Test Bank for Criminal Justice Organizations: Administration and Management, 6th Edition

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Test Questions for Criminal Justice Organizations: Chapter 2 1. A structured organization attains their organizational goals by ensuring that its members follow the required guidelines in order to achieve its purpose. True or False (Answer: True) 2. What are the model(s) of an organization? (Answer: D) A. Mechanistic B. Organic C. Structure D. Both A, B E. Both A,C 3. An organic organization is also known as a bureaucratic, formal and hierarchical system. True or False (Answer: False) 4. What makes up the organizationโ€™s mission, policies, procedures, and also forms a hierarchy that dictates the purpose of the organization? (Answer: A) A. Framework B. Informal C. Social D. Formal 5. The need for ___________ has also resulted in simplifying sentencing decisions with legislated sentencing guidelines that judges are required to follow. (Answer: Efficiency) 6. The hierarchical structure of a bureaucracy forces official communication to occur ___________? (Answer: B) A. Horizontally B. Vertically C. Diagonally D. None of the above 7. Communication within an organic organization tends to be? (Answer: A) A. Horizontally B. Vertically C. Diagonally D. None of the above 8. Within an organic organization tasks are not specialized and any member of the agency may have the expertise or knowledge to take on a variety of tasks. True or False (Answer: True) 9. An example of a mechanistic organization is? (Answer: A) A. Department of Homeland Security B. Research and Planning Department C. Treatment Staff D. None of the above 10. Task specialization is the process of dividing the work into a number of smaller tasks. True or False (Answer: True) 11. Research consists of the establishment of rules and regulations, usually written, that govern the work activities of an agencyโ€™s personnel. True or False (Answer: False) 12. ________ and ___________ are often considered or identified as policies and procedures. (Answer: A) A. Rules, Regulations B. Sanctions, Procedures C. Policies, Regulations D. Rules, Procedures 13. Specialization suggests that formalization has a significant positive impact on correctional officersโ€™ job satisfaction and commitment to the organization. True or False (Answer: False) 14. This dimension of an organizational structure requires that all subordinates report to a supervisor? (Answer: B) A. Formalization B. Span of Control C. Bureaucratic D. None of the above 15. Under the tall hierarchy supervisors are responsible for their subordinates and exercise strict rules and regulations in order to pursue organizational goals. True or False (Answer: True) 16. A _________ statement is portrayed by the organizationsโ€™ responsibility to clients, its ideology, values, and operating principles. (Answer: Mission) 17. All organizations have written and clear missions. True or False (Answer: False) 18. The ________ process of receiving and allocating funds in order to operate and achieve its mission. (Answer: B) A. Tax B. Budget C. Equity D. None of the above 19. What is the most common form of an agency budget preparation? (Answer: C) A. Logical B. Bottom up C. Line-item D. None of the above 20. The distribution of funds among agencies is typically allocated on a quarterly basis. True or False (Answer: True) 21. A formal structure includes goals, activities, or structures that are not officially acknowledged. True or False (Answer: False) 22. This informal communication is based on rumors among organizational members? (Answer: A) A. Grapevine B. Tall C. Flat D. None of the above 23. In correctional facilities there is not a formal structure because inmates contribute to the order maintenance goal of prisons. True or False (Answer: True) 24. Based on Bolman and Deal (2003) there are four organization frames: structural frame, human resource frame, political frame and symbolic frame. True or False (Answer: True) 25. Organizational frameworks involve both formal and informal structures of organizations. True or False (Answer: True) 26. What are some of the key assumptions underlying structural frame? (Answer: D) A. Organizations exist to achieve goals and objectives B. Productivity is enhanced through task specialization and the division of labor C. Managerial control of staff and Units D. All of the above E. None of the above 27. Job design restructures tasks to allow staff to fulfill organizational challenges and responsibilities. True or False (Answer: True) 28. The scarcity of resources and the competition for control exist among the different formal organizations. True or False (Answer: True) 29. What political group works to obtain legislation favorable to their membership or to impact funding or its allocation within the agency? (Answer: B) A. Non-Profit Organizations B. Unions C. Law enforcement D. None of the above 30. Open systems are hierarchical, formal, and mechanistic. True or False (Answer: False) Test Bank: 1. Efficiency 2. Mission

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