Solution Manual for Intro to Python for Computer Science and Data Science: Learning to Program with AI, Big Data and The Cloud, 1st Edition

Preview Extract Page 1 Tuesday, May 21, 2019 11:16 AM Introduction to Python Programming 2 Objectives In this chapter, youโ€™ll: โ–  Continue using IPython interactive mode to enter code snippets and see their results immediately. โ–  Write simple Python statements and scripts. โ–  Create variables to store data for later use. โ–  Become familiar with built-in data types. โ–  Use arithmetic operators and comparison operators, and understand their precedence. โ–  Use single-, double- and triplequoted strings. โ–  Use built-in function print to display text. โ–  Use built-in function input to prompt the user to enter data at the keyboard and get that data for use in the program. โ–  Convert text to integer values with built-in function int. โ–  Use comparison operators and the if statement to decide whether to execute a statement or group of statements. โ–  Learn about objects and Pythonโ€™s dynamic typing. โ–  Use built-in function type to get an objectโ€™s type. Page 2 Tuesday, May 21, 2019 11:16 AM 2 Introduction to Python Programming Note: Throughout the Instructor Solutions Manual, solutions are not provided for project, research and challenge exercisesโ€”many of which are substantial and appropriate for term projects, directed-study projects, capstone-course projects and thesis topics. Before assigning a particular exercise for homework, instructors should check the IRC to be sure the solution is available. These Instructor Solutions Manual PDFs contain only answers to short-answer exercises and any discussion questions asked in other exercises. Code corresponding to programming exercises can be found in the solutions folderโ€™s chapter-specific subfolderโ€”e.g., ch01 for Chapter1, ch02 for Chapter 2, etc. Code generally is provided both in Python source-code files (.py) and Jupyter Notebooks (.ipynb). Exercises Unless specified otherwise, use IPython sessions for each exercise. (What does this code do?) Create the variables x = 2 and y = 3, then determine what each of the following statements displays: a) print(‘x =’, x) Answer: x = 2 b) print(‘Value of’, x, ‘+’, x, ‘is’, (x + x)) Answer: Value of 2 + 2 is 4 c) print(‘x =’) Answer: x = d) print((x + y), ‘=’, (y + x)) Answer: 5 = 5 2.1 2.2 (Whatโ€™s wrong with this code?) The following code should read an integer into the variable rating: rating = input(‘Enter an integer rating between 1 and 10’) Answer: Function input returns a string, so to get an integer, youโ€™d have to use: rating = int(input(‘Enter an integer rating between 1 and 10’)) 2.3 (Fill in the missing code) Replace *** in the following code with a statement that will print a message like ‘Congratulations! Your grade of 91 earns you an A in this course’. Your statement should print the value stored in the variable grade: if grade >= 90: *** Answer: if grade >= 90: print(‘Congratulations! Your grade of’, grade, ‘earns you an A in this course’) ยฉ Copyright 2020 by Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved,

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