Test Bank for Organizational Behavior And Management In Law Enforcement, 4th Edition

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Chapter 2 Leadership: The Integrative Variable TRUE/FALSE. Write ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if the statement is false. 1) There is no singular purpose of leadership. 1) 2) Influence can cause some behavior in some person for a specific purpose based on a power base. 2) 3) Michael LeBoeuf refers to organizational theory, industrial engineering, and behavioral science as the dynamic triangle. 3) 4) Conceptual skills are more operational than managerial. 4) 5) Universal theories search for an explanation of leadership unrelated to follower behavior or the social environment within which it develops. 5) 6) Robert Tannenbaum and Warren Schmidt identified four basic leadership styles. 6) 7) Leaders who are effective can be described as one-dimensional. 7) 8) The Managerial Grid is used as a diagnostic to help individual managers to assess their own leadership style. 8) 9) Situational theory says, in effect, that managerial leadership is linked to adaptability. 9) 10) Contingency theory to understanding leadership effectiveness attempts to combine elements of both trait and situational theory. 10) 11) Paul Whisenand created the Least Preferred Co-Worker (LPC) Scale. 11) 12) Some believe that without follower consent an inspired leader cannot lead. 12) 13) Conceptual skills are used to organize and integrate experience. 13) 14) Francis Galton believed that leadership skills were simply inherited. 14) 15) Leadership style theory focuses on two basic styles. 15) 16) A Level 5 manager can be found to be self-effacing. 16) 17) Lifetime learning is a reality for a police executive. 17) 18) According to Robert Albanese, employee satisfaction and performance depend upon the characteristics of the employee. 18) 19) The path-goal model deals with the interaction between leader behavior and situational factors. 19) 1 20) Supportive leadership (path-goal) is similar to the concept of consideration used in the original Ohio State studies. 20) 21) Leaders who have integrity are principled. 21) 22) Trust is a foundation of effectiveness. 22) MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 23) Proactive leadership is a ________ transaction. A) power B) trait C) reuniting D) reflective E) behavioral 23) 24) V. A. Leonard and Harry W. More contend that leadership is the critical ________ in police agencies. A) element B) energy C) catalyst D) variable E) method 24) 25) There is a ________ relationship between followers and leaders. A) transaction B) reciprocal C) motivational D) functional E) response 25) 26) Leadership is reflected in a series of social situations orchestrated by ________ relationships. A) focused B) situational C) respondent D) productive E) synergistic 26) 27) Authority is power that is inherent in the ________. A) group B) policy of the agency C) person D) position E) follower 27) 28) If the score on the LPC scale is a score of 64 or above it tends to exhibit a leadership style that is best described as ________ motivated. A) task B) relationship C) supportively D) loyalty E) situationally 28) 2 29) Ultimate authority in any organization is vested in the ________ and is ________ through the formal chain of command to all personnel in the organization. A) staff personnel; delegated B) operational personnel; delegated C) middle managers; allocated D) top management; allocated E) chief executive; delegated 29) 30) The parameters within which employees are inclined to do willingly what is asked of them by their superiors can be called the ________ as employees have exerted themselves through increased demands for participatory management. A) zone of rejection B) zone of acquiescence C) zone of collaboration D) zone of compromise E) zone of acceptance 30) 31) Managerial leaders emphasize people-oriented and task-oriented needs ________. A) disjointedly B) interdependently C) separately D) discretely E) none of the above 31) 32) According to Souryal, the essence of managerial leadership lies in an administrator’s ability to identify ________. A) the nuances of functional leadership B) a zone of credibility C) areas of compromise D) the needs of people in work groups E) none of the above 32) 33) Organizational humanists believe the role of the managerial leader is to create conditions that allow people to achieve their own goals by directing their productive efforts toward ________ participation. A) mandated B) full C) liberated D) altruistic E) none of the above 33) 34) Effective managerial leaders display ________. A) an assumed role B) idiosyncratic traits C) charismatic qualities D) functionality E) none of the above 34) 3 35) The leadership skills associated with good management can be organized under the heading ________. A) human B) specialized C) innate D) proactive E) abstract 35) 36) The managerial leader’s capacity to deal effectively with problems even though the lack of information might preclude making a totally informed choice from among the available alternatives is known as ________. A) tolerance for ambiguity B) negative entropy C) anomic adaptability D) a multifaceted phenomenon E) rational tolerance 36) 37) According to Daniel Wren, the System 4 Management is built on ________ principles. A) one B) two C) three D) four E) five 37) 38) Transactional style leadership ________. A) supports creativity B) accepts line personnel as they are C) requires a long-term commitment D) takes on a lot of baggage E) maximizes first line supervisorial input 38) 39) Effective leaders are produced via the synergistic interaction between ________. A) leadership styles B) anomic transactions C) personal traits D) situational factors E) all except B 39) 40) Applied research has failed to discover a definitive or consistent correlation between effective leadership and genetically determined ________. A) personality B) intelligence C) physical stamina D) body type E) all of the above 40) 41) System 2 – Benevolent Authoritative management emphasizes ________. A) the Ohio State studies B) management by exception C) total trust in employees D) the Managerial Grid E) none of the above 41) 4 42) Management Systems Models foster ________. A) reactive value analysis B) passive leadership C) fads D) reciprocal relationships E) power equalization 42) 43) Level 5 Leadership includes leaders who are ________. A) reciprocal B) avoiders of obstacles C) reticent D) trait based E) situational 43) 44) Philip Applewhite identified the following leadership category ________. A) charismatic B) democratic laissez-faire C) authoritarian D) bureaucratic E) all of the above 44) 45) The Ohio State studies clearly indicated that good managerial leaders exhibit a great deal of concern for ________. A) control and expressive manners B) consideration and structuring C) a democratic interaction with employees process D) manifestation of charisma E) a contemplative and expressive style 45) 46) Researchers from the University of Michigan formulated their own leadership profile based on leader behavior using the terminology ________. A) structure/consideration B) tell/sell C) employee oriented/production oriented D) concern for people/concern for production E) employee/task 46) 47) According to the Managerial Grid, the least viable form of managerial leadership is represented by a matrix of ________. A) 9,9 B) 1,9 C) 1,1 D) 5,5 E) 9,1 47) 48) In one study of police managers they found that the backup style of management was ________. A) 1,1 B) 5,5 C) 9,9 D) 9,1 E) 1,9 48) 49) Jack Kuykendall and Peter Unsinger found police managers tend to have ________ management style. A) a middle of the road B) an impoverished C) a country club D) no dominant E) a task-oriented 49) 5 50) In a hierarchical arrangement as proposed by “Good to Great” the highest level is ________. A) four B) two C) three D) five E) one 50) 51) Based on the specifics of a given situation, there are times when team management is an inappropriate management style, and police administrators are forced to temporarily slip into another style. Once things return to normal, they return to the team management approach. This is know specifically as ________. A) procurement management B) adaptive management C) 5,5 flexibility D) contingency management E) 9,9 versatility 51) 52) Transformational leadership focuses on ________. A) results B) idealized stimulus C) short-term employee commitment D) unquestioned commitment E) none of the above 52) 53) Key strengths to building trust include all but which of the following? A) Character B) Contribution C) Compassion D) Clarity E) Compliance 53) 54) According to recent studies, ________. A) employees imitate the behavior of their leaders B) commanding officers set the culture for agencies C) employees model their upbringing at work D) employees develop their own patterns of behavior E) none of the above 54) 6 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED2 1) FALSE 2) FALSE 3) FALSE 4) FALSE 5) TRUE 6) TRUE 7) TRUE 8) TRUE 9) TRUE 10) TRUE 11) FALSE 12) TRUE 13) TRUE 14) TRUE 15) FALSE 16) TRUE 17) TRUE 18) FALSE 19) TRUE 20) TRUE 21) TRUE 22) TRUE 23) E 24) C 25) D 26) E 27) D 28) B 29) E 30) E 31) B 32) D 33) B 34) C 35) A 36) A 37) C 38) D 39) E 40) E 41) E 42) E 43) C 44) E 45) B 46) C 47) A 48) C 49) A 50) D 7 Answer Key Testname: UNTITLED2 51) E 52) B 53) E 54) A 8

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