Test Bank for Multicultural Law Enforcement: Strategies for Peacekeeping in a Diverse Society, 6th Edition

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CHAPTER TWO The Changing Law Enforcement Agency Chapter Two Multiple Choice 1. A nationally representative census of law enforcement agencies, including organizations at the city, county, state, and federal levels, is conducted how often by the Bureau of Justice Statistics? a. every six years b. every four years c. every year d. every ten years Answer: B Objective: Identify how the ethnic, racial, and gender composition of law enforcement agencies is changing in the United States Page number: 44 Level: Easy 2. A total rejection of others by reason of race, color, or sometimes more broadly culture is defined as: a. racism b. prejudice c. stereotype d. bias Answer: A Objective: Define racism and understand the steps organizational managers and supervisors can take to identify and control prejudicial conduct by employees Page number: 48 Level: Easy 3. The following are examples of institutional racism: a. old textbooks in predominately black schools b. unpaved roads in predominately black neighborhoods c. pre-employment standardized tests d. all of the above Answer: D Objective: Define racism and understand the steps organizational managers and supervisors can take to identify and control prejudicial conduct by employees Page number: 48 Level: Intermediate 4. What is the most commonly used term for homosexual woman? a. bisexual b. lesbian c. gay d. transgender Answer: B Objective: Define lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and LGBT Page number: 64 Level: Easy 5. There are three major types of racism. Which of the following is NOT one of the types outlined in the chapter? a. Personally mediated b. Institutional c. Blatant d. Internalized Answer: C Objective: Define racism and understand the steps organizational managers and supervisors can take to identify and control prejudicial conduct by employees Page number: 48 Level: Intermediate 6. As of 2007, the latest year for which statistics were available for the textโ€™s 6th ed., womenโ€™s representation within law enforcement agencies declined. Studies addressing this issue proposed the following possible reasons: a. The decrease in the number of consent decrees mandating the hiring of women and/or minorities b. Women no longer found law enforcement a desirable occupation c. Women were leaving to go back to school or to have families d. The decrease in the number of consent decrees mandating promotion of women and/or minorities Answer: D Objective: Explain the history of women in law enforcement, the issues confronting them, and how support and mentoring programs help them make transitions into the workplace Page number: 56 Level: Intermediate 7. Which of the following is not an example of sexual or gender harassment in the workplace? For question 7, indicate the answer that is NOT correct: a. Unwelcome sexual behavior, such as jokes, cartoons, posters, banter, repeated requests for dates, and requests for sexual favors b. Supervisor asking employee to perform sexual acts in return for a job benefit c. Comments such as โ€œwomen should stay home and have babies and leave policing to real men,โ€ and the like d. Assignments to jobs or programs that are considered โ€œtraditionally womenโ€™sโ€ instead of the non-traditional positions such as SWAT teams, K-9, gang units, narcotics, etc. Answer: D Objective: Explain the history of women in law enforcement, the issues confronting them, and how support and mentoring programs help them make transitions into the workplace Page number: 56-57 Level: Intermediate 8. There has been a negative reaction to the term โ€œminority,โ€ which critics find outmoded and offensive because the: For question 8, indicate the answer that is NOT correct: a. term leaves non-whites feeling diminished, almost second-class b. word carries overtones of inferiority and inequity c. word, technically, is used to describe numerical designations, but over the years, it has come to have much larger implications d. Term involves a stereotype. Answer: D Objective: Identify how ethnic, racial, and gender composition of law enforcement agencies is changing in the United States Page number: 42 Level: Easy 9. According to David Shipler, the basic framework for combating and defusing racism in the military has been: For question 9, indicate the answer that is NOT correct: a. Command commitment b. Training of advisors c. Complaints monitoring d. Screening applicants to determine their biases and prejudices Answer: D Objective: Identify how ethnic, racial, and gender composition of law enforcement agencies is changing in the United States Page number: 50 Level: Intermediate Chapter Two True-False 1. Gay is a term that only refers to male homosexuals. a. True b. False Answer: False Objective: Define the terms lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and LGBT Page number: 64 Level: Easy 2. A bisexual identifies as a different gender from the gender assigned at birth. a. True b. False Answer: False Objective: Define the terms lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and LGBT Page number: 64 Level: Easy 3. Leadership and team building are crucial to managing a diverse workforce and establishing good minority community relations. a. True b. False Answer: True Objective: Explain the role of supervisors, managers, and the chief executive in providing a workplace environment that is comfortable for all employees, especially for women and individuals from diverse backgrounds Page number: 75 Level: Intermediate 4. The supervisory and management team must take the lead and demonstrate commitment in a diverse workforce. a. True b. False Answer: True Objective: Explain the role of supervisors, managers, and the chief executive in providing a workplace environment that is comfortable for all employees, especially for women and individuals from diverse backgrounds Page number: 75 Level: Easy 5. A nontraditional occupation for women is defined as one in which women comprise 40 percent or less of total employment. a. True b. False Answer: False Objective: Explain the history of women in law enforcement, the issues confronting them, and how support and mentoring programs help them make transitions into the workplace Page number: 54 Level: Intermediate 6. Women hired as police officers during the early years were given duties that did not allow them to work street patrol. a. True b. False Answer: True Objective: Explain the history of women in law enforcement, the issues confronting them, and how support and mentoring programs help them make transitions into the workplace Page number: 55 Level: Intermediate 7. For law enforcement to maintain the support and trust of any community, it is essential that the organization reflect the diversity of the area it serves. a. True b. False Answer: True Objective: Identify how the ethnic, racial, and gender composition of law enforcement agencies is changing in the United States Page number: 44 Level: Easy 8. Individuals with different cultural and ethnic backgrounds bring a different perspective to police-community relations. a. True b. False Answer: True Objective: Identify how the ethnic, racial, and gender composition of law enforcement agencies is changing in the United States Page number: 44 Level: Easy 9. Frustration and resentment often result among citizens when their law enforcement agency fails to recognize and adjust to the diversity in the community. a. True b. False Answer: True Objective: Identify how the ethnic, racial, and gender composition of law enforcement agencies is changing in the United States Page number: 44 Level: Easy 10. Leadership is exercised when one takes initiative, guides, or influences others in a particular direction. a. True b. False Answer: True Objective: Relate how chief executives of law enforcement agencies must establish clear policies stating that discrimination or harassment of LGBT or any other individual is unacceptable and will result in corrective action, of not severe disciplinary action Page number: 73 Level: Easy 11. Women have won the โ€œgender battleโ€ in law enforcement since they now make up a larger percentage of major police agencies nationwide a. True b. False Answer: False Objective: Explain the history of women in law enforcement, the issues confronting them, and how support and mentoring programs help them make transitions into the workplace Page number: 54-56 Level: Easy 12. Racism does not exist within law enforcement organizations because of the phenomenon of โ€œthe brotherhood.โ€ a. True b. False Answer: False Objective: Define racism and understand the steps organizational managers and supervisors can take to identify and control prejudicial conduct by employees Page number: 60 Level: Easy 13. The EEO laws were passed to correct a history of unfavorable treatment of women and minority group members. a. True b. False Answer: False Objective: Explain what law enforcement chief executives need to do in order to convey zero tolerance for and disciplinary action in response to discrimination based on sexual orientation Page number: 49 Level: Easy 14. As of 2013, 20 states had laws banning discrimination based solely on sexual orientation. a. True b. False Answer: True Objective: Explain what law enforcement chief executives need to do in order to convey zero tolerance for and disciplinary action in response to discrimination based on sexual orientation Page number: P. 68 Level: Easy 15. The Hispanic population is generally growing at such a rate that it is difficult for public sector agencies, especially law enforcement, to achieve parity. a. True b. False Answer: True Objective: Identify how ethnic, racial, and gender composition of law enforcement agencies is changing in the United States Page number: 43-45 Level: Easy Chapter Two Fill in the Blank 1. ___________ is the approach to oneโ€™s occupation or career, with a sense of dedication and expertise. Answer: Professionalism Objective: Explain what law enforcement executives need to do in order to convey zero tolerance for and disciplinary action in response to discrimination based on sexual orientation Page number: 73 Level: Easy 2.______________ is exercised when one takes initiative, guides, or influences others in a particular direction. Answer: Leadership Objective: Explain what law enforcement executives need to do in order to convey zero tolerance for and disciplinary action in response to discrimination based on sexual orientation Page number: 73 Level: Easy 3. __________ is the benefit produced by the collaboration of two or more systems in excess of their individual contributions. Answer: Synergy Objective: Explain what law enforcement executives need to do in order to convey zero tolerance for and disciplinary action in response to discrimination based on sexual orientation Page number: 74 Level: Easy 4. ___________ is the common abbreviation for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. Answer: LGBT Objective: Define the terms lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and LGBT Page number: 64 Level: Intermediate 5. A ____________ is a person who is physically, romantically, and/or emotionally attracted to people of the same gender. Answer: homosexual Objective: Define the terms lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and LGBT Page number: 64 Level: Easy 6. The term ___________ covers a range of people including heterosexual cross-dressers, homosexual drag queens, and transsexuals who believe they were born in the wrong body. Answer: transgender Objective: Define the terms lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender and the meaning of the acronym or initials LGBT Page number: 64 Level: Easy 7. The _______________ Barriers series focuses on womenโ€™s perceptions that lack of access to networks of influential colleagues is a key barrier to promotions and special assignments to women in the workforce. Answer: Catalyst Objective: Explain the history of women in law enforcement, the issues confronting them, and how support and mentoring programs help them make transitions into the workplace. Page number: 63 Level: Easy Chapter Two Essay 1. Why do police officers view openly gay and lesbian individuals as extremist militant types who publicly display their sexuality in an offensive or socially unacceptable way? Answer: Should include an explanation that this is a stereotype Objective: Define the terms lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender and the meaning of the acronym or initials LGBT Page number: 65 Level: Intermediate 2. Why does Senate Bill 815 provide an exception to religious organizations and to non-profit membership only clubs regarding employment practices/ Answer: Answer should include an explanation that most religious organizations frown upon homosexual and gay behavior. Objective: Relate how chief executives of law enforcement agencies must establish clear policies stating that discrimination or harassment of LGBT or any other individual is unacceptable and will result in corrective action, of not severe disciplinary action Page number: 67 Level: Hard 3. Why is it important for training on lesbian, gay, and transgender issues to demonstrate the falsehood of stereotypes and myths? Answer: Answers will vary Objective: Relate how chief executives of law enforcement agencies must establish clear policies stating that discrimination or harassment of LGBT or any other individual is unacceptable and will result in corrective action, of not severe disciplinary action Page number: Level: Intermediate

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