Test Bank for A Gift of Fire: Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues for Computing Technology, 5th Edition

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Chapter 2 ______ In Olmsted v. United States (1928), the U.S. Supreme Court interpreted the Fourth Amendment to apply only to physical intrusion. (T) ______ In Katz v. United States (1967), the U.S. Supreme Court determined that the government needs a court order to intrude where a reasonable person has a reasonable expectation of privacy. (T) ______ The Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets (1968) explicitly allowed wiretapping and electronic surveillance by law enforcement agencies with a warrant. (T) ______ The USA PATRIOT Act (2001) gives individuals more protection from governmental intrusion. (F) ______ In Kyllo v. United States (2001), the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that when the government uses a device that’s not in use by the general public to “see” things it could not without intrusion, that is a “search” and requires a warrant. (T) ______ U.S. v. Jones (2012) was the first major case of digital technology surveillance and involved police attaching a GPS tracking device to a person’s vehicle without a search warrant. (T) Chapter 2 1. Two approaches to the problem of protecting personal information are (a) the free market view and (b) the consumer protection view. How do these points of view differ on the issue of a company disclosing personal information about its customers? How do they differ on the issue of errors in the data about an individual that is distributed by a credit bureau? 2. Briefly describe what an “opt-in” policy is and an “opt-out” policy is. Let’s say you were filling out a survey for an online magazine. Give an example of what youโ€™d see that would distinguish an opt-in from an opt-out policy. 3. Consider the European Union and the United States. Which one of these cultures has historically placed a higher value upon privacy? Explain. 4. Why did the United States try to restrict strong encryption? What effect did that attempt at restriction have on U.S. businesses? 5. What are some โ€œprosโ€ and โ€œconsโ€ to having a national ID card that can access all of oneโ€™s financial and medical information? 6. Would the Social Security Number be good to use as a national ID for U.S. citizens? Why or why not? Chapter 2 1. When a person visits a Web site, his or her IP address and the links he or she clicked on are automatically recorded. This is an example of (a) secondary use (b) invisible information gathering (c) data spillage (d) data mining Correct answer: b – pg 56-57 2. The Privacy Act of 1974 established rules to regulate (a) private sector databases only (b) all databases that contain personal information (c) all personal information, including surveillance data (d) Federal government databases only Correct answer: d – pg 84 3. A cookie is (a) a feature of a Web site designed to attract children (b) an illegal use of information about a customer (c) a file that a Web site stores on a visitor’s computer (d) a small reward that can be redeemed on a Web site Correct answer: c – pg 58 4. If a business follows an “opt-in” policy for handling personal data, information about a customer (a) may not be released under any conditions (b) may not be released unless the customer gives permission (c) may be released unless the customer requests that the information be kept private (d) may be released for any legitimate business purpose Correct answer: b – pg 59 5. The Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) said that (a) international electronic communications must be filtered through a single hub. (b) agents of a foreign power may be wiretapped with authorization from a secret court (c) telecommunications equipment must be designed to allow the interception of telephone calls (with a court order) (d) email should have the same degree of legal protection as telephone calls Correct answer: c – pg 115 Chapter 2 FISA the Act which establishes oversight rules for the NSA FTC the federal commission that regulates trade FCC the federal commission that regulates communications computer matching combining and comparing information from different databases using a single identifier targeted marketing advertising based on demographics, purchasing history, or other specific aspects of people COPPA a law passed to protect children’s privacy online data mining combing through large amounts of data for patterns and information computer profiling analyzing data to determine characteristics of people most likely to engage in a certain behavior RFID tags that use radio frequencies to communicate with devices CALEA the law that requires communications companies to design equipment so that it is capable of being tapped GPS uses satellite signals and triangulation to determine location encryption a technology that transforms data into a form that is meaningless to anyone who might intercept it ECPA a law which prohibits interception of email and reading of (some) stored email without a court order Chapter 2 1. Explain why the United States has historically placed less value than the European Union on the right to privacy. 2. Describe three of the Fair Information Principles.

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Test Bank for A Gift of Fire: Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues for Computing Technology, 5th Edition

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