Test Bank For Essentials of General, Organic, and Biochemistry, 3rd Edition

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Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1. According the graph, what percent of radium-226 remains after three half-lives? a. 100% b. 50% c. 25% d. 12.5% e. 6.25% 2. Which of the following is NOT a building block element? a. C b. H c. O d. N e. These are all building block elements. 3. The number of protons is equal to the _____ in a neutral atom. a. number of neutrons b. number of electrons c. mass number d. average atomic mass e. group number 4. Which isotope of Zirconium has the fewest number of neutrons? Isotope Natural abundance Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 1 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 A B C D E 90 Zr 91 Zr 92 Zr 94 Zr 96 Zr 52% 11% 17% 17% 3% a. choice A b. choice B c. choice C d. choice D e. choice E 5. What is the identity of the missing daughter nuclide in the following nuclear reaction? a. beryllium-11 b. beryllium-12 c. beryllium-13 d. carbon-12 e. carbon-13 6. How is a beta particle different from an electron? a. They are the same. b. A beta particle has higher energy than a regular electron c. A regular electron has higher energy than a beta particle. d. A beta particle is positively charged. e. A beta particle is positively charged and higher in energy than a regular electron. 7. Which of the following statements about isotopes is FALSE? a. Isotopes are atoms with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons. b. Most elements naturally have more than one isotope. c. Isotopes are atoms with the same atomic number but different mass numbers. d. An isotope with more neutrons will have a greater mass than an isotope with fewer neutrons. e. Isotopes are present in equal quantities. 8. What is the mass number of an atom of oxygen with seven neutrons? a. 1 b. 7 c. 8 d. 15 e. 15.9994 Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 2 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 9. According to the periodic table, how many energy levels do the elements in the third row have? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. It depends on the specific element. 10. The elements numbered 21 through 30 are examples of _______. a. transition metals b. noble gases c. alkali earth metals d. alkali metals e. halogens 11. What is the relationship between the energy and the wavelength of light? a. They are proportional. b. They are inversely proportional. c. As one increases, so does the other, but not in a linear way. d. As one increases, the other decreases, but not in a predictable way. e. They are unrelated in any way. 12. _____ is most commonly ingested along with salt. a. Iodine b. Fluorine c. Zinc d. Iron e. Oxygen 13. The identity of an element is determined by its number of _____. a. protons b. neutrons c. electrons d. protons and neutrons e. protons, neutrons, and electrons 14. Which of the following is NOT true for the atoms 12C, 13C, and 14C? a. They all have six electrons. b. They all have the same mass number. c. They all have the same atomic number. d. They are isotopes. e. They all have six protons. Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 3 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 15. Which diagram of an atom BEST represents the scale of the nucleus and electrons? a. a. b. b. c. c. d. d. e. e. 16. _____ have a negative charge. a. Protons b. Neutrons c. Electrons d. Protons and neutrons e. Protons, neutrons, and electrons 17. How is an atom in the body changed once it is hit with ionizing radiation? a. It becomes positively charged. b. It becomes negatively charged. c. It becomes a new isotope. d. It becomes a new element. e. It falls apart. 18. According to the periodic table, the atomic mass of potassium (K) is ______. a. 4 b. 19 c. 39.10 d. K e. 2 19. What type of radiation is emitted when U-235 undergoes radioactive decay? Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 4 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 a. alpha particle b. beta particle c. positron d. gamma ray e. x-ray 20. What is the atomic number of element X? a. 25 b. 56 c. 81 d. 31 e. None of the above values is the atomic number. 21. Which of the following terms is NOT a characteristic of a metal? a. malleable b. a good conductor of heat c. a good conductor of electricity d. shiny e. a gas at room temperature 22. What fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum is visible to humans? a. about two-thirds b. half c. about one-quarter d. a very small fraction e. none 23. An element is a solid at room temperature and a shiny, metallic gray. However, it is a poor conductor of electricity and temperature, and it is also brittle. Which element fits this description? a. oxygen b. lithium c. helium d. antimony e. iron 24. Which of the following is NOT the same for different isotopes of the same element? a. atomic number b. number of protons Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 5 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 c. number of electrons d. charge e. mass number 25. The periods are the _____ of the periodic table. a. transition metals b. halogens c. rows d. columns e. numbers 26. Which pair correctly matches an element to its atomic number? a. 9.012 โ€“ Be b. 12.01 โ€“ C c. 39.94 โ€“ Ar d. 9 โ€“ F e. 133 โ€“ Cs 27. Which electron energy level is lowest in energy? a. n = 1 b. n = 2 c. n = 3 d. n = 4 e. All electrons are equal in energy. 28. According to the periodic table, how many valence electrons do the elements in group 7A have? a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 d. 8 e. It depends on the specific element. Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 6 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 29. Iodine-131 has a half-life of 8 days. How many half-lives have passed after 24 days? a. 1 half-life b. 2 half-lives c. 3 half-lives d. 4 half-lives e. 5 half-lives 30. Electron energy levels closest to the nucleus are occupied before electron energy levels farther from the nucleus because the electron energy levels closest to the nucleus are a. pulled toward the nucleus by gravity. b. protected by the outer shell. c. attracted to the nucleus for reasons unknown. d. more stable than electrons farther from the nucleus. e. Actually, electrons farther from the nucleus are filled first. 31. Most of the micronutrients are a. transition metals. b. metalloids. c. nonmetals. d. alkali earth metals. e. noble gases. 32. Why is it necessary to shield yourself from gamma radiation and beta and alpha particles but not from radio waves or microwaves? a. Radio waves and microwaves do not have much penetrating power. b. Radio waves and microwaves are lower in energy, so they are not ionizing. c. Radio waves and microwaves are higher in energy, so they pass through the body without adverse effect. d. Radio waves and microwaves are not electromagnetic radiation. e. Gamma radiation and beta and alpha particles are not ionizing. 33. What is the minimum dosage in which people are observed to die from radiation sickness? Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 7 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 a. 0.2โ€“0.5 Sv b. 0.5โ€“1.0 Sv c. 1.0โ€“2.0 Sv d. 2โ€“3 Sv e. 3โ€“4 Sv 34. Which pair does NOT correctly match an element symbol to its full name? a. C โ€“ carbon b. O โ€“ oxygen c. H โ€“ helium d. N โ€“ nitrogen e. Cl โ€“ chlorine 35. Which element is depicted in this drawing of a neutral atom? a. beryllium b. magnesium c. oxygen Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 8 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 d. neon e. calcium 36. _____ are neutral. a. Protons b. Neutrons c. Electrons d. Protons and neutrons e. Protons, neutrons, and electrons 37. _____ have a mass of approximately 1 amu. a. Protons b. Neutrons c. Electrons d. Protons and neutrons e. Protons, neutrons, and electrons 38. _____ have a positive charge. a. Protons b. Neutrons c. Electrons d. Protons and neutrons e. Protons, neutrons, and electrons 39. According to the graph, what is the half-life in years of 226Ra? Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 9 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 a. 8,000 years b. 6,400 years c. 4,800 years d. 3,200 years e. 1,600 years 40. Radioactive decay is the process by which a. radioisotopes become more stable. b. radioisotopes emit radiation. c. radioisotopes emit high-energy particles and/or electromagnetic radiation. d. an element of one type can change to an element of another type. e. All of the above are correct about radioactive decay. 41. _____ are the subatomic particles that have the smallest mass. a. Protons b. Neutrons c. Electrons d. Protons and neutrons e. Protons, neutrons, and electrons 42. The symbol is used to represent a(n) a. proton. b. alpha particle. c. gamma ray. d. beta particle. e. neutron. 43. How many electrons are in a neutral atom of element X? a. 25 b. 56 c. 81 d. 31 e. None of the above values is the number of electrons. 44. According to the periodic table, which element is found in period 2, group 5A? a. nitrogen b. vanadium c. strontium Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 10 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 d. boron e. cadmium 45. According to the periodic table, what types of elements are in group 7A? a. transition metals b. noble gases c. alkaline earth metals d. alkali metals e. halogens 46. According to the periodic table, which of the following sets of terms accurately describes potassium? Nonmetal Halogen I II a. I only b. III only c. I and II d. II and IV e. III and IV Alkali metal III Group 2A IV 47. Phosphorous-32 is a beta emitter with a half-life of 14.3 days. After 42 days, a 100-mg sample will have decayed to 25 mg. Which statement BEST describes where the rest of the 32P went? a. It disappeared. b. It reacted with air. c. It turned into sulfur and a beta particle. d. It turned into silicon and a beta particle. e. It decomposed into beta particles. 48. Which of the following indicates that an alpha particle has been released during radioactive decay of an atom? a. The identity of the atom does not change. b. The mass number of the atom decreases by 4. c. The atomic number of the atom increases by 1 d. The atomic number of the atom decreases by 1. e. The atomic number of the atom decreases by 4. 49. Which element would you expect to be the largest? a. fluorine b. chlorine c. argon d. calcium e. hydrogen Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 11 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 50. Carbon-11 has a half-life of 20 minutes. Which of the following equations is used to calculate the amount of carbon-11 remaining after 1 hour if the starting material is a 100-mg sample? a. 100 mg ร— ยฝ b. 100 mg/3 c. 100 mg/20 d. 100 mg/20/20/20 e. 100 mg ร— ยฝ ร— ยฝ ร— ยฝ 51. The product from the alpha decay of radon-222 is a. polonium-218. b. radium-226. c. polonium-226. d. radium-218. e. lead-220. 52. The process in which a nucleus spontaneously breaks down by emitting radiation is known as a. fusion. b. fission. c. a chain reaction. d. reaction. e. radioactive decay. 53. What sort of protection should be used when working with gamma emitters? a. a lead shield b. heavy clothing c. a sheet of aluminum d. a very thick slab of concrete e. None is needed at all because they are not very penetrating. 54. _____ is an important component of the immune system as well as required by many enzymes. a. Iodine b. Fluorine c. Zinc d. Iron e. Oxygen 55. _____ make up the majority of compounds found in living organisms. a. Building-block elements b. Macronutrients c. Micronutrients Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 12 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 d. Metals e. Metalloids 56. An atom of carbon containing seven neutrons can be written as 13 C 12C carbon-13 carbon-12 C-12 C-14 I II III IV V VI a. All of the choices are correct for writing carbon. b. II, IV, or V. c. I, III. d. I, II. e. III, IV. 57. Which statement BEST describes why alpha particles are not frequently used in medical applications? a. Their half-lives are too long. b. They can do too much damage at close range. c. They are difficult to transport. d. They require too much shielding. e. Their penetrating power is too great. 58. Which statement BEST interprets the statement below? The LD50 for radiation is an acute dose of 3โ€“4 Sv. a. Exposure to 50 mg of a radiation source will result in radiation poisoning. b. Exposure to 50 mg of a radiation source will result in death. c. Fifty percent of people exposed to this dose will get sick within one month of the exposure. d. Fifty percent of people exposed to this dose will die within one month of the exposure. e. 4 to 6 Sv is the maximum dose that 50% of people can undergo without long-term injury. 59. In a balanced nuclear reaction, which of the following is consistent with the release of a gamma particle? a. The identity of the atom does not change. b. All radioactive decay releases gamma radiation. c. The mass number decreases by 4. d. The atomic number increases by 1. e. The atomic number decreases by 1. 60. What sort of information do the units used in this table take into account? Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 13 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 a. energy of the radiation b. penetrating ability of the radiation c. quality factor of the radiation d. quantity of the radiation e. All of the above are taken into account. 61. Which of the following colors has the lowest energy? a. red b. orange c. yellow d. green e. blue 62. Which of the imaging technique(s) listed below is harmless to the patient? I. x-ray II. computed tomography a. I only b. II only c. I and II d. neither I nor II 63. Micro- and macronutrients are a. equally distributed throughout the body. b. all metals and metalloids. c. obtained through the diet. d. only found in the first three periods of the periodic table. e. all required in quantities of more than 100 mg per day. 64. According to the periodic table, what types of elements are in group 8A? a. transition metals b. noble gases Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 14 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 c. alkaline earth metals d. alkali metals e. halogens 65. Select the choice in which atomic number, mass number, number of neutrons, and number of protons listed is correct for phosphorous-32. a. b. c. d. e. Atomic number Mass number 15 15 17 17 16 32 32 15 32 32 Number of neutrons 32 17 15 32 16 Number of protons 15 15 17 17 16 a. choice a b. choice b c. choice c d. choice d e. choice e 66. What is the most penetrating electromagnetic radiation? a. radio waves b. microwaves c. gamma rays d. visible light e. ultraviolet rays 67. In a balanced nuclear reaction, which statement is consistent with the release of a beta particle? a. The identity of the atom does not change. b. All radioactive decay releases a beta particle. c. The mass number decreases by 4. d. The atomic number increases by 1. e. The atomic number decreases by 1. 68. _____ is an important component of hemoglobin. Without this protein, tissues become starved of oxygen, and fatigue and shortness of breath results. a. Iodine b. Fluorine c. Zinc d. Iron Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 15 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 e. Oxygen 69. Which isotope of zirconium is the lightest? A B C D E Isotope 90 Zr 91 Zr 92 Zr 94 Zr 96 Zr Natural abundance 52% 11% 17% 17% 3% a. choice A b. choice B c. choice C d. choice D e. choice E 70. The time that it takes a macroscopic sample of a radioisotope to decay to one-half its original activity is known as the a. reaction rate. b. kinetics. c. half-life. d. lifetime. e. decay rate. 71. Which statement about the model of the atom is TRUE? a. The nucleus is much less dense than the surrounding electrons. b. Electrons orbit the nucleus like planets around the Sun. c. This is the first model of the atom. d. The atom is mostly empty space. e. The model of the atom was developed by looking directly at an atom. 72. According to the periodic table, how many valence electrons do the elements in the third row have? a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 8 e. It depends on the specific element. 73. Which of the following describes a benefit of using Sieverts instead of grays to measure the quantity of radiation that a patient has received? a. Sieverts measure the biological effect of radiation, not just quantity. Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 16 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 b. Grays measure the biological effect of radiation, not just quantity. c. Sieverts measure the amount of energy absorbed, not just quantity. d. Grays measure the amount of energy absorbed, not just quantity. e. There is no benefit. 74. The average atomic mass of zirconium is A B C D E Isotope 90 Zr 91 Zr 92 Zr Natural abundance 52% 11% 17% 94 Zr 96 Zr 17% 3% a. less than 90 because the atomic mass only depends on the number of protons in the atom. b. 90 because 90Zn has the highest natural abundance. c. greater than 90 but less than 96 because the atomic mass takes into account the abundance of all naturally occurring isotopes. d. 96 because the atomic mass is the mass of the highest naturally occurring isotope. e. greater than 96 because the atomic mass is the sum of masses of the naturally occurring isotopes. 75. An atom in a metastable state is a. unusually low in energy. b. unusually stable. c. very unreactive. d. high in energy. e. emittable. 76. Which of the following choices describes an acute dose of radiation? a. the dose that an x-ray technician receives over the course of her career b. the dose that a scientist receives while working with radioactive materials for a multiyear research project c. the annual dose that a pilot is exposed to d. the dose that is received by handling a highly radioactive source e. the annual dose that we all receive as a result of background radiation 77. Which of the following is NOT a type of radiation that comes from the decay of radioisotopes? a. microwaves b. gamma rays c. alpha particle d. beta particle Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 17 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 78. Which of the following changes when gamma radiation is released? a. atomic number b. number of protons c. number of electrons d. number of neutrons e. energy of the isotope 79. Which statement about the model of the atom is TRUE? a. Protons and neutrons are evenly distributed throughout the atom. b. Electrons can be directly observed. c. Electrons are now known to orbit the nucleus like a planet orbits the Sun. d. The path of a single electron can now be followed exactly. e. We can determine the probability of finding an electron in a region of space. 80. Which nuclear reaction releases a beta particle? a. b. c. d. e. All of these are examples of beta decay. 81. According to the periodic table, which of the following sets of terms accurately describes chlorine? Metal Halogen I II a. I only b. II only c. I and II d. II and IV e. III and IV Alkaline earth element III Atomic number 35 IV 82. What is the mass number of element X? a. 25 b. 56 c. 81 d. 31 Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 18 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 e. None of the above values is the mass number. 83. The size of atoms generally increases as the number of a. electron energy levels increases. b. electrons in the valence energy level increases. c. neutrons in atoms increases. d. protons increases. e. All atoms are the same size. 84. The radioisotope undergoing decay is often called the a. reactant. b. product. c. parent nuclide. d. decayer. e. daughter nuclide. 85. Which of the following elements exists as an isotope with a mass number of 35 and an atomic number of 17? a. chlorine b. bromine c. argon d. tellurium e. sulfur-35 86. Radioactive isotopes are a. very stable isotopes. b. highly chemically reactive. c. unstable isotopes. d. charged species. e. unusually nonreactive. 87. Adding _____ to drinking water is a common practice in many cities, meant to strengthen tooth enamel and decrease dental cavities. a. iodine b. fluorine c. zinc d. iron e. oxygen 88. How does computed tomography (CT) differ from standard x-ray imaging? a. CT scans involve software as well as x-ray imaging. Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 19 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 b. CT scans use an array of detectors. c. CT scans are 3D; X-rays are 2D. d. All of the above list how CT scans differ from x-ray imaging. 89. The nucleus is composed of _____. a. protons b. neutrons c. electrons d. protons and neutrons e. protons, neutrons, and electrons 90. Isotopes are elements with the same number of a. electrons but different numbers of protons. b. protons but different numbers of electrons. c. electrons but different numbers of neutrons. d. protons but different numbers of neutrons. e. neutrons but different numbers of protons. 91. According to the periodic table, what types of elements are in group 2A? a. transition metals b. noble gases c. alkaline earth metals d. alkali metals e. halogens 92. Effective dose measurements take into account the ______ of a type of radiation. a. energy b. penetrating ability c. biological effect d. quantity e. All of the above are taken into account for the effective dose measurement. 93. What is a common symptom of iodine deficiency? a. weak bones and teeth b. enlarged thyroid c. anemia d. slow wound healing e. All of these are common symptoms. 94. According to the current model of the atom, the part of the diagram labeled B is made up of Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 20 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 a. protons. b. neutrons. c. electrons. d. protons and neutrons. e. protons, neutrons, and electrons. 95. How is ionizing radiation damaging to the body? a. It can cause DNA damage. b. It can cause gene mutations. c. It can cause cell death. d. It can cause radiation sickness. e. All of the above are correct about ionizing radiation damage to the body. 96. The groups are the _____ of the periodic table. a. transition metals b. halogens c. rows d. columns e. numbers 97. Which of the following does NOT need to be considered when determining what sort of protection against ionizing radiation must be used? a. type of ionizing radiation b. energy of the radiation c. duration of contact with the ionizing radiation d. penetrating power of the ionizing radiation e. All of the above should be considered. 98. Which of the method(s) of imaging listed below produces three-dimensional images? I. x-ray II. computed tomography a. I only b. II only Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 21 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 c. I and II d. neither I nor II 99. According to the periodic table, the atomic number of potassium (K) is ______. a. 4 b. 19 c. 39.10 d. K e. 2 100. A nuclear equation is balanced when the ______ is equal on both sides of the equation. a. identity of the atoms b. charges on the atoms c. identity of the radioactive particles d. sum of the atomic numbers e. sum of the atomic and mass numbers 101. According to the periodic table, what types of elements are in group 1A? a. transition metals b. noble gases c. alkaline earth metals d. alkali metals e. halogens 102. In which of the following nuclear reactions is only gamma radiation released? a. b. c. d. e. All of these reactions probably release gamma radiation. 103. What is the identity of element X? a. xenon b. manganese c. gold d. copper e. iron Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 22 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 104. According to the current model of the atom, the part of the diagram labeled A is made up of a. protons. b. neutrons. c. electrons. d. protons and neutrons. e. protons, neutrons, and electrons. 105. Radioisotopes used in medicine typically have short half-lives. Which of the following statements BEST describes the reason for this? a. It minimizes the harmful side effects of the radiation. b. They are the isotopes that are the easiest to make. c. These radioisotopes occur naturally. d. Only small amounts of them are required. e. These radioisotopes emit the correct type of radioactive particle. 106. According to the periodic table, which element is in period 4, group 6A? a. Cr b. La c. Ga d. Se e. Al 107. _____ determine the physical and chemical characteristics of an atom. a. Protons b. Neutrons c. Electrons d. Protons and neutrons e. Protons, neutrons, and electrons 108. Which atom has the largest diameter? Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 23 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 a. H b. He c. H and He d. Li e. All of the above have the same diameter. 109. The figure below is an example of which imaging technique(s)? I. x-ray II. computed tomography ยฉ David Frazier/Corbis a. I only b. II only c. I and II d. neither I nor II e. This figure could be any of these imaging techniques. 110. Which of the method(s) of imaging listed below uses x-rays? I. x-ray II. computed tomography a. I only b. II only Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 24 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 c. I and II d. neither I nor II 111. How is an alpha particle different from an atom of helium? a. It’s not different at all. b. It has a different number of protons. c. It has a different number of neutrons. d. It has a different number of electrons. e. It has both a different number of electrons and a different number of protons. 112. Which is the BEST definition of the term “ionizing radiation”? a. This is radiation that has enough energy to dislodge a valence electron from an atom. b. This is the radiation that is released during a nuclear reaction. c. This is any electromagnetic radiation. d. This is any nuclear or electromagnetic radiation. e. This is any long-wavelength electromagnetic radiation. 113. Which of the following types of radiation can be stopped by light clothing? a. beta particles b. alpha particles c. gamma rays d. x-rays e. All of the above radiation can be stopped by light clothing. 114. The element chlorine has three electron energy levels. How many electrons are in each level? a. b. c. d. e. n=1 2 2 7 2 8 n=2 8 8 8 8 8 n=3 8 18 2 7 1 a. choice a b. choice b c. choice c d. choice d e. choice e 115. Which isotope of zirconium is the LEAST abundant? A Isotope 90 Zr Natural abundance 52% Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 25 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 91 B C D E Zr 92 Zr 94 Zr 96 Zr 11% 17% 17% 3% a. choice A b. choice B c. choice C d. choice D e. choice E 116. Which of the following radioisotope would be LEAST likely to be used in a medical application? a. barium-131 (half-life = 11.6 days) b. iodine-131 (half-life = 8 days) c. technecium-99m (half-life = 6 hours) d. plutonium-239 (half-life = 2.4 ร— 104 years) e. fluorine-18 (109 minutes) 117. How many electrons are in the valence energy level? a. 12 b. 10 c. 8 d. 4 e. 2 118. Which energy level is the valence energy level? Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 26 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 a. energy level A b. energy level B c. energy level C d. energy levels A and B e. energy levels B and C 119. Which electron energy level is closest to the nucleus of the atom? a. n = 1 b. n = 2 c. n = 3 d. n = 4 e. All electrons are equally close to the nucleus. 120. Technetium-99m is used in a variety of medical applications. It has a half-life of 6 hours. If 100.0 mg of technetium-99m is prepared at 6:00 AM, how many milligrams are still active when it is needed for diagnostic testing at 6:00 PM? a. 100.0 mg Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 27 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 b. 50.0 mg c. 25.0 mg d. 10.0 mg e. 5.00 mg 121. According to the graph, radioactive decay is a(n) _________ in radioactivity as a function of time. a. linear decrease b. linear increase c. exponential decrease d. exponential increase e. random decrease 122. What is a micronutrient? a. an element required at only certain times during your life b. an essential element needed in quantities less than 10 g/day c. an essential element needed in quantities less than 100 mg/day d. a nonessential element, useful in small quantities e. nutrients needed in large quantities 123. In which of the following reactions is the missing particle an alpha particle? a. b. c. Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 28 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 d. e. All of these are examples of alpha decay. Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 29 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 Answer Key 1. d 2. e 3. b 4. a 5. d 6. b 7. e 8. d 9. c 10. a 11. b 12. a 13. a 14. b 15. a 16. c 17. a 18. c 19. a 20. a 21. e 22. d 23. d 24. e Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 30 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 25. c 26. d 27. a 28. c 29. c 30. d 31. a 32. b 33. c 34. c 35. b 36. b 37. d 38. a 39. e 40. e 41. c 42. b 43. a 44. a 45. e 46. b 47. c 48. b Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 31 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 49. d 50. e 51. a 52. e 53. a 54. c 55. a 56. c 57. b 58. d 59. a 60. e 61. a 62. d 63. c 64. b 65. b 66. c 67. d 68. d 69. a 70. c 71. d 72. e 73. a Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 32 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 74. c 75. d 76. d 77. a 78. e 79. e 80. c 81. b 82. b 83. a 84. c 85. a 86. c 87. b 88. d 89. d 90. d 91. c 92. e 93. b 94. d 95. e 96. d 97. e Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 33 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 98. b 99. b 100. e 101. d 102. a 103. b 104. c 105. a 106. d 107. c 108. d 109. a 110. c 111. d 112. a 113. b 114. d 115. e 116. d 117. e 118. c 119. a 120. c 121. c 122. c Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 34 Name: Class: Date: chapter 2 123. d Copyright Macmillan Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 35

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