Solution Manual for Exercises for Weather and Climate, 8th Edition

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Exercises for Weather and Climate 8th Edition Greg Carbone Solutions Manual Full Download: Solutions manual for Exercises for Weather & Climate, 8th ed.title page i ยฉ 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Full download all chapters instantly please go to Solutions Manual, Test Bank site: {copyright page} ii ยฉ 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Solutions Manual to Exercises for Weather & Climate, 8th ed. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Vertical Structure of the Atmosphere Earthโ€“Sun Geometry 4 The Surface Energy Budget 8 The Global Energy Budget 10 Atmospheric Moisture 12 Saturation and Atmospheric Stability Cloud Droplets and Raindrops Atmospheric Motion 21 Weather Map Analysis 28 Mid-Latitude Cyclones 33 Weather Forecasting 19 37 Thunderstorms and Tornadoes Hurricanes 43 46 Climate Controls 1 50 Climate Classification 53 Climatic Variability and Change Simulating Climatic Change Dimensions and Units Earth Measures 62 GeoClock 63 iii ยฉ 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. 60 58 55 16 iv ยฉ 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. 1 1. Vertical Structure of the Atmosphere Height (km) 22.4 16.8 11.2 5.6 % of atmosphere above 6.25 12.5 25 50 Height Above the Surface (km) 2. & 3. 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2 3 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percentage of the Atmosphere Above 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 4. 25% 58.4% 5. 210 mb 6. 123 mb 69 mb Pressure (mb) 250 mb 584 mb 58.4% 33% 1 ยฉ 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. 7. Ozone absorbs solar radiation (particularly in the ultraviolet portion of the electromagnetic spectrum). This absorption leads to warming in the stratosphere. 8. 2000 2.0ยฐC 4000 โ€“11ยฐC 6000 โ€“24ยฐC 8000 โ€“37ยฐC 10000 โ€“50ยฐC 9. & 11. 20000 Key West 18000 Fairbanks 16000 standard atmosphere 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 -80 10. a. Key West -60 -40 -20 b. Key West 0 20 40 c. Fairbanks 11. See 9 above. 12. Key West tropopause: ~16,000 m, ~ โ€“75ยฐC; Fairbanks tropopause: ~10,000 m, ~ โ€“53ยฐC; 13. The greater the average temperature, the higher the tropopause. Our example suggests that vertical mixing is greater when temperature is warmer. 14. 170 mb 15. 92 mb 16. Because of greater air density in the lower layer, the pressure drop between 2 and 4 km is nearly double that between 8 and 10 km. 17. 182 mb 18. Air pressure decreases with height because there is less atmosphere to exert downward force. The pressure drop will be greatest when air density is highest because the mass of the atmosphere above decreases at a faster rate. 19. California desert: 1003.9 mb; Michigan UP: 1018.6 mb; New Brunswick: 1003.7 mb. 20. The Michigan and New Orleans stations have the same pressure (1018.6 mb), but a 30ยฐF temperature difference. The New Brunswick and southern California stations have similar low pressures (1003.7 mb and 1003.9 mb), but a 30ยฐF temperature difference. 2 ยฉ 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. 21. The ideal gas law shows that pressure is proportional to the product of density times temperature. Therefore, to have a similar pressure, but be 30ยฐF warmer, New Orleans must have a lower density. 22. The Michigan and New Brunswick stations have higher air density than the other two. Review Questions 1. Air pressure and density decrease exponentially with height above Earthโ€™s surface. This is because gas molecules are concentrated near the surface and a given height increase at these lower levels means passing through more molecules than the same height increase at higher elevations. Temperature also decreases with height in the troposphere. This rate of decrease varies, but is typically linear compared to pressure or density. 2. The thickness of the troposphere is a function of temperature. Warmer temperatures in tropical regions create mixing to greater depths, pushing the tropopause higher. 3. The higher its relative density, the more likely air is to sink. Density is influenced by temperature and pressure. At the low pressure of the mid and upper troposphere, density is lower than it is at lower elevations. 4. Pressure changes much faster vertically than it does horizontally. It drops 100 mb in the lowest kilometer of the atmosphere. 3 ยฉ 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. 2 1. Earthโ€“Sun Geometry N June 21 23ยฝยฐ 66ยฝยฐ 30ยฐ D 90ยฐ A 0ยฐ Sunโ€™s Rays 231/2ยฐ B C D S 831โ„2หš 47หš 43หš 661โ„2หš 1 2หš 66 โ„ N 30หš N 0หš 231โ„2หš S A B C D June 21 profile view March 21 90ยฐ 66ยฝยฐ A 30ยฐ B Sunโ€™s Rays 0ยฐ C D 23ยฝยฐ 4 ยฉ 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. 231โ„2หš 661โ„2หš N 60หš 30หš N A B 661โ„2หš 90หš 0หš 231โ„2หš S C D March 21 profile view 2. 631โ„2ยฐ; December 21 3. 261โ„2ยฐ 4. a. 0ยฐ (equator) b. 231โ„2ยฐ N c. 0ยฐ (equator) d. 231โ„2ยฐ S e. [variable] 5. a. b. c. d. e. 6. New Orleans 60ยฐ 831โ„2ยฐ 60ยฐ 361โ„2ยฐ [variable] Helsinki 30ยฐ 531โ„2ยฐ 30ยฐ 61โ„2ยฐ [variable] [variable] 7. Answer is date dependent. Example for 34ยฐ N latitude on February 1, a two-meter pole casts a shadow measuring 2.52 meters. tan ฮ˜ = (length of pole) (length of shadow) ฮ˜ = tanโˆ’1 (0.7937) ฮ˜ = 38.44ยฐ 8. [variable] 5 ยฉ 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. 9. 60ยฐ N Dec. 22 Sun angle 6.5ยฐ Sunโ€™s rays 1 unit Zenith angle 83.5ยฐ 8.83 units 30ยฐ N June 21 60ยฐ N June 21 Sunโ€™s rays Sunโ€™s rays 1 unit 1 unit Zenith angle 6.5ยฐ Zenith angle 36.5ยฐ Sun angle 53.5ยฐ Sun angle 83.5ยฐ 1.24 units 1.01 units 10. Summer temperature is highest because solar radiation is more concentrated. During the winter, itโ€™s cooler as the solar beam is spread over a greater surface area. 11. There is a much greater seasonal range in daylight hours in polar regions than in tropical regions. 12. 30ยฐ N June solstice 14 Equinoxes 12 December solstice 10 60ยฐ N 18 12 6 13. 60ยฐ N 14. The change in daylight hours is greatest near the equinoxes (when solar declination changes are greatest) and smallest near the solstices. 15. a. At 30ยฐ N, the sun rises due east and sets due west on the equinoxes. Between the March and September equinoxes, it rises slightly north of east and sets slightly north of west. Between the September and March equinoxes, it rises slightly south of east and sets slightly south of west. b. The same general pattern is found at 60ยฐ N, but it is more extreme. In fact, the figure shows that on the June solstice the sun rises just north of NE (45ยฐ) and sets just north of NW (315ยฐ N). On the December solstice, the sun rises just south of SE (135ยฐ) and sets just south of SW (225ยฐ). 6 ยฉ 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Exercises for Weather and Climate 8th Edition Greg Carbone Solutions Manual Full Download: 16. March 21: 500 Wmโ€“2 June 21: 349 Wmโ€“2 September 22: 500 Wmโ€“2 December 22: 658 Wmโ€“2 17. The seasonal difference in solar intensity (beam spreading) and daylight hours is greater at 60ยฐ N than at 30ยฐ N. 18. The difference in beam spreading between 60ยฐ N and 30ยฐ N is greater in winter. Furthermore, 60ยฐ N has a shorter daylight period than 30ยฐ N in winter, while in summer the daylight hours are actually greater at 60ยฐ N. 19. [variable} 20. Most direct rays: 1 unit beam = 1.000 surface units; Date March 21, September 22 Least direct rays: 1 unit beam = 1.090 surface units; Date June 21, December 21 21. 9% 22. [variable] 23. [variable] 24. The higher the latitude, the greater the seasonal range in solar intensity. This results in a larger annual temperature range at high latitudes than in the tropics. 25. 60ยฐ N 50ยฐ N 40ยฐ N 30ยฐ N 20ยฐ N December Solstice June Solstice 8.834 1.244 3.521 1.117 2.241 1.043 1.681 1.006 1.379 1.002 26. The solar intensity gradient across the mid-latitudes is much greater in winter and contributes to a greater temperature gradient. Review Questions 1. A given change at low sun angles is much more effective than the same change at higher sun angles. Therefore, the seasonal shift of sun angle from 36.5ยฐ to 83.5ยฐ at New Orleans results in less change in solar intensity than the shift from 6.5ยฐ to 53.5ยฐ at Helsinki. 2. A greater range in solar intensity and daylight hours will result in a greater range in solar radiation received and temperature. 7 ยฉ 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Full download all chapters instantly please go to Solutions Manual, Test Bank site:

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