Managing and Leading Today's Police:Challenges, Best Practices, Case Studies, 4th Edition Test Bank

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Chapter 2 The Dynamics of Police Organizations: Structure and Theories MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1) Which concept refines management techniques by studying how workers might become more 1) _______ complete extensions of machines? A) scientific management B) functional supervision C) chain of command D) bureaucratic management 2) Who is known as the father of scientific management? A) Abraham Maslow B) Max Weber C) Douglas McGregor D) Frederick Taylor 2) _______ 3) Who developed the concept of POSDCORB? A) Luther Gulick and Lyndall Urwick C) Max Weber 3) _______ B) Abraham Maslow D) Frederick Taylor 4) Which of the following is not a component of POSDCORB? A) commanding B) planning C) budgeting 4) _______ D) staffing 5) Who studied successful organizations and identified the attributes that led to their successes? A) Max Weber B) Luther Gulick, and Lyndall Urwick C) Frederick Taylor D) Douglas McGregor 5) _______ 6) Which concept provides consistency in an organization in that every officer reports to a superior officer and allows for coordination and communication? A) chain of command B) specialization C) span of control D) functional supervision 6) _______ 7) Which of the following are general and serve as guides to thinking, rather than action? A) chain of command B) policies C) procedures D) rules and regulations 7) _______ 8) Which of the following describes how officers are to complete a specific task, such as handling booking? A) procedures B) chain of command C) rules and regulations D) policies 8) _______ 9) The Hawthorne experiments provided the first glimpse of which concept? A) systems theory B) human relations theory C) Theory X and Theory Y D) chain of command 9) _______ 10) Which theory views employees negatively and sees the need for structured organizations with strict hierarchal lines and close supervision? A) human relations theory B) Theory Y C) systems theory D) Theory X 10) ______ 11) Which theory supports the view that people are capable of learning and will not only accept but seek responsibility? A) human relations theory B) Theory Y C) Theory X D) systems theory 11) ______ 12) Which theory supports the view that people are inherently self-centered and do not care about org anizati onal needs? ___ ___ 12) A) Theory X C) human relations theory B) Theory Y D) systems theory 13) Who studied the hierarchy of needs and demonstrated that people were motivated by things other than money or material reward? A) Maslow B) Luther Gulick, and Lyndall Urwick C) Max Weber D) Frederick Taylor 13) ______ 14) Which concept consists of the officers’ collective worldview, values, and norms? A) departmental inertia B) matrix structure C) police culture D) human relations theory 14) ______ 15) Which of the following is formed as a result of social interaction among the people in the department, particularly at the unit level? A) police culture B) matrix structure C) departmental inertia D) informal organization 15) ______ 16) Which of the following involves participative management where small work groups conduct tasks? A) departmental inertia B) linking pin system C) employee-centered management D) systems theory 16) ______ 17) Who developed the application of human relations theory in the linking pin system? A) Rensis Likert B) Max Weber C) Luther Gulick, and Lyndall Urwick D) Maslow 17) ______ 18) Which of the following is a form of decentralization where personnel from different units are merged together to focus on a specific problem? A) departmental inertia B) matrix structure C) employee-centered management D) systems theory 18) ______ 19) Dissatisfaction with classical organizational theory began to develop during which decade? A) 1950s B) 1940s C) 1920s D) 1930s 19) ______ 20) The Hawthorne experiments helped develop which theory? A) human relations theory B) Theory X C) systems theory D) Theory Y 20) ______ 21) Which of the following involves a hierarchy of authority because officers at higher ranks have more authority to make decisions? A) specialization B) chain of command C) unity of command D) departmental inertia 21) ______ 22) Which of the following refers to placing one officer in command or in control of every situation and officer, and every officer should report to one and only one superior? A) delegation of authority B) specialization C) unity of command D) departmental inertia 22) ______ 23) Which of the following allows for more control in a police department by grouping similar tasks into certain units to facilitate productivity? 23) ______ A) delegation of authority C) unity of command B) specialization D) departmental inertia 24) Which of the following essentially is the assignment of tasks and responsibilities to subordinate managers and supervisors and holding them accountable for their accomplishment? A) delegation of authority B) specialization C) unity of command D) departmental inertia TRUE/FALSE. Write ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if the statement is false. 25) Frederick Taylor’s application of scientific management reduced labor costs and benefited the employees. 24) ______ 25) ______ 26) A sergeant supervising criminal investigations who must have expertise in investigations is an example of functional supervision. 26) ______ 27) The acronym POSDCORB stands for planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting, and budgeting 27) ______ 28) Max Weber was the first researcher to articulate the concept of POSDCORB. 28) ______ 29) Specialization refers to a situation where there are too many levels of rank when the department becomes more bureaucratic. 29) ______ 30) Max Weber the Catholic Church and the Prussian Army, two organizations that at the time were considered effective and efficient. 30) ______ 31) Procedures are more general than policies. 31) ______ 32) Rules and regulations are specific guidelines that leave little or no latitude for individual discretion. 32) ______ 33) The Hawthorne experiments showed that increases in productivity were attributed to worker job satisfaction from increased involvement and concern on the part of management. 33) ______ 34) The Hawthorne experiments showed that more work breaks higher morale and illumination led to increased productivity. 34) ______ 35) Theory X supports the view that the average employee dislikes work and will avoid it whenever possible. 35) ______ 36) Theory X supports the view that people will exercise self-control and are self-directed when motivated to achieve organizational goals 36) ______ 37) Maslow demonstrated that people are only motivated by material rewards. 37) ______ 38) Maslow postulated that once material needs were met, needs such as belongingness and esteem became the principal motivators. 38) ______ 39) A police department’s culture defines how officers perceive their work, the department, and citizens, and ultimately it affects how they do their jobs. 39) ______ 40) Informal organization may involve a situation where a new officer consults with a senior patrol offi cer about a 40) problem before consultin g with the sergeant. ___ ___ 41) The linking pin system consists primarily of large work groups. 41) ______ 42) The linking pin system results in more interaction between group members and supervisors and their superiors. 42) ______ 43) In a matrix structure, a department may assign a group of detectives and patrol officers to respond to an increase in convenient store robberies. 43) ______ 44) The matrix structure allows departments to react to a variety of problems by selecting officers from different units that match the problem at hand. 44) ______ 45) A good example of the application of human relations theory can be found in Rensis Likert’s linking pin system 45) ______ 46) The Hawthorne experiments helped develop Theory X. 46) ______ 47) The three methods by which to implement specialization include (1) function, (2) geography, and (3) time. 47) ______ 48) Unity of command essentially is the assignment of tasks and responsibilities to subordinate managers and supervisors and holding them accountable for their accomplishment. 48) ______ 49) The unity of command principle applies only to patrol officers and not to administrators and managers. 49) ______ 50) The unity of command principle ensures that conflicting orders are not issued to the same police officers by several supervisors. 50) ______ ESSAY. Write your answer in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper. 51) The backbone of any police department is patrol. Patrol officers answer calls for service and respond to and prevent crime. Smaller departments may have no specialized units or only a few. How would you determine if a department needs to form a specialized unit? 52) We have discussed several organizational theories in this chapter. How do these theories affect the department and police officers on the street? 53) We examined POSDCORB in this chapter. How do each of the elements in POSDCORB apply to a police organization? 54) Police departments have a system of policies and procedures. What are the areas that you think are most important for these regulations to cover? 55) Use the Internet to find two comparable-sized police departments’ organizational structure. How are they different? How are they the same? 1) A 2) D 3) A 4) A 5) A 6) A 7) B 8) A 9) A 10) D 11) B 12) A 13) A 14) C 15) D 16) B 17) A 18) B 19) D 20) A 21) B 22) C 23) B 24) A 25) TRUE 26) TRUE 27) TRUE 28) FALSE 29) FALSE 30) TRUE 31) FALSE 32) TRUE 33) TRUE 34) FALSE 35) TRUE 36) FALSE 37) FALSE 38) TRUE 39) TRUE 40) TRUE 41) FALSE 42) TRUE 43) TRUE 44) TRUE 45) TRUE 46) FALSE 47) TRUE 48) FALSE 49) FALSE 50) TRUE 51) Answers will vary. The three methods by which to implement specialization are: (1) function, (2) geography, and (3) Police departments organize tasks or activities by functionโ€“patrol, traffic, criminal investigation, training, domestic time. violence, gangs, drugs, and so on. 52) Scientific management theories and administrative theory affect a police department and police officers on the street. Delegation of authority is one management principle associated with classical organizational theory. Delegation of authority essentially is the assignment of tasks and responsibilities to subordinate managers and supervisors and holding them accountable for their accomplishment. Police chiefs and sheriffs delegate many operational responsibilities to their managers. For example, the commander of a traffic unit is responsible for reducing accidents and expediting the traffic flow, and in some jurisdictions, for generating revenue. If the traffic commander does not adequately attend to these responsibilities, he or she may be replaced or otherwise held accountable 53) The acronym POSDCORB stands for planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting, and budgeting. POSDCORB identified the key administrative activities that occupy the majority of a manager’s time, and they remain important activities for police leaders and managers. 54) Answers will vary. 55) Answers will vary.

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