Politics, Power and the Common Good An Introduction to Political Science, 5th Edition Test Bank

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Test Bank for Mintz/Close/Croci, Politics, Power, and the Common Good, 5e Chapter 02: The Nation-State and Globalization Chapter 02 Multiple Choice Questions 1. a. b. c. d. In 2006 in Spain, the region of Catalonia voted in a referendum to have the region recognized as a(n) ________. ethnic group nationality zone town Difficulty: easy Page-Reference: Question ID: 02-1-01 Answer : b. nationality 2. a. b. c. d. A _______ is defined as “an independent, self-governing political community” with binding rules. government region state constitution Difficulty: easy Page-Reference: Question ID: 02-1-02 Answer : c. state 3. a. b. c. d. Difficulty: Question ID: Answer : 4. a. b. c. d. 23 24 A set of institutions making decisions and overseeing their implementation on behalf of the state is a ________. state government nation sovereign easy Page-Reference: 02-1-03 b. government 24 According to the text, ‘sovereignty’ has two dimensions. In one dimension, ‘sovereignty’ means a(n) ________. not being subject to any external authority form of political integration strong degree of interconnection ability to wage war Difficulty: easy Page-Reference: 26 Question ID: 02-1-04 Answer : a. not being subject to any external authority 5. a. b. c. The Peace of Westphalia which ended the Thirty Years War in 1648 established that states were ________. never to wage war again legally required to respect human rights able to invade each other Copyright ยฉ 2018 Pearson Canada Inc. 2-1 Test Bank for Mintz/Close/Croci, Politics, Power, and the Common Good, 5e d. the supreme authorities within their territories Difficulty: easy Page-Reference: 26 Question ID: 02-1-05 Answer : d. the supreme authorities within their territories 6. a. b. c. d. A ‘failed state’ is one in which governments cannot, among other things, ________. belong to the UN pass exams form coalitions enforce laws Difficulty: easy Page-Reference: Question ID: 02-1-06 Answer : d. enforce laws 7. a. b. c. d. Which of the following is an example of a failed state? People’s Republic of China Somalia Grenada Libya Difficulty: easy Page-Reference: Question ID: 02-1-07 Answer : b. Somalia 8. a. b. c. d. 27 27 A central principle of international law is that ________. small states should be subordinate to larger, more powerful states a country that has lost a war gives up its right to self-government wealthy countries should direct the development of poorer countries states should not interfere in the affairs of other states Difficulty: moderate Page-Reference: 27 Question ID: 02-1-08 Answer : d. states should not interfere in the affairs of other states 9. a. b. c. d. In 2001, the Canadian-sponsored International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS) concluded that ________. states had the right to invade other states if they were attacked the responsibility to protect people sometimes justified international action the United Nations could not interfere in states sovereignty individuals had the right to subvert their own state Difficulty: challenging Page-Reference: 28 Question ID: 02-1-09 Answer : b. the responsibility to protect people justified international action 10. a. b. c. d. A national identity can develop among people located in a particular territory who share common characteristics such as language and ________. religion class family ties migration Copyright ยฉ 2018 Pearson Canada Inc. 2-2 Test Bank for Mintz/Close/Croci, Politics, Power, and the Common Good, 5e Difficulty: moderate Question ID: 02-1-10 Answer : a. religion Page-Reference: 30 11. The idea that the nation-state is the best form of political community, and that the interests, culture, and values of the nation should be promoted is known as ___________. a. b. c. d. statism nationalism ethnicity governance Diffiuclty: easy Questions ID: 02-1-11 Answer: b. nationalism 12. a. b. c. d. Page Reference: Civic nationalism is based primarily on a common ________. ancestry cultural tradition language political history Difficulty: moderate Page-Reference: Question ID: 02-1-12 Answer : d. political history 13. a. b. c. d. 31 32 Which one of the following countries is not discussed in relation to the problems created by ethnic nationalism? Yugoslavia Rwanda Tunisia Burundi Difficulty: moderate Question ID: 02-1-13 Answer : c. Tunisia Page-Reference: 32 14. The French Revolution of 1789 was based on the idea that ___________________. a. b. c. d. the state is an instrument of the people rather than the king the state is the instrument of the king the people need to obey all rules set out by the king none of the above Difficulty: moderate Page Reference: 32 Question ID: 02-1-14 Answer: a. the state is an instrument of the people rather than the king 15. a. b. c. d. Which organization was formed in the direct aftermath of World War I? United Nations European Union Arab League League of Nations Copyright ยฉ 2018 Pearson Canada Inc. 2-3 Test Bank for Mintz/Close/Croci, Politics, Power, and the Common Good, 5e Difficulty: moderate Page-Reference: Question ID: 02-1-15 Answer : d. League of Nations 16. a. b. c. d. What principle established by the United Nations International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights involves the right of nations to โ€œfreely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social, and cultural development?โ€ Multiculturalism National self-determination State sovereignty Civic nationalism Difficulty: moderate Page-Reference: Question ID: 02-1-16 Answer : b. National self-determination 17. a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d. a. b. 35 ________ is the idea that a country’s permanent residents are full members of the political community with certain duties and rights. Culture Identity Politics Citizenship Difficulty: easy Page-Reference: Question ID: 02-1-19 Answer : d. Citizenship 20. 35 What is the official policy term for โ€œrecognizing the cultural diversity of a country and providing encouragement and support for those of different cultures to retain and foster their cultures and traditionsโ€? multinationalism multistatism multiculturalism multiidealism Difficulty: easy Page Reference Questions ID: 02-1-18 Answer: c. multiculturalism 19. 34 Which of the following is considered to be instrumental to the foundation of Canada? Provincial governors American revolutionaries French colonists Asian immigrants Difficulty: easy Page-Reference: Question ID: 02-1-17 Answer : c. French colonists 18. 33 37 Alan Cairns argues that Aboriginal First Nations in Canada should be considered ________ in order to acknowledge differences, but not at the expense of a strong common citizenship. natural born citizens binational Copyright ยฉ 2018 Pearson Canada Inc. 2-4 Test Bank for Mintz/Close/Croci, Politics, Power, and the Common Good, 5e c. d. dual citizens citizens plus Difficulty: moderate Question ID: 02-1-20 Answer: d. citizens plus 21. a. b. c. d. Page Reference: 39 Globalization is often seen as resulting in ________. reducing the power of corporations reducing the dependence upon markets and trade decreasing the importance of sovereign states discouraging the assertion of ethnic and regional identities Difficulty: easy Page-Reference: 40 Question ID: 02-1-21 Answer : c. decreasing the importance of sovereign states 22. a. b. c. d. Economic globalization means that capital ________. is more easily taxed can flow instantly between countries is more closely tied to labour can be more easily saved Difficulty: challenging Page-Reference: Question ID: 02-1-22 Answer : b. can flow instantly between countries 23. a. b. c. d. Which of the following is not considered to be an advantage of economic globalization? efficiency access to money high wages wider variety of goods Difficulty: moderate Question ID: 02-1-23 Answer : c. high wages 24. a. b. c. d. Page-Reference: a. b. c. d. 41-42 Which of the following is most associated with the process of cultural globalization? Immigration and emigration Privatization Advances in communications Trade protection Difficulty: moderate Page Reference: Question ID: 02-1-24 Answer: c. Advances in communications 25. 41 44 Which of the following is NOT an organization set up to foster or deal with issues related to globalization and increased interconnectedness? Brexit World Trade Organization United Nations International Monetary Fund Copyright ยฉ 2018 Pearson Canada Inc. 2-5 Test Bank for Mintz/Close/Croci, Politics, Power, and the Common Good, 5e Difficulty: easy Page-Reference: Question ID: 02-1-25 Answer : a. Brexit 44-45 Chapter 02 True/False Questions 1. a. b. A motion passed by the Canadian Parliament in 2006 recognizing the Quรฉbรฉcois as a ‘nation’ had no legal effect. True False Difficulty: moderate Question ID: 02-2-01 Answer : a. True 2. Page-Reference: 23 The concept of citizenship is based on the view that all citizens should be unequal members of the political community regardless of social status, ethnicity, gender, wealth, or other characteristics. a. True b. False Difficulty: easy Page Reference: Question ID: 02-02-02 Answer : False 3. a. b. The sovereignty of states is an absolute right in international relations. True False Difficulty: moderate Question ID: 02-2-03 Answer : b. False 4. a. b. Page-Reference: a. 36 Binational and multinational states are inevitably failures. True False Difficulty: easy Page-Reference: Question ID: 02-2-05 Answer : b. False 6. 28-30 In 2015, the Liberal government legislated that women wearing the niqab had to show their face when taking the citizenship oath. True False Difficulty: easy Page-Reference: Question ID: 02-2-04 Answer : b. False 5. a. b. 27 37 The Canadian Constitution prohibits those holding a foreign citizenship from being a member of Parliament True Copyright ยฉ 2018 Pearson Canada Inc. 2-6 Test Bank for Mintz/Close/Croci, Politics, Power, and the Common Good, 5e b. False Difficulty: easy Page-Reference: Question ID: 02-2-06 Answer : b. False 7. a. b. There is no global free market in labour. True False Difficulty: moderate Question ID: 02-2-07 Answer : a. True 8. 38 Page-Reference: 41 Globalization has tended to result in increased inequalities in income, wealth and power within many countries. a. True b. False Difficulty: easy Page Reference: Question ID: 02-02-08 Answer : a. True 9. a. b. The flow of cultural communication outward from Western countries is substantially lower than the flow in the reverse direction. True False Difficulty: easy Page-Reference: Question ID: 02-2-09 Answer : b. False 10. 42 43 The World Bank is one of the major international financial institutions that regulates global finance and promotes free markets. a. True b. False Difficulty: easy Page-Reference: Question ID: 02-02-10 Answer : a. True 44 Chapter 02 Short Answer Questions 1. How does a state differ from a government? Difficulty: moderate Page-Reference: 24 Question ID: 02-3-01 Answer : State refers to a more extensive and permanent expression of the political community while a government is a set of institutions that makes decisions and oversees their implementation on behalf of the state for a particular period of time. 2. What is the definition of a ‘nation-state’? Difficulty: challenging Page-Reference: Copyright ยฉ 2018 Pearson Canada Inc. 31 2-7 Test Bank for Mintz/Close/Croci, Politics, Power, and the Common Good, 5e Question ID: 02-3-02 Answer : A sovereign state based on people living in a country who share a sense of common identity as members of a particular nation. . 3. How does ethnic nationalism differ from civic nationalism? Difficulty: moderate Page-Reference: 32 Question ID: 02-3-03 Answer : Ethnic nationalism views ancestry and the historic cultural traditions associated with a particular ethnic group as the basis for a nation. Civic nationalism views shared political values and political history as the basis for a nation. 4. What are three types of globalization? Difficulty: moderate Page-Reference: 41-45 Question ID: 02-3-04 Answer : Three types of globalization discussed in the text are economic globalization, cultural globalization, and political globalization. 5. What is meant by the term differentiated citizenship? Difficulty: moderate Page-Reference: 39 Question ID: 02-3-05 Answer : Discussions around differentiated citizenship center on whether members of certain groups should have different citizenship rights because of their particular circumstances such as historic rights, a legacy of oppression and discrimination, or exclusion of the group from the mainstream of society. Examples include the rights established in treaties to First Nations in Canada. Chapter 02 Short Essay Questions 1. Define official multiculturalism and briefly explain arguments for and against it. Difficulty: easy Page-Reference: 35 Question ID: 02-3-01 Answer : Official multiculturalism is the policy of recognizing the cultural diversity of a country and providing encouragement and support for those of different cultures to help them retain and foster their cultures and traditions. Official multiculturalism is the policy of recognizing the cultural diversity of a country and providing encouragement and support for those of different cultures to help them retain and foster their cultures and traditions. Advocates of multiculturalism view diversity as desirable and argue that tolerating and accommodating differences strengthens national unity. Critics argue that multiculturalism could conflict with individual rights and interfere with the integration of immigrants into society. 2. Discuss whether Canada can best be described as a nation-state or not. Difficulty: moderate Question ID: 02-4-02 Page-Reference: Copyright ยฉ 2018 Pearson Canada Inc. 35 2-8 Test Bank for Mintz/Close/Croci, Politics, Power, and the Common Good, 5e Answer : Canada can be considered a nation-state, a multicultural nation-state, a nation-state with one or more minority nationalities, a binational state, or a multinational state, depending on oneโ€™s perspective. Canada was largely built on the foundations laid by three peoples: Aboriginal (Indigenous) peoples (who are themselves very diverse in language and culture), the French colonists of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and persons of English, Scottish, Welsh, and Irish ancestry. Added to this diverse foundation are large numbers of persons from various countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Many francophone Quebecers view Quebec as a distinct nation, with a substantial minority favouring the establishment of an independent Quebec nation-state. Aboriginal peoples resent the privileging of those of British and French ancestry in such ideas as โ€œtwo founding peoplesโ€ and โ€œtwo nations.โ€ 3. Discuss at least two advantages and two disadvantages of economic globalization. Difficulty: challenging Page-Reference: 42 Question ID: 02-4-03 Answer : The advantages of economic globalization are: increase overall economic efficiency; lower consumer prices and wider variety of goods; businesses and governments have broader sources of finance. The disadvantages of economic globalization are: economic problems in one country can quickly spread around the world; reduces the ability of national governments to manage their own economies; increased inequalities in income, wealth and power. Copyright ยฉ 2018 Pearson Canada Inc. 2-9

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