Essentials Of Anatomy And Physiology, 6th Edition Test Bank

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Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, 6e (Martini/Bartholomew) Chapter 2 The Chemical Level of Organization Multiple-Choice Questions 1) The branch of science that investigates matter and its interactions is A) biology. B) pathology. C) botany. D) geology. E) chemistry. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2-1 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 2) The uncharged subatomic particles are called A) atoms. B) molecules. C) protons. D) neutrons. E) electrons. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2-1 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 3) Which of the following would have a negative charge? A) an atom B) a molecule C) a proton D) a neutron E) an electron Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2-1 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 4) Atoms that are of the same element but contain different numbers of neutrons are called A) isomers. B) cations. C) isotopes. D) anions. E) None of these are correct. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2-1 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 5) The atomic number of an atom is determined by the A) number of protons. B) number of neutrons. C) number and arrangement of electrons. D) size of the atom. E) mass of the atom. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2-1 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 6) Positively charged subatomic particles are called A) isotopes. B) neutrons. C) electrons. D) protons. E) radioactivity. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2-1 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 7) A(n) ________ contains atoms with the same atomic number. A) base B) element C) cation D) anion E) enzyme Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2-1 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 8) The area around the center of an atom, which contains negatively charged subatomic particles, is called the electron ________. A) cloud B) nucleus C) active site D) buffering zone E) double helix Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2-1 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 9) Which of the following elements is found in all organic molecules? A) nitrogen B) oxygen C) iron D) carbon E) copper Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2-1 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 10) Atoms of the same element have the same number of ________ but may have a different number of ________. A) protons; electrons B) electrons; protons C) electrons; neutrons D) neutrons; electrons E) protons; neutrons Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2-1 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 11) The mass number represents the number of A) protons in an atom. B) electrons in an ion. C) neutrons in an atom. D) protons and neutrons. E) neutrons and electrons. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2-1 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 12) Which of the following is sometimes used in diagnostic imaging? A) a radioisotope B) a proton C) an ion D) an atom E) an electrolyte Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2-1 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 13) How many electrons do most atoms need in their second outer shell in order to be stable? A) two B) three C) four D) six E) eight Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2-1 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 14) If an element is composed of atoms with an atomic number of 8 and a mass number of 14, then an electrically neutral atom of this element contains A) 6 protons. B) 6 neutrons. C) 6 electrons. D) 14 protons. E) 14 electrons. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2-1 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Application 15) Which is the correct description of a molecule? A) It is an electrically charged atom. B) It cannot be broken down physically. C) It is comprised of two or more elements bonded together. D) It is the smallest unit of matter. E) It is comprised of two or more atoms sharing electrons. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2-2 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 16) Combinations of atoms that contain two or more different elements are called A) molecules. B) compounds. C) mixtures. D) isotopes. E) None of these are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2-2 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 17) Ions with a negative charge are called A) cations. B) anions. C) radicals. D) polyatomic ions. E) None of these are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2-2 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 18) Covalent bonds are formed when A) atoms share electrons. B) cations and anions are held together by their opposite charges. C) electrons are exchanged between atoms. D) hydrogen forms bonds with negatively charged atoms in the same or different molecules. E) two or more atoms lose electrons at the same time. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2-2 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 19) When an anion and a cation are electrically attracted to each other, ________ is formed. A) an ion B) a molecule C) a hydrogen bond D) an ionic bond E) a covalent bond Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2-2 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 20) A molecule containing two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen in combination is called a(n) ________. A) oxygen molecule B) carbon dioxide molecule C) water molecule D) hydroxyl molecule E) hydroxide molecule Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2-2 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 21) Ions with a positive charge are called ________. A) anions B) bases C) metabolites D) cations E) acids Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2-2 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 22) Which of the following is a characteristic of hydrogen bonds? A) Hydrogen bonds are strong attractive forces between hydrogen atoms and negatively charged atoms. B) Hydrogen bonds occur only in water. C) Hydrogen bonds can form between adjacent molecules. D) Hydrogen bonds are part of fatty-acid structure. E) Hydrogen bonds are part of carbohydrate structure. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2-2 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 23) Which of the following is an example of anions? A) magnesium B) potassium C) calcium D) chloride E) sodium Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2-2 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 24) Matter containing two atoms of the same element that are bonded together by shared electrons are called A) molecules. B) cells. C) compounds. D) elements. E) None of these are correct. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2-2 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 25) Which of the following is a weak electrical attraction between molecules? A) ionic bond B) covalent bond C) polar bond D) metallic bond E) hydrogen bond Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2-2 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 26) In a molecule of hydrogen, a pair of electrons is shared equally. Such a bond is called a(n) A) ionic bond. B) polar covalent bond. C) nonpolar covalent bond. D) oxygen covalent bond. E) hydrogen bond. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2-2 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 27) If two pairs of electrons are shared between two atoms, what type of bond occurs? A) single covalent bond B) double covalent bond C) triple covalent bond D) polar covalent bond E) hydrogen bond Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2-2 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 28) Chlorine atoms have seven electrons in the outermost shell. As a result, one would expect chlorine to form ions with a charge of A) +1. B) +2. C) 0. D) -2. E) -1. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2-2 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Application 29) The term that applies to all of the decomposition reactions that occur in metabolism is ________. A) anabolism B) dehydration synthesis C) catabolism D) ionization E) homeostasis Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2-3 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 30) Reactions that ultimately result in larger molecules formed from smaller ones are called ________ reactions. A) hydrolysis B) reversible C) exergonic D) dissociation E) synthesis Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2-3 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 31) Which statement about the reaction H2 + Cl2 โ†’ 2HCl is correct? A) H2 and Cl2 are the products. B) HCl is the product. C) One molecule of hydrogen contains one atom. D) One molecule of chlorine contains one atom. E) The reaction is unbalanced. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2-3 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 32) When two monosaccharides undergo a dehydration synthesis, A) a new monosaccharide is formed. B) a starch is formed. C) a polysaccharide is formed. D) a condensation reaction occurs. E) hydrolysis occurs. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2-3 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 33) Hydrolysis is an example of which type of reaction? A) exchange B) reversible reaction C) anabolism D) synthesis reaction E) decomposition reaction Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2-3 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 34) Choose the most accurate definition of chemical reaction. A) It is a process in which bonds between atoms are formed or broken. B) It is the energy of motion. C) It is an increase in random molecular motion. D) It is movement or a change in the physical structure of matter. E) It is the capacity to perform work. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2-3 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 35) The reaction N2 + 3H2 โ†’ 2NH3 would be an example of a(n) A) exchange reaction. B) decomposition reaction. C) synthesis reaction. D) enzyme reaction. E) metabolic reaction. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2-3 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analysis 36) AB โ†’ A + B is to decomposition as A + B โ†” AB is to A) exchange. B) reversible. C) combustion. D) replacement. E) metabolism. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2-3 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analysis 37) Chemical reactions that occur in the human body are catalyzed by special protein molecules called ________. A) electrolytes B) enzymes C) metabolites D) steroids E) buffers Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2-4 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 38) The addition of energy to start a reaction is called the energy of A) endergonic control. B) activation. C) exergonic control. D) release. E) equilibrium. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2-4 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 39) Chemical reactions that release energy are categorized as ________. A) endergonic B) catabolic C) anabolic D) hydrolytic E) exergonic Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2-4 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 40) In an endergonic reaction, A) large molecules are broken down into smaller ones. B) small molecules are assembled into larger ones. C) molecules are rearranged to form new molecules. D) molecules move from reactants to products and back. E) energy is consumed during the reaction. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2-4 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 41) Which is the mechanism of enzyme functioning? A) Enzymes raise the activation energy of a reaction. B) Enzymes remove hydrogen ions. C) Enzymes lower the activation energy of a reaction. D) Enzymes replace hydrogen ions. E) Enzymes promote complementary base-pairing. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2-4 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 42) All of the elements and compounds that are eaten and used by the body for some function are called A) inorganic compounds. B) organic compounds. C) nutrients. D) metabolites. E) enzymes. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2-5 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 43) Which of the following is an essential component of organic compounds? A) hydrogen B) carbon dioxide C) water D) calcium E) oxygen Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2-5 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 44) What is the primary composition of organic compounds? A) carbon and oxygen atoms B) oxygen and hydrogen atoms C) oxygen and nitrogen atoms D) carbon and hydrogen atoms E) nitrogen and carbon atoms Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2-5 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 45) Which of the following pairs of elements can be classified as inorganic only? A) sodium and hydrogen B) carbon and oxygen C) calcium and carbon D) hydrogen and carbon E) sodium and calcium Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2-5 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 46) The best definition of organic material is anything that contains A) carbon and oxygen covalently bonded. B) carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen covalently bonded. C) carbon and hydrogen covalently bonded. D) hydrogen covalently bonded. E) carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen covalently bonded. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2-5 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 47) Which of the following is inorganic? A) fatty acid B) protein C) hydrogen D) sodium E) glycogen Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2-5 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 48) Which of the following constitutes most of the total body weight in humans? A) water B) acids C) bases D) salts E) organic molecules Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2-6 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 49) A mixture of water and a salt would result in breaking down the salt into a mixture of cations and anions. This process is called ________. A) dehydration synthesis B) dissociation C) hydrolysis D) condensation reaction E) equilibrium Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2-6 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 50) When individual anions or cations interact with the positive or negative ends of polar water molecules breaking bonds apart, what is this process called? A) condensation B) anabolism C) ionization D) equilibrium E) saturation Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2-6 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 51) A solution containing more hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions is A) acidic. B) basic. C) neutral. D) alkaline. E) organic. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2-7 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 52) The most acidic solution would have a pH of ________. A) 0 B) 7 C) 14 D) 4 E) 10 Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2-7 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 53) Which of the following substances would be nearest the pH of human blood? A) milk, pH โ‰ˆ6.5 B) pure water, pH โ‰ˆ7 C) tomato juice, pH โ‰ˆ4 D) wine, pH โ‰ˆ3 E) stomach secretions, pH โ‰ˆ1 Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2-7 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Application 54) Why is it important to precisely regulate the pH of blood or other body fluids? A) Blood functions as an excellent solvent. B) Blood and other body fluids have a very high heat capacity. C) Dehydration synthesis of large molecules occurs. D) Hydrogen ions are extremely reactive. E) Some organic molecules have polar covalent bonds. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2-7 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analysis 55) If a substance resists changes in pH, either by removing or replacing hydrogen ions, it is called A) neutral. B) acidic. C) alkaline. D) a buffer. E) a salt. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2-8 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 56) ________ are compounds that maintain the pH of solutions within given limits. A) Enzymes B) Electrolytes C) Metabolites D) Isotopes E) Buffers Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2-8 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 57) Which of the following are defined as soluble inorganic compounds whose ions will conduct an electric current in solutions? A) catalysts B) electrolytes C) strong acids D) buffers E) steroid hormones Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2-8 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 58) During ionization, water molecules disrupt the ionic bonds of a solute, resulting in a mixture of ions that can conduct an electrical current in solution. These ions are called A) cations. B) anions. C) isotopes. D) electrolytes. E) reactants. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2-8 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 59) Why is table salt considered to be a “neutral” solute? A) Its dissociation releases hydrogen ions. B) Its dissociation does not affect the concentrations of hydrogen ions or hydroxide ions. C) It removes or replaces hydrogen ions. D) It contains more hydroxide ions than hydrogen ions. E) It has a very high heat capacity. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2-8 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 60) Which of the following is an example of a strong base? A) NaCl B) NaOH C) HCl D) KF E) H2O Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2-8 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 61) When placed in solution, an inorganic substance dissociates completely, forming hydrogen ions and anions. This substance would be a A) strong base. B) weak base. C) strong acid. D) weak acid. E) salt. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2-8 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 62) Functionally, carbohydrates are most important as ________. A) storage of glucose molecules B) a part of nucleic acid structure C) sources of energy D) receptors of the cell surface E) insulation under the skin Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2-9 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 63) The most important metabolic fuel molecule in the body is A) sucrose. B) starch. C) protein. D) vitamin B12. E) glucose. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2-9 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 64) Which of the following is an example of a disaccharide? A) starch B) glycogen C) sucrose D) cellulose E) fructose Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2-9 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 65) Identify the polysaccharide in the following list of molecules. A) glycogen B) sucrose C) glucose D) fructose E) lactose Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2-9 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension Figure 2-1 A Chemical Reaction Use Figure 2-1 to answer the following question: 66) Determine which reaction is shown in the figure and specify its mechanism of action. A) The addition of a water molecule breaks down a complex molecule. B) The removal of a water molecule breaks down a complex molecule. C) Ionic bonds are broken apart as individual ions interact with the positive or negative ends of polar water molecules. D) The removal of a water molecule facilitates the union of two molecules. E) The addition of a water molecule facilitates the union of two molecules. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2-9 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analysis Figure 2-2 A Molecule Use Figure 2-2 to answer the following question: 67) The molecule shown in the figure is considered to be the most important metabolic “fuel” in the body. Choose the best category of molecules to which it belongs. A) steroid B) saturated fatty acid C) monoglyceride D) cholesterol E) monosaccharide Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2-9 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analysis 68) Lipids are used for which of the following? A) to form essential structural components of cells B) to provide roughly 10 times as much energy as carbohydrates C) to help reduce body temperature D) to help protect the skeleton E) to carry genetic information Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2-10 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 69) A class of lipids used as chemical messengers, to signal cells to undergo changes, is called A) polysaccharides. B) phospholipids. C) triglycerides. D) steroids. E) monoglycerides. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2-10 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 70) The group of organic compounds containing mostly carbon and hydrogen with small amounts of oxygen is defined as a(n) A) carbohydrate. B) lipid. C) protein. D) nucleic acid. E) fatty acid. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2-10 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 71) A fatty acid that contains only single covalent bonds in its carbon chain is said to be A) saturated. B) polyunsaturated. C) monounsaturated. D) hydrogenated. E) carboxylated. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2-10 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension Figure 2-3 A Structure Use Figure 2-3 to answer the following question: 72) Indicate the primary function(s) of the structure shown in the figure. A) structural component of cell membranes B) storage of glucose molecules C) energy source D) structural component of cell membranes, hormones, and digestive secretions in bile E) energy source, energy storage, and insulation Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2-10 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analysis 73) Enzymes A) are lipids. B) function as biological catalysts. C) raise the activation energy for a reaction. D) are carbohydrates. E) are derived from cholesterol. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2-11 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 74) Substrate molecules bind to enzymes at the A) allosteric sites. B) modification sites. C) reaction sites. D) active sites. E) ionic sites. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2-11 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 75) Proteins are composed of units called A) amino acids. B) simple sugars. C) fatty acids. D) adenosines. E) nucleotides. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2-11 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 76) Each amino acid forms bonds by connecting its carboxyl group to the next amino acid’s A) central carbon atom. B) amino group. C) carboxyl group. D) hydroxyl group. E) hydroxide group. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2-11 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 77) Molecules that perform almost all cell functions are called A) proteins. B) nucleic acids. C) carbohydrates. D) steroids. E) lipids. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2-11 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 78) Special clotting proteins that restrict bleeding following an injury to the cardiovascular system are an example of which protein function? A) support B) transport C) metabolic regulation D) movement E) defense Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2-11 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 79) Which of the following can be denatured? A) enzymes B) ions C) atoms D) molecules E) isotopes Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2-11 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 80) Amino acids contain a central carbon atom adjacent to a(n) ________ group and a(n) ________ group. A) carboxyl; phosphate B) nitrogenous; carboxyl C) nitrogenous; amino D) amino; carboxyl E) amino; phosphate Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2-11 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 81) If a polypeptide contains 9 peptide bonds, how many amino acids does it contain? A) 0 B) 5 C) 12 D) 11 E) 10 Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2-11 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Application 82) Which of the following is unique to RNA? A) glucose B) phosphate group C) ribose D) adenosine triphosphate E) deoxyribose Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2-12 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 83) The nucleic acid DNA A) is double stranded. B) contains uracil in place of thymine. C) contains the pentose ribose. D) contains protein bases. E) synthesizes lipids. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2-12 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 84) The molecule DNA contains the unique five-carbon sugar ________. A) ribose B) pentose C) deoxyribose D) sucrose E) fructose Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2-12 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 85) Which nitrogenous base is unique to RNA molecules? A) uracil B) cytosine C) adenine D) guanine E) thymine Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2-12 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 86) A bond between a phosphate group and a sugar can be found linking together A) two simple sugars. B) one amino acid to an amino group of another. C) two nucleotides. D) a fatty acid and a glycerol molecule. E) a cholesterol molecule and a fatty-acid molecule. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2-12 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 87) A DNA nucleotide specifically consists of A) a five-carbon sugar and a phosphate group. B) a five-carbon sugar and a nitrogen base. C) a ribose sugar, a nitrogenous base, and a phosphate group. D) a deoxyribose sugar, a nitrogenous base, and a phosphate group. E) a five-carbon sugar and an amino acid. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2-12 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 88) According to the rules of complementary base pairing, a nucleotide containing the base cytosine would only pair with a nucleotide containing the base A) thymine. B) adenine. C) uracil. D) cytosine. E) guanine. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2-12 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Application 89) A(n) ________ bond is a covalent bond that stores an unusually large capacity to perform work. A) high-energy B) polar covalent C) ionic D) electrically neutral E) peptide Answer: A Learning Outcome: 2-13 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 90) The hydrolysis of ATP yields the molecule ________. A) adenine B) phospholipid C) ribose D) thymine E) adenosine diphosphate Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2-13 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 91) Choose the correct pairing of macromolecule type to its function. A) lipid – manufactures proteins B) DNA – controls reaction rates C) carbohydrate – major source of energy D) protein – comprises majority of membrane structure E) RNA – determines our inherited characteristics Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2-13 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension Figure 2-4 An Overview of the Structures of Organic Compounds in the Body Use Figure 2-4 to answer the following question(s): 92) Glucose-based starches are an example of the structure labeled #1. Identify the structure. A) triglyceride B) polysaccharide C) glycerol D) steroid E) phospholipid Answer: B Learning Outcome: 2-13 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 93) Identify the structure labeled #5, a component of triglycerides, which is comprised of long chains of carbon atoms with attached hydrogen atoms that end in a carboxyl group. A) glycerol B) monosaccharide C) amino acid D) nucleotide E) fatty acid Answer: E Learning Outcome: 2-13 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 94) Identify the structure labeled #8, which is a building block of proteins. A) nucleic acid B) peptide C) amino acid D) monosaccharide E) lauric acid Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2-13 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 95) What is/are the primary function(s) of the structure labeled #9? A) determines an individual’s inherited characteristics B) structural role when attached to lipids C) energy source; insulation D) manufactures specific proteins E) storage or transfer of energy Answer: D Learning Outcome: 2-13 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 96) Phospholipids consist of ________ linked to a non-lipid group by a phosphate group. A) four connected rings of carbon atoms B) a glycerol and three fatty acids C) a glycerol and two fatty acids D) long chains of carbon atoms with attached hydrogen atoms that end in a carboxyl group E) interconnected glucose molecules Answer: C Learning Outcome: 2-14 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension Essay Questions 97) A certain reaction pathway consists of four steps. How would increasing the amount of enzyme that catalyzes in the third step affect the amount of product produced at the end of the pathway? Answer: Increasing the amount of enzyme at the third step might not affect the whole series of reactions because the rate of the first, second, and fourth enzymes would remain the same. While more substrate would be available for the next step, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the fourth enzyme will increase its speed. The net result would be no change if the first, second, and fourth enzymes were working optimally before the change is made. On the other hand, there could be an increase in the amount of product if the first, second, and fourth enzymes were working at below optimum before the change. Learning Outcome: 2-4 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analysis 98) Why is it life-threatening to have a low pH? Answer: A low pH can be life-threatening because the change in hydrogen ion concentration can cause certain proteins, such as vital enzymes, to become inactive. When this occurs, the proteins become nonfunctional, and if they catalyze reactions that are necessary for life, life will cease. Learning Outcome: 2-7 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 99) How does the RNA molecule differ from a DNA molecule? Answer: RNA is usually single stranded and DNA is double stranded. RNA contains ribose sugars and DNA contains deoxyribose sugars. DNA contains the nitrogenous bases A, G, C, and T, while RNA contains A, G, C, and U. Learning Outcome: 2-12 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension

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