Test Bank For Focus on Adult Health: Medical-Surgical Nursing, 1st Edition

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1. The nurse is planning to teach a 75-year-old patient about administering his medication. How can the nurse best enhance the patient’s ability to learn? A) Providing links to websites that contain information related to the medication B) Excluding family members from the session C) Using color-coded materials D) Making the information relevant to the patient’s condition 2. The nursing instructor has given an assignment to a group of nurse practitioner students. They are to break into groups of four and complete a health-promotion teaching project and present a report back to their fellow students. What project is the best example of health-promotion teaching? A) Demonstrating an injection technique to a patient for anticoagulant therapy B) Explaining the side effects of a medication to an adult patient C) Discussing the importance of preventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs) to a group of 12th-grade students D) Instructing an adolescent patient about safe food preparation 3. The nursing profession and nurses as individuals have a responsibility to promote activities that foster well-being. What has most influenced the nurse to play this vital role? A) Nurses are seen as nurturing. B) Nurses have postsecondary education. C) Nurses have a desire to help others. D) Nurses have long-established credibility with consumers. 4. The nurse is preparing discharge teaching for a patient diagnosed with urinary retention secondary to multiple sclerosis. The nurse will teach the patient to self-catheterize at home upon discharge. What teaching method is most effective for this patient? A) Providing the most up-to-date information available B) Alleviating the patient’s guilt associated with not knowing appropriate self-care C) Determining the patient’s readiness to learn new information D) Building on previous information 5. You are the nurse planning to teach tracheostomy care to one of your patients. What is the most important variable in patient teaching that you need to utilize? A) Providing the most up-to-date information available B) Alleviating the patient’s guilt associated with not knowing appropriate self-care C) Determining the patient’s readiness to learn new information D) Building on previous information Page 1 6. A nurse has taught a patient who has asthma how to administer his daily metered-dose inhaler. How would the nurse evaluate the teachingโ€“learning process? A) Using teaching aides B) Identifying teaching strategies C) Directly observing the patient using his inhaler D) Documenting the teaching session in the patient’s record 7. You are the oncoming nurse, and you have just taken report on your patients for the shift. One of your patients is a newly diagnosed diabetic. Which behavior shows this patient’s willingness to learn? A) The patient requests a visit from the diabetic educator. B) The patient declines a slice of pie at lunch. C) The patient has a family member meet with the dietician to discuss meals. D) The patient allows the nurse to take daily blood sugar. 8. Part of health promotion in the adolescent population is health screening. What is the goal of health screening in this population? A) To teach teenagers about health risks B) To teach coping strategies C) To discuss chronic health problems D) To detect health problems at an early age, so that they can be treated at this time 9. Despite chronic illnesses and disabilities, the elderly benefit most from what kind of activities? A) Those that help them eat well. B) Those that help them maintain independence. C) Those that preserve their social interactions. D) Those that accomplish financial stability. 10. Research has shown that patient adherence to prescribed regimens is generally low, especially when the patient will have to follow the regimen for a long period of time. What is one diagnosis in which adherence rates are low? A) Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) B) Sudden acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) C) Multiple sclerosis D) Beta hemolytic strep infection Page 2 11. A nurse is aware of both the importance of health education and the fact that it is an independent function of nursing practice. Under which of the following circumstances should a nurse consider providing health education? A) When a patient or patient’s condition has a reasonable chance of resolution B) During each contact that the nurse has with a health care consumer C) When health education is specified in a health care consumer’s plan of nursing care D) When the nurse possesses advanced practice credentials in health education 12. In March 2002, the Joint Commission, together with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, launched SPEAK UP, a national campaign with the ultimate goal of preventing medical errors. What means to achieving this goal does the SPEAK UP campaign propose? A) Encouraging patients to become informed and involved in their care B) Requiring nurses and other care providers to document the patient education that they provide C) Establishing patient education as a requirement for Medicare reimbursement D) Allowing patients to make informed choices about the interventions that they prefer 13. Health education is an integral component of all nurseโ€“person interactions. However, certain individuals have a greater need for health education than others. Which one of the following individuals likely has the greatest need for health education? A) An IV drug user who is receiving antibiotics for the treatment of endocarditis B) A young adult who has suffered traumatic injuries in a motorcycle accident C) The parents of an infant who has been admitted for treatment of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) D) An elderly woman who has just been diagnosed with congestive heart failure (|CHF) 14. A nurse is aware of the fact that nonadherence to prescribed therapy is both common and harmful. How can a nurse best promote adherence to therapeutic regimens among patients? A) Establish a system of rewards and punitive measures that is linked to adherence B) Provide examples of the harmful consequences of nonadherence to therapy C) Help individuals be aware of the benefits of adhering to their prescribed therapy D) Make adherence a requirement for treatment in early interactions with patients Page 3 15. A nurse who is caring for a patient who is newly diagnosed with HIV knows that an effective teachingโ€“learning program requires careful and deliberate planning. What priority question should a nurse ask himself or herself before initiating health education with a patient? A) โ€œWhat are the consequences if this person does not learn about his or her condition?โ€ B) โ€œHow willing and able to learn is this person?โ€ C) โ€œWho is the best person to teach this patient?โ€ D) โ€œWhen is the best time to begin health education with this patient?โ€ 16. An individual’s health status is an outcome of a complex interplay between a number of different factors. Which of the following factors is the strongest predictor of a patient’s health status? A) The amount of health education an individual has received B) The individual’s socioeconomic status C) The individual’s genetics D) The individual’s level of health literacy 17. Ms. Jimenez is a 27-year-old first-time mother who developed mastitis in the weeks following the birth of her infant. She was prescribed antibiotics and has informed the nurse that her symptoms of breast pain, redness, and swelling ceased 2 days after she began antibiotic therapy. As a result, Ms. Jimenez stopped taking her antibiotics and did not complete the ordered course. What nursing diagnoses should the nurse identify when planning health education for Ms. Jimenez? Select all that apply. A) Deficient knowledge B) Ineffective therapeutic regimen management C) Ineffective coping D) Health-seeking behaviors E) Impaired adjustment 18. The process of health education closely parallels the nursing process with its discrete phases of assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation. What activity would the nurse perform during the planning phase of health education? A) Determining the patient’s current knowledge level and willingness to learn B) Identifying the patient’s learning needs C) Documenting the goals of the health education D) Demonstrating a necessary technique for the patient Page 4 19. A nurse on a postsurgical unit has performed health education on the correct technique for emptying a drain for a woman who will be discharged home with a drain in situ. The nurse has asked the patient to demonstrate the correct technique and will now provide feedback. Which of the following statements provides the most effective feedback for the patient? A) โ€œYou did a really good job of emptying your drain. You’ll do great when you get home.โ€ B) โ€œHow did you feel about that?โ€ C) โ€œYou should be proud of yourself; this certainly isn’t a skill that comes naturally to anyone.โ€ D) โ€œYou kept the drain clean when you emptied it, and you restored the negative pressure effectively.โ€ 20. A patient will be discharged home with a Foley catheter in situ and has been provided with a leg bag. The nurse has consequently provided education on the techniques for managing the catheter and leg bag. How should the nurse best evaluate the effectiveness of this health education? A) Ask the patient directly if he understands the management of the leg bag. B) Reiterate the correct management techniques for the patient in summary. C) Ask the patient to demonstrate and describe the necessary techniques. D) Clearly answer any questions that the patient may have about the management of the leg bag. 21. A 51-year-old woman is distraught about her new diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS). During a recent discussion with her nurse, the nurse mentioned the concept of wellness, which prompted the patient to state, โ€œHow can you be talking about wellness at the same time that I’ve got MS?โ€ Which of the following principles should underlie the nurse’s response to the patient? A) Wellness is synonymous with health. B) Wellness involves maximizing function despite limitations. C) Wellness is defined as acceptance of one’s disabilities. D) Wellness is a concept that is understood better by people who have chronic illnesses than by healthy individuals. 22. A community health nurse is well aware that taking responsibility for oneself is the key to successful health promotion. Which of the following actions by the nurse’s patients best demonstrates self-responsibility and health promotion? A) A woman takes action to quit smoking cigarettes. B) A man seeks care because of an apparent cognitive decline. C) A man questions his pharmacist when having a prescription refilled. D) A woman reluctantly agrees to have her infant immunized. Page 5 23. The elderly often describe cognitive health as โ€œstaying sharp or being in the right mind.โ€ Which of the following factors has been identified by older adults as contributing to the maintenance of cognitive health? A) Regular physical exercise B) Surrounding oneself with high-functioning peers C) Dietary supplements and good nutrition D) Health education 24. A 36-year-old man who has chewed tobacco since he was a teenager is having a discussion about this habit with his nurse practitioner. What statement would suggest that the man is in the contemplation stage of change? A) โ€œI know I have to quit, and I’m sure that I will at some point.โ€ B) โ€œFrom what I’ve seen, chewing is a lot better for you than smoking.โ€ C) โ€œYou can say what you want, but I just can’t see myself kicking the habit.โ€ D) โ€œI know it’s bad for me, and I’m going to quit at the end of the month.โ€ 25. Specifying the immediate, intermediate, and long-term goals of learning is an integral component of the teaching-learning process. Which of the following individuals should be included in this goal-setting process? Select all that apply. A) An advanced practice nurse B) The nurse who will conduct the teaching C) The patient himself or herself D) The patient’s family members E) The patient’s primary care provider Page 6 Answer Key 1. D 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. C 11. B 12. A 13. D 14. C 15. B 16. D 17. A, B 18. C 19. D 20. C 21. B 22. A 23. A 24. A 25. B, C, D Page 7

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