Test Bank For Chemistry: Atoms First, 4th Edition

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Student name:__________ TRUE/FALSE – Write ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if the statement is false. 1) The mass of a neutron is equal to the mass of a proton plus the mass of an electron. โŠš โŠš 2) All neutral atoms of tin have 50 protons and 50 electrons. โŠš โŠš 3) true false Lead (Pb) is a main group element. โŠš โŠš 5) true false Copper (Cu) is a transition metal. โŠš โŠš 4) true false true false Almost all the mass of an atom is concentrated in the nucleus. โŠš โŠš true false 6) When a beam of alpha particles passes between two electrically charged plates, the beam is deflected toward the positive plate. โŠš โŠš true false 7) J. J. Thomson suggested the term “radioactivity” to describe the spontaneous emission of particles and/or radiation. Version 1 1 โŠš โŠš true false MULTIPLE CHOICE – Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 8) The scientist who determined the magnitude of the electric charge on the electron was A) John Dalton B) Robert Millikan C) J. J. Thomson D) Henry Moseley E) J. Burdge 9) When J. J. Thomson discovered the electron, what physical property of the electron did he measure? A) its charge, e B) its charge-to-mass ratio, e/m C) its temperature, T D) its mass, m E) its atomic number, Z 10) Which field of study made a big contribution toward understanding the composition of the atom? A) electricity B) radiation C) solution chemistry D) electrochemistry E) quantum mechanics 11) Which of the following is a type of radioactive radiation that has no charge and is unaffected by external electric or magnetic fields? Version 1 2 A) ฮฑ rays B) ฮฒ rays C) ฮณ rays D) ฮด rays E) ฮต rays 12) Which of the following is a type of radioactive radiation that consists of positively charged particles and is deflected away from the positively charged plate? A) ฮฑ rays B) ฮฒ rays C) ฮณ rays D) ฮด rays E) ฮต rays 13) Which of the following is a type of radioactive radiation that consists of electrons and is deflected away from the negatively charged plate? A) ฮฑ rays B) ฮฒ rays C) ฮณ rays D) ฮด rays E) ฮต rays 14) Which of these scientists developed the nuclear model of the atom? A) John Dalton B) Robert Millikan C) J. J. Thomson D) Henry Moseley E) Ernest Rutherford Version 1 3 15) Rutherford’s experiment with alpha particle scattering by gold foil established that A) protons are not evenly distributed throughout an atom. B) electrons have a negative charge. C) electrons have a positive charge. D) atoms are made of protons, neutrons, and electrons. E) protons are 1840 times heavier than electrons. 16) J. J. Thomson studied cathode ray particles (electrons) and was able to measure the mass/charge ratio. His results showed that A) the mass/charge ratio varied as the cathode material was changed. B) the charge was always a whole-number multiple of some minimum charge. C) matter included particles much smaller than the atom. D) atoms contained dense areas of positive charge. E) atoms are largely empty space. 17) Who is credited with measuring the mass/charge ratio of the electron? A) Dalton B) Chadwick C) Thomson D) Millikan E) Rutherford 18) Who is credited with first measuring the charge of the electron? Version 1 4 A) Dalton B) Gay-Lussac C) Thomson D) Millikan E) Rutherford 19) Millikan’s oil-drop experiment A) established the charge on an electron. B) showed that all oil drops carried the same charge. C) provided support for the nuclear model of the atom. D) suggested that some oil drops carried fractional numbers of electrons. E) suggested the presence of a neutral particle in the atom. 20) Who is credited with discovering the atomic nucleus? A) Dalton B) Gay-Lussac C) Thomson D) Chadwick E) Rutherford 21) Rutherford bombarded gold foil with alpha (ฮฑ) particles and found that a small percentage of the particles were deflected. Which of the following was not accounted for by the model he proposed for the structure of the atom? A) the small size of the nucleus B) the charge on the nucleus C) the total mass of the atom D) the existence of protons E) the presence of electrons outside the nucleus Version 1 5 22) Which one of the following statements about atoms and subatomic particles is correct? A) Rutherford discovered the atomic nucleus by bombarding gold foil with electrons B) The proton and the neutron have identical masses. C) The neutron’s mass is equal to that of a proton plus an electron. D) A neutral atom contains equal numbers of protons and electrons. E) An atomic nucleus contains equal numbers of protons and neutrons. 23) Who discovered the neutron, the subatomic particle having a neutral charge? A) Millikan B) Dalton C) Chadwick D) Rutherford E) Thomson 24) What is the term for the number of protons in the nucleus of each atom of an element? It also indicates the number of electrons in the atom. A) isotope number B) mass number C) mass-to-charge ratio D) atomic number E) atomic mass units 25) What is the term for the total number of neutrons and protons in the nucleus of each atom of an element? Version 1 6 A) isotope number B) mass number C) mass-to-charge ratio D) atomic number E) atomic mass units 26)

Bromine is the only nonmetal that is a liquid at room temperature. Consider the isotope bromine-81, Select the combination which lists the correct atomic number, number of neutrons, and mass number, respectively. A) 35, 46, 81 B) 35, 81, 46 C) 81, 46, 35 D) 46, 81, 35 E) 35, 81, 116 27) Atoms X, Y, Z, and R have the following nuclear compositions: Which of the following are isotopes of the same element? A) I & II B) I & IV C) II & IV D) III & IV E) I & III 28) Which isotope is not possible? A) B) C) D) E) All of these isotopes are possible. Version 1 7 29) The principal factor that determines whether a nucleus is stable is the A) electron-to-neutron ratio. B) electron-to-proton ratio. C) neutron-to-proton ratio. D) chemical family. E) number of electrons. 30) Which of the following in not a magic number? A) 20 B) 10 C) 126 D) 82 E) 2 31) Which combination of neutrons and protons leads to the most number of stable nuclei? A) odd number of neutrons and odd number of protons B) even number of neutrons and odd number of protons C) odd number of neutrons and even number of protons D) even number of neutrons and even number of protons E) None of these options results in significantly more stable nuclei. 32) As the number of protons increases, stable nuclei will A) have an equal number of neutrons and protons. B) have an increased ratio of neutrons to protons. C) have an odd number of neutrons. D) have an decreased ratio of neutrons to protons. E) become the most common type of nuclei. Version 1 8 33) Atoms of the same element with different mass numbers are called A) ions. B) neutrons. C) chemical groups. D) chemical families. E) isotopes. 34) How many neutrons are there in an atom of lead whose mass number is 208? A) 82 B) 126 C) 208 D) 290 E) None of these choices is correct. 35) An atom of the isotope sulfur-31 consists of how many protons, neutrons, and electrons? (p = proton, n = neutron, e = electron) A) 15 p, 16 n, 15 e B) 16 p, 15 n, 16 e C) 16 p, 31 n, 16 e D) 32 p, 31 n, 32 e E) 16 p, 16 n, 15 e 36) 37. Give the number of protons (p), electrons (e), and neutrons (n) in one atom of chlorine- Version 1 9 A) 37 p, 37 e, 17 n B) 17 p, 17 e, 37 n C) 17 p, 17 e, 20 n D) 37 p, 17 e, 20 n E) 17 p, 37 e, 17 n 37) Two isotopes of an element differ only in their A) symbol. B) atomic number. C) atomic mass. D) number of protons. E) number of electrons. 38) The elements in a column of the periodic table are known as A) metalloids. B) a period. C) noble gases. D) a group. E) nonmetals. 39) Which of these materials are usually poor conductors of heat and electricity? A) metals B) metalloids C) nonmetals D) alkaline earth metals E) alkali metals 40) Which of these elements is most likely to be a good conductor of electricity? Version 1 10 A) N B) S C) He D) Cl E) Fe 41) Which of the following elements are the least reactive? A) alkali metals B) noble gases C) halogens D) alkaline earth metals E) metalloids 42) Which of the following is a nonmetal? A) lithium, Li, Z = 3 B) bromine, Br, Z = 35 C) mercury, Hg, Z = 80 D) bismuth, Bi, Z = 83 E) sodium, Na, Z = 11 43) Which of the following is a metal? A) nitrogen, N, Z = 7 B) phosphorus, P, Z = 15 C) arsenic, As, Z= 33 D) thallium, Tl, Z = 81 E) silicon, Si, Z = 14 44) Which of the following is a metalloid? Version 1 11 A) carbon, C, Z = 6 B) sulfur, S, Z = 16 C) germanium, Ge, Z = 32 D) iridium, Ir, Z = 77 E) bromine, Br, Z = 35 45) A row of the periodic table is called a(n) A) group. B) period. C) isotopic mixture. D) family. E) subshell. 46) Silicon, which makes up about 25% of Earth’s crust by mass, is used widely in the modern electronics industry. It has three naturally occurring isotopes, 28Si, 29Si, and 30Si. Calculate the atomic mass of silicon. A) 29.2252 amu B) 28.9757 amu C) 28.7260 amu D) 28.0855 amu E) 27.9801 amu 47) Lithium forms compounds which are used in dry cells, storage batteries, and in hightemperature lubricants. It has two naturally occurring isotopes, 6Li (isotopic mass = 6.015123 amu) and 7Li (isotopic mass = 7.016005 amu). Lithium has an atomic mass of 6.9412 amu. What is the percent abundance of lithium-6? Version 1 12 A) 92.53% B) 86.65% C) 49.47% D) 7.47% E) 6.015% 48) In the periodic table, atoms are arranged in order of A) increasing atomic mass. B) increasing atomic number. C) physical properties. D) periodicity. E) chemical reactivities. 49) The elements in Group 17 are known by what name? A) transition metals B) halogens C) alkali metals D) alkaline earth metals E) noble gases 50) The elements in Group 2 are known by what name? A) transition metals B) halogens C) alkali metals D) alkaline earth metals E) noble gases 51) The alkali metal elements are found in ________ of the periodic table. Version 1 13 A) group 1 B) group 2 C) group 13 D) period 7 E) period 1 52) What terms defines a mass which is exactly equal to 1/12 the mass of one carbon-12 atom? A) isotope number B) mass number C) mass-to-charge ratio D) atomic number E) atomic mass unit 53) Which of these elements is chemically similar to magnesium? A) sulfur B) calcium C) iron D) nickel E) potassium 54) Which of these elements is chemically similar to oxygen? A) sulfur B) calcium C) iron D) nickel E) potassium Version 1 14 55) Which of these elements is chemically similar to potassium? A) calcium B) arsenic C) phosphorus D) cerium E) cesium 56) How many atoms are in 0.534 mol of nickel, Ni? A) 1.13 ร— 10 24 atoms B) 1.48 ร— 10 25 atoms C) 2.44 ร— 10 22 atoms D) 3.22 ร— 10 23 atoms E) 6.98 ร— 10 21 atoms 57) How many atoms are in 7.12 mol of gold, Au? A) 1.18 ร— 10 โ€“23 atoms B) 4.29 ร— 10 24 atoms C) 8.46 ร— 10 22 atoms D) 4.70 ร— 10 24 atoms E) 3.34 ร— 10 26 atoms 58) How many moles are in 8.73 ร— 10 25 atoms of boron, B? A) 145 moles B) 3.84 ร— 10 27 moles C) 1.45 moles D) 5.04 ร— 10 โ€“25 moles E) 6.90 ร— 10 โ€“3 moles Version 1 15 59) How many moles are present in 17.4 g of lead? A) 0.0994 moles B) 1.05 ร— 10 25 moles C) 0.0840 moles D) 10.06 moles E) 11.9 moles 60) How many grams are present in 0.885 moles of manganese? A) 62.1 g B) 48.6 g C) 21.5 g D) 27.5 g E) 0.016 g 61) Determine the mass of hydrogen (in grams) that contains 5.08 ร— 10 15 hydrogen atoms. A) 5.12 ร— 1015 g B) 3.06 ร— 1039 g C) 3.06 ร— 10โ€“9 g D) 8.50 ร— 10โ€“9 g E) 8.5 ร— 1015 g 62) What element is represented by X in the atomic symbol notation ? A) iridium B) platinum C) palladium D) selenium E) magnesium Version 1 16 63) A rock contains an element with a molar mass of 40.08 g/mol. If 9.28 ร— 10 24 atoms of this element were found in the rock, how many grams of the unknown element are present in the rock? A) 618 g B) 1.49 ร— 10 28 g C) 2.24 ร— 10 50 g D) 0.38 g E) 3.80 g 64) Five vials each contain 12 grams of a solid metal sample. The samples include calcium, platinum, barium, gold, and silver. Which vial has the most metal atoms? A) calcium B) barium C) gold D) silver E) platinum 65) Five vials each contain 12 grams of a solid metal sample. The samples include calcium, platinum, barium, gold, and silver. Which vial has the fewest moles of metal atoms? A) calcium B) barium C) gold D) silver E) platinum 66) Determine the number of electrons and identify the correct symbol for an atom with 17 protons and 18 neutrons. Version 1 17 A) B) C) D) E) 67) Determine the number of protons, electrons, and neutrons for the isotope gold-118.The symbol for gold is Au. A) 118 protons, 118 electrons, 79 neutrons B) 79 protons, 79 electrons, 118 neutrons C) 79 protons, 79 electrons, 39 neutrons D) 118 protons, 118 electrons, 39 neutrons E) 79 protons, 39 electrons, 118 neutrons 68) Determine the number of protons and identify the correct symbol for an atom with 20 neutrons and 20 electrons. A) B) C) D) E) 69) The elements in Group 18 are called the ________. Version 1 18 A) alkali metals B) alkaline earth metals C) transition metals D) halogens E) noble gases 70) The elements in Group 2 are called the ________. A) alkali metals B) alkaline earth metals C) transition metals D) halogens E) noble gases 71) The elements in Group 17 are called the ________. A) alkali metals B) alkaline earth metals C) transition metals D) halogens E) noble gases 72) The elements in Group 1 are called the ________. A) alkali metals B) alkaline earth metals C) transition metals D) halogens E) noble gases 73) Which group is given the name chalcogens? Version 1 19 A) 1 B) 2 C) 12 D) 16 E) 17 74) The table below describes four atoms. Which atoms represent the same element? A) A and B; C and D B) A and C; B and D C) A and D; B and C D) None of the these choices is correct. Version 1 20 Answer Key Test name: Atoms2 1) FALSE 2) TRUE 3) TRUE 4) TRUE 5) TRUE 6) FALSE 7) FALSE 8) B 9) B 10) B 11) C 12) A 13) B 14) E 15) A 16) B 17) C 18) D 19) A 20) E 21) C 22) D 23) C 24) D 25) B 26) A Version 1 21 27) E 28) D 29) C 30) B 31) D 32) B 33) E 34) B 35) B 36) C 37) C 38) D 39) C 40) E 41) B 42) B 43) D 44) C 45) B 46) D 47) D 48) B 49) B 50) D 51) A 52) E 53) B 54) A 55) E 56) D Version 1 22 57) B 58) A 59) C 60) B 61) D 62) B 63) A 64) A 65) C 66) A 67) C 68) B 69) E 70) B 71) D 72) A 73) D 74) C Version 1 23

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