Solution Manual For Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics, 10th Edition

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2 Motion in One Dimension CHAPTER OUTLINE 2.1 Position, Velocity, and Speed of a Particle 2.2 Instantaneous Velocity and Speed 2.3 Analysis Model: Particle Under Constant Velocity 2.4 The Analysis Model Approach to Problem Solving 2.5 Acceleration 2.6 Motion Diagrams 2.7 Analysis Model: Particle Under Constant Acceleration 2.8 Freely Falling Objects 2.9 Kinematic Equations Derived from Calculus * An asterisk indicates a question or problem new to this edition. SOLUTIONS TO THINK-PAIR-SHARE AND ACTIVITIES *TP2.1 Conceptualize The photo in Figure TP2.1 helps you to visualize the situation. In the first demonstrations, the object, which appears as a small silver-colored slider at the left end of the red lever in the photograph, rises up and just touches the bell at the top of the column. We can approximate this situation by saying that the slider just reaches zero velocity at the position of the bell. ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. In the final demonstration, the hitting of the hammer on the apparatus has caused the bell to shift to the side, so that the slider can fly vertically off the track when it is projected with a higher initial velocity. It looks like we have only two pieces of information: the height h of the object in the first situation and the fact that the initial velocity of the object in the second situation is twice that in the first. But we have two more pieces of information that can be gleaned from the description: in the first situation, the velocity of the object goes to zero just as its vertical position reaches height h; in the second situation, the initial and final vertical positions are the same. Categorize The slider is an object in free fall, so we use the particle under constant acceleration model for its motion. Analyze For the first situation, write an equation from the model relating velocity and position, using subscripts 1 to describe this situation. Evaluate the final values in the equation for the instant at which the object just touches the bell and momentarily comes to rest: ( v 2f 1 = vi12 โˆ’ 2g y f 1 โˆ’ yi1 ) โ†’ 0 = v โˆ’ 2g ( h โˆ’ 0) โ†’ v = 2gh (1) 2 i1 i1 For the second situation, write an equation from the model relating velocity and time, using subscripts 2. Solve for the time: v f 2 = vi 2 โˆ’ gt โ†’ t = vi 2 โˆ’ v f 2 g (2) Now evaluate the time at which the object reaches its highest position at the top of its motion: ttop = vi 2 โˆ’ 0 vi 2 = g g (3) Recognize that the initial velocity in the second situation is twice that of the first, and combine Equations (1) and (2): ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. ttop = 2vi1 2 = g ( 2gh ) = 2 2h g g Finally, recognize by symmetry that the time at which the object lands back on the ground is twice that at which it is at the top, and substitute numerical values: tground = 2ttop = 4 2 ( 4.50 m ) 2h =4 = 3.83 s g 9.80 m/ s 2 Finalize Does this time interval for the flight of the object seem reasonable? Discuss with your partners the following. Is this time just twice the time for the object to fall back to the lever in the first situation? In the second situation, does the object rise to a maximum height of just twice that in the first situation? Does the fact that the object begins its upward motion a few centimeters above the ground make any significant difference in our calculation of the final time in the second situation? Answer: 3.83 s *TP2.2 Conceptualize Be sure you understand the setup of the problem. One person drops a rock from rest. The second person waits for a time interval and then throws the second rock with just the right speed so that it catches up to the first rock just as the two rocks enter the water. Categorize The rocks are in free fall, so we use the particle under constant acceleration model for their motion. Analyze Let us first look at the fall of the first rock through the vertical distance h. Using Equation 2.16, rewritten for the vertical direction, we find y f = yi + v yit + 12 ayt 2 โ†’ โˆ’ h = 0 + 0 โˆ’ 12 gt 2 โ†’ t= 2h g (1) ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. This is the time at which the dropped rock strikes the water. Now consider the fall of the second rock. The thrower waits for a time interval โˆ†t after the first rock is dropped before throwing his rock downward. Let us denote time tโ€™ as the time at which the second rock reaches the water, with tโ€™ = 0 at the instant the second rock is thrown downward. Using Equation 2.16, rewritten for the vertical direction, we find y f = yi + v yit โ€ฒ + 12 ay ( t โ€ฒ ) 2 h โˆ’ 12 g ( t โ€ฒ ) v yi = tโ€ฒ 2 โ†’ โˆ’ h = 0 โˆ’ v yit โ€ฒ โˆ’ 12 g ( t โ€ฒ ) โ†’ 2 (2) In order for there to be a single splash, the time t at which the first rock strikes the water must be the same as the sum of the waiting time โˆ†t and the time tโ€™ for the second rock to fall: t = ฮ”t + t โ€ฒ โ†’ t โ€ฒ = t โˆ’ ฮ”t (3) Substitute Equation (3) into Equation (2) and then substitute Equation (1) into Equation (2): h โˆ’ 12 g ( t โˆ’ ฮ”t ) v yi = = t โˆ’ ฮ”t 2 โŽ› 2h โŽž h โˆ’ 12 g โŽœ โˆ’ ฮ”t โŽŸ โŽ g โŽ  2h โˆ’ ฮ”t g 2 = ฮ”t 2gh โˆ’ 12 g ( ฮ”t ) 2 2h โˆ’ ฮ”t g (4) (a) Substitute numerical values: (1.00 s) 2 ( 9.80 m/ s ) ( 75.0 m ) โˆ’ 12 ( 9.80 m/ s ) (1.00 s) v = = 11.5 m/ s 2 ( 75.0 m ) โˆ’ 1.00 s 2 2 2 yi ( 9.80 m/ s ) 2 (b) One way to solve this problem is to solve Equation (4) for โˆ†t. This leads to a quadratic equation whose appropriate solution is ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. ฮ”t = v yi + 2gh โˆ’ v yi2 + 2gh (5) g Substitute numerical values: ฮ”t = ( ) 40.0 m/ s + 2 9.80 m/ s 2 ( 75.0 m ) โˆ’ ( 40.0 m/ s) + 2 ( 9.80 m/ s ) ( 75.0 m ) 2 2 9.80 m/ s 2 = 2.34 s Another way to solve the problem is to set up a spreadsheet using Equation (4) and generate a list of velocities vyi for increasing values of โˆ†t. You can then look in the list for the speed for 40.0 m/s and read the approximate value of โˆ†t. Then the spreadsheet can be modified by looking at just the short range of โˆ†t that gives a speed of about 40.0 m/s and using a smaller increment for โˆ†t. By narrowing in using this technique, you find again that the time interval is 2.34 s. (c) The second rock must be thrown before the first rock hits the water. Therefore, the longest time interval is given by Equation (1): ฮ”tmax = t = 2h g Substitute numerical values: ฮ”tmax = 2 ( 75.0 m ) = 3.91 s 9.80 m/ s 2 Finalize If the second person waited to throw the second rock for the time interval in part (c), it would have to be thrown with infinite speed. (We will find in Chapter 38 that this is not possible.) If you have set up the spreadsheet for part (b), you will see the values for the speed vyi become very large as you approach 3.91 s and then become negative for larger values of the time interval. Answers: (a) 11.5 m/s (b) 2.34 s (c) 3.91 s ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. *TP2.3 Conceptualize Think about the falling ruler. When it begins to fall, your eyes see the motion and send a signal to your brain. Your brain has to process the information and send a signal to your hand to grab the ruler. The muscles in your hand then have to respond to this signal and close your fingers onto the ruler. The time intervals for all of these things to happen are added to equal the reaction time. Categorize The ruler falls with an acceleration due to gravity, so we use the particle under constant acceleration model for its motion. Analyze There are no numbers given in the problem, so letโ€™s make one up. Suppose your fingers close on the ruler at the 8.0-inch mark. Then, using Equation 2.16 in the vertical direction, y f = yi + v yit + 12 ayt 2 โ†’ โˆ’ h = 0 + 0 โˆ’ 12 gt 2 โ†’ t= 2h g Substitute the value of h: t= 2 ( 8.0 in ) โŽ› 0.025 4 m โŽž = 0.20 s 9.80 m/ s 2 โŽœโŽ 1 in โŽŸโŽ  Finalize This value is a typical human reaction time. Answer: Answers will vary depending on your individual reaction time. A typical human reaction time is about 0.2 s. *TP2.4 Conceptualize From the graphical representation, generate a mental representation by running the motion in your mind. (a) From โ€“50 s to 0, the Acela is cruising at a constant positive velocity in the +x direction. Between 0 and 50 s, the constant velocity is maintained for a while and then the train begins to speed up. Between 50s and 100s, the train speeds up; notice that the graph is linear in this segment. Between 100 s and 200 s, the train reaches its ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. maximum speed of about 175 mi/h. Between 200 s and 300 s, the engineer applies the brakes: the train is slowing down. The train is moving very slowly between 300 s and 350 s and then stops at 350 s. After 350 s, the train reverses direction: the velocity is negative. The train is backing up faster and faster until the data ends at 400 s. Categorize Much of the motion of the train does not fit into a simple analysis model. However, between 50 s and 100 s, the train is well modeled as a particle under constant acceleration, since the vโ€“t graph is linear. Analyze (b) Draw a best-fit line between 50 s and 100 s on the graph, taking advantage of the full vertical extent of the graph: Now, find the slope of the green line, using its topmost and bottommost points, reading the coordinates from the graph: a = slope = ฮ”v 200 mi/ h โˆ’ ( โˆ’100 mi/ h ) = = 1.9 mi/ h ยท s 125 s โˆ’ ( โˆ’30 s ) ฮ”t This result can be converted to metric units: โŽ› 1 609 m โŽž โŽ› 1 h โŽž a = 1.9 mi/ h ยท s โŽœ = 0.87 m/ s2 โŽœ โŽŸ โŽŸ โŽ 1 mi โŽ  โŽ 3 600 s โŽ  ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. (c) To find the displacement, we need to use the notion in Section 2.9 that the displacement of a particle is the area under the vโ€“t curve. Because we do not have a functional description of the velocity of the train, we will need to approximate the displacement. Letโ€™s approximate the area under the curve between 0 and 200 s with the following triangle (yellow) and two rectangles (green): Find the area of each shape: Lower rectangle: ฮ”x1 = ( 40 mi/ h ) ( 200 s) = 8 000 mi ยท s/ h Upper rectangle: ฮ”x2 = (170 mi/ h โˆ’ 40 mi/ h ) (100 s) = 13 000 mi ยท s/ h Triangle: ฮ”x3 = 12 (110 mi/ h ) ( 55 s) = 3 025 mi ยท s/ h Therefore, the total displacement is ฮ”xtotal = ฮ”x1 + ฮ”x2 + ฮ”x3 = 8 000 mi ยท s/ h + 13 000 mi ยท s/ h + 3 025 mi ยท s/ h = 2.4 ร— 10 4 mi ยท s/ h ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. This is not a very useful unit! So letโ€™s reconcile the hours and seconds: โŽ› 1h โŽž ฮ”xtotal = 2.4 ร— 10 4 mi ยท s/ h โŽœ = 6.7 mi โŽ 3 600 s โŽŸโŽ  Finalize There are a variety of ways that the area under the curve in part (c) could be approximated, so the results may vary a bit depending on how this approximation is made. Answers: (a) From โ€“50 s to 0, the Acela is cruising at a constant positive velocity in the +x direction. Between 0 and 50 s, the constant velocity is maintained for a while and then the train begins to speed up. Between 50s and 100s, the train speeds up; notice that the graph is linear in this segment. Between 100 s and 200 s, the train reaches its maximum speed of about 175 mi/h. Between 200 s and 300 s, the engineer applies the brakes: the train is slowing down. The train is moving very slowly between 300 s and 350 s and then stops at 350 s. After 350 s, the train reverses direction: the velocity is negative. The train is backing up faster and faster until the data ends at 400 s. (b) 0.87 m/s2 (c) 6.7 mi (answers may vary, depending on estimation from the graph.) SOLUTIONS TO END-OF-CHAPTER PROBLEMS Section 2.1 P2.1 Position, Velocity, and Speed We assume that you are approximately 2 m tall and that the nerve impulse travels at uniform speed. The elapsed time is then ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. P2.2 We substitute for t in x = 10t2, then use the definition of average velocity: t (s) 2.00 2.10 3.00 x (m) 40.0 44.1 90.0 (a) (b) P2.3 We read the data from the table provided, assume three significant figures of precision for all the numbers, and use Equation 2.2 for the definition of average velocity. (a) (b) (c) Section 2.2 P2.4 Instantaneous Velocity and Speed We use the definition of average velocity. (a) (b) (c) To find the average velocity for the round trip, we add the displacement and time for each of the two halves of the swim: ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. (d) The average speed of the round trip is the total distance the athlete travels divided by the total time for the trip: P2.5 For average velocity, we find the slope of a secant line running across the graph between the 1.5-s and 4-s points. Then for instantaneous velocities we think of slopes of tangent lines, which means the slope of the graph itself at a point. We place two points on the curve: Point A, at t = 1.5 s, and Point B, at t = 4.0 s, and read the corresponding values of x. (a) At ti = 1.5 s, xi = 8.0 m (Point A) At tf = 4.0 s, xf = 2.0 m (Point B) ANS. FIG. P2.5 ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. (b) The slope of the tangent line can be found from points C and D. (tC = 1.0 s, xC = 9.5 m) and (tD = 3.5 s, xD = 0), The negative sign shows that the direction of vxis along the negative x direction. (c) The velocity will be zero when the slope of the tangent line is zero. This occurs for the point on the graph where x has its minimum value. This is at Section 2.3 P2.6 . Analysis Model: Particle Under Constant Velocity The trip has two parts: first the car travels at constant speed v1 for distance d, then it travels at constant speed v2 for distance d. The first part takes the time interval (a) = d/v1, and the second part takes the time interval โˆ†t2 = d/v2. By definition, the average velocity for the entire trip is where and Putting these together, we have We know vavg = 30 mi/h and v1 = 60 mi/h. Solving for v2 gives ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. (b) The average velocity for this trip is where so, vavg= (c) The average speed for this trip is d + d = 2d and where d = d1 + d2 = so, the average speed is the same as in part (a): vavg = P2.7 (a) The total time for the trip is ttotal = t1 + 22.0 min = t1 + 0.367 h, where t1 is the time spent traveling at v1 = 89.5 km/h. Thus, the distance traveled is which gives or from which, t1= 2.44 h, for a total time of (b) Section 2.5 P2.8 The distance traveled during the trip is giving Acceleration The acceleration is zero whenever the marble is on a horizontal section. The acceleration has a constant positive value when the marble is rolling on the 20-to-40-cm section and has a constant negative value when it is rolling on the second sloping section. The position graph is a straight sloping line whenever the speed is constant and a section of a parabola when the speed changes. ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. ANS. FIG. P2.8 P2.9 (a) In the interval ti = 0 s and tf= 6.00 s, the motorcyclistโ€™s velocity changes from vi = 0 to vf = 8.00 m/s. Then, ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. (b) Maximum positive acceleration occurs when the slope of the velocitytime curve is greatest, at t = 3 s, and is equal to the slope of the graph, approximately (6 m/s โ€“ 2 m/s)/(4 s โˆ’ 2 s) = (c) The acceleration a = 0 when the slope of the velocity-time graph is zero, which occurs at , and also for (d) Maximum negative acceleration occurs when the velocity-time graph has its maximum negative slope, at t = 8 s, and is equal to the slope of the graph, approximately P2.10(a) The graph is shown in ANS. FIG. P2.10 below. ANS. FIG. P2.10 (b) At t = 5.0 s, the slope is . At t = 4.0 s, the slope is . At t = 3.0 s, the slope is . At t = 2.0 s, the slope is . (c) (d) The initial velocity of the car was . ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. P2.11 (a) The area under a graph of a vs. t is equal to the change in velocity, โˆ†v. We can use Figure P2.11 to find the change in velocity during specific time intervals. The area under the curve for the time interval 0 to 10 s has the shape of a rectangle. Its area is = (2 m/s2)(10 s) = 20 m/s The particle starts from rest, v0 = 0, so its velocity at the end of the 10-s time interval is v = v0 + = 0 + 20 m/s = Between t = 10 s and t = 15 s, the area is zero: = 0 m/s. Between t = 15 s and t = 20 s, the area is a rectangle: = (โˆ’3 m/s2)(5 s) = โˆ’15 m/s. So, between t = 0 s and t = 20 s, the total area is = (20 m/s) + (0 m/s) + (โˆ’15 m/s) = 5 m/s, and the velocity at t = 20 s is (b) We can use the information we derived in part (a) to construct a graph of x vs. t; the area under such a graph is equal to the displacement, of the particle. From (a), we have these points (t, v) = (0 s, 0 m/s), (10 s, 20 m/s), (15 s, 20 m/s), and (20 s, 5 m/s). The graph appears below. The displacements are: 0 to 10 s (area of triangle): = (1/2)(20 m/s)(10 s) = 100 m 10 to 15 s (area of rectangle): = (20 m/s)(5 s) = 100 m ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 15 to 20 s (area of triangle and rectangle): = (1/2)[(20 โ€“ 5) m/s](5 s) + (5 m/s)(5 s) = 37.5 m + 25 m = 62.5 m Total displacement over the first 20.0 s: = 100 m + 100 m + 62.5 m = 262.5 m = Section 2.6 P2.12 Motion Diagrams (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) One way of phrasing the answer: The spacing of the successive positions would change with Another way: The object would move with some combination of the kinds of motion shown in (a) through (e). Within one drawing, the acceleration vectors would vary in magnitude and direction. P2.13 (a) The motion is fast at first but slowing until the speed is constant. We assume the acceleration is constant as the object slows. ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. (b) The motion is constant in speed. (c) The motion is speeding up, and we suppose the acceleration is constant. ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Section 2.7 P2.14 Analysis Model: Particle Under Constant Acceleration and x f โˆ’ xi = 1.50 ร— 10 We have โˆ’2 m. (a) : (b) P2.15 In parts (a) โ€“ (c), we use Equation 2.13 to determine the velocity at the times indicated. (a) The time given is 1.00 s after 10:05:00 a.m., so vf = vi + at = 13.0 m/s + (โ€“4.00 m/s2)(1.00 s) = (b) The time given is 4.00 s after 10:05:00 a.m., so vf = vi + at = 13.0 m/s + (โ€“4.00 m/s2)(4.00 s) = (c) The time given is 1.00 s before 10:05:00 a.m., so vf = vi + at = 13.0 m/s + (โ€“4.00 m/s2)(โ€“1.00 s) = (d) (e) ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. P2.16 We think of the plane moving with maximum-size backward acceleration throughout the landing, so the acceleration is constant, the stopping time a minimum, and the stopping distance as short as it can be. The negative acceleration of the plane as it lands can be called deceleration, but it is simpler to use the single general term acceleration for all rates of velocity change. (a) The plane can be modeled as a particle under constant acceleration, with Given we use the equation and solve for t: (b) Find the required stopping distance and compare this to the length of the runway. Taking xi to be zero, we get or (c) P2.17 The stopping distance is greater than the length of the runway; The velocity is always changing; there is always nonzero acceleration and the problem says it is constant. So we can use one of the set of equations describing constant-acceleration motion. Take the initial point to be the moment when xi= 3.00 cmand vxi = 12.0 cm/s. Also, at t = 2.00 s, xf = โ€“5.00 cm. Once you have classified the object as a particle moving with constant acceleration and have the standard set of four equations in front of you, how do you choose which equation to use? Make a list of all of the six symbols in the equations: xi , xf, vxi , vxf, ax, and t. On the list fill in values as above, ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. showing that xi, xf, vxi, and t are known. Identify ax as the unknown. Choose an equation involving only one unknown and the knowns. That is, choose an equation not involving vxf. Thus we choose the kinematic equation and solve for ax: We substitute: ax = 2[ โˆ’5.00 cm โˆ’ 3.00 cm โˆ’(12.0 cm/s)(2.00 s)] (2.00 s)2 = โˆ’16.0 cm/s 2 P2.18 As in the algebraic solution to Example 2.8, we let t represent the time the trooper has been moving. We graph xcar = 45+ 45t and xtrooper = 1.5t2 They intersect at ANS. FIG. P2.18 P2.19 Let the glider enter the photogate with velocity vi and move with constant acceleration a. For its motion from entry to exit, ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. (a) The speed halfway through the photogate in space is given by and this is (b) The speed halfway through the photogate in time is given by and this is P2.20 as determined above. We ask whether the constant acceleration of the rhinoceros from rest over a period of 10.0 s can result in a final velocity of 8.00 m/s and a displacement of 50.0 m? To check, we solve for the acceleration in two ways. P2.21 1) ti = 0, vi = 0; t = 10.0 s, vf = 8.00 m/s: 2) ti = 0, xi = 0, vi = 0; t = 10.0 s, xf = 50.0 m: (a) Let a stopwatch start from t = 0 as the front end of the glider passes point A. The average speed of the glider over the interval between t = 0 and ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. t = 0.628 s is 12.4 cm/(0.628 s) = , and this is the instantaneous speed halfway through the time interval, at t = 0.314 s. (b) The average speed of the glider over the time interval between 0.628 + 1.39 = 2.02 s and 0.628 + 1.39 + 0.431 = 2.45 s is 12.4 cm/(0.431 s) = 28.8 cm/s and this is the instantaneous speed at the instant t = (2.02 + 2.45)/2 = 2.23 s. Now we know the velocities at two instants, so the acceleration is found from (c) P2.22 Take any two of the standard four equations, such as Solve one for vxi, and substitute into the other: vxi = vxf โ€“ axt Thus We note that the equation is dimensionally correct. The units are units of length in each term. Like the standard equation this equation represents that displacement is a quadratic function of time. ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. P2.23 (a) For the first car, the speed as a function of time is For the second car, the speed is Setting the two expressions equal gives Solving for t gives (b) The first car then has speed and this is also the constant speed of the second car. (c) For the first car, the position as a function of time is For the second car, the position is At the point where the cars pass one another, their positions are equal: rearranging gives We solve this with the quadratic formula. Suppressing units, ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. (d) At t = 0.604 s, the second and also the first carโ€™s position is At t = 6.90 s, both are at position (e) *P2.24 Conceptualize A diagram of the information provided will be helpful. The diagram below shows three positions of the car and the times at which the car is at those positions. Categorize The phrase โ€œslowing down the car uniformlyโ€ tells us to use the particle under constant acceleration analysis model for this problem. ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Analyze We have no information about the velocity of the car, so that suggests we focus on the equation in the particle under constant acceleration model involving position: x f = xi + vit + 1 2 at . (a) Write the position equation 2 twice, once for the car at pole #2 and once at pole #3, each referencing pole #1 as the initial situation: x2 = x1 + v1t2 + 12 at22 = 0 + v1t2 + 12 at22 = v1t2 + 12 at22 (1) x3 = x1 + v1t3 + 12 at32 = 0 + v1t3 + 12 at32 = v1t3 + 12 at32 (2) Eliminate v1 between Equations (1) and (2) and solve for the acceleration a: a= 2 ( x3t2 โˆ’ x2t3 ) (3) t32t2 โˆ’ t22t3 Substitute numerical values: 2 โŽก( 80.0 m ) (10.0 s) โˆ’ ( 40.0 m ) ( 25.0 s ) โŽคโŽฆ a= โŽฃ = โˆ’0.107 m/ s2 2 2 ( 25.0 s) (10.0 s) โˆ’ (10.0 s) ( 25.0 s) (b) Solve Equation (1) for the initial speed of the car: x2 = v1t2 + 12 at22 x2 โˆ’ 12 at22 v1 = t2 โ†’ (4) Substitute numerical values: v1 = ( ) 40.0 m โˆ’ 12 โˆ’0.107 m/ s 2 (10.0 s) (10.0 s) 2 = 4.53 m/ s (c) Using Equation 2.17 in the particle under constant acceleration model relating velocity and position, solve for the position at which the velocity goes to zero: v = v + 2ax f 2 f 2 1 โ†’ xf = v 2f โˆ’ v12 2a = 0 โˆ’ ( 4.53 m/ s) ( 2 2 โˆ’0.107 m/ s 2 ) = 96.3 m ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Because the fourth pole would be at x = 120 m, the last pole passed is pole #3. Finalize Part (c) can also be solved less directly by finding the time at which the velocity goes to zero and then substituting into the position equation to find the position at that time. In doing so, you find the time at which the car stops to be 42.5 s. It might be surprising that the car travels for an additional 42.5 โ€“ 25.0 = 17.5 s beyond pole #3 (longer than between poles #1 and #2, and between poles #2 and #3), but only moves 96.3 โ€“ 80.0 m = 16.3 m beyond that pole. Answers: (a)โ€“0.107 m/s2(b) 4.53 m/s (c) pole #3 (stops at x = 96.3 m at t = 42.4 s Section 2.8 P2.25 Freely Falling Objects The bill starts from rest, vi = 0, and falls with a downward acceleration of 9.80 m/s2 (due to gravity). For an average human reaction time of about 0.20 s, we can find the distance the bill will fall: The bill falls about 20 cmโ€”this distance is about twice the distance between the center of the bill and its top edge, about 8 cm. Thus P2.26 We can solve (a) and (b) at the same time by assuming the rock passes the top of the wall and finding its speed there. If the speed comes out imaginary, the rock will not reach this elevation. ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. which gives . (c) The rock travels from yi = 3.65 m to yf = 1.55 m. We find the final speed of the rock thrown down: which gives The change in speed of the rock thrown down is (d) The magnitude of the speed change of the rock thrown up is This with 2.39 m/s. (e) P2.27 We are given the height of the helicopter: y = h = 3.00t3. At t = 2.00 s, y = 3.00(2.00 s)3 = 24.0 m and ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. If the helicopter releases a small mailbag at this time, the mailbag starts its free fall with velocity 36.0 m/s upward. The equation of motion of the mailbag is Setting yf = 0, dropping units, and rearranging the equation, we have 4.90t2 โ€“ 36.0t โ€“ 24.0 = 0 We solve for t using the quadratic formula: Since only positive values of t count, we find P2.28 The falling ball moves a distance of (15 m โ€“ h) before they meet, where h is the height above the ground where they meet. We apply to the falling ball to obtain or Applying [1] to the rising ball gives [2] ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Combining equations [1] and [2] gives or P2.29 We model the keys as a particle under the constant free-fall acceleration. Take the first studentโ€™s position to be and the second studentโ€™s position to be We are given that the time of flight of the keys is t = 1.50 s, and . (a) We choose the equation to connect the data and the unknown. We solve: and substitute: (b) The velocity at any time t > 0 is given by vyf = vyi + ayt. Therefore, at t =1.50 s, The negative sign means that the keys are moving downward just before they are caught. ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. P2.30 (a) The keys, moving freely under the influence of gravity (a = โˆ’g), undergo a vertical displacement of โˆ†y = +h in time t. We use to find the initial velocity as (b) We find the velocity of the keys just before they were caught (at time t) using v = vi + at: *P2.31 Conceptualize This is a simple situation in which an object is thrown straight upward and is in free fall after being thrown. We wish to relate the speed of the throw and the height of the projectile. Categorize We recognize a simple one-dimensional free-fall problem, in which we use the particle under constant acceleration model for the motion of the box. Analyze (a) From the particle under constant acceleration model, chose the equation that relates position and equation (Equation 2.17), noting that the motion is in the y direction: ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. (1) Consider the point at which the box reaches its highest position. Note that the velocity of the box at that position is vyf = 0, and define the point at which the box is thrown as the origin, so that yi = 0. Also assign the acceleration to be that due to gravity, so that Equation (1) becomes (2) Find the highest position for the box if thrown upward at the speed of 20.0 m/s found in the demonstration: Because this position is higher than the bottom of the window in which the alleged accomplice caught the box, the action of throwing the box to the accomplice is possible. (b) The defense attorney could argue as follows: The demonstration involved throwing a baseball horizontally. It is more difficult to throw something upward, so the throwing speed could be in error. You might counter-argue that the throwing speed could actually be higher because the defendant was attempting to minimize his throwing speed during the demonstration in order to show that the feat could not be done. ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Answers: (a) The box could reach the window according to the data provided.(b) Answers will vary. Section 2.9 P2.32 (a) Kinematic Equations Derived from Calculus See the x vs. t graph on the top panel of ANS. FIG. P2.32.Choosex = 0 at t = 0. (b) See the a vs. t graph at the bottom right. For 3 <t< 5 s, a = 0. ANS. FIG. P2.32 At the points of inflection, t = 3 and 5 s, the slope of the velocity curve changes abruptly, so the acceleration is not defined. (c) For 5 s <t< 9 s, (d) The average velocity between t = 5 and 7 s is vavg = (8 m/s +0)/2 = 4 m/s At ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. (e) The average velocity between t = 5 and 9 s is vavg = [(8 m/s) + (โˆ’8 m/s)]/2 = 0 m/s At t = 9 s, x = 28 m + (0 m/s)(1 s) = P2.33 This is a derivation problem. We start from basic definitions. We are given J = dax/dt= constant, so we know that dax = Jdt. (a) Integrating from the โ€˜initialโ€™ moment when we know the acceleration to any later moment, Therefore, From ax = dvx/dt, dvx = axdt. Integration between the same two points tells us the velocity as a function of time: From vx = dx/dt, dx = vxdt. Integrating a third time gives us x(t): and (b) Squaring the acceleration, ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Rearranging, The expression for vxwas So and by substitution Additional Problems P2.34 (a) Area A1 is a rectangle. Thus, A1 = hw = vxit. Area A2 is triangular. Therefore, The total area under the curve is and since vx โ€“ vxi = axt, (b) ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. P2.35 (a) From the insectโ€™s velocity after straightening its legs is (b) The time to reach this velocity is (c) The upward displacement of the insect between when its feet leave the ground and its speed is momentarily zero is P2.36 Take downward as the positive y direction. (a) While the woman was in free fall, and we take Thus, giving (b) Her velocity just before impact is: While crushing the box, , , and Therefore, ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. or (c) Time to crush box: or P2.37 (a) In order for the trailing athlete to be able to catch the leader, his speed (v1) must be greater than that of the leading athlete (v2), and the distance between the leading athlete and the finish line must be great enough to give the trailing athlete sufficient time to make up the deficient distance, d. (b) During a time interval t the leading athlete will travel a distance d2 = v2t and the trailing athlete will travel a distance d1 = v1t. Only when d1 = d2 + d (where d is the initial distance the trailing athlete was behind the leader) will the trailing athlete have caught the leader. Requiring that this condition be satisfied gives the elapsed time required for the second athlete to overtake the first: d1 = d2 + d or v1t = v2t + d giving (c) In order for the trailing athlete to be able to at least tie for first place, the initial distance D between the leader and the finish line must be greater than or equal to the distance the leader can travel in the time t calculated above (i.e., the time required to overtake the leader). That is, we must ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. require that P2.38 For the collision not to occur, the front of the passenger train must not have a position that is equal to or greater than the position of the back of the freight train at any time. We can write expressions of position to see whether the front of the passenger car (P) meets the back of the freight car (F) at some time. Assume at t = 0, the coordinate of the front of the passenger car is xPi = 0; and the coordinate of the back of the freight car is xFi = 58.5 m. At later time t, the coordinate of the front of the passenger car is and the coordinate of the back of the freight car is Setting these expression equal to each other gives or after simplifying and suppressing units. ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. We do not have to solve this equation, we just want to check if a solution exists; if a solution does exist, then the trains collide. A solution does exist: P2.39 We have constant-acceleration equations to apply to the two cars separately. (a) Let the times of travel for Hannah and Stan be tKand tS, where tS = tK + 1.00 s Both start from rest (vxi,K= vxi,S = 0), so the expressions for the distances traveled are and When Hannah overtakes Stan, the two distances will be equal. Setting xK = xSgives This we simplify and write in the standard form of a quadratic as ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. We solve using the quadratic formula , suppressing units, to find Only the positive root makes sense physically, because the overtake point must be after the starting point in time. P2.40 (b) Use the equation from part (a) for distance of travel, (c) Remembering that vxi,K= vxi,S= 0, the final velocities will be: We translate from a pictorial representation through a geometric model to a mathematical representation by observing that the distances x and y are always related by x2+y2 = L2 . (a) Differentiating this equation with respect to time, we have Now the unknown velocity of B is and so the differentiated equation becomes ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. But so (b) P2.41 The average speed of every point on the train as the first car passes Lisa is given by: The train has this as its instantaneous speed halfway through the 1.50-s time. Similarly, halfway through the next 1.10 s, the speed of the train is . The time required for the speed to change from 5.73 m/s to 7.82 m/s is so the acceleration is: Challenge Problems P2.42 (a) The factors to consider are as follows. The red bead falls through a greater distance with a downward acceleration of g. The blue bead travels a shorter distance, but with acceleration of A first guess would be that the blue bead โ€œwins,โ€ but not by much. We do note, however, that points with (b) , , and are the vertices of a right triangle as the hypotenuse. The red bead is a particle under constant acceleration. Taking downward as the positive direction, we can write ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. as which gives (c) The blue bead is a particle under constant acceleration, with Taking the direction along L as the positive direction, we can write as which gives (d) For the two beads to reach point simultaneously, tR = tB. Then, Squaring both sides and cross-multiplying gives or We note that the angle between chords (e) P2.43 and that the angle between chords and and the beads arrive at point simultaneously. is is so Then, Once we recognize that the two rods form one side and the hypotenuse of a right triangle with ฮธ as its smallest angle, then the result becomes obvious. Consider the runners in general. Each completes the race in a total time so each interval T. Each runs at constant acceleration a for a time interval covers a distance (displacement) final speed (velocity) where they eventually reach a after which they run at this constant speed for ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. the remaining time until the end of the race, covering distance The total distance (displacement) each covers is the same: so where (a) and T = 10.4 s. For Laura (runner 1), = 2.00 s: a1 = (100 m)/(18.8 s2) = For Healan (runner 2), = 3.00 s: a2 = (100 m)/(26.7 s2) = (b) Laura (runner 1): v1 = a1 Healan (runner 2): v2 = a2 (c) = = The 6.00-s mark occurs after either time interval above, each has covered the distance From the reasoning where t = 6.00 s. Laura (runner 1): = 53.19 m Healan (runner 2): = 50.56 m (d) Laura accelerates at the greater rate, so she will be ahead of Healen at, and immediately after, the 2.00-s mark. After the 3.00-s mark, Healan is travelling faster than Laura, so the distance between them will shrink. In the time interval ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. During that time interval, the distance between them (the position of Laura relative to Healan) is because Laura has ceased to accelerate but Healan is still accelerating. Differentiating with respect to time, (and doing some simplification), we can solve for the time t when D is an maximum: which gives Substituting this time back into the expression for D, we find that D = 4.47 m, that is, Laura ahead of Healan by *P2.44 Conceptualize You may have had this experience when driving. A bicycle can exhibit a high acceleration, so it can pull ahead of the car when leaving a traffic light. But the maximum speed of the bicycle is less than that of the car, so the car will eventually catch up and pass the bicycle. A graphical representation may be of some help here: ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Because of the higher acceleration of the bicycle, the line representing its velocity is steeper in slope than that of the car. But it soon reaches its maximum speed of 20.0 mi/h, and the line for its velocity changes to horizontal. The slope of the line representing the acceleration of your car is less steep, but the acceleration lasts for a longer time, so that eventually your car is traveling faster than the bicycle. Categorize The phrase โ€œconstant accelerationโ€ tells us to use the particle under constant acceleration analysis model for this problem. Once the vehicles reach the indicated speeds, they travel at constant velocity, so we will also need to employ the particle under constant velocity analysis model. Analyze Assuming that your car catches up with the bicycle before reaching its maximum speed, the motion of your car is described completely during the time interval of interest by the particle under constant acceleration model. Therefore, its position is given by xcar = xcar ,i + vcar ,it + 12 acart 2 = 12 acart 2 (1) where we have incorporated the fact that the car begins from rest (vcar,i = 0), and have defined the position of the traffic light as the origin (xcar,i = 0). The position of the bicycle is described by the particle under constant acceleration model until it reaches its maximum speed and by the particle under constant velocity model thereafter. Therefore, knowing that the bicycle also begins from the origin at rest, where t1 is the time at which the bicycle reaches its maximum speed and vbicyle,max is that maximum speed. As noted, the bicycle maintains that speed thereafter. The time ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. at which the bicycle has a given speed is provided by the velocity equation in the particle under constant acceleration model: vbicycle = vbicycle ,i + abicyclet = 0 + abicyclet โ†’ t= (4) vbicycle abicycle Evaluate this time when the bicycle first reaches its maximum speed: t1 = (5) vbicycle,max abicycle (a) To find the time interval during which the bicycle is ahead of the car, we find the time at which the car and the bicycle are at the same position by using Equations (1) and (3): xbicycle = xcar โ†’ ( 1 a t 2 + vbicycle,max t โˆ’ t1 2 bicycle 1 ) = 12 a t 2 car Rearranging this equation gives the standard form of a quadratic equation: ( 1 a t 2 โˆ’ vbicycle,max t โˆ’ 12 abicyclet12 โˆ’ vbicycle,maxt1 2 car ) = 0 (6) Applying the quadratic formula, we can solve for t as follows: t= = vbicycle,max ยฑ ( โˆ’vbicycle,max ) โˆ’ 4 ( a ) โŽกโŽฃโˆ’ ( a 2 1 2 1 2 car ) t โˆ’ vbicycle,maxt1 โŽค โŽฆ 2 bicycle 1 acar vbicycle,max ยฑ ( โˆ’v ) + 2a ( a 2 bicycle,max car 1 2 t โˆ’ vbicycle,maxt1 2 bicycle 1 ) acar Finally, substitute for t1: ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. (7) vbicycle,max ยฑ ( โˆ’v bicycle,max t= = ) 2 2 โŽก โŽ› โŽž โŽ› vbicycle,max โŽž โŽค v bicycle,max 1 + 2acar โŽข 2 abicycle โŽœ โŽŸ โˆ’ vbicycle,max โŽœ a โŽŸโŽฅ โŽข โŽ abicycle โŽ  โŽ bicycle โŽ  โŽฅ โŽฃ โŽฆ acar โŽ› acar โŽž 2 vbicycle,max ยฑ vbicycle,max 1 โˆ’ โŽœ abicycle โŽŸโŽ  โŽ acar Substitute numerical values: 20.0 mi/ h ยฑ t= โŽก โŽžโŽค โŽ โŽฆ โŽ› โŽ 9.00 mi/ h/ s ( 20.0 mi/ h ) โŽข1โˆ’ โŽœ 13.0 โŽฅ mi/ h/ s โŽŸ 2 โŽฃ 9.00 mi/ h/ s = 3.45 s (The other root is t = 0.990 s, but this turns out to be less than t1, so it is not a realistic solution.) (b) The speed of the your car at any time is found from the particle under constant acceleration model: vcar = vcar ,i + acart (8) The maximum separation occurs when the speeds of both vehicles are the same, because after that instant the car will be moving faster than the bicycle, so the separation distance will decrease. Therefore, set the speed of the car equal to the speed of the bicycle in Equation (8) and find the time t2 at which the two objects have the same speed: vcar = vbicycle,max = vcar ,i + acart2 โ†’ t2 = vbicycle,max (9) acar ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. At any time after the bicycle reaches its maximum speed, the separation distance between the vehicles is found by subtracting Equation (1) from Equation (3): xbicycle โˆ’ xcar = 12 abicyclet12 + vbicycle,max ( t โˆ’ t1 ) โˆ’ 12 acart 2 (10) Evaluate the separation distance at the time found in Equation (9): xbicycle โˆ’ xcar = 12 abicyclet12 + vbicycle,max ( t2 โˆ’ t1 ) โˆ’ 12 acart12 2 โŽ› vbicycle,max โŽž โŽ› vbicycle,max vbicycle,max โŽž = 12 abicycle โŽœ + v โˆ’ โŽŸ bicycle,max โŽœ abicycle โŽŸโŽ  โŽ abicycle โŽ  โŽ acar โŽ› vbicycle,max โŽž โˆ’ 12 acar โŽœ โŽŸโŽ  โŽ a 2 car ( = vbicycle,max ) 2 โŽก 1 โŽ› 1 1 โŽž 1 โŽค +โŽœ โˆ’ โŽข โŽฅ โŽŸโˆ’ โŽขโŽฃ 2abicycle โŽ acar abicycle โŽ  2acar โŽฅโŽฆ Substitute numerical values: 1 โŽก โŽค โŽข 2 ( 13.0 mi/ h/ s ) โŽฅ โŽข โŽฅ โŽข โŽ› โŽžโŽฅ 1 1 2 xbicycle โˆ’ xcar = ( 20.0 mi/ h ) โŽข +โŽœ โˆ’ โŽฅ โŽ 9.00 mi/ h/ s 13.0 mi/ h/ s โŽŸโŽ  โŽฅ โŽข โŽข โŽฅ 1 โˆ’ โŽข โŽฅ 2 ( 9.00 mi/ h/ s ) โŽฃ โŽฆ โŽ› 5 280 ft โŽž โŽ› 1 h โŽž = 10.0 ft = 6.84 mi ยท s/ h โŽœ โŽ mi โŽŸโŽ  โŽœโŽ 3 600 s โŽŸโŽ  Finalize It would be helpful to graph the positions of the two vehicles against time as shown below: ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. This graph shows both the time at which the car passes the bicycle and the time at which the maximum separation occurs between the vehicles. Notice that the bicycle reaches its maximum speed at about 1.5 s, but the car is still accelerating at 4 seconds (the blue line is still curved). The black dot represents the instant that the bicycle stops accelerating. The corresponding black dot for the car would be to the right of the graph as drawn, at about 5.6 s.] Answers: (a) 3.45 s (b) 10.0 ft ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. ANSWERS TO QUICK-QUIZZES 1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. False. 5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (a)โ€“(e), (b)โ€“(d), (c)โ€“(f) 8. (i) (e) (ii) (d) ANSWERS TO EVEN-NUMBERED PROBLEMS P2.2 (a) 50.0 m/s; (b) 41.0 m/s P2.4 (a) +L/t1; (b) โ€“L/t2; (c) 0; (d) 2L/t1+ t2 P2.6 (a) 20 mi/h; (b) 0; (c) 30 mi/h P2.8 See graphs in P2.8. P2.10 (a) See ANS. FIG. P2.10; (b) 23 m/s, 18 m/s, 14 m/s, and 9.0 m/s; (c) 4.6 m/s2; (d) zero P2.12 (aโ€“e) See graphs in P2.12; (f) with less regularity P2.14 (a) 4.98ร—10-19s (b) 1.20ร—1015m/s2 P2.16 (a) 20.0s (b) 1000m (c) the plane cannot land P2.18 31s P2.20 The accelerations do not match, therefore the situation is impossible. ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. P2.22 The equation represents that displacement is a quadratic function of time. P2.24 (a)โ€“0.107 m/s2(b) 4.53 m/s (c) pole #3 (stops at x = 96.3 m at t = 42.4 s P2.26 (a and b) The rock does not reach the top of the wall with vf = 3.69 m/s; (c) 2.39m/s; (d) does not agree; (e) The average speed of the upward-moving rock is smaller than the downward moving rock. P2.28 0.60 s P2.30 (a) P2.32 (a) See graphs in P2.32; (b) See graph in P2.32; (c) โˆ’4 m/s2; (d) 32 m; (e) 28 m P2.34 (a) P2.36 (a) 96.0 ft/s; (b) P2.38 The trains do collide. P2.40 (a) vB= (1/tan u)v (b) The velocity vB starts off larger than v for small angles (b) (b) The displacement is the same result for the total area. ; (c) theta and then decreases, approaching zero as theta approaches 90ยฐ. P2.42 (a) The red bead falls through a greater distance with a downward acceleration of g. The blue bead travels a shorter distance, but with acceleration of A first guess would be that the blue bead โ€œwins,โ€ but not by much. (b) (c) (d) the beads arrive at point ยฉ simultaneously; (e) Once we recognize that the two rods form one side and the hypotenuse of a right triangle with ฮธ as its smallest angle, then the result becomes obvious. P2.44 (a) 3.45 s; (b) 10.0 ft. ยฉ 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.

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