Test Bank For Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology, 4th Edition

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Chapter 02: Cells and Tissues Solomon: Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology, 4th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The _______ is one of the largest cells in the human body. a. sperm b. ovum c. epithelial d. nerve ANS: B 2. The jelly-like material of the cell is called _______. a. cytoplasm b. flagella c. organelles d. nucleus ANS: A 3. The _______ surrounds and protects the cell, regulating passage of materials into and out of the cell. a. plasma membrane b. endoplasmic reticulum c. nuclear envelope d. cytoplasm ANS: A 4. Each _______ contains hundreds or thousands of units of hereditary information that govern the structure and activity of the cell. a. nucleolus b. gene c. DNA d. chromosome ANS: D 5. _______ are tiny power plants contained within the cell that carry on cellular respiration. a. Ribosomes b. Golgi c. Mitochondria d. Lysosomes ANS: C 6. A small membrane-enclosed structure that holds or transports some type of cargo within the cell is called a _______. a. lysosome b. flagellum c. vesicle d. cellular respiration ANS: C 7. The diffusion of water molecules through a selectively permeable membrane from a region where water molecules are more concentrated to a region where they are less concentrated is called _______. a. osmosis b. diffusion c. filtration d. active transport ANS: A 8. When blood cells are placed in a hypertonic solution, _______. a. the net movement of water molecules is zero b. the blood cells die immediately c. there is a net movement of water molecules out of the cells d. the blood cells swell and may burst ANS: C 9. In _______, the cell moves materials from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration. a. active transport b. diffusion c. filtration d. osmosis ANS: A 10. A white blood cell ingests bacteria. This is an example of _______. a. diffusion b. passive transport c. phagocytosis d. cell pumping action ANS: C 11. _______ are chemical messengers used between cells for communication. a. Carbohydrates b. Lipids c. Receptors d. Hormones ANS: D 12. Target cells _______. a. typically have receptors that bind signal molecules to their surfaces b. usually replicate and die when contracted by a signal molecule c. are the first cells in a cell signaling pathway d. kill invading microorganisms ANS: A 13. In a process called _______, receptors convert signals outside the cell into a signal inside the cell that affects cellular activity. a. diffusion b. apoptosis c. signal transduction d. active transport ANS: C 14. The cell spends most of its life in _______, the period between mitoses. a. prophase b. interphase c. metaphase d. telophase ANS: B 15. During _______, the chromatids separate and become independent chromosomes. a. interphase b. metaphase c. anaphase d. telophase ANS: C 16. _______ epithelial cells are thin, flattened cells shaped like pancakes or flagstones. a. Stratified b. Squamous c. Cuboidal d. Columnar ANS: B 17. _______ cells in the lining of the intestine secrete mucus, a slippery protective substance. a. Body b. Muscle c. Glial d. Goblet ANS: D 18. _______ tissue stores fat and releases it when the body needs energy. a. Loose connective b. Adipose c. Muscle d. Cardiac ANS: B 19. _______ membranes line the body cavities that open to the outside of the body. a. b. c. d. Mucous Serous Parietal Visceral ANS: A 20. A _______ lines a body cavity that does not open to the outside of the body. a. mucosa b. serous membrane c. synovial d. connective tissue membrane ANS: B 21. _______ are tiny cells with long whip-like tails called flagella. a. Sperm b. Ovum c. Epithelial d. Nerve ANS: A 22. _______ are specialized structures scattered throughout the cell, which perform jobs within the cell. a. Phospholipids b. Nucleoli c. Organelles d. Chromosomes ANS: C 23. Rough endoplasmic reticulum has a granular appearance that results from the presence of organelles called _______. a. cilia b. ribosomes c. lysosomes d. mitochondria ANS: B 24. Bacteria and foreign matter are destroyed by digestive enzymes contained in little sacs called _______. a. chromosomes b. microtubules c. lysosomes d. ribosomes ANS: C 25. _______ is the net movement of molecules or ions from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration brought about by the energy of the molecules. a. Diffusion b. Filtration c. Active transport d. Hypertonic ANS: A 26. The passage of materials through membranes by mechanical pressure is known as _______. a. diffusion b. filtration c. active transport d. permeability ANS: B 27. When blood cells are placed in a hypotonic solution, _______. a. there is a net movement of water molecules into the cells b. water is pumped out of the cells c. the cells shrink d. water is removed by phagocytosis ANS: A 28. In _______, the cell ingests large solid particles such as food or bacteria. a. diffusion b. osmosis c. apoptosis d. phagocytosis ANS: D 29. In cell signaling, _______. a. a message passes through membranes by mechanical pressure b. the first step is active transport c. the first step is signal transduction d. one cell communicates with another by means of a hormone or other regulatory molecule ANS: D 30. Signal molecules bind to _______ on the surface of target cells. a. receptors b. tissues c. lysosomes d. neurons ANS: A 31. _______ is the stage of mitosis in which the nuclear membrane dissolves. a. Prophase b. Interphase c. Metaphase d. Anaphase ANS: A 32. During _______, the chromatids are positioned along the equator of the cell. a. prophase b. interphase c. metaphase d. anaphase ANS: C 33. Epithelium lining the digestive tract _______ molecules of digested food. a. secretes b. absorbs c. senses d. excretes ANS: B 34. Almost every organ in the body has a framework of _______ tissue that supports it. a. adipose b. connective c. muscle d. nervous ANS: B 35. _______ fibers are very fine, branched fibers that form a network that supports many tissues and organs. a. Elastic b. Collagen c. Reticular d. Nervous ANS: C 36. In contrast to epithelial tissue, the cells of connective tissue _______. a. are separated by intercellular substance b. contain fewer fibers c. lack collagen fibers d. are joined by ducts ANS: A 37. Smooth muscle _______. a. is found in the wall of the heart b. contracts rapidly c. has a striated appearance d. can be found in the wall of the intestine ANS: D 38. _______ are specialized for receiving impulses. a. Adipose cells b. Axons c. Collagen fibers d. Dendrites ANS: D 39. The main types of _______ membranes are mucous membranes, serous membranes, and the skin. a. epithelial b. connective tissue c. synovial d. cardiac ANS: A 40. The _______ is the serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity. a. synovial membrane b. parietal pleura c. visceral pleura d. parietal peritoneum ANS: D MATCHING Fill in the correct labels for the following figure using the word bank below. a. b. c. d. e. f. Mitochondrion Plasma membrane Ribosomes Centrioles Nucleolus Cytoplasm g. h. i. j. k. Rough endoplasmic reticulum Nucleus Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Lysosome Golgi complex 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. A ____________ B ____________ C ____________ D ____________ E ____________ F ____________ G ____________ H ____________ I ____________ J ____________ K ____________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ANS: G ANS: D ANS: F ANS: A ANS: I ANS: J ANS: B ANS: K ANS: C ANS: E ANS: H Fill in the correct labels for the following figure using the word bank below. a. b. c. d. e. f. Anaphase Daughter Cells Telophase Prophase Interphase Metaphase 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. A___________ B___________ C___________ D___________ E___________ F___________ 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. ANS: E ANS: D ANS: F ANS: A ANS: C ANS: B OTHER 1. Describe a condition in which excess adipose tissue could be harmful. ANS: Obesity is the result of excess adipose tissue. Obese people have a much greater risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, and arthritis.

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