentโ€ group would be any minority group that has failed to have any representation in the ranks of the department. Page: 31-38 Level: basic

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