Test Bank For Exploring Lifespan Development, 4th Edition

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CHAPTER 2 GENETIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL FOUNDATIONS MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Christine is 5โ€ฒ7โ€ณ and has blue eyes. Such directly observable characteristics are called __________. A) alleles B) phenotypes C) chromosomes D) genotypes Answer: B Page Ref: 36 Skill Level: Apply Objective: 2.1 What are genes, and how are they transmitted from one generation to the next? Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Moderate 2. Phenotypes depend in part on an individualโ€™s __________. A) cytoplasm B) karyotype C) genotype D) hair color Answer: C Page Ref: 36 Skill Level: Remember Objective: 2.1 What are genes, and how are they transmitted from one generation to the next? Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Easy 3. Our __________ determine(s) our species and influences all our unique characteristics. A) genotype B) phenotypes C) regulator genes D) karyotype Answer: A Page Ref: 36 Skill Level: Remember Objective: 2.1 What are genes, and how are they transmitted from one generation to the next? Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Easy 4. The __________ is the control center of a cell in the human body. A) genotype Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 11 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e B) gamete C) autosome D) nucleus Answer: D Page Ref: 36 Skill Level: Remember Objective: 2.1 What are genes, and how are they transmitted from one generation to the next? Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Easy 5. Chromosomes look like __________. A) spheres B) cones C) rods D) cubes Answer: C Page Ref: 36 Skill Level: Remember Objective: 2.1 What are genes, and how are they transmitted from one generation to the next? Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Easy 6. Which statement about human chromosomes is true? A) They come in 46 matching pairs. B) They store and transmit genetic information. C) In females, each chromosome is inherited from the mother. D) Each member of a pair has a different size, shape, and genetic function. Answer: B Page Ref: 36 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.1 What are genes, and how are they transmitted from one generation to the next? Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Moderate 7. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) looks like a __________. A) long cylinder B) small sphere C) twisted ladder D) bundle of rods Answer: C Page Ref: 36, 37 (image) Skill Level: Remember Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 2 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e Objective: 2.1 What are genes, and how are they transmitted from one generation to the next? Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Easy 8. A __________ is a segment of DNA along the length of the chromosome. A) phenotype B) genotype C) gene D) gamete Answer: C Page Ref: 36 Skill Level: Remember Objective: 2.1 What are genes, and how are they transmitted from one generation to the next? Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Easy 9. Protein-coding genes __________. A) directly affect our bodyโ€™s characteristics B) modify instructions given by regulator genes C) come in 23 matching pairs D) are formed through meiosis Answer: A Page Ref: 36 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.1 What are genes, and how are they transmitted from one generation to the next? Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Moderate 10. The area surrounding the cell nucleus is called the __________. A) zygote B) cytoplasm C) gamete D) gene Answer: B Page Ref: 36 Skill Level: Remember Objective: 2.1 What are genes, and how are they transmitted from one generation to the next? Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Easy 11. __________, which trigger chemical reactions throughout the body, are the biological foundation on which our characteristics are built. A) Phenotypes Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 3 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e B) Proteins C) Carbohydrates D) Autosomes Answer: B Page Ref: 36โ€“37 Skill Level: Remember Objective: 2.1 What are genes, and how are they transmitted from one generation to the next? Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Moderate 12. Lynn, a Canadian, and Sasha, a Russian, are about __________ percent genetically identical. A) 46 B) 79.6 C) 95 D) 99.6 Answer: D Page Ref: 37 Skill Level: Apply Objective: 2.1 What are genes, and how are they transmitted from one generation to the next? Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Easy 13. Which of the following statements about human genetic makeup is true? A) We do not share any of our DNA with other mammals. B) It takes changes in multiple DNA base pairs to influence human traits. C) The species-specific genetic material responsible for human attributes is extensive. D) Gene expression within human cells cannot be modified by environmental factors. Answer: C Page Ref: 37 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.1 What are genes, and how are they transmitted from one generation to the next? Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Difficult 14. The sperm and the ovum are sex cells, or __________. A) autosomes B) gametes C) zygotes D) phenotypes Answer: B Page Ref: 37 Skill Level: Remember Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 4 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e Objective: 2.1 What are genes, and how are they transmitted from one generation to the next? Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Easy 15. A gamete __________. A) contains 46 chromosomes B) is formed through mitosis C) contains 23 chromosomes D) is formed when the chromosomes copy themselves Answer: C Page Ref: 37 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.1 What are genes, and how are they transmitted from one generation to the next? Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Moderate 16. __________ halves the number of chromosomes normally present in body cells. A) Mitosis B) Genomic imprinting C) Cytoplasm D) Meiosis Answer: D Page Ref: 37 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.1 What are genes, and how are they transmitted from one generation to the next? Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Moderate 17. When sperm and ovum unite at conception, a(n) __________ results. A) autosome B) gamete C) zygote D) allele Answer: C Page Ref: 37 Skill Level: Remember Objective: 2.1 What are genes, and how are they transmitted from one generation to the next? Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Easy 18. The exchange of chromosome segments during meiosis results in __________. A) severe mutations B) an extremely low likelihood that nontwin siblings will be genetically identical Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 5 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e C) higher rates of fraternal twins D) higher numbers of female zygotes than male zygotes Answer: B Page Ref: 37 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.1 What are genes, and how are they transmitted from one generation to the next? Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Moderate 19. A healthy man can father a child __________. A) at any age after sexual maturity B) until about age 30 C) until about age 50 D) until about age 70 Answer: A Page Ref: 37 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.1 What are genes, and how are they transmitted from one generation to the next? Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Moderate 20. Autosomes are chromosomes that are __________. A) sex cells B) zygotes C) not matching D) not sex cells Answer: D Page Ref: 37 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.1 What are genes, and how are they transmitted from one generation to the next? Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Moderate 21. In females, the twenty-third pair of chromosomes is called __________. A) an autosome B) dizygotic C) XX D) XY Answer: C Page Ref: 37 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.1 What are genes, and how are they transmitted from one generation to the next? Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 6 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Easy 22. Taylorโ€™s twenty-third pair of chromosomes is XY. Taylor is __________. A) male B) a fraternal twin C) female D) an identical twin Answer: A Page Ref: 37 Skill Level: Apply Objective: 2.1 What are genes, and how are they transmitted from one generation to the next? Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Moderate 23. Patsy and Terry are fraternal twins. This type of twinning results from __________. A) a zygote that duplicates and separates into two clusters of cells B) the fertilization of one ovum by two Y-bearing sperm C) the release and fertilization of two ova D) the fertilization of one ovum by two X-bearing sperm Answer: C Page Ref: 37 Skill Level: Apply Objective: 2.1 What are genes, and how are they transmitted from one generation to the next? Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Moderate 24. Fraternal twins are __________. A) genetically identical B) no more alike than ordinary siblings C) less common than other types of multiple offspring D) less likely with each additional birth Answer: B Page Ref: 37 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.1 What are genes, and how are they transmitted from one generation to the next? Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Moderate 25. In industrialized nations, fraternal twinning occurs __________. A) less often among older women B) more often among women with poor diets C) more often among women of slight body build Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 7 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e D) more often among women taking fertility drugs Answer: D Page Ref: 37โ€“38 Skill Level: Remember Objective: 2.1 What are genes, and how are they transmitted from one generation to the next? Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Moderate 26. A zygote that separates into two clusters of cells instead of just one produces __________. A) identical twins B) dizygotic twins C) triplets D) homozygous offspring Answer: A Page Ref: 38 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.1 What are genes, and how are they transmitted from one generation to the next? Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Moderate 27. Animal research shows that a variety of environmental influences prompt monozygotic twinning, including __________. A) early fertilization of the ovum B) young maternal age C) variation in oxygen levels D) poor diet Answer: C Page Ref: 38 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.1 What are genes, and how are they transmitted from one generation to the next? Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Moderate 28. During their early years, children of single births __________ than twins. A) develop more slowly B) are healthier C) have more shrill cries D) are more sickly Answer: B Page Ref: 38 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.1 What are genes, and how are they transmitted from one generation to the next? Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 8 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Moderate 29. In dominantโ€“recessive inheritance, the one allele that affects the childโ€™s characteristics is called __________. A) dominantโ€“recessive B) dominant C) recessive D) a carrier Answer: B Page Ref: 38 Skill Level: Remember Objective: 2.2 Describe various patterns of geneโ€“gene interaction. Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Easy 30. Phil has blond hair. This means that Phil inherited a __________ pair of __________ alleles for hair color. A) homozygous; recessive B) heterozygous; dominant C) homozygous; dominant D) heterozygous; recessive Answer: A Page Ref: 38 Skill Level: Apply Objective: 2.2 Describe various patterns of geneโ€“gene interaction. Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Difficult 31. Eric is more likely than his sister to be negatively affected by X-linked disorders because __________. A) males are more likely than females to inherit harmful recessive alleles B) the Y chromosome is much longer than the X chromosome C) the Y chromosome lacks many corresponding genes to override those on the X chromosome D) his sex chromosomes match Answer: C Page Ref: 39 Skill Level: Apply Objective: 2.2 Describe various patterns of geneโ€“gene interaction. Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Difficult 32. Which of the following is true about sex differences? A) Rates of miscarriage and birth defects are higher for girls. Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 9 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e B) Rates of learning disabilities and behavior disorders are higher for girls. C) Boys are less likely than girls are to inherit hemophilia. D) Worldwide, a greater number of boys are conceived and born than girls. Answer: D Page Ref: 39 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.2 Describe various patterns of geneโ€“gene interaction. Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Moderate 33. In which disease or disorder does genomic imprinting operate on the sex chromosomes? A) fragile X syndrome B) hemophilia C) sickle cell anemia D) phenylketonuria (PKU) Answer: A Page Ref: 40 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.2 Describe various patterns of geneโ€“gene interaction. Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Moderate 34. Which of the following statements about mutation is true? A) Some mutations occur spontaneously, simply by chance. B) Mutations cannot be caused by environmental agents. C) The process of mutation depends on the interaction of many genes. D) Germline mutations show us that each of us has a single, permanent genotype. Answer: A Page Ref: 40 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.2 Describe various patterns of geneโ€“gene interaction. Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Moderate 35. In __________, normal body cells mutate, an event that can occur at any time of life. A) somatic mutation B) germline mutation C) polygenic inheritance D) genomic imprinting Answer: A Page Ref: 40 Skill Level: Remember Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 10 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e Objective: 2.2 Describe various patterns of geneโ€“gene interaction. Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Easy 36. Terrace is 6โ€ฒ2โ€ณ and weighs 165 pounds, while his brother, Jayquan, is 5โ€ฒ9โ€ณ and weighs 210 pounds. These traits are due to __________. A) dominantโ€’recessive inheritance B) polygenic inheritance C) somatic mutation D) germline mutation Answer: B Page Ref: 40 Skill Level: Apply Objective: 2.2 Describe various patterns of geneโ€“gene interaction. Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Moderate 37. Most chromosomal defects result from __________. A) X-linked disorders B) somatic mutation C) mistakes occurring during meiosis D) recessive disorders Answer: C Page Ref: 40 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.3 Describe major chromosomal abnormalities, and explain how they occur. Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Moderate 38. As a result of a failure of the twenty-first pair of chromosomes to separate during meiosis, Aziz received three of these chromosomes rather than the normal two. Aziz has __________ syndrome. A) XYY B) Klinefelter C) Turner D) Down Answer: D Page Ref: 40โ€“41 Skill Level: Apply Objective: 2.3 Describe major chromosomal abnormalities, and explain how they occur. Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Difficult Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 11 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e 39. About 70 percent of individuals with Down syndrome who live past age 40 show symptoms of __________ disease. A) Tay-Sachs B) Huntingtonโ€™s C) Alzheimerโ€™s D) kidney Answer: C Page Ref: 41 Skill Level: Remember Objective: 2.3 Describe major chromosomal abnormalities, and explain how they occur. Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Easy 40. Research on sex chromosome disorders shows that __________. A) males with XYY syndrome are more aggressive and antisocial than XY males B) verbal difficulties are common among females who are missing an X chromosome C) females who are missing an X chromosome often have trouble with spatial relationships D) most children with these disorders suffer from intellectual disability Answer: C Page Ref: 41 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.3 Describe major chromosomal abnormalities, and explain how they occur. Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Moderate 41. Manny inherited an extra X chromosome. If he is like many boys with Klinefelter syndrome, Manny will have difficulty __________. A) reading B) drawing pictures C) following travel directions D) managing aggression Answer: A Page Ref: 41 Skill Level: Apply Objective: 2.3 Describe major chromosomal abnormalities, and explain how they occur. Topic: Genetic Foundations Difficulty Level: Difficult 42. Which of the following is true about genetic counseling? A) It involves medical procedures that permit detection of developmental problems before birth. B) It helps couples assess their chances of giving birth to a baby with a hereditary disorder. C) It is not useful for individuals who know that genetic problems exist in their families. D) Genetic markers for autism are found in a majority of affected people. Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 12 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e Answer: B Page Ref: 41 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.4 What procedures can assist prospective parents in having healthy children? Topic: Reproductive Choices Difficulty Level: Moderate 43. If a family history of intellectual disabilities, psychological disorders, physical defects, or inherited diseases exists, a genetic counselor prepares a __________, which identifies affected relatives in a coupleโ€™s family tree. A) pedigree B) genetic marker C) maternal blood analysis D) preimplantation genetic diagnosis Answer: A Page Ref: 42 Skill Level: Remember Objective: 2.4 What procedures can assist prospective parents in having healthy children? Topic: Reproductive Choices Difficulty Level: Easy 44. Which statement about donor insemination is true? A) It is commonly used to overcome female reproductive difficulties. B) It involves giving a woman hormones that stimulate the ripening of several ova. C) It permits women without a male partner to become pregnant. D) It is used to treat women whose fallopian tubes are permanently damaged. Answer: C Page Ref: 42 Box: SOCIAL ISSUES: HEALTH: The Pros and Cons of Reproductive Technologies Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.4 What procedures can assist prospective parents in having healthy children? Topic: Reproductive Choices Difficulty Level: Moderate 45. Usually, in vitro fertilization __________. A) is increasingly successful with age. B) poses less risk to infant survival than natural conception C) is used to treat women whose fallopian tubes are permanently damaged D) involves the wealthy as contractors for infants Answer: C Page Ref: 42 Box: SOCIAL ISSUES: HEALTH: The Pros and Cons of Reproductive Technologies Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.4 What procedures can assist prospective parents in having healthy children? Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 13 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e Topic: Reproductive Choices Difficulty Level: Moderate 46. Which statement about children conceived through reproductive technologies is true? A) The limited studies completed thus far have shown that children born through a surrogate arrangement are generally poorly adjusted. B) Compared with their naturally conceived counterparts, caregiving is somewhat warmer for young children conceived through donor insemination or in vitro fertilization. C) Most in vitro procedures result in the birth of twins. D) Adolescents conceived through donor insemination tend to be less well-adjusted than naturally conceived children. Answer: B Page Ref: 42 Box: SOCIAL ISSUES: HEALTH: The Pros and Cons of Reproductive Technologies Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.4 What procedures can assist prospective parents in having healthy children? Topic: Reproductive Choices Difficulty Level: Moderate 47. To detect developmental problems before birth, doctors use __________. A) prenatal diagnostic methods B) genomic imprinting C) gene therapy D) genomewide testing methods Answer: A Page Ref: 43 Skill Level: Remember Objective: 2.4 What procedures can assist prospective parents in having healthy children? Topic: Reproductive Choices Difficulty Level: Easy 48. Except for __________, prenatal diagnosis should not be used routinely because of injury risk to the developing organism. A) amniocentesis B) fetoscopy C) chorionic villus sampling D) maternal blood analysis Answer: D Page Ref: 43โ€“44 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.4 What procedures can assist prospective parents in having healthy children? Topic: Reproductive Choices Difficulty Level: Moderate Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 14 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e 49. __________ is the most widely used prenatal diagnostic method. A) Amniocentesis B) Chorionic villus sampling C) Ultrafast magnetic resonance imaging D) Fetoscopy Answer: A Page Ref: 44 Skill Level: Remember Objective: 2.4 What procedures can assist prospective parents in having healthy children? Topic: Reproductive Choices Difficulty Level: Easy 50. Which prenatal diagnostic method is used after in vitro fertilization but before implantation? A) chorionic villus sampling B) ultrafast magnetic resonance imaging C) fetal surgery D) preimplantation genetic diagnosis Answer: D Page Ref: 44 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.4 What procedures can assist prospective parents in having healthy children? Topic: Reproductive Choices Difficulty Level: Moderate 51. The modification of gene-specified proteins involved in biological aging and disease is known as ________. A) fetoscopy B) amniocentesis C) proteomics D) genetic counseling Answer: C Page Ref: 44 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.4 What procedures can assist prospective parents in having healthy children? Topic: Reproductive Choices Difficulty Level: Moderate 52. Adopted children and adolescents tend to __________. A) almost immediately develop feelings of trust and affection toward their adoptive parents B) fare better if they are adopted in their birth country after infancy and toddlerhood C) develop less favorably than institutionalized agemates who remain in their birth country D) have more learning and emotional difficulties than other children Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 15 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e Answer: D Page Ref: 44โ€“45 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.4 What procedures can assist prospective parents in having healthy children? Topic: Reproductive Choices Difficulty Level: Moderate 53. Most adopted children __________. A) fare well, despite the risks B) have persistent social problems C) are less intelligent than their biological relatives D) have persistent cognitive problems Answer: A Page Ref: 44โ€“45 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.4 What procedures can assist prospective parents in having healthy children? Topic: Reproductive Choices Difficulty Level: Moderate 54. When Erin and Brooke cooperate, their parents are likely to be warm and gentle in the future. This is an example of a(n) __________ influence between parents and their children. A) direct B) coparenting C) maladaptive D) indirect Answer: A Page Ref: 45โ€“46 Skill Level: Apply Objective: 2.5 Describe family functioning from the perspective of ecological systems theory, along with aspects of the environment that support family well-being and development. Topic: Environmental Contexts for Development Difficulty Level: Moderate 55. Amelia and Andrew praise and stimulate their children, and they mutually support each otherโ€™s parenting behaviors. Amelia and Andrew engage in effective __________. A) induction B) permissive parenting C) coparenting D) niche-picking Answer: C Page Ref: 46 Skill Level: Apply Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 16 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e Objective: 2.5 Describe family functioning from the perspective of ecological systems theory, along with aspects of the environment that support family well-being and development. Topic: Environmental Contexts for Development Difficulty Level: Moderate 56. Young people today are more likely to have __________ than at any time in history. A) older relatives B) married parents C) living siblings D) unemployed parents Answer: A Page Ref: 46 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.5 Describe family functioning from the perspective of ecological systems theory, along with aspects of the environment that support family well-being and development. Topic: Environmental Contexts for Development Difficulty Level: Moderate 57. People who work in skilled and semiskilled manual occupations tend to __________ than people in professional and technical occupations. A) marry later B) have more children C) talk to their children more D) verbally praise their children more Answer: B Page Ref: 47 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.5 Describe family functioning from the perspective of ecological systems theory, along with aspects of the environment that support family well-being and development. Topic: Environmental Contexts for Development Difficulty Level: Moderate 58. When asked about personal qualities they desire for their children, higher-SES parents are more likely to emphasize __________. A) obedience B) politeness C) happiness D) cleanliness Answer: C Page Ref: 47 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.5 Describe family functioning from the perspective of ecological systems theory, along with aspects of the environment that support family well-being and development. Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 17 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e Topic: Environmental Contexts for Development Difficulty Level: Moderate 59. Of all Western nations, __________ has the highest percentage of extremely poor children. A) the United States B) Canada C) Germany D) France Answer: A Page Ref: 48 Skill Level: Remember Objective: 2.5 Describe family functioning from the perspective of ecological systems theory, along with aspects of the environment that support family well-being and development. Topic: Environmental Contexts for Development Difficulty Level: Easy 60. Nearly 10 percent of __________ children live in deep poverty. A) Canadian B) U.S. C) Norwegian D) Swedish Answer: B Page Ref: 48 Skill Level: Remember Objective: 2.5 Describe family functioning from the perspective of ecological systems theory, along with aspects of the environment that support family well-being and development. Topic: Environmental Contexts for Development Difficulty Level: Easy 61. In several studies, affluent teenagers were __________ likely than youths in general to __________. A) less; engage in alcohol and drug use B) more; report high levels of anxiety and depression C) less; commit delinquent acts D) more; have physically and emotionally available parents Answer: B Page Ref: 48 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.5 Describe family functioning from the perspective of ecological systems theory, along with aspects of the environment that support family well-being and development. Topic: Environmental Contexts for Development Difficulty Level: Moderate Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 18 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e 62. An experimental study of neighborhood mobility found that compared with peers who remained in poverty-stricken areas, children and youths who moved into low-poverty neighborhoods and remained there for several years showed __________. A) more mental health problems B) better school achievement C) more physical health problems D) more social problems Answer: B Page Ref: 48โ€“49 Skill Level: Remember Objective: 2.5 Describe family functioning from the perspective of ecological systems theory, along with aspects of the environment that support family well-being and development. Topic: Environmental Contexts for Development Difficulty Level: Easy 63. Neighborhood resources __________. A) play little or no role in childrenโ€™s development B) have a greater impact on adults than on children and youths C) are not important in late adulthood because most elders are homebound D) have a greater impact on economically disadvantaged than on well-to-do young people Answer: D Page Ref: 49 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.5 Describe family functioning from the perspective of ecological systems theory, along with aspects of the environment that support family well-being and development. Topic: Environmental Contexts for Development Difficulty Level: Moderate 64. Longitudinal follow-up research on the Better Beginnings, Better Futures Project of Ontario, Canada, revealed a(n) __________. A) reduction in childrenโ€™s social adjustment B) increase in adolescent delinquency C) improved sense of community connection D) reduction in childrenโ€™s academic achievement Answer: C Page Ref: 49 Skill Level: Remember Objective: 2.5 Describe family functioning from the perspective of ecological systems theory, along with aspects of the environment that support family well-being and development. Topic: Environmental Contexts for Development Difficulty Level: Easy 65. Well-educated adults tend to have __________ than adults with less education. Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 19 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e A) smaller social networks B) access to more social support C) less life satisfaction D) less school contact Answer: B Page Ref: 49 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.5 Describe family functioning from the perspective of ecological systems theory, along with aspects of the environment that support family well-being and development. Topic: Environmental Contexts for Development Difficulty Level: Moderate 66. One reason that the American people have been reluctant to accept the idea of publicly supported child care is that __________. A) few mothers of very young children work outside the home B) it is widely believed that child care is harmful to young children C) most grandparents provide regular child care D) American values emphasize independence and self-reliance Answer: D Page Ref: 50 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.5 Describe family functioning from the perspective of ecological systems theory, along with aspects of the environment that support family well-being and development. Topic: Environmental Contexts for Development Difficulty Level: Difficult 67. In __________, people hold different beliefs and customs from those held by the larger culture. A) microsystems B) subcultures C) macrosystems D) collectivist societies Answer: B Page Ref: 50 Skill Level: Remember Objective: 2.5 Describe family functioning from the perspective of ecological systems theory, along with aspects of the environment that support family well-being and development. Topic: Environmental Contexts for Development Difficulty Level: Easy 68. Which of the following is true about extended-family households? A) Active, involved extended families are not typical among Asian and Native-American subcultures. B) In extended-family households, caregiving is diminished for children and older adults. C) In Hispanic extended families, grandparents are unlikely to share in rearing young children. Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 20 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e D) Extended-family households are a vital feature of black family life that has promoted resilience in its members. Answer: D Page Ref: 50 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.5 Describe family functioning from the perspective of ecological systems theory, along with aspects of the environment that support family well-being and development. Topic: Environmental Contexts for Development Difficulty Level: Moderate 69. In cultures that emphasize collectivism, people value __________ more. A) independence B) personal achievement C) collaborative endeavors D) choice in relationships Answer: C Page Ref: 50 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.5 Describe family functioning from the perspective of ecological systems theory, along with aspects of the environment that support family well-being and development. Topic: Environmental Contexts for Development Difficulty Level: Moderate 70. The United States is more __________ than most Western European countries, which place greater weight on __________. A) collectivistic; individualism B) individualistic; independence C) collectivistic; interdependence D) individualistic; collectivism Answer: D Page Ref: 50 Skill Level: Remember Objective: 2.5 Describe family functioning from the perspective of ecological systems theory, along with aspects of the environment that support family well-being and development. Topic: Environmental Contexts for Development Difficulty Level: Moderate 71. In the United States, public policies safeguarding __________ lag behind policies for __________. A) older adults; children and youths B) children and youths; older adults C) older adults; extended families D) school-age children; preschool children Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 21 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e Answer: B Page Ref: 50 Skill Level: Remember Objective: 2.5 Describe family functioning from the perspective of ecological systems theory, along with aspects of the environment that support family well-being and development. Topic: Environmental Contexts for Development Difficulty Level: Easy 72. __________ does not rank well on any key measure of childrenโ€™s health and well-being. A) Sweden B) Spain C) Australia D) The United States Answer: D Page Ref: 50โ€“51 Skill Level: Remember Objective: 2.5 Describe family functioning from the perspective of ecological systems theory, along with aspects of the environment that support family well-being and development. Topic: Environmental Contexts for Development Difficulty Level: Moderate 73. A comparison of the United States with other nations on indicators of childrenโ€™s health and well-being shows that the United States __________. A) has a higher infant death rate than Canada B) has a lower teenage birth rate than Poland C) spends more public funds on education than Sweden D) spends more public funds on early childhood education than Germany Answer: A Page Ref: 51 Skill Level: Remember Objective: 2.5 Describe family functioning from the perspective of ecological systems theory, along with aspects of the environment that support family well-being and development. Topic: Environmental Contexts for Development Difficulty Level: Moderate 74. Which statement about affordable child care in the United States is true? A) Much of it is mediocre to poor in quality. B) It is guaranteed by law. C) National standards ensure quality care. D) Publicly funded child care is easily available. Answer: A Page Ref: 51 Skill Level: Understand Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 22 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e Objective: 2.5 Describe family functioning from the perspective of ecological systems theory, along with aspects of the environment that support family well-being and development. Topic: Environmental Contexts for Development Difficulty Level: Moderate 75. One reason that public policies safeguarding children are slow to emerge in the United States is that __________. A) such government policies have failed in other Western countries B) cultural values in the U.S. emphasize interdependence C) children cannot vote or speak out to protect their own interests D) the United States already ranks at the top on key measures of childrenโ€™s health and well-being Answer: C Page Ref: 51 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.5 Describe family functioning from the perspective of ecological systems theory, along with aspects of the environment that support family well-being and development. Topic: Environmental Contexts for Development Difficulty Level: Difficult 76. Which statement about Medicare is true? A) Medicare extends government-supported health insurance to all children in low-income families. B) About two-thirds of older adultsโ€™ health expenditures are covered by Medicare. C) Medicare covers the income needs of retired citizens who contributed to society through prior employment. D) Along with Social Security, Medicare ensures that all older Americans live above the poverty line. Answer: B Page Ref: 51โ€“52 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.5 Describe family functioning from the perspective of ecological systems theory, along with aspects of the environment that support family well-being and development. Topic: Environmental Contexts for Development Difficulty Level: Moderate 77. Which of the following is true about the minimum income guaranteed to Americans age 65 and older from Social Security? A) It was initiated earlier in the United States than in most other Western nations. B) The guaranteed amount is usually adequate as a sole source of retirement income. C) The guaranteed amount is below the poverty line. D) The guaranteed amount is about 20 percent above the poverty line. Answer: C Page Ref: 51โ€“52 Skill Level: Understand Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 23 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e Objective: 2.5 Describe family functioning from the perspective of ecological systems theory, along with aspects of the environment that support family well-being and development. Topic: Environmental Contexts for Development Difficulty Level: Moderate 78. Senior citizens in the United States today are __________. A) less likely than seniors in other Western nations to be poverty-stricken B) more likely than other age groups to be among the โ€œnear poorโ€ C) less likely than children to attract the support of politicians D) less likely to be healthy and independent than in the past Answer: B Page Ref: 52 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.5 Describe family functioning from the perspective of ecological systems theory, along with aspects of the environment that support family well-being and development. Topic: Environmental Contexts for Development Difficulty Level: Moderate 79. The Childrenโ€™s Defense Fund is a nonprofit organization that __________. A) provides free legal services to low-income families of children with disabilities B) lobbies for increased government benefits of all kinds for older adults C) is devoted to the well-being of children and older adults in poverty D) engages in public education and partners with other organizations to improve policies for children Answer: D Page Ref: 52 Skill Level: Remember Objective: 2.5 Describe family functioning from the perspective of ecological systems theory, along with aspects of the environment that support family well-being and development. Topic: Environmental Contexts for Development Difficulty Level: Easy 80. Behavioral genetics is a(n) __________. A) medical procedure that permits detection of developmental problems before birth B) ambitious international research program aimed at deciphering genomes C) field devoted to uncovering the contributions of nature and nurture to human diversity D) biochemical process triggered by certain experiences that alter gene expression Answer: C Page Ref: 53 Skill Level: Remember Objective: 2.6 Explain the various ways heredity and environment may combine to influence complex traits. Topic: Understanding the Relationship Between Heredity and Environment Difficulty Level: Easy Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 24 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e 81. A growing number of researchers regard the question of how much heredity and environment each contribute to differences among people as __________. A) unanswerable B) answered mainly by DNA C) unimportant D) answered easily with kinship studies Answer: A Page Ref: 53 Skill Level: Remember Objective: 2.6 Explain the various ways heredity and environment may combine to influence complex traits. Topic: Understanding the Relationship Between Heredity and Environment Difficulty Level: Moderate 82. Dr. Rudy wants to compare the characteristics of family members. Which type of research would you recommend that Dr. Rudy use? A) kinship study B) case study C) structured observation D) experimental design Answer: A Page Ref: 53 Skill Level: Apply Objective: 2.6 Explain the various ways heredity and environment may combine to influence complex traits. Topic: Understanding the Relationship Between Heredity and Environment Difficulty Level: Moderate 83. Currently, most kinship findings support a __________ role for heredity in __________. A) strong; intelligence B) moderate; intelligence C) strong; anxiety D) weak; personality Answer: B Page Ref: 53 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.6 Explain the various ways heredity and environment may combine to influence complex traits. Topic: Understanding the Relationship Between Heredity and Environment Difficulty Level: Moderate 84. Heritability estimates are __________. Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 25 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e A) likely to exaggerate the role of the environment B) difficult to misapply C) not useful for studying complex traits, such as intelligence and personality D) likely to exaggerate the role of heredity Answer: D Page Ref: 53โ€“54 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.6 Explain the various ways heredity and environment may combine to influence complex traits. Topic: Understanding the Relationship Between Heredity and Environment Difficulty Level: Moderate 85. The concept of __________ means that because of their genetic makeup, individuals differ in their responsiveness to qualities of the environment. A) geneโ€’environment interaction B) niche-picking C) passive correlation D) evocative correlation Answer: A Page Ref: 54โ€“55 Skill Level: Remember Objective: 2.6 Explain the various ways heredity and environment may combine to influence complex traits. Topic: Understanding the Relationship Between Heredity and Environment Difficulty Level: Easy 86. According to the concept of geneโ€’environment correlation, __________. A) people respond similarly to the same qualities of the environment B) heredity restricts the development of some characteristics to one outcome C) our genes influence the environments to which we are exposed D) the environment can alter gene expression without changing the DNA sequence Answer: C Page Ref: 55 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.6 Explain the various ways heredity and environment may combine to influence complex traits. Topic: Understanding the Relationship Between Heredity and Environment Difficulty Level: Moderate 87. The child has no control over __________ correlation. A) passive B) evocative C) active Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 26 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e D) geneโ€’environment Answer: A Page Ref: 55 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.6 Explain the various ways heredity and environment may combine to influence complex traits. Topic: Understanding the Relationship Between Heredity and Environment Difficulty Level: Moderate 88. Bart and Nadia are gymnasts. Their 4-year-old son, Dylan, participates in childrenโ€™s gymnastics. This is an example of __________. A) methylation B) evocative correlation C) active correlation D) passive correlation Answer: D Page Ref: 55 Skill Level: Apply Objective: 2.6 Explain the various ways heredity and environment may combine to influence complex traits. Topic: Understanding the Relationship Between Heredity and Environment Difficulty Level: Moderate 89. A geneโ€’environment correlation is evocative when __________. A) parents provide environments influenced by their own heredity B) children extend their experiences beyond the immediate family C) children actively seek environments that fit with their genetic tendencies D) a childโ€™s heredity influences responses that strengthen the childโ€™s original style Answer: D Page Ref: 55 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.6 Explain the various ways heredity and environment may combine to influence complex traits. Topic: Understanding the Relationship Between Heredity and Environment Difficulty Level: Moderate 90. Angela, a cooperative and attentive child, receives more patient and sensitive interactions from her parents than Carlos, who is inattentive and hyperactive. This is an example of a(n) __________ geneโ€“ environment correlation. A) active B) evocative C) dynamic D) passive Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 27 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e Answer: B Page Ref: 55 Skill Level: Apply Objective: 2.6 Explain the various ways heredity and environment may combine to influence complex traits. Topic: Understanding the Relationship Between Heredity and Environment Difficulty Level: Moderate 91. Identical twins evoke __________. A) only moderately similar parental treatment in terms of negativity B) only moderately similar parental treatment in terms of warmth C) similar maternal treatment in warmth and negativity because of their identical heredity D) varied maternal treatment because mothers in particular respond to each childโ€™s unique genetic makeup Answer: C Page Ref: 55 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.6 Explain the various ways heredity and environment may combine to influence complex traits. Topic: Understanding the Relationship Between Heredity and Environment Difficulty Level: Moderate 92. __________ geneโ€“environment correlation becomes common at older ages. A) Passive B) Active C) Evocative D) Stagnant Answer: B Page Ref: 55 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.6 Explain the various ways heredity and environment may combine to influence complex traits. Topic: Understanding the Relationship Between Heredity and Environment Difficulty Level: Easy 93. Anthony, a well-coordinated and muscular boy, decides to play high school football. This is an example of __________ geneโ€“environment correlation. A) active B) passive C) dynamic D) evocative Answer: A Page Ref: 55 Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 28 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e Skill Level: Apply Objective: 2.6 Explain the various ways heredity and environment may combine to influence complex traits. Topic: Understanding the Relationship Between Heredity and Environment Difficulty Level: Moderate 94. Emma, an intellectually curious child, is a familiar patron at her local library. This is an example of __________. A) passive correlation B) niche-picking C) evocative correlation D) methylation Answer: B Page Ref: 55 Skill Level: Apply Objective: 2.6 Explain the various ways heredity and environment may combine to influence complex traits. Topic: Understanding the Relationship Between Heredity and Environment Difficulty Level: Moderate 95. Which age group is likely to do more niche-picking? A) adolescents B) preschoolers C) infants D) toddlers Answer: A Page Ref: 55 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.6 Explain the various ways heredity and environment may combine to influence complex traits. Topic: Understanding the Relationship Between Heredity and Environment Difficulty Level: Moderate 96. __________ explains why pairs of identical twins reared apart during childhood and later reunited may find that they have similar hobbies, food preferences, and vocations. A) Passive correlation B) Methylation C) Evocative correlation D) Niche-picking Answer: D Page Ref: 55 Skill Level: Understand Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 29 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e Objective: 2.6 Explain the various ways heredity and environment may combine to influence complex traits. Topic: Understanding the Relationship Between Heredity and Environment Difficulty Level: Moderate 97. Which statement is true of the influence of parents and other caring adults on gene expression? A) Regardless of the experiences they provide, they cannot modify their childrenโ€™s expression of hereditary tendencies. B) They can uncouple unfavorable geneโ€’environment correlations by providing children with positive experiences. C) They can do little to alter genetic tendencies, which cause children to receive, evoke, or seek certain experiences. D) They cannot protect aggressive children from a spiraling, antisocial course of development. Answer: B Page Ref: 56 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.6 Explain the various ways heredity and environment may combine to influence complex traits. Topic: Understanding the Relationship Between Heredity and Environment Difficulty Level: Difficult 98. Which concept emphasizes development resulting from ongoing bidirectional exchanges between heredity and all levels of the environment? A) geneโ€’environment interaction B) geneโ€’environment correlation C) epigenesis D) niche-picking Answer: C Page Ref: 56 Skill Level: Remember Objective: 2.6 Explain the various ways heredity and environment may combine to influence complex traits. Topic: Understanding the Relationship Between Heredity and Environment Difficulty Level: Moderate 99. __________ help explain why identical twins, though precisely the same in DNA sequencing, sometimes display strikingly different phenotypes with age. A) Heredity estimates B) Passive correlations C) Evocative correlations D) Methylation levels Answer: D Page Ref: 56 Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 30 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e Skill Level: Remember Objective: 2.6 Explain the various ways heredity and environment may combine to influence complex traits. Topic: Understanding the Relationship Between Heredity and Environment Difficulty Level: Moderate 100. Environmental modification of gene expression __________. A) may be possible in the future B) cannot occur until after puberty C) can occur at any age, even prenatally D) happens in other mammals, but not humans Answer: C Page Ref: 56 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.6 Explain the various ways heredity and environment may combine to influence complex traits. Topic: Understanding the Relationship Between Heredity and Environment Difficulty Level: Moderate 101. Parental post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is __________. A) a strong predictor of child PTSD B) not correlated with child PTSD C) unrelated to GR methylation D) weakly associated with child PTSD Answer: A Page Ref: 57 Box: BIOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT: The Tutsi Genocide and Epigenetic Transmission of Maternal Stress to Children Skill Level: Remember Objective: 2.6 Explain the various ways heredity and environment may combine to influence complex traits. Topic: Understanding the Relationship Between Heredity and Environment Difficulty Level: Moderate 102. In a study of Tutsi women who were pregnant during the genocide of 1994, in comparison with nonexposed mothers, mothers who witnessed the genocidal carnage had __________. A) higher PTSD and depression scores, but their children displayed weaker GR methylation B) substantially higher PTSD and depression scores, and their children displayed stronger GR methylation C) higher PTSD scores and lower depression scores, and their children did not show GR methylation D) similar PTSD and depression scores, but their children displayed stronger GR methylation Answer: B Page Ref: 57 Box: BIOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT: The Tutsi Genocide and Epigenetic Transmission of Maternal Stress to Children Skill Level: Remember Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 31 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e Objective: 2.6 Explain the various ways heredity and environment may combine to influence complex traits. Topic: Understanding the Relationship Between Heredity and Environment Difficulty Level: Moderate 103. Development is best understood as __________. A) genetically determined B) environmentally influenced C) a series of complex exchanges between nature and nurture D) an unsolvable puzzle Answer: C Page Ref: 58 Skill Level: Understand Objective: 2.6 Explain the various ways heredity and environment may combine to influence complex traits. Topic: Understanding the Relationship Between Heredity and Environment Difficulty Level: Moderate ESSAY 104. Define dizygotic and monozygotic twins. Summarize the genetic and environmental factors that increase the chances of giving birth to both types. Answer: Dizygotic, or fraternal, twins are the most common type of multiple offspring. They result from the release and fertilization of two ova. Genetically, they are no more alike than ordinary siblings. Older maternal age, fertility drugs, and in vitro fertilization are major causes of the dramatic rise in fraternal twinning and other multiple births in industrialized nations over the past several decades. Currently, fraternal twins account for 1 in about every 33 births in the United States. Monozygotic, or identical, twins are created when a zygote that has started to duplicated separates into two clusters of cells that develop into two individuals. The frequency of identical twins is the same around the worldโ€”about 1 in every 350 to 400 births. Environmental influences that prompt monozygotic twinning include temperature changes, variation in oxygen levels, and late fertilization of the ovum. Page Ref: 37โ€“38 105. Explain X-linked inheritance and how it affects both males and females. Answer: When a harmful allele is carried on the X chromosome, X-linked inheritance applies. Males are more likely to be affected because their sex chromosomes do not match. In females, any recessive allele on one X chromosome has a good chance of being suppressed by a dominant allele on the other X. But the Y chromosome is only about one-third as long and therefore lacks many corresponding genes to override those on the X. A well-known example is hemophilia, a disorder in which the blood fails to clot normally. There is a greater likelihood of inheritance by male children whose mothers carry the abnormal allele. Page Ref: 39 Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 32 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e 106. How do contemporary researchers view the family? Describe direct and indirect influences on the family, and provide examples of each. Answer: Contemporary researchers view the family as a network of interdependent relationships. Bidirectional influences exist in which the behaviors of each family member affect those of others. These influences operate both directly and indirectly. Kind, patient communication evokes cooperative, harmonious responses, whereas harshness and impatience engender angry, resistive behavior. Each of these reactions, in turn, forges a new link in the interactive chain. In the first instance, a positive message tends to follow; in the second, a negative or avoidant one is likely. When parents are firm but warm, children tend to comply with their requests. And when children cooperate, their parents are likely to be warm and gentle in the future. Furthermore, third parties indirectly influence the family. Interaction between any two family members is affected by others present in the setting. Third parties can serve as supports for or barriers to development. For example, when a marital relationship is warm and considerate, mothers and fathers are more likely to engage in effective coparenting. Effective coparenting, in turn, fosters a positive marital relationship. Page Ref: 45โ€“46 107. Why are so many affluent youths troubled? Answer: Despite their advanced education and great material wealth, affluent parentsโ€”those in prestigious and high-paying occupationsโ€”too often fail to engage in family interaction and parenting that promote favorable development. Compared with better-adjusted counterparts, poorly adjusted affluent young people report less emotional closeness, less supervision, and fewer serious consequences for misbehaviors from their parents, who lead professionally and socially demanding lives. As a group, wealthy parents are nearly as physically and emotionally unavailable to their youngsters as parents coping with serious financial strain. At the same time, these parents often make excessive demands for achievement. Adolescents whose parents value their accomplishments more than their character are more likely to have academic and emotional problems. Page Ref: 48 108. Describe kinship studies, and explain how they are used in the field of developmental science. Answer: Kinship studies compare the characteristics of family members. The most common type of kinship study compares identical twins, who share all their genes, with fraternal twins, who, on average, share only half. If people who are genetically more alike are also more similar in intelligence and personality, then the researcher assumes that heredity plays an important role. Kinship studies are used in the field of developmental science to help determine which traits and behaviors have a genetic link. For example, kinship studies of intelligence provide some of the most controversial findings in the field. Some experts claim a strong genetic influence, whereas others believe that heredity is barely involved. Currently, most kinship findings support a moderate role for heredity. Heritability research also reveals that genetic factors are important in personality. Unlike intelligence, however, heritability of personality does not increase over the lifespan. Page Ref: 53 109. Describe the concept of geneโ€“environment correlation, including passive, evocative, and active types. Define niche-picking. Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 33 Test Bank for Berk, Exploring Lifespan Development, 4e Answer: A major problem in trying to separate heredity and environment is that they are often correlated. According to the concept of geneโ€“environment correlation, our genes influence the environments to which we are exposed. At younger ages, two types of geneโ€“environment correlation are common. In passive correlation, the child has no control over the connection. Parents provide environments influenced by their own heredity. For example, musically inclined parents enroll their children in music lessons. In evocative correlation, children evoke responses that are influenced by the childโ€™s heredity, and these responses strengthen the childโ€™s original style. For example, a cooperative, attentive child is likely to receive more patient and sensitive interactions from parents than an inattentive, distractible child. At older ages, active correlation becomes common. Children seek environments that fit with their genetic tendencies. For example, the musically talented child joins the school choir. Niche-picking is the tendency to actively choose environments that complement our heredity. Infants and young children cannot do much nichepicking because adults select environments for them. However, older children, adolescents, and adults are increasingly in charge of their environments. Page Ref: 55 Copyright ยฉ 2018 Laura E. Berk. All Rights Reserved. 34

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