Solution Manual for Along These Lines: Writing Sentences and Paragraphs, 7th Edition

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Along These Lines: Writing Sentences and Paragraphs CHAPTER 2 Page 13 Beyond the Simple Sentence: Coordination Exercise 1 Practice: R ecognizing Compound Sentences and Adding Commas Add commas only where they are needed in the following sentences. , 1. Dave ran toward the lake but I chose to walk. 2. The man behind the counter said there would be a sale next week and suggested returning then. , 3. At the end of the month, Rory pays all her bills for she fears getting into debt. , 4. I have a bunch of notebooks and essays from freshman year but I donโ€™t want to throw them away in case I can use them again. 5. I had a really good meal there last time but wonโ€™t return because of poor service. , 6. My boyfriend had to travel for work so I spent the weekend with family. , 7. I always remind my little brother to charge his cell phone for he often forgets to do it. , 8. The dog was not exactly friendly nor was it aggressive. Exercise 2 Practice: M ore on Recognizing Compound Sentences and Adding Commas Add commas only where they are needed in the following sentences. , 1. We took the shortcut to the restaurant and Bill knew the way. , 2. My next car will be a truck but I donโ€™t want it to be too big or loud. , 3. Coffee gives my life purpose in the morning yet I donโ€™t drink it after lunch. 4. Lee said he will not be coming to practice or the game. , 5. The dog was barking at the door so Tony went to let her in. , 6. My son loves to eat pizza and pasta for his birthday dinner but no one else in the family wants to mix those two foods. , 7. I will never swim in that lake again for the news just reported about an alligator seen near it. , 8. Pat loves to watch boxing so I got him tickets to a match this weekend. Exercise 3 Collaborate: Writing and Punctuating Compound Sentences Working with a partner or a group, write the compound sentences described as follows. Be sure to punctuate them correctly. When you have completed the exercise, share your answers with another group or with the class. Copyright ยฉ 2019, 2016, 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Along These Lines: Writing Sentences and Paragraphs Answers will vary. Possible answers are shown. Page 14 1. Write a compound sentence using the coordinating conjunction for. I will call you later, for I am busy right now. 2. Write a compound sentence using the coordinating conjunction and. The wind was strong, and the rain beat against the windows. 3. Write a compound sentence using the coordinating conjunction nor. My supervisor did not praise me, nor did she offer me a raise. 4. Write a compound sentence using the coordinating conjunction but. You can buy a ticket, but you canโ€™t get a good seat. 5. Write a compound sentence using the coordinating conjunction or. I can take my car, or we can go in your truck. 6. Write a compound sentence using the coordinating conjunction yet. Jerry was angry, yet he did not raise his voice. 7. Write a compound sentence using the coordinating conjunction so. Brianโ€™s favorite team is playing, so he is going to the game. Exercise 4 Practice: R ecognizing Compound Sentences and Adding Semicolons Add semicolons only where they are needed in the following sentences. ; 1. I went to cafรฉ for some coffee I drank it at the counter. ; 2. Dave is a terrible cook he eats at the deli for most of his meals. ; 3. Tomorrow something good better happen there has been nothing but problems today. 4. Anitaโ€™s unwillingness to relocate will harm her chances at a ; ยญpromotion most new sales people are very flexible about location. ; 5. The weekend at the lake was joyful all my closest friends showed up. ; 6. You should try taking the bus paying for parking is really expensive. 7. My coach said it was okay to miss practice but would not let me play in the game. ; 8. My dad locked the restaurant early there was a severe weather warning issued by the National Weather Service. Exercise 5 Practice: More on Recognizing Compound Sentences and Adding Semicolons Add semicolons only where they are needed in the following sentences. ; 1. Steve has a really loud voice I can hear him from across the cafeteria. ; 2. Kelsey never pays attention during class she thinks her phone is more important than her instructor. Copyright ยฉ 2019, 2016, 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Along These Lines: Writing Sentences and Paragraphs Page 15 3. Jessie told me that she was going out to eat with her grandmother ; maintaining family ties is important to her. ; 4. The backyard was a mess after the storm there were broken limbs and leaves everywhere. 5. My clothes donโ€™t fit me anymore and are too worn to be offered to charity. ; 6. Bill wonโ€™t buy another truck he is more concerned with gas mileage than looking cool. ; 7. Getting into school was the easy part staying in school is going to be difficult. ; 8. Riding the bus is always a curious event you never know who you are going to see on it. Exercise 6 Practice: R ecognizing and Punctuating Compound Sentences with Conjunctive Adverbs Add semicolons and commas only where they are needed in the following sentences. ; , 1. We went online and began to look for flights for our trip meanwhile the snow swirled outside the windows. ; 2. My sister has no intention of leaving home thus I find it odd when she complains about living with our parents. ; , 3. I almost never use technology during class in fact many studies have shown that students are less likely to be distracted during class if they avoid using technology. ; , 4. My commute to college is a long bus ride however it gives me time to study. ; , 5. Lindsay reads a lot of novels and short stories moreover she hopes to one day be an author. 6. Payments on parking are making car ownership ; insurance and , unpleasant undoubtedly I should sell the car if I want to simplify my budget. ; , 7. Tran really wants to study biology however his father wants him to take over the family store. ; 8. The baseball team did not have a winning record this year still the coach was impressed with their improvement. Exercise 7 Practice: M ore on Recognizing and Punctuating Compound Sentences with Conjunctive Adverbs Add semicolons and commas only where they are needed in the following sentences. ; , 1. Anthony saved up for years to buy that car certainly he will take very good care of it. ; , 2. Etta loves animals consequently this love played a role in her choice of a college major. Copyright ยฉ 2019, 2016, 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Along These Lines: Writing Sentences and Paragraphs Page 16 3. Greg is happy to work at his motherโ€™s florist business or his fatherโ€™s car wash. ; , 4. Iโ€™ll wash my clothes on Saturday morning afterward Iโ€™ll treat myself to breakfast at the Skinny Pancake. , 5. Kerry demanded that her boyfriend and she get the same tattoo but he just laughed and shook his head. , 6. Katieโ€™s family owns a restaurant yet she hates going out to eat. ; 7. I need to eat dinner then we can discuss what should be done about the dog. ; , 8. Tom has been late to every class this week furthermore he is on his cell phone all the time. Exercise 8 Practice: Selecting the Correct Conjunctive Adverb In the following sentences, underline the conjunctive adverb that expresses the meaning given in the hint. The first one is done for you. 1. Hint: Select the word that means yet. The best steak house is only about a block from here; (moreover, however), itโ€™s too expensive for a person on a limited budget. 2. Hint: Select the word that means as a substitute. To save money, Nate stopped going to the gym; (instead, incidentally), he works out at home. 3. Hint: Select the word that means in the same way or manner. Boston has a less than ideal climate; (undoubtedly, similarly), the weather in Seattle is often a cause for complaint. 4. Hint: Select the word that means at the same time. I ran into the street to help the injured motorist; (meanwhile, anyway), Denise dialed 911 and stayed with the children. 5. Hint: Select the word that means without question. My daughter has worked all summer to get in shape for the soccer team; (otherwise, undoubtedly), she will be ready when the conditioning practices begin. 6. Hint: Select the word that means in spite of that. Manny doesnโ€™t have much money to buy clothes; (likewise, nevertheless), he always looks clean and neat. 7. Hint: Select the word that means as a result. I worked in the kitchen of a pizza restaurant all summer; (therefore, furthermore), I am ready for a job in a less stifling atmosphere. 8. Hint: Select the word that means without a doubt. My dog spends more time on the couch than I do; (certainly, furthermore), he needs to speed up his life or I need to slow mine down. Copyright ยฉ 2019, 2016, 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Along These Lines: Writing Sentences and Paragraphs Page 17 Exercise 9 Collaborate: Writing Sentences with Conjunctive Adverbs Working with a partner or group, write one sentence for each of the conjunctive adverbs that follows. When you have completed this exercise, share your answers with another group or with the class. The first one is done for you. 1. Write a compound sentence using instead. She did not like the idea of meeting her friends at the restaurant; instead, she met them at their apartment. 2. Write a compound sentence using then. Answers will vary. Possible answers are shown. The doorbell rang; then someone pounded on the door. 3. Write a compound sentence using furthermore. Gossip can be malicious; furthermore, it is often untrue. 4. Write a compound sentence using on the other hand. I can make a high salary as an accountant; on the other hand, I would be happier in a more creative field. 5. Write a compound sentence using otherwise. I am writing myself a note; otherwise, I will forget to go to the post office. 6. Write a compound sentence using therefore. You helped me out last year; therefore, Iโ€™ll help you out this year. 7. Write a compound sentence using thus. I researched the price of used Hondas on the Internet; thus I was able to get a good deal on a 2014 Civic. 8. Write a compound sentence using in addition. My mother sent me a box of homemade cookies; in addition, she tucked in a twenty-dollar bill. Exercise 10 Practice: Combining Simple Sentences Three Ways Add (1) a comma, (2) a semicolon, or (3) a semicolon and a comma to the following sentences. Do not add, change, or delete any words. Just add the correct punctuation. ; 1. Send a sympathy card to Uncle Leo then call him in a few days. , 2. I love my parents but some of their ideas about raising a family seem old-fashioned. , 3. Melanie is out of town this weekend so I am feeding her fish and making certain the cat gets some food and attention. ; , 4. I donโ€™t have any plans for the summer consequently I fear boredom will fill my days. Copyright ยฉ 2019, 2016, 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Along These Lines: Writing Sentences and Paragraphs Page 18 ; , 5. Ryan was not a good soccer player in high school however he loves to recall goals he scored and his โ€œMessi-likeโ€ moves. ; , 6. We might not each finish an entire pizza still we can try. ; , 7. I have to get home after class to watch my little brother otherwise my parents wonโ€™t let me use the car for school. ; 8. Working a job you dislike is depressing still itโ€™s even more depressing if you donโ€™t see a way out of it. Exercise 11 Practice: More on Combining Simple Sentences Three Ways Add (1) a comma, (2) a semicolon, or (3) a semicolon and a comma to the following sentences. Do not add, change, or delete any words. Just add the correct punctuation. , 1. Sandra might have had car trouble or she might have gotten a late start. ; , 2. Eli called every pet store in the city finally he found a place with beagle puppies. 3. The new instructor walked the students through the expectations ; , of the test therefore we scored very well. ; , 4. Bill is tired of getting up early in the morning in fact he would like to see the school day start around 11:00 a.m. ; 5. The new taco shack is in a great location yet it hasnโ€™t attracted many customers. ; 6. Yesterday, Shareena was on her phone all class now she keeps asking questions about the assignment and itโ€™s slowing class down to a crawl. , 7. Lionel was bored so he went for a run along the bike path. 8. My husband , and his brother put new shingles on our garage on Saturday and I sorted through the boxes in the basement. Exercise 12 Collaborate: Combining Simple Sentences Following are pairs of simple sentences. Working with a partner or group, combine each pair into one sentence. Remember the three options for combining sentences: (1) a comma and a coordinating conjunction, (2) a semicolon, and (3) a semicolon and a conjunctive adverb. When you have combined each pair into one sentence, exchange your exercise with another group. Write a new sentence below each sentence prepared by the other group. The first one is done for you. 1. Takeout pizza for a family of six is expensive. My children and I make our own pizza at home. combination 1: Takeout pizza for a family of six is expensive, so my children and I make our own pizza at home. combination 2: Takeout pizza for a family of six is expensive; instead, my children and I make our own pizza at home. Copyright ยฉ 2019, 2016, 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Along These Lines: Writing Sentences and Paragraphs Answers will vary. Possible answers are shown. Page 19 2. Alicia recently earned her G.E.D. She is thinking about taking some community college courses. combination 1: Alicia recently earned her G.E.D.; now she is thinking about taking some community college courses. combination 2: Alicia recently earned her G.E.D., and she is thinking about taking some community college courses. 3. You never kept your friendsโ€™ secrets. Most people no longer trust you. combination 1: You never kept your friendsโ€™ secrets, so most people no longer trust you. combination 2: You never kept your friendsโ€™ secrets; as a result, most people no longer trust you. 4. Mrs. Garciaโ€™s house was always a mess. Everyone loved the warmth and happiness in her home. combination 1: Mrs. Garciaโ€™s house was always a mess, yet everyone loved the warmth and happiness in her home. combination 2: Mrs. Garciaโ€™s house was always a mess; however, everyone loved the warmth and happiness in her home. 5. We moved to a new city. I began college there. combination 1: We moved to a new city, so I began college there. combination 2: We moved to a new city; consequently, I began college there. 6. Andrea never complained about being poor. She did not want sympathy from others. combination 1: Andrea never complained about being poor, nor did she want sympathy from others. combination 2: Andrea never complained about being poor; moreover, she did not want sympathy from others. 7. The community center has been closed for three years. Teens have nowhere to go after school. combination 1: The community center has been closed for three years, so teens have nowhere to go after school. combination 2: The community center has been closed for three years; there- fore, teens have nowhere to go after school. Copyright ยฉ 2019, 2016, 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Along These Lines: Writing Sentences and Paragraphs Page 20 8. We can go to a movie at the multiplex. We can play games at the arcade. combination 1: We can go to a movie at the multiplex, or we can play games at the arcade. combination 2: We can go to a movie at the multiplex; on the other hand, we can play games at the arcade. Exercise 13 Connect: Punctuating Compound Sentences in a Paragraph Add commas and semicolons only where they are needed in the following paragraph. ; Losing a dog is a terrible experience finding one can be a stressful occasion, too. One morning, a woman from the neighborhood came to our door. She had , a small, fluffy dog in her arms. She knew that we had a small poodle and she had found the fluffy dog wandering in the street. She asked us if the dog in her , arms belonged to us. We said it wasnโ€™t ours but we offered to take the lost dog to our veterinarianโ€™s office. Our vet keeps part of her office for rescuing lost or , ; abandoned pets however the rescue part accepts strays only in the late afternoon. ; In the meantime, we waited and worried. Our first worry concerned our dog she ; , did not like the newcomer. The intruder dog sniffed our poodle consequently our dog growled. Soon the lost dog was exiled to our screened porch. We gave him ; water and food. He lapped the water enthusiastically then he peered through the ; sliding glass door of the porch and gazed lovingly at our dog. Our dog growled , meanwhile we worried about the little stranger. We thought about dogs without homes and worried about a dogโ€™s life in a shelter. We went to the porch and pet- ; , ted the little dog immediately our dog growled. Soon the time came for taking the strange dog to our veterinarianโ€™s shelter. Fortunately, this story has a happy ending. The next day, the dogโ€™s owner checked the shelter. The lost dog became the , found dog. All of the humans felt relieved and two dogs were safe in their own homes. Copyright ยฉ 2019, 2016, 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Along These Lines: Writing Sentences and Paragraphs Page 21 Chapter Test Beyond the Simple Sentence: Coordination Add a comma, a semicolon, or a semicolon and a comma to the following sentences. Do not add, change, or delete any words; just add the correct punctuation. ; 1. On her graduation day, Dwayne called his daughter still he would have given anything to be there with her. ; 2. I stood in the rain for three hours to get these tickets I hope my friends appreciate my effort. , 3. Ben wouldnโ€™t talk about where he had been nor would he discuss the dent in his car door. ; , 4. Your boyfriend is a kind and understanding person certainly he will support you in this sad time. , 5. Many of the big shopping malls from the 1980s are closing for online sales have impacted patronage to malls. ; , 6. I will not fail the next exam anyway I will study harder than I did for this last one. ; 7. The newest tablet is so light itโ€™s hard to believe computer processing chips are so small. ; 8. Carlton loves to cookout in his backyard thus he invites his friends for cookouts during the summer. Copyright ยฉ 2019, 2016, 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

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