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Instructor Resource
Hutchison, Dimensions of Human Behavior, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019
Chapter 2: Theoretical Perspectives on Human Behavior
Test Bank
Multiple Choice
1. The interrelated lives of the Chavez family as well as the impact of external factors
such as religion, financial issues, health care issues, and cultural gender and role
definitions that influence their individual behaviors and affect the familyโs general wellbeing. This can be explained using concepts from the ______.
a. social exchange perspective
b. systems perspective
c. exchange and choice perspective
d. humanistic perspective
Ans: A
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Case Study
Difficulty Level: Easy
2. An elderly person whose basic needs are met feels that she has nothing to offer in
exchange. This is an example of the ______.
a. exchange and choice perspective
b. social constructionist perspective
c. conflict perspective
d. humanistic perspective
Ans: B
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Social Constructionist Perspective
Difficulty Level: Easy
3. An individualโs participation in a support group for heart attack survivors has helped
him modify some of his views about his situation by encouraging a solution-focused
approach to his concerns. This is an example of the ______.
a. humanistic perspective
b. psychodynamic perspective
c. conflict perspective
d. social constructionist perspective
Ans: D
Instructor Resource
Hutchison, Dimensions of Human Behavior, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Social Constructionist Perspective
Difficulty Level: Easy
4. A perspective that is concerned with how internal processes such as needs, drives,
and emotions motivate human behavior is known as the ______.
a. humanistic perspective
b. psychodynamic perspective
c. developmental perspective
d. systems perspective
Ans: B
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Psychodynamic Perspective
Difficulty Level: Easy
5. Ruth is entering into late old age and struggles with chronic illnesses and losses. This
is an example of the ______.
a. humanistic perspective
b. psychodynamic perspective
c. developmental perspective
d. systems perspective
Ans: C
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Developmental Perspective
Difficulty Level: Easy
6. The assumption that learning takes place as individuals interact with their
environments is related to the ______.
a. behavioral perspective
b. psychodynamic perspective
c. developmental perspective
d. social constructionist perspective
Ans: A
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Instructor Resource
Hutchison, Dimensions of Human Behavior, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019
Answer Location: Behavioral Perspective
Difficulty Level: Easy
7. When family members make choices based on freedom of action and search for
meaning this is an example of the ______.
a. behavioral perspective
b. developmental perspective
c. psychodynamic perspective
d. humanistic perspective
Ans: D
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Humanistic Perspective
Difficulty Level: Easy
8. When individuals hold power in the family but little power in the labor market the
______ can help us to better understand their situation.
a. behavioral perspective
b. conflict perspective
c. social constructionist perspective
d. systems perspective
Ans: B
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Conflict Perspective
Difficulty Level: Easy
9. If a social worker were to help family members increase their personal sense of
competence when taking care of an elderly relative we would define this as ______.
a. self-efficacy
b. agency
c. efficacy expectation
d. self-actualization
Ans: A
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Behavioral Perspective
Difficulty Level: Easy
10. Having a sense that you can personally accomplish a goal is known as ______.
Instructor Resource
Hutchison, Dimensions of Human Behavior, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019
a. self-efficacy
b. agency
c. efficacy expectation
d. self-actualization
Ans: C
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Behavioral Perspective
Difficulty Level: Medium
11. Individuals who weathered several negative environmental experiences and
changes in their physical functioning that may be contributing to lowered expectations of
self as well as a resistance to measures that might improve their functioning. This is
best described as ______.
a. behavioral perspective
b. efficacy expectations
c. social learning theory
d. learned helplessness
Ans D
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Behavioral Perspective
Difficulty Level: Easy
12. According to Maslowโs hierarchy of needs, the needs that must first be satisfied
before higher needs can emerge are ______.
a. psychological needs
b. belongingness and love needs
c. physiological needs
d. self-actualization needs
Ans: C
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Humanistic Perspective
Difficulty Level: Easy
13. According to Maslowโs hierarchy of needs, meeting oneโs needs for affection and
intimacy refers to ______.
a. psychological needs
b. belongingness and love needs
Instructor Resource
Hutchison, Dimensions of Human Behavior, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019
c. safety needs
d. self-actualization needs
Ans: B
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Humanistic Perspective
Difficulty Level: Easy
14. Security is very important to Stanley. This represents which of Maslowโs hierarchy of
a. psychological needs
b. belongingness and love needs
c. safety needs
d. self-actualization needs
Ans: C
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Humanistic Perspective
Difficulty Level: Easy
15. A term associated with the capacity to intentionally make things happen is known as
a. self-efficacy
b. efficacy expectation
c. esteem needs
d. agency
Ans: D
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Behavioral Perspective
Difficulty Level: Easy
16. A theory that suggests that behavior is learned in part by imitation, observation,
beliefs, and expectations is ______.
a. cognitive social learning theory
b. operant conditioning theory
c. classical conditioning theory
d. empowerment theory
Ans: A
Instructor Resource
Hutchison, Dimensions of Human Behavior, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Behavioral Perspective
Difficulty Level: Medium
17. A theory that guides our practice interventions toward building on client strengths is
a. cognitive social learning theory
b. operant conditioning theory
c. classical conditioning theory
d. empowerment theory
Ans: D
Learning Objective: 2-4: Apply knowledge of eight theoretical perspectives on human
behavior to recommend guidelines for social work engagement, assessment,
intervention, and evaluation.
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Conflict Perspective
Difficulty Level: Easy
18. A theory that defines behavior as the result of reinforcement is ______.
a. cognitive social learning theory
b. operant conditioning theory
c. classical conditioning theory
d. feminist theory
Ans: B
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Behavioral Perspective
Difficulty Level: Easy
19. A theory that defines behavior as learned through association is ______.
a. cognitive social learning theory
b. operant conditioning theory
c. classical conditioning theory
d. empowerment theory
Ans: C
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Behavioral Perspective
Difficulty Level: Easy
Instructor Resource
Hutchison, Dimensions of Human Behavior, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019
20. A theory that is based on the desire to maximize benefits and minimize costs is
a. social network theory
b. reasoned action theory
c. feminist theory
d. social exchange theory
Ans: D
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Exchange and Choice Perspective
Difficulty Level: Easy
21. A theory that recognizes vectors of oppression and privilege is called ______.
a. intersectionality theory
b. systems theory
c. person-in-environment theory
d. privilege theory
Ans: A
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Conflict Perspective
Difficulty Level: Easy
22. A personโs felt and interpreted experience of โwho I amโ is referred to as ______.
a. self-efficacy
b. role
c. phenomenal self
d. feedback mechanism
Ans: C
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Humanistic Perspective
Difficulty Level: Easy
23. The processes by which information about past behaviors in a system are fed back
into the system in a circular manner is called ______.
a. self-efficacy
b. roles
c. phenomenal self
Instructor Resource
Hutchison, Dimensions of Human Behavior, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019
d. feedback mechanisms
Ans: D
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Systems Perspective
Difficulty Level: Easy
24. Which of the following is NOT a term associated with the systems perspective?
a. phenomenal self
b. boundary
c. feedback mechanisms
d. interactions
Ans: A
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Systems Perspective
Difficulty Level: Medium
25. The expansion of conflict theory by Randall Collins to integrate conflict processes at
the social level with those at the small group and family levels addresses which criterion
for evaluating theory?
a. diversity and power
b. usefulness for social work
c. comprehensiveness
d. competence
Ans: C
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Conflict Perspective
Difficulty Level: Medium
26. The finding that individual choices and decisions are often inconsistent with
assumed rationality and are often too complicated to ascertain the most exchange and
choice illustrates which criterion for judging social theory?
a. coherence
b. empirical support
c. comprehensiveness
d. diversity
Ans: B
Instructor Resource
Hutchison, Dimensions of Human Behavior, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Conflict Perspective
Difficulty Level: Medium
27. Traditional psychodynamic theories have been criticized on which basis for the
theory evaluation?
a. diversity and power
b. testability and empirical support
c. coherence and conceptual clarity
d. all of the above are criticisms of traditional psychodynamic theory
Ans: D
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Psychodynamic Perspective
Difficulty Level: Medium
28. Classical developmental theories have been criticized primarily for ______.
a. usefulness for social work practice
b. failure to address diversity and power
c. lack of coherence and conceptual clarity
d. poor testability
Ans: B
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Developmental Perspective
Difficulty Level: Medium
29. The humanistic perspective is called the ‘third force’ because it was developed in
reaction to ______.
a. psychodynamic and behavioral perspectives
b. systems perspective
c. developmental and constructionist perspectives
d. conflict perspective
Ans: A
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Humanistic Perspective
Instructor Resource
Hutchison, Dimensions of Human Behavior, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019
Difficulty Level: Easy
1. When we consider human behavior from a systems perspective, we see it as an
outcome of reciprocal interactions of persons operating within linked social systems.
Ans: T
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Systems Perspective
Difficulty Level: Easy
2. An open system is one where there is no exchange with external systems.
Ans: F
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Systems Perspective
Difficulty Level: Easy
3. A closed system is one where there is an exchange of resources with external
Ans: F
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Systems Perspective
Difficulty Level: Easy
4. One big idea of the conflict perspective is that lack of open conflict is a sign of
Ans: T
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Conflict Perspective
Difficulty Level: Medium
5. One big idea of the exchange and choice perspective is that human consciousness
and the sense of self are shaped by continual social interaction.
Instructor Resource
Hutchison, Dimensions of Human Behavior, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019
Ans: F
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Exchange and Choice Perspective
Difficulty Level: Medium
6. One big idea of the social constructionist perspective is that people can modify
meanings in the process of interaction.
Ans: T
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Social Constructionist Perspective
Difficulty Level: Easy
7. One big idea of the psychodynamic perspective is that human development is a
complex interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors.
Ans: F
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Developmental Perspective
Difficulty Level: Easy
8. A big idea of the developmental perspective is that human development occurs in
clearly defined stages.
Ans: T
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Developmental Perspective
Difficulty Level: Easy
9. Stage 1 (birth to 1 year) of Eriksonโs model of human development proposes the
psychosocial crisis to be basic trust versus mistrust.
Ans: T
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Developmental Perspective
Instructor Resource
Hutchison, Dimensions of Human Behavior, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019
Difficulty Level: Easy
10. Stage 4 (ages 6โ12) of Eriksonโs model of human development proposes the
psychosocial crisis to be industry versus inferiority.
Ans: T
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Developmental Perspective
Difficulty Level: Easy
11. Stage 7 (late 20sโ50s) of Eriksonโs model of human development proposes the
psychosocial crisis to be intimacy versus isolation.
Ans: F
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Developmental Perspective
Difficulty Level: Easy
12. One big idea of the behavioral perspective is that all human problems can be
formulated as undesirable behavior.
Ans: T
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Behavioral Perspective
Difficulty Level: Easy
13. One big idea of the humanistic perspective is that all behavior can be defined and
Ans: F
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Behavioral Perspective
Difficulty Level: Easy
1. Discuss two merits of using multiple perspectives as a social worker.
Instructor Resource
Hutchison, Dimensions of Human Behavior, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019
Ans: No theory can tell the full story by itself, but each can contribute an important part
of the whole picture. Different perspectives have different strengths, like engaging with
client systems, assessment, suggesting social work interventions, and guiding practice
Learning Objective: 2-3: Analyze the merits of a multitheoretical approach to human
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Answer Location: The Merits of Multiple Perspectives
Difficulty Level: Medium
2. Define the systems perspective and discuss two of the big ideas associated with it.
Ans: The systems perspective sees human behavior as the outcome of interactions
within and among systems of interrelated parts. Systems theory attempts to explain the
complexity of human life. It also looks at the various risk factors and protective factors in
the various parts of a personโs life, and can seek to mitigate those risk factors while
capitalizing on the protective factors.
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Systems Perspective
Difficulty Level: Medium
3. Define the conflict perspective and discuss two of the big ideas associated with it.
Ans: The conflict perspective emphasizes conflicts that arise because of inequalities in
the distribution of resources. Power relationships are a major focus of this perspective.
Oppression of nondominant groups leads to alienation, a sense of indifference and
hostility. Conflict theory has also birthed critical theory, which notes that workers have
been conditioned by mass media to be consumers, sometimes taking on an excessive
workload in order to do so.
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Conflict Perspective
Difficulty Level: Medium
4. Define the exchange and choice perspective and discuss two of the big ideas
associated with it.
Ans: According to this perspective, individual and collective actors seek and exchange
resources and the choices made in pursuit of those resources. The basic idea is to
maximize benefits and minimize costs. Peter Blau also proposed that humans operate
with a drive of reciprocity, in that we give resources equal to those we receive whenever
possible; however, imbalance occurs in some exchanges, leading to differentials in
Instructor Resource
Hutchison, Dimensions of Human Behavior, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Exchange and Choice Perspective
Difficulty Level: Medium
5. Define the social constructionist perspective and discuss two of the big ideas
associated with it.
Ans: This perspective focuses on how people construct meaning, a sense of self, and a
social world through their interactions with each other. People interact on the basis of
shared meaningsโshared understandings about the world. There is no single
objectively true reality; there are only shared constructed realities created as people
interact in different contexts.
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Social Constructionist Perspective
Difficulty Level: Medium
6. Define the psychodynamic perspective and discuss two big ideas associated with it.
Ans: The psychodynamic perspective is concerned with how internal processes such as
needs, drives, and emotions motivate human behavior. One of the major constructs of
the theory is the structural model of the mind, consisting of id, ego, and superego.
Another is object relations theory, which studies how people develop attitudes toward
others in the context of early nurturing relationships and how those attitudes affect the
view of self as well as social relationships.
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Psychodynamic Perspective
Difficulty Level: Medium
7. Define the developmental perspective and discuss two big ideas associated with it.
Ans: The focus of the developmental perspective, perhaps the most widely used of the
perspectives presented in this chapter, is on how human behavior unfolds across the
life course, how people change and stay the same over time. Human development is
seen to occur in clearly defined stages based on a complex interaction of biological,
psychological, and social processes. Each new stage involves new tasks and brings
changes in social roles and statuses.
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Instructor Resource
Hutchison, Dimensions of Human Behavior, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019
Answer Location: Developmental Perspective
Difficulty Level: Medium
8. List the eight stages, including age range and psychosocial crisis, of Erikson’s model
of human development.
Ans: Stage 1 (birth to age 1): trust vs. mistrust. Stage 2 (age 2โ3): autonomy vs.
shame/doubt. Stage 3 (age 3โ5): initiative vs. guilt. Stage 4 (age 6โ12): industry vs.
inferiority. Stage 5 (age 12โ18): identity vs. role confusion. Stage 6 (early to late 20s):
intimacy vs. isolation. Stage 7 (late 20s to 50s): generativity vs. stagnation. Stage 8 (late
adulthood): integrity vs. despair.
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Developmental Perspective
Difficulty Level: Hard
9. Define the behavioral perspective and discuss two big ideas associated with it.
Ans: The behavioral perspective says that human behavior is all learned through
interactions with the environment. All human problems can be formulated as
undesirably behavior. All behavior can be defined and changed.
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Behavioral Perspective
Difficulty Level: Hard
10. Define the humanistic perspective and discuss two big ideas associated with it.
Ans: This perspective says each person is unique and has value. Each person is
responsible for his/her own choices made within the limits of freedom. People always
have the capacity for change, even radical change.
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Humanistic Perspective
Difficulty Level: Medium
11. List in order Maslowโs hierarchy of needs.
Ans: Physiological needs, safety needs, belongingness and love needs, esteem needs,
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Instructor Resource
Hutchison, Dimensions of Human Behavior, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019
Answer Location: Humanistic Perspective
Difficulty Level: Medium
12. Identify two theories that would be useful in your work with the Chavez family.
Define those theories in your essay and cite examples of how you would utilize those
theories with the Chavez family.
Ans: Answers will vary widely. Any of the theories could be applied.
Learning Objective: 2-4: Apply knowledge of eight theoretical perspectives on human
behavior to recommend guidelines for social work engagement, assessment,
intervention, and evaluation.
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Throughout Chapter; It Depends on the Theories Chosen
Difficulty Level: Hard
13. Compare and contrast the ideas of the systems perspective and the conflict
perspective. Cite examples of how you think these theories would help with assessment
and intervention in your practice with clients.
Ans: The systems perspective sees human behavior as both influencing and influenced
by a number of systems with which each person interacts. Conflict theory focuses on
the inequalities in the system and especially how they impact the disenfranchised or
those with less power. The systems perspective is useful in figuring out what major
influences a client has on his/her behavior, like culture, religion, economics, family, and
education. Conflict theory is steeped in social justice focus and looks to make macro
changes on top of understanding the micro-level effects on an unjust system.
Learning Objective: 2-4: Apply knowledge of eight theoretical perspectives on human
behavior to recommend guidelines for social work engagement, assessment,
intervention, and evaluation.
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Answer Location: Systems Perspective and Conflict Perspective
Difficulty Level: Hard
14. Compare and contrast the ideas of the psychodynamic perspective and the
developmental perspective. Cite examples of how you think these theories would help
with assessment and intervention in your practice with clients.
Ans: Both theories are concerned with developmental processes, though the
psychodynamic perspective concentrates more on hidden drives, desires, and conflicts,
while the developmental perspective is more focused on observable behavior. The
psychodynamic perspective can be useful from a conceptual standpoint, looking at what
may drive a client to act in ways even the client may not understand herself. The
developmental perspective can help to shine a light on events in development that may
still be impacting the client today for understandable reasons.
Learning Objective: 2-4: Apply knowledge of eight theoretical perspectives on human
behavior to recommend guidelines for social work engagement, assessment,
intervention, and evaluation.
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Answer Location: Psychodynamic Perspective and Developmental Perspective
Instructor Resource
Hutchison, Dimensions of Human Behavior, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019
Difficulty Level: Hard
15. Compare and contrast the ideas of the behavioral perspective and the humanistic
perspective. Cite examples of how you think these theories would help with assessment
and intervention in your practice with clients.
Ans: The behavioral and humanistic perspective both believe in great human potential
for change. The humanistic perspective focuses on humanityโs drive to seek more for
themselves, an ultimate meaning. The behavioral perspective simply notes all behavior
is learned and can be changes through proper techniques and adjustments.
Learning Objective: 2-4: Apply knowledge of eight theoretical perspectives on human
behavior to recommend guidelines for social work engagement, assessment,
intervention, and evaluation.
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Answer Location: Behavioral Perspective and Humanistic Perspective
Difficulty Level: Hard
16. What are the merits of using multiple perspectives in social work practice? How can
these perspectives help mitigate our personal biases and encourage objective,
comprehensive assessment?
Ans: No single perspective can be applied to all clients, nor can any single perspective
explain everything going on in a clientโs life. Looking from multiple angles can help us to
find new approaches for diagnosis, treatment planning, and intervention, rather than
relying on our own standbys or jumping to easy conclusions.
Learning Objective: 2-3: Analyze the merits of a multitheoretical approach to human
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: The Merits of Multiple Perspectives
Difficulty Level: Hard
17. Describe classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and cognitive social learning
Ans: Classical conditioning is the use of conditional stimuli to produce conditioned
responses. Operant conditioning is the use of punishments and rewards to shape
behavior. Cognitive social learning theory suggests that behavior is learned by imitation,
observation, beliefs, and expectations.
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Behavioral Perspective
Difficulty Level: Medium
18. Describe theories consistent with the conflict perspective.
Ans: Some of the theories that might be detailed here include critical theory, prosumer
capitalism theory, postcolonial theory, neoliberalism theory, critical race theory, feminist
Instructor Resource
Hutchison, Dimensions of Human Behavior, 6e
SAGE Publishing, 2019
theory, intersectionality theory, pluralistic theory of social conflict, and empowerment
Learning Objective: 2-2: Recognize the major themes of eight different perspectives on
human behavior: systems, conflict, exchange and choice, social constructionist,
psychodynamic, developmental, behavioral, and humanistic.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Conflict Perspective
Difficulty Level: Hard
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