Solution Manual for Social Work Skills for Beginning Direct Practice: Text, Workbook and Interactive Multimedia Case Studies, 4th Edition

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CHAPTER 2 PRACTICE TEST ANSWERS 1. c Feedback to correct answer: The act of giving clients the freedom to make choices in their lives and to move toward established goals in a manner that they see as most fitting for themselves, so long as clientsโ€™ choices donโ€™t infringe on the rights of others (Zastrow, 2013); grounded in self-determination theory, which posits that client changes are more apt to be long lasting and more effective if they are autonomously motivated to change (Deci & Ryan, 2012). 2. b Feedback to correct answer: To put into action the value of inherent worth and dignity is the process of knowing people for themselves, instead of โ€œknowingโ€ people through the distortions of our own biases. 3. a Feedback to correct answer: Interagency sharing of client records may improve the service delivery process to clients across the community, but it also imposes a limit on confidentiality. What a client tells one social worker at one agency may be shared via computers with other social service organizations. In this scenario, clients are asked to sign a release of confidentiality so that social service agencies can share information and streamline the service delivery process. 4. c Feedback to correct answer: At times it can be difficult to know what the most ethical and trustworthy path may be, but discussions with supervisors and colleagues, and consulting the social work code of ethics can help social workers through difficult decisions facing them in the practice world. CRTICAL THINKING QUESTIONS Q1. Model Response: Consider the social work values that might influence your decision to take this client, such as the possibility of and belief in change that the profession is founded on, the notion of inherent worth and dignity of every human being, and the notion of social justice. Also consider you knowledge of human behavior, particularly of child growth and development in understanding the actions of a 12 year old against their 3 year old brother. Consider the environment in which the assault took place. Finally, weigh-in on your own biases about teenagers, young children, and troubled families. Consider all of these factors in reaching a decision about accepting this client, recognizing that the best decision should be what is best for the client. Q2. Model Response: Knowledge is a fundamental ingredient of empowerment. Consider the cultural knowledge needed to support selfdetermination in two cultural contexts, for example, a lesbian family, an illegal Mexican family, or with a middle class Muslim woman. Q3. Model Response: Consider the policies that govern the care of dependent populations; availability of services; budgets and personal finances; and attitudes toward various populations in need of care. These might include the elderly, mentally ill, developmentally disabled, or chronically ill individuals of any age. Q4. Model Response: Include how you would use the steps to resolving ethical dilemmas in constructing the questions you will ask your colleague. Also consider what criteria you would use to select the best colleague for consultation in resolving the ethical dilemma

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