Test Bank for Art: A Brief History, 6th Edition

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Stokstad, Art: A Brief History, 6e, Test Item File:Chapter 2, Art of the Ancient Near East Multiple-Choice Questions 1. The term โ€œMesopotamiaโ€ means land a. outside the rivers. b. between the rivers. c. North of the rivers. d. South of the rivers. Question Title: TB_02_01_Chapter Introduction_Remember_2.1 Answer: b Learning Objective: 2.1Discuss the early development of ancient Near Eastern art and architecture at Sumer. Topic:Chapter Introduction, Sumer Skill Level: Remember the Facts Difficulty Level: Easy 2. Which two great rivers run through Mesopotamia? a. the Euphrates and the Nile b. the Indus and the Nile c. the Nile and the Tigris d. the Tigris and the Euphrates Question Title: TB_02_02_Chapter Introduction_Remember_2.1 Answer: d Learning Objective: 2.1Discuss the early development of ancient Near Eastern art and architecture at Sumer. Topic:Chapter Introduction, Sumer Skill Level: Remember the Facts Difficulty Level: Easy 3. Simple pictures, called pictographs, evolved into representations of syllable sounds known as a. hieroglyphs. b. cuneiforms. c. phonograms. d. icons. Question Title: TB_02_03_Sumer_Remember_2.1 Answer: c Learning Objective: 2.1Discuss the early development of ancient Near Eastern art and architecture at Sumer. Topic: Sumer Skill Level: Remember the Facts Difficulty Level: Easy 4. What is the name for an early form of writing using wedge-shaped marks? a. hieroglyphic b. cuneiform c. pictograph d. hieratic Question Title: TB_02_04_Sumer_Remember_2.1 Answer: b Learning Objective: 2.1Discuss the early development of ancient Near Eastern art and architecture at Sumer. Topic: Sumer Skill Level: Remember the Facts Difficulty Level: Easy 5. Which of the following is a writing instrument shaped like a triangular wedge? a. cuneiform b. stele c. cartouche d. stylus Question Title: TB_02_05_Sumer_Remember_2.1 Answer: d Learning Objective: 2.1Discuss the early development of ancient Near Eastern art and architecture at Sumer. Topic: Sumer Skill Level: Remember the Facts Difficulty Level: Easy 6. A tall stepped structure in Mesopotamia with a shrine on the top is a a. pyramid. b. temple. c. ziggurat. d. necropolis. Question Title: TB_02_06_Sumer_Remember_2.1 Answer: c Learning Objective: 2.1Discuss the early development of ancient Near Eastern art and architecture at Sumer. Topic: Sumer Skill Level: Remember the Facts Difficulty Level: Easy 7. a. b. c. The Sumerians worshiped many gods, among them Inanna, the goddess of love and beauty. love and happiness. love and death. d. love and war. Question Title: TB_02_07_Sumer_Remember_2.1 Answer: d Learning Objective: 2.1Discuss the early development of ancient Near Eastern art and architecture at Sumer. Topic: Sumer Skill Level: Remember the Facts Difficulty Level: Easy 8. Which of the following is the term for the traditional ways of representing forms? a. homages b. salutations c. registers d. conventions Question Title: TB_02_08_Sumer_Understand_2.1 Answer: d Learning Objective: 2.1Discuss the early development of ancient Near Eastern art and architecture at Sumer. Topic: Sumer Skill Level: Understand the Concepts Difficulty Level: Moderate 9. Which adjective would best describe Sumerian votive figures? a. cylindrical b. spherical c. rectangular d. triangular Question Title: TB_02_09_Sumer_Understand_2.1 Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.1Discuss the early development of ancient Near Eastern art and architecture at Sumer. Topic: Sumer Skill Level: Understand the Concepts Difficulty Level: Moderate 10. As seen in the carved vessel from Uruk, the horizontal bands where visual narratives are displayed are known as a. brackets. b. bays. c. registers. d. pillars. Question Title: TB_02_10_Sumer_Remember_2.1 Answer: c Learning Objective: 2.1Discuss the early development of ancient Near Eastern art and architecture at Sumer. Topic: Sumer Skill Level: Remember the Facts Difficulty Level: Easy 11. A small stone, decorated with incised patterns, that makes an identifying โ€œsignatureโ€ when rolled across soft clay or wax is called a a. cylinder seal. b. capital. c. stele. d. cairn. Question Title: TB_02_11_Sumer_Understand_2.1 Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.1Discuss the early development of ancient Near Eastern art and architecture at Sumer. Topic: Sumer Skill Level: Understand the Concepts Difficulty Level: Moderate 12. An upright stone slab decorated with writing or images that is used as a marker or memorial is a a. dolmen. b. stele. c. pylon. d. cairn. Question Title: TB_02_12_Looking Forward_Remember_2.2 Answer: b Learning Objective: 2.2Explain how the ancient art of Akkad, Ur, Lagash, and Babylon embodied the power, prestige, and achievements of a series of ancient Near Eastern rulers. Topic:Looking Forward; Akkad, Ur, Lagash, and Babylon Skill Level: Remember the Facts Difficulty Level: Easy 13. Which of the following cultures conquered the Akkadian Empire in 2180 BCE? a. the Guti b. the Sumerians c. the Babylonians d. the Assyrians Question Title: TB_02_13_Akkad, Ur, Lagash, and Babylon_Remember_2.2 Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.2Explain how the ancient art of Akkad, Ur, Lagash, and Babylon embodied the power, prestige, and achievements of a series of ancient Near Eastern rulers. Topic: Akkad, Ur, Lagash, and Babylon Skill Level: Remember the Facts Difficulty Level: Easy 14. The Stele of Naram-Sin commemorates a. a military victory. b. the dedication of Naram-Sinโ€™s palace. c. the first law code. d. the grave of Naram-Sin. Question Title: TB_02_14_Akkad, Ur, Lagash, and Babylon_Understand_2.2 Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.2Explain how the ancient art of Akkad, Ur, Lagash, and Babylon embodied the power, prestige, and achievements of a series of ancient Near Eastern rulers. Topic: Looking Forward; Akkad, Ur, Lagash, and Babylon Skill Level: Understand the Concepts Difficulty Level: Moderate 15. In some works of art, the size of the figures denotes their importance. This is known as a. hierarchic scale. b. iconography. c. stylization. d. abstraction. Question Title: TB_02_15_Looking Forward_Understand_2.2 Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.2Explain how the ancient art of Akkad, Ur, Lagash, and Babylon embodied the power, prestige, and achievements of a series of ancient Near Eastern rulers. Topic:Looking Forward; Akkad, Ur, Lagash, and Babylon Skill Level: Understand the Concepts Difficulty Level: Moderate 16. The worldโ€™s oldest recorded code of law is found on the a. Stele of Naram-Sin. b. Votive Statue of Gudea. c. the Carved Vessel from Uruk. d. Stele of Hammurabi. Question Title: TB_02_16_Akkad, Ur, Lagash, and Babylon_Understand_2.2 Answer: d Learning Objective: 2.2Explain how the ancient art of Akkad, Ur, Lagash, and Babylon embodied the power, prestige, and achievements of a series of ancient Near Eastern rulers. Topic: Akkad, Ur, Lagash, and Babylon Skill Level: Understand the Concepts Difficulty Level: Moderate 17. A guardian figure found on Assyrian gateways is called a. an anthromorph. b. a sphinx. c. a lamassu. d. a taotie. Question Title: TB_02_17_Assyrians and Neo-Babylonians_Remember_2.3 Answer: c Learning Objective: 2.3Characterize the design and meaning of the great palace complexes and urban development sponsored by Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian rulers. Topic: Assyrians and Neo-Babylonians Skill Level: Remember the Facts Difficulty Level: Easy 18. Which culture strongly influenced the Assyrians? a. Sumerian b. Babylonian c. Egyptian d Akkadian Question Title: TB_02_18_Assyrians and Neo-Babylonians_Understand_2.3 Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.3Characterize the design and meaning of the great palace complexes and urban development sponsored by Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian rulers. Topic: Assyrians and Neo-Babylonians Skill Level: Understand the Concepts Difficulty Level: Moderate 19. The relief sculpture of Assurbanipal and His Queen in the Gardenis a depiction of a. a military victory celebration. b. a romantic love scene. c. an homage to the king. d. a religious ritual. Question Title: TB_02_19_Assyrians and Neo-Babylonians_Understand_2.3 Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.3Characterize the design and meaning of the great palace complexes and urban development sponsored by Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian rulers. Topic: Assyrians and Neo-Babylonians Skill Level: Understand the Concepts Difficulty Level: Moderate 20. a. b. Who was the most well-known Neo-Babylonian ruler? King Croesus Nebuchadnezzar II c. Xerxes I d. Darius I Question Title: TB_02_20_Assyrians and Neo-Babylonians_Remember_2.3 Answer: b Learning Objective: 2.3Characterize the design and meaning of the great palace complexes and urban development sponsored by Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian rulers. Topic: Assyrians and Neo-Babylonians Skill Level: Remember the Facts Difficulty Level: Easy 21. As seen in the Ishtar Gate, the notched towers can also be described as a. crenellated. b. undercut. c. glazed. d. buttressed. Question Title: TB_02_21_Assyrians and Neo-Babylonians_Remember_2.3 Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.3Characterize the design and meaning of the great palace complexes and urban development sponsored by Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian rulers. Topic: Assyrians and Neo-Babylonians Skill Level: Remember the Facts Difficulty Level: Easy 22. The Persians laid out Persepolis in a rectangular grid. From whom did they borrow this tradition? a. the Babylonians and Indians b. the Romans and Carthaginians c. the Greeks and Egyptians d. the Japanese and Chinese Question Title: TB_02_22_Persia_Understand_2.4 Answer: c Learning Objective: 2.4Appraise the impact of the Persian conquest on the history of ancient Near Eastern architecture. Topic: Persia Skill Level: Understand the Concepts Difficulty Level: Moderate 23. Along with organizing lands into twenty tribute-paying areas, what practice made Darius an effective and able administrator? a. a system of fair taxation b. a large building project c. a nationalistic tradition d. a standardized religion Question Title: TB_02_23_Persia_Understand_2.4 Answer: a Learning Objective: 2.4Appraise the impact of the Persian conquest on the history of ancient Near Eastern architecture. Topic: Persia Skill Level: Understand the Concepts Difficulty Level: Moderate 24. Who ultimately put an end to the Persian Empire? a. the Etruscans b. the Romans c. the Greeks d. the Egyptians Question Title: TB_02_24_Persia_Remember_2.4 Answer: c Learning Objective: 2.4Appraise the impact of the Persian conquest on the history of ancient Near Eastern architecture. Topic: Persia Skill Level: Remember the Facts Difficulty Level: Easy 25. Which part of Persepolis could hold thousands of people? a. the treasury b. the Apadana c. the palace d. the ziggurat Question Title: TB_02_25_Persia_Understand_2.4 Answer: b Learning Objective: 2.4Appraise the impact of the Persian conquest on the history of ancient Near Eastern architecture. Topic: Persia Skill Level: Understand the Concepts Difficulty Level: Moderate Essay Questions 26. Discuss the iconography on the Carved Vessel from Uruk. Question Title: TB_02_26_Sumer_Apply and Analyze_2.1 Essay responses should include these points: ๏‚ท The narrative is organized into three different registers on the soft, white alabaster. ๏‚ท The story is told is reduced to the essential elements. ๏‚ท The lower register shows the sources of life in the natural world, whereas, the middle register shows naked men carrying baskets. ๏‚ท The top register shows the goddess Inanna accepting offerings. ๏‚ท The scene may represent a reenactment of the ritual marriage between the goddess and her consort, Dumuzi. Learning Objective: 2.1Discuss the early development of ancient Near Eastern art and architecture at Sumer. Topic: Sumer Skill Level: Apply What You Know and Analyze It Difficulty Level: Difficult 27. Describe the function and appearance of Sumerian votive figures. Question Title: TB_02_27_Sumer_Apply and Analyze_2.1 Essay responses should include these points: ๏‚ท The images are dedicated to the gods. ๏‚ท They are seen in cylindrical form, asstocky men are bare-chested and wear sheepskin kilts. ๏‚ท The bold, glaring, inlaid eyes may be related to statements that advise worshipers to approach their deities with an attentive gaze. Learning Objective: 2.1Discuss the early development of ancient Near Eastern art and architecture at Sumer. Topic: Sumer Skill Level: Apply What You Know and Analyze It Difficulty Level: Difficult 28. Describe the purposes and medium for cylinder seals. Question Title: TB_02_28_Sumer_Apply and Analyze_2.1 Essay responses should include these points: ๏‚ท The cylinder seals were made from hard stone and semiprecious stones. ๏‚ท One example shows the use of lapis lazuli. ๏‚ท They were used to secure and identify documents, including to seal jars, bundles, and doors. ๏‚ท The low-relief designs were elaborate and could not be easily reproduced or forged. Learning Objective: 2.1Discuss the early development of ancient Near Eastern art and architecture at Sumer. Topic: Sumer Skill Level: Apply What You Know and Analyze It Difficulty Level: Difficult 29. Explain how the iconography of the Stele of Naram-Sin speaks to the greatness of NaramSin. Question Title: TB_02_29_Akkad, Ur, Lagash, and Babylon_Apply and Analyze_2.2 Essay responses should include these points: ๏‚ท Naram-Sin is larger than the other figures on the low-relief sculpture; therefore, according to the hierarchic scale, he is more important. ๏‚ท He also wears horns on his helmet and is closest to the mountain top and sun symbolizing his importance and power. ๏‚ท He steps upon the bodies of enemies and ascends upward. Learning Objective: 2.2Explain how the ancient art of Akkad, Ur, Lagash, and Babylon embodied the power, prestige, and achievements of a series of ancient Near Eastern rulers. Topic: Akkad, Ur, Lagash, and Babylon Skill Level: Apply What You Know and Analyze It Difficulty Level: Difficult 30. Interpret the message of the Votive Statue of Gudea. Question Title: TB_02_30_Akkad, Ur, Lagash, and Babylon_Apply and Analyze_2.2 Essay responses should include these points: ๏‚ท Gudea dedicates himself, the sculpture, and the temple in which the sculpture resided to the goddess Geshtinanna. ๏‚ท Gudeais seen providing life-giving water from a vessel with leaping fish. ๏‚ท The scene symbolizes the importance of water in ancient Mesopotamia. Learning Objective: 2.2 Explain how the ancient art of Akkad, Ur, Lagash, and Babylon embodied the power, prestige, and achievements of a series of ancient Near Eastern rulers. Topic: Akkadians and Neo-Babylonians Skill Level: Apply What You Know and Analyze It Difficulty Level: Difficult 31. Discuss the formal characteristics of the lamassu figures? Question Title: TB_02_31_Akkadians and Neo-Babylonians_Apply and Analyze_2.3 Essay responses should include these points: ๏‚ท The large, high-relief sculpture of a winged lion guarded the palace doorways. ๏‚ท With the face of kings, shown through beard and helmet, the lamassu figures were meant to symbolize the dominance of the realm. ๏‚ท They were also supposed to act as protectors and were realistic from the front or side. The figures have five legs to show motion and look lifelike. Learning Objective: 2.3Characterize the design and meaning of the great palace complexes and urban development sponsored by Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian rulers. Topic: Assyrians and Neo-Babylonians Skill Level: Apply What You Know and Analyze It Difficulty Level: Difficult

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