Solution Manual for C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design, 8th Edition

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Chapter 2 1. a. false; b. false; c. true; d. true; e. false; f. false; g. true; h. true; i. false; j. false; k. true; l. false 2. b, d, e, f 3. b, e 4. A keyword is a reserved word and is defined by the system. A keyword cannot be redefined in a program. A user-defined identifier can be redefined. 5. The identifiers quizNo1 and quizno1 are not the same. C++ is case sensitive. The fifth letter of quizNo1 is uppercase N while the fifth character of quizno1 is lowercase n. So these identifiers are different 6 . a. 22 b. 2 c. 14 d. 8 e. 7.00 f. 21 g. 20 h. 0.00 i. 15.50 7. a. 7 b. 5.50 c. -1.00 d. Not possible. Both the operands of the operator % must be integers. y + z is of type double. Both operands, y + z and x, of %V must be integers. e. 13.50 f. 1 g. Not possible. Both the operands of the operator % must be integers. Because the second operand, z, is a floating-point value, the expression is invalid. h. 3.00 8. a, b, c, e, i, j, and k are valid; d, f, and g are invalid because the left side of an expression must be a variable. h is invalid because the operands of the mod operator must be integers. 9. x = 9, y = 5, z = 3, w = -3 10. Variable declarations in Lines 1, 6, and 7 are correct. Variable declaration in Line 2 is incorrect. Now, B+ is a string, so it must be enclosed in double quotes mark. Also, grade is a char variable and a string cannot be assigned to a char variable. A correct declaration is: char grade = ‘B’; //Line 2 Variable declaration in Line 3 is incorrect because the left side of the assignment operator must be a variable, and the semicolon at the end of the statement is missing. A correct declaration is: double num = 28.5; //Line 3 The variable declaration in Line 4 is incorrect because strings are enclosed in double quotation marks. A correct declaration is: string message = “First C++ course”; //Line 4 The variable declaration in Line 5 is incorrect because the value assigned to age must be an int value. A correct declaration is: int age = 18; //Line 5 11. a and c are valid 12. a. int x, y; x = 25; y = 18; b. int temp = 10; char ch = ‘A’; c. x = x + 5; d. double payRate = 12.5; e. tempNum = firstNum; f. temp = x; x = y; y = temp; g. cout << x << " " << y << " " << x + 12 / y – 18 << endl; h. char grade = 'A'; i. int num1, num2, num3, num4; j. x = static_cast(z + 0.5); 13. a. 9.0 / 5 * C + 32 b. static_cast(‘+’) c. static_cast(x + 0.5) d. str = “C++ Programming is exciting” e. totalInches = 12 * feet + inches f. i++, ++i, or i = i + 1; g. v = 4 / 3 * (3.1416 * r * r *r); h. s = 2* (3.1416 * r * *r) + 2 * (3.1416 * r) * h; i. a + (b โ€“ c) / d * (e * f โ€“ g * h) j. (โ€“b + (b * b โ€“ 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a) 14. x = 1 y = 102 z = 15 w = 44 15. x = 101 y = 11 z = 104 w = 159.00 t = 81.50 16. a. x = 18, y = 5, z = 4 b. 5 * x – y = 85 c. Product of 18 and 4 is 72 d. x – y / z = 17 e. 18 square = 324 17. a. 1000 b. 42.50 c. 1.25 d. 11.00 e. 9 f. 88.25 g. -2.00 18. a. cout << endl; or cout << "n"; or cout << 'n'; b. cout << "t"; c. cout << """; 19. a and c are correct 20. a. char grade = '*'; b. double salesTax = 0.05; c. int numOfJuiceBottles = 0; d. double billingAmount = 0.0; e. double gpa = 0.0; 21. a. int num1; int num2; b. cout << "Enter two numbers separated by spaces." <> num1 >> num2; d. cout << "num1 = " << num1 << ", num2 = " << num2 << ", 2 * num1 โ€“ num2 = " << 2 * num1 โ€“ num2 << endl; 22. A correct answer is: #include #include using namespace std; const double DECIMAL = 5.50; const string blanks = ” “; double PAY_RATE = 10.75; int main() { int height, weight; double discount; double billingAmount; double bonus; int hoursWorked = 45; double price; height = 6; weight = 156; cout << height << " " << weight << endl; discount = (2 * height + weight) % 10; price = 49.99; // billingAmount = price * (1 – discount) – DECIMAL ; DECIMAL = 7.55; cout << price << blanks << "$" << billingAmount << endl; bonus = hoursWorked * PAY_RATE / 50; cout << "Bonus = " << bonus << endl; return 0; } 23. A correct answer is: #include using namespace std; const char STAR = ‘*’; const int PRIME = 71; int main() { int count, sum; double x; int newNum; //declare newNum count = 1; sum = count + PRIME; x = 25.67; // x = 25.67; newNum = count * 1 + 2; //newNum = count * ONE + 2; sum++; //(x + sum)++; sum = sum + count; //sum + count = sum; x = x + sum * count; // x = x + sum * COUNT; sum += 3; //sum += 3–; cout << " count = " << count << ", sum = " << sum << ", PRIME = " << PRIME << endl; return 0; } 24. A correct answer is: #include #include using namespace std; int main() { int num1, num2; string str1; cout <> str1; cout << endl; cout <> num1 >> num2; cout << endl; cout << str1 << " " << "num1 * num2 = " << num1 * num2 << endl; return 0; } 25. An identifier must be declared before it can be used. 26. b. 27. a. x += 5; b. x *= 2 * y c. totalPay += currentPay; d. z *= (x + 2); e. 28. a. y /= x + 5; x = x + 5 โ€“ z; b. y = y * (2 * x + 5 โ€“ z); c. w = w + 2 * z + 4; d. x = x โ€“ (z + y โ€“ t); e. sum = sum + num; 29. a b c a = (b++) + 3; 8 3 und c = 2 * a + (++b); 8 2 12 b = 2 * (++c) โ€“ (a++); 9 -3 11 30. a sum = static_cast(a + b + c); 6 b += c * a; c -= a; a *= 2 * b – c; 6 6 214 b c sum 3 16 16 16 2.2 2.2 -3.8 -3.8 11 11 11 11 31. (The user input is shaded.) firstNum = 62 Enter three numbers: 35 10.5 27 The numbers you entered are 35, 10.5, and 27 z = 33 Enter grade: B The letter that follows your grade is: C 32. (The user input is shaded.) Enter last name: Miller Enter a two digit integer: 34 Enter a decimal number: 62.5 Name: Miller Id: 34 Mystery number: -5.14286 33. #include #include using namespace std; const double X = 13.45; const int Y = 18; const char STAR = ‘*’; int main() { string employeeID; string department; int num; double salary; cout <> employeeID; cout << endl; cout <> department; cout << endl; cout <> num; cout << endl; salary = num * X; cout << "ID: " << employeeID << endl; cout << "Department " << department << endl; cout << "Star: " << STAR << endl; cout << "Wages: $" << salary << endl; cout << "X = " << X << endl; cout << "X + Y = " << X + Y << endl; return 0; } 34. The program requires four inputs in the following order: string decimal_number decimal_number integer

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