Test Bank For Medical Terminology Systems: A Body Systems Approach, 8th Edition

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Chapter 2: Suffixes Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. The suffix -malacia means A. expansion. B. bone. C. swelling. D. softening. E. formation. ____ 2. The suffix -trophy means A. paralysis. B. displacement. C. stricture. D. development, nourishment. E. accomplishment. ____ 3. The suffix -penia means A. decrease, deficiency. B. fixation. C. prolapse. D. production. E. pain. ____ 4. Which suffix means suture? A. -rrhapy B. -centesis C. -rrhagia D. -rrhaphy E. -rrhexis ____ 5. The suffix -edema means A. vomiting. B. softening. C. condition. D. swelling. E. tumor. ____ 6. Which suffix means binding, fixation (of a bone or joint)? A. -plasty B. -pexy C. -desis D. -centesis E. -tomy Copyright ยฉ 2017 F. A. Davis Company ____ 7. Which suffix means separation; destruction; loosening? A. -cele B. -ptosis C. -lysis D. -rrhexis E. -poiesis ____ 8. The suffix -megaly means A. decrease. B. enlargement. C. stricture. D. separation. E. softening. ____ 9. The suffix -cele means A. suture. B. to break. C. dilation. D. puncture. E. hernia, swelling. ____ 10. Which suffix means crushing? A. -pexy B. -tripsy C. -plexy D. -centesis E. -poiesis ____ 11. Which suffix means pain? A. -algia B. -emesis C. -plasia D. -ectasis E. -poiesis ____ 12. Which suffix means surgical puncture? A. -plasty B. -desis C. -ectasis D. -clasis E. -centesis ____ 13. The suffix -ism means A. small. B. specialist. C. condition. D. pertaining to. E. treatment. Copyright ยฉ 2017 F. A. Davis Company ____ 14. The suffix -iatry means A. disease. B. pertaining to. C. specialist. D. study of. E. medicine; treatment. ____ 15. What is the plural form of fornix? A. forniae B. fornima C. fornum D. fornices E. fornia ____ 16. To change words ending in y from a singular form to a plural form, you A. retain the y and add es. B. drop the y and add es. C. drop the y and add i. D. retain the y and add s. E. drop the y and add ies. ____ 17. The word leukemia is a(n) A. adverb. B. verb. C. noun. D. adjective. E. pronoun. ____ 18. What is the adjective form of axilla? A. axillar B. axillary C. axilliac D. axillae E. axillic ____ 19. What is the plural form of radius? A. radii B. radium C. radiae D. radious E. radial ____ 20. What is the plural form of nucleus? A. nuclear B. nucleolus C. nuclei D. nucleic Copyright ยฉ 2017 F. A. Davis Company E. nucleii ____ 21. Which word is a diminutive word? A. nucleus B. atom C. micron D. venule E. microtic ____ 22. Which word is an adjective? A. coronary B. bile C. lung D. tooth E. kidney ____ 23. The plural form of calcaneum is A. calcaniae. B. calcaneus. C. calcaneal. D. calcanea. E. calcania. ____ 24. To build the plural form of words ending in is, you A. drop is and add es. B. drop is and add ex. C. drop is and add ices. D. drop is and add a. E. retain is and add es. ____ 25. Which word is an adjective? A. pneumonia B. alcoholism C. psychologist D. psychiatry E. acoustic ____ 26. What is the plural form of bacterium? A. bacteria B. bacteries C. bacterial D. bacterion E. bacteriae ____ 27. What is the adjective form of heart? A. cardiac B. cardium C. cardia Copyright ยฉ 2017 F. A. Davis Company D. cardii E. cardiae ____ 28. The word mucous is a(n) A. adjective. B. adverb. C. noun. D. plural form. E. singular form. ____ 29. What is the plural form of lumen? A. lumena B. lumenae C. luminata D. lumina E. luminal ____ 30. What is the plural form of bursa? A. bursi B. bursium C. bursices D. bursae E. bursal ____ 31. Which word is a noun? A. cutaneous B. acoustic C. hypodermic D. pulmonary E. rectum ____ 32. Which ending is a noun ending? A. -tic B. -ia C. -ary D. -eal E. -ous ____ 33. Brady- means slow. The word that means slow speaking is A. bradylalia. B. bradyphagia. C. bradycardia. D. bradypnea. E. bradylexia. ____ 34. Oste/o means bone. The word that means surgical fracture of a bone is A. oste/o/malacia. B. oste/o/blast. Copyright ยฉ 2017 F. A. Davis Company C. oste/o/clasis. D. oste/o/gen. E. oste/o/metry. ____ 35. Neur/o means nerve or nerve cells. The word that means tumor of nerve cells is A. neur/o/lysis. B. neur/o/logy. C. neur/oma. D. neur/itis. E. neur/algia. ____ 36. Hepat/o means liver. The word that means enlargement of the liver is A. hepat/oma. B. hepat/o/megaly. C. mega/hepat/ic. D. macro/hepat/oma. E. hepat/o/cele. ____ 37. Phleb/o means vein. The word that means narrowing of a vein is A. phlebodesis. B. phlebostenosis. C. phlebotaxia. D. phlebectasis. E. phlebotripsy. ____ 38. Arteri/o means artery. The word that means rupture of an artery is A. arteriolith. B. arteriostenosis. C. arteriorrhexis. D. arteriorrhaphy. E. arteriomalacia. ____ 39. Pelv/i means pelvis. The word that means instrument for measuring the pelvis is A. pelviscope. B. pelvimetry. C. pelvitomer. D. pelvimeter. E. pelvometer. ____ 40. Arthr/o means joint. The word that means visual examination of a joint is A. arthroscopy. B. arthopexy. C. arthrocentesis. D. arthoscopy. E. arthroscope. ____ 41. Hyper- means excessive. The word that means excessive vomiting is A. hypercalcemia. Copyright ยฉ 2017 F. A. Davis Company B. hyperalgia. C. hyperemesis. D. hypervolumia. E. hyperesthesia. ____ 42. Bronch/o and bronchi/o mean bronchus. The word that means dilation or expansion of the bronchus is A. bronch/o/cele. B. bronch/o/rrhagia. C. bronch/itis. D. bronchi/o/spasm. E. bronchi/ectasis. ____ 43. Neur/o means nerve or nerve cell. The word that means pain in a nerve is A. neuroblast. B. neuralgia. C. neuroclonic. D. neuroglia. E. neuritis. ____ 44. Derm/o and dermat/o mean skin. The word that means an instrument to cut the skin is A. derm/o/scope. B. dermat/o/meter. C. derm/o/graph. D. dermat/o/graphy. E. derm/a/tome. ____ 45. Mast/o means breast. The word that means fixation of a breast is A. mastodesis. B. mastocentesis. C. mastopexy. D. mastoclasis. E. mastectasis. ____ 46. Lith/o means stone. The word that means incision (to remove) a stone is A. lith/o/tomy. B. lith/o/graph. C. lith/ectomy. D. lith/o/stomy. E. lith/o/graphy. ____ 47. Hepat/o means liver. The word that means swelling or hernia of the liver is A. hepat/oma. B. hepat/o/centesis. C. hepat/ic. D. hepat/itis. E. hepat/o/cele. Copyright ยฉ 2017 F. A. Davis Company ____ 48. Oste/o means bone. The word that means forming, producing, or origin of bone is A. oste/o/malacia. B. oste/o/clast. C. oste/o/genesis. D. oste/o/porosis. E. oste/o/metry. ____ 49. Gastr/o means stomach. The word that means inflammation of the stomach is A. gastralgia. B. gastritis. C. gastrodynia. D. gastroitis. E. gastromegaly. ____ 50. Which of the following words means an instrument for recording activity of the heart? A. cardi/o/version B. cardi/o/graph C. cardi/o/graphy D. cardi/o/meter E. cardi/o/scope ____ 51. What does the term arteri/o/stenosis mean? A. Incision of an artery B. Prolapse of an artery C. Narrowing or stricture of an artery D. Hemorrhage of an artery E. Spasm of an artery ____ 52. Which term means an instrument used to examine the stomach? A. gastroscopy B. gastrotome C. gastroscope D. gastrometer E. gastrometry ____ 53. Which word means small vein? A. venous B. venae C. venule D. venicle E. veinula ____ 54. Which word means visual examination of the sigmoid colon? A. sigmoidoscopic B. sigmoidoscopy C. sigmoidogram D. sigmoidoscope E. sigmoidopexy Copyright ยฉ 2017 F. A. Davis Company ____ 55. The combining form carcin/o means cancer. What is the word that means forming, producing, or origin of cancer? A. carcinopathy B. carcinoma C. carcinomphobia D. carcinogenesis E. carcinocele True/False Indicate whether the statement is true or false. ____ 56. The suffix -lysis means puncture. ____ 57. The suffix -stomy indicates a surgical procedure. ____ 58. The suffix -plegia means paralysis. ____ 59. The suffix for incision is -ectomy. ____ 60. The suffix -ptosis means prolapse or downward displacement. ____ 61. The suffix -philia means fear. ____ 62. Glossal is a noun form. ____ 63. Radial is an adjective form. ____ 64. Spinal is a noun form. ____ 65. Cellular is an adjective form. ____ 66. Radii is a plural form. ____ 67. Emboli is a plural form. ____ 68. Muscular is an adjective form. ____ 69. Tissue is a noun form. ____ 70. Atrium is an adjective form. ____ 71. Medical is a noun form. ____ 72. When defining the term gastr/algia, define the suffix first. Copyright ยฉ 2017 F. A. Davis Company ____ 73. Gastr/algia and gastr/o/dynia have the same meaning. ____ 74. My/algia is a surgical procedure. ____ 75. Gastr/o/rrhexis is a rupture of the stomach. Matching Match the suffixes with their meanings. A. -cele B. -centesis C. -clasis D. -desis E. -dynia F. -ectasis G. -ectomy H. -edema I. -emesis J. -emia K. -iatry L. -ic M. -ist N. -itis O. -lith P. -logy Q. -malacia R. -megaly S. -oma T. -pathy U. -pexy V. -plegia W. -rrhaphy X. -rrhexis Y. -toxic ____ 76. inflammation ____ 77. softening ____ 78. vomiting ____ 79. excision ____ 80. surgical puncture ____ 81. tumor ____ 82. paralysis Copyright ยฉ 2017 F. A. Davis Company ____ 83. rupture ____ 84. blood condition ____ 85. to break; surgical fracture ____ 86. study of ____ 87. suture ____ 88. hernia, swelling ____ 89. pain ____ 90. pertaining to ____ 91. enlargement ____ 92. disease ____ 93. fixation (of an organ) ____ 94. binding, fixation (of a bone or joint) ____ 95. swelling ____ 96. dilation, expansion ____ 97. medicine; treatment ____ 98. specialist ____ 99. stone, calculus ____ 100. pertaining to poison Copyright ยฉ 2017 F. A. Davis Company Chapter 2: Suffixes Answer Section MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. ANS: D ANS: D ANS: A ANS: D ANS: D ANS: C ANS: C ANS: B ANS: E ANS: B ANS: A ANS: E ANS: C ANS: E ANS: D ANS: E ANS: C ANS: B ANS: A ANS: C ANS: D ANS: A ANS: D ANS: A ANS: E ANS: A ANS: A ANS: A ANS: D ANS: D ANS: E ANS: B ANS: A ANS: C ANS: C ANS: B ANS: B ANS: C ANS: D PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Copyright ยฉ 2017 F. A. 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