Cornerstones of Cost Management, 4th Edition Test Bank

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Chapter 2 1. The cost management information system is primarily concerned with producing outputs for internal users using inputs and processes needed to satisfy management objectives. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-1 – LO: 02.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-08 – Information Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1CND QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMG-CE5U-NATZ-G71S-RPDF-GESU-YPUD-CESU-EAJS-GOSUBAL ID: E3TS-CWSU-CQBA-GC5D-ECMB-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE 2. The Financial accounting information system provides information for three broad objectives: costing services and products, planning and control, and decision making. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-1 – LO: 02.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-08 – Information Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1CBU QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJS-CWAD-OCJ1-CEAU-1PTA-GOSU-O3TI-8YSU-NQJU-GOSSL ID: EPTZ-CWSU-13UF-GPUD-QPTI-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 1 Chapter 2 3. The value chain is the set of activities required to design, develop, produce, market, deliver and provide post-sales service for the products and services sold to customers. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-1 – LO: 02.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-11 – Strategic Planning KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1CB1 QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJZ-8FOU-1CUG-CO4D-Q3B1-GYSU-K3J3-CRSU-RP3O-GOSUL ID: EPDD-GESU-YQJS-GO4U-O3JT-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE 4. Cost management information benefits production, marketing, and customer service systems as well as being a crucial part of managerial decision making. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-1 – LO: 02.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-08 – Information Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1CBT QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMG-CTUD-QQMF-8Y4D-EC5N-CWSU-GPDG-CRSS-GPJW-GOSUBAL ID: GCJW-GCSS-E3UF-GCHU-CQBW-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 2 Chapter 2 5. An integrated cost management system receives information from and provides information to only the controller of a company. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-1 – LO: 02.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-08 – Information Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1CBO QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJU-CE5D-OP3O-GFTU-N3DN-CRSU-GP3S-CESU-Q3JZ-GOSSL ID: KQBW-8RSU-GCJW-CE3S-NPDB-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE 6. Cost assignment is one of the key processes of the cost accounting system. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-2 – LO: 02.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1CBZ QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJZ-CT1G-GA3W-CWAD-EC5D-CESU-YPTI-8YSS-KA33-GOSSL ID: E3TI-CRSU-1CBS-G7TU-GPMG-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 3 Chapter 2 7. Cost is the cash or cash equivalent value sacrificed for goods and services that are expected to bring a current or future loss to the company. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-2 – LO: 02.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1CBS QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJS-GRAS-CPTA-CT1S-K3DD-8YSU-KCTT-8YSS-GCTS-GOSSL ID: EAT3-CCSU-CCT3-GAHU-YCJO-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE 8. The three methods of cost assignment are direct tracing, driver tracing, and allocation. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-2 – LO: 02.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1CBI QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJS-GY3G-CP3W-CA3U-RAMB-CESU-GP5D-8RSU-RPTA-GOSUL ID: R3TT-GESS-RPDF-CTOU-1PJT-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 4 Chapter 2 9. Assigning costs accurately to cost objects is of low priority. Accuracy is not evaluated based on knowledge of some underlying “true cost”. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-2 – LO: 02.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/3/2017 1:55 PM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1CBW QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMB-CEHU-13MG-GHHD-E3B1-GHSU-CQBO-8RSU-NATS-GOSUBAL ID: E3UF-GCSU-EC3W-GTTS-RAJA-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE 10. The most precise of the three methods of cost assignment is direct tracing since it relies on observable causal relationships. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-2 – LO: 02.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1CKN QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJ1-GE3D-NQJW-CA5G-NAMD-CASU-Y3BU-CRSU-NPJS-GOSUBAL ID: EQB1-8RSU-1ATZ-8R3D-G3MB-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 5 Chapter 2 11. Services differ from tangible products on three dimension: intangibility, perishability, and inseparability. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-01 – BB-Industry United States – v1 – IMA-02 – Global Business KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1CKB QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMR-CWHU-NCDR-8R5G-R3B3-GRSU-GQBO-8YSU-YAJZ-GOSUBAL ID: OA5R-8YSS-R3JZ-GJOU-KP31-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE 12. Intangible products are goods produced by converting raw material into finished products through the use of labor and capital inputs. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-01 – BB-Industry United States – v1 – IMA-02 – Global Business KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1CJ3 QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJU-GWHD-GAT3-GC3G-EPBS-GWSS-GCBU-8YSS-CCMG-GOSUBAL ID: N3UR-GYSU-QATW-CC4U-KPDB-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 6 Chapter 2 13. Production costs are costs associated with manufacturing goods or providing services and are classified as direct materials, direct labor, and overhead. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1CJA QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJ1-8YAD-YPMG-GHAU-1CBW-COSU-CPB3-8RSS-K3JW-GOSUBAL ID: OPDN-CESU-QP3T-CA4U-NCBI-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE 14. Conversion cost is the sum of direct materials and direct labor cost and prime cost is the sum of direct labor and overhead cost. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1CKG QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJS-GYAU-NA5F-CRAD-OPMF-CESU-OCTU-CRSS-N3JS-GOSUBAL ID: RPDN-GASU-GQB1-GE4D-1P31-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 7 Chapter 2 15. Product costs include production, marketing, and customer service, and are used for strategic design decisions and tactical profitability analysis. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1CKF QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMG-8R4U-1A5D-GF1D-GCTW-GCSU-Y3JT-8RSS-KCUB-GOSUBAL ID: YP3W-GOSU-GC3Z-CR5S-EQBO-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 8 Chapter 2 16. The income statement prepared for external parties is frequently referred to as absorption-costing income, or full costing income. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-09 – Financial Statements United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1CKR QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMD-GO3D-RCBI-GE3U-KA3A-GESS-RCMR-CRSU-1C31-GOSUBAL ID: NP3O-8YSU-R3TO-GBUD-N3JS-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE 17. The cost of goods sold is the cost of direct materials, direct labor and overhead attached to the units sold. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1CKD QUESTIO GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJI-GFTD-O3DF-8Y4S-RAJS-GWSU-EC3I-CESU-C3MR-GOSSL ID: R3DB-GESS-KCJS-CTOU-G3JZ-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 9 Chapter 2 18. The cost of goods manufactured represents the total manufacturing cost of goods completed during the current period. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1CJU QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJ3-G7OU-NCUG-CITD-GAJ3-GHSS-KCBS-CESS-K3B1-GOSUL ID: C3T3-GYSS-ECBU-GJOS-CATU-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE 19. Work in process consists of all partially completed units found in production at a given point in time. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1CJ1 QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJZ-C3UD-RCMG-8RAD-YCUN-GESS-RPDD-8RSS-K3BI-GOSUBAL ID: GPBO-GCSS-NCUG-CRHU-RCDR-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 10 Chapter 2 20. Gross margin, also called gross profit, is the difference between sales and costs of goods sold. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1CJT QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJO-GWHU-NPBA-8FOU-Q3JT-GYSS-CC5B-CRSU-ECMF-GOSUBAL ID: NQBZ-CCSS-CCUB-GAHG-CP3U-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE 21. Cost management systems can be broadly classified as traditional or activity based. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-5 – LO: 02.05 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1CJO QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJO-CCAU-1PT1-GT1G-ECDN-8YSU-CCTA-8RSU-OCUR-GOSUBAL ID: QAMD-CASU-RCMF-8RHD-CPTO-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 11 Chapter 2 22. A traditional cost accounting system assumes that all costs can be classified as fixed with respect to changes in the units or volume produced. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-5 – LO: 02.05 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1CJZ QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJS-CC4G-CCMR-8YHU-E3BZ-GRSU-NATS-CESU-N3TW-GOSSBAL ID: NQJS-8YSU-EQDB-GTUD-CQDR-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE 23. The overall objective of an activity-based cost management system is to manage activities to reduce costs and improve customer value. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-5 – LO: 02.05 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-11 – Strategic Planning KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1CJS QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMN-GE5U-RPTU-CAHD-KCUG-GRSS-K3BT-8YSS-NPUR-GOSUBAL ID: OAMN-CRSS-GPJU-G7TG-C3MN-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 12 Chapter 2 24. Error costs are costs associated with measurements required by the cost management system and measurement costs are the costs associated with making poor decisions. a. True b. False ANSWER: False POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-5 – LO: 02.05 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1CJW QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJU-CC4S-NP5F-CW4D-R3UD-CESS-GQB1-8RSS-NC5R-GOSUBAL ID: 1QMG-CRSU-O3JZ-GCAG-ECMB-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE 25. The cost accounting system that emphasizes tracing over allocation is called an activity-based accounting system. a. True b. False ANSWER: True POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-5 – LO: 02.05 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-11 – Strategic Planning KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1CJI QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJI-COHS-RQJU-GE4S-GCMF-CRSU-GQMN-CESU-YPMN-GOSSBAL ID: EAT1-GRSU-EPMR-G7OS-R3DG-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 13 Chapter 2 26. A subsystem of the accounting information system designed to satisfy costing, controlling and decision making objectives is called the __________ system. ANSWER: cost management POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-1 – LO: 02.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-08 – Information Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1P1N QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJZ-8R4D-YP3S-CA4D-C3JI-CASU-YCTO-8YSU-KC5B-GOSUL ID: OCJO-GHSU-YCTI-CC4U-CPMD-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE 27. The cost management subsystem designed to provide accurate and timely feedback concerning the performance of managers relative to their control of activities is the __________ information system. ANSWER: operational control POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-1 – LO: 02.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-08 – Information Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1P1B QUESTIO GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJT-CP1G-NAJS-C31D-RPTI-CRSU-E3BT-CRSS-C3MR-GOSUL ID: CPDD-COSS-N3JU-CAHS-E3TT-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 14 Chapter 2 28. The overall objective of accounting information is to provide information to __________. ANSWER: users POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-1 – LO: 02.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-08 – Information Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PT3 QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMB-GOHS-CAUN-CI1U-KCTW-8YSU-YPUR-CESS-NC3O-GOSSBAL ID: NC3O-CWSU-KCMN-GB1U-YPTS-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE 29. The resources given up that are expected to bring a current or future benefit to the organization are called __________ . ANSWER: costs POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-1 – LO: 02.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PTA QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJT-GY3G-GPBA-GY3G-NQB3-CCSS-RAUG-CESS-GCJ3-GOSUBAL ID: OPTZ-CRSS-KC3O-GCHS-CA5B-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 15 Chapter 2 30. Expired costs used up in the generation of revenues are called __________ . ANSWER: expenses POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-2 – LO: 02.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1P1G QUESTIO GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJI-G31U-YQDR-GBTU-GPJ3-CASS-GC5G-CESU-RA3T-GOSUL ID: 13TT-CESU-1PBT-GE3U-K3DN-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE 31. The least accurate but easiest to apply method of cost assignment is the __________ method. ANSWER: allocation POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-2 – LO: 02.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1P1F QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJU-CW3G-CCDB-GO3G-G3UN-CCSS-EA31-CESU-Q3J3-GOSUBAL ID: OPJZ-CWSU-O3MD-GOHU-13BT-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 16 Chapter 2 32. __________ means the consumer cannot see, hear, feel, or taste a service before it is bought. ANSWER: Intangibility POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-01 – BB-Industry United States – v1 – IMA-02 – Global Business KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1P1R QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJT-CA4G-GCMR-G3OU-QP5B-GESU-RCUG-CESU-N3BU-GOSUBAL ID: CAUF-GWSU-N3TO-CC4D-RCJU-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE 33. __________ are generally materials necessary for production that do not become part of the finished product or are not used to provide a service. ANSWER: Supplies POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-01 – BB-Industry United States – v1 – IMA-02 – Global Business KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1P1D QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJ1-GYAU-EAUB-GR4S-RPTI-GRSU-1PTT-CESU-K3BO-GOSSBAL ID: GPTU-CRSU-Q3DG-GW5S-EAJW-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 17 Chapter 2 34. Costs necessary to market and distribute a product or service are often referred to as order- __________ and order__________ costs. ANSWER: getting; filling POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/13/2017 2:53 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PTU QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMN-C31U-ECBO-GT1D-YQBU-GYSS-RQJ3-CRSU-GPTO-GOSSBAL ID: CCBT-8RSU-YAT1-GC5U-QA3I-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE 35. In preparing an income statement, __________ and __________ costs are separated. ANSWER: production; nonproduction POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-09 – Financial Statements United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PT1 QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJI-GYHD-1QJS-8B1U-NQJI-GWSS-K3UB-8RSU-EPDB-GOSUL ID: EQBO-8RSU-OPTU-GA3D-GAJW-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 18 Chapter 2 36. Gross margin is the difference between __________ and the cost of goods or services sold. ANSWER: sales revenues POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-09 – Financial Statements United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PTT QUESTIO GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMG-GJOU-NA3T-8R5U-1C3S-GESU-R3UB-CRSS-N3TU-GOSSL ID: E3JO-GRSS-NPJZ-GEHD-K3J1-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE 37. __________ income is the difference between gross margin and selling and administrative expenses. ANSWER: Operating POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-09 – Financial Statements United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PTO QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJT-GA5G-GC3U-GTTU-ECT3-GASU-CCB1-CRSU-YPTZ-GOSSL ID: EC3T-COSU-G3B1-GPOU-RQJO-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 19 Chapter 2 38. Cost management systems are made up of two subsystems: the __________ accounting system and the __________ control system. ANSWER: cost; operational POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-08 – Information Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PTZ QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJZ-CW3U-YPMF-GT1S-N3BZ-CRSS-KC5R-8RSU-CAUG-GOSUBAL ID: YATU-8YSU-1PBW-GBTD-EQJS-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE 39. Generally, more managerial objectives can be met with an activity-based system than with a _________ system. ANSWER: traditional POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-5 – LO: 02.05 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-11 – Strategic Planning KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PTS QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMG-C3OU-R3BT-GA4U-RC31-COSU-QCB3-8YSS-R3BZ-GOSUBAL ID: RCBZ-8YSU-RPTA-CCAU-YPBZ-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 20 Chapter 2 40. In deciding whether to implement a(n) __________ cost management system, managers must evaluate the trade-off between costs of measurement and cost of errors. ANSWER: activity-based POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Completion HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-5 – LO: 02.05 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-11 – Strategic Planning KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PTI QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMB-G31G-NPJ1-8B1D-RPTT-GRSU-CPUN-CESU-EC5D-GOSUL ID: 1PJO-CESU-QCJ1-COHS-KPTT-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE 41. The set of interrelated parts that performs one or more processes to accomplish specific objectives is called a(n): a. cost objective b. system c. activity d. cost driver ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-1 – LO: 02.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-08 – Information Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PTW QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJ3-8RAU-KQMD-GJTS-ECBA-GCSS-NP3A-8YSU-GPJS-GOSSL ID: EPB3-8RSU-EATW-8Y4U-RCT1-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 21 Chapter 2 42. The overall objective of accounting information systems is to a. provide information to users. b. manage the organization. c. prepare financial reports. d. report to the government. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-1 – LO: 02.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-08 – Information Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1P4N QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMD-GFTG-C3MR-CJOU-KA3S-GOSS-KCUG-CRSS-RQBA-GOSUBAL ID: EC5R-COSU-NC5N-8FOU-NPTA-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 22 Chapter 2 43. The outputs of an accounting information system includes: a. economic events. b. financial statements. c. bill of lading report. d. value chain information. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-1 – LO: 02.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-08 – Information Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/21/2017 12:36 PM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1P4B QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJW-GB1G-RA5G-CW3D-OPMB-GOSU-C3MG-8RSU-KPBO-GOSUBAL ID: GCJT-CRSU-GP5G-GRAD-1AMG-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 23 Chapter 2 44. Which of the following is a cost management subsystem designed to assign costs to individual products and services and other objects, as specified by management? a. financial accounting information system b. operational control information system c. cost accounting information system d. all of the above ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-1 – LO: 02.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-08 – Information Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1P33 QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMR-8Y3D-CAT3-COAG-KPUG-GASU-KC3A-CESU-E3JZ-GOSUBAL ID: YA5R-CCSU-NPDN-G7OS-GA5F-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 24 Chapter 2 45. In a company that supplies muffins to bakeries, which of the following would be considered an input? a. delivered muffins b. flour c. baking d. none of these ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-1 – LO: 02.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-01 – BB-Industry United States – v1 – IMA-08 – Information Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1P3A QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJ3-GI1D-CCTO-CT1U-E3BZ-GASU-NCBT-8RSU-YPMD-GOSSL ID: CAMF-8RSS-NQBO-CEHU-GPJS-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 25 Chapter 2 46. In a company that supplies muffins to bakeries, which of the following would NOT be considered an input? a. delivered muffins b. flour c. egg d. oil ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-1 – LO: 02.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-01 – BB-Industry United States – v1 – IMA-08 – Information Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1P4G QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMN-8BTS-R3T3-CPUD-Y3MB-GWSU-1PT3-8YSS-CA5R-GOSUL ID: QAJA-GESS-CA5D-GPTU-C3B3-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 26 Chapter 2 47. For financial accounting, the nature of the inputs and the rules and conventions governing processes are defined by the _____. a. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) b. Trade Reporting and Compliance Board (TRCP) c. International Ethics Standards Board (IESB) d. Monetary and Securities Trade Regulation Commission (MSTRC) ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-1 – LO: 02.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-08 – Information Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/21/2017 12:39 PM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1P4F QUESTIO GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJW-G7UD-1A3W-CTTG-CA3O-CCSU-13J3-8RSS-NQJI-GOSSL ID: CPJ1-GHSU-OPJ3-CIOS-RPBU-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 27 Chapter 2 48. In a company that supplies muffins to bakeries, which of the following would be considered a transforming process? a. delivered muffins b. baking c. egg d. oil ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-1 – LO: 02.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-01 – BB-Industry United States – v1 – IMA-08 – Information Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1P4R QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMD-GA3G-ECMB-8FOU-EQBW-COSU-QPMF-CRSU-NPBABAL ID: GOSU-1QDB-CASU-RC5B-CCAU-YCJ1-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 28 Chapter 2 49. In a company that supplies muffins to bakeries, delivered muffins to bakeries would be a(n) a. interrelated part. b. input. c. output. d. process. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-1 – LO: 02.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-01 – BB-Industry United States – v1 – IMA-08 – Information Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1P4D QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJ3-GOAS-KAUF-CC5G-ECTA-GRSU-EA3S-8RSU-KC5N-GOSUBAL ID: QC3T-GOSS-KC5F-CAHG-CP5N-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 29 Chapter 2 50. In an accounting information system, the inputs are usually a. financial statements. b. analyzing data. c. economic events. d. performance reports. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-1 – LO: 02.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-01 – BB-Industry United States – v1 – IMA-08 – Information Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1P3U QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMN-GEAD-13TU-GW5U-K3BS-CRSU-G3BI-8YSU-13DF-GOSSBAL ID: ECB3-GWSU-CQJA-CEHU-GQB3-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 30 Chapter 2 51. Which of the following is a cost management subsystem designed to provide accurate and timely feedback concerning the performance of managers and others relative to their planning and control of activities? a. financial accounting information system b. operational control information system c. cost accounting information system d. all of the above ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-1 – LO: 02.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-08 – Information Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1P31 QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJU-GP1U-YC3S-GRAU-ECBI-CCSS-GPBT-8RSU-1PTZ-GOSSL ID: C3DB-GYSU-EPBW-CPUG-CPTS-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 31 Chapter 2 52. The accounting information subsystem that is primarily concerned with producing outputs for external users is called: a. cost management information system b. computer system c. internal accounting system d. financial accounting information system ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-1 – LO: 02.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-08 – Information Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1P3T QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMB-GA4D-RC3I-GI1D-EPTS-CESS-RPJT-CESU-NP3A-GOSUL ID: R3T1-GCSU-YAUR-CJ1G-NCBA-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 32 Chapter 2 53. High quality cost management systems should have an organization-wide perspective. Which of the following would NOT be a benefit of a cost management system? a. increases speed by ignoring non-financial information b. reduces duplicate data storage and use of data c. improves timeliness of reports d. increases the efficiency of generating reliable and accurate information ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-1 – LO: 02.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-08 – Information Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1P3O QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJ1-C31U-GPTZ-8R3S-KCUG-CRSU-CCDG-8RSU-RPMD-GOSSL ID: G3JI-CWSU-GP5B-G7OU-QATZ-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 33 Chapter 2 54. Which of the following is a major subsystem of the cost accounting information system? a. ERP b. Operational control information system c. OLAP d. EDI ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-1 – LO: 02.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Technology STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-09 – FN-Leveraging Technology United States – v1 – IMA-08 – Information Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1P3Z QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJ3-CT1S-GC31-C3OS-NQJO-8YSU-EQBW-CESS-KATU-GOSUL ID: NQBT-CRSS-KCTT-GJ1U-O3MR-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 34 Chapter 2 55. A computerized information system that strives to input data once and to make it available to people across the company for different purposes is called a: a. cost management information system b. enterprise resource planning system c. internal accounting system d. financial accounting information system ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-1 – LO: 02.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Technology STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-09 – FN-Leveraging Technology United States – v1 – IMA-08 – Information Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1P3S QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMR-GPTD-1PTT-CC3U-ECJ1-CASS-GCJ1-8RSU-OCDG-GOSSL ID: CAJ1-COSS-RCBZ-GHHD-CPUF-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 35 Chapter 2 56. A cost management subsystem designed to provide accurate and timely feedback concerning the performance of managers and others relative to their planning and control activities is called the: a. cost accounting information system b. financial accounting system c. operational control information system d. tax reporting system ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-1 – LO: 02.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-08 – Information Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1P3I QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJ1-G3TS-GCT3-GH3D-CPUR-GASS-EC3S-CRSU-EPDG-GOSUL ID: OCUF-CWSU-C3BI-GAAU-GPJZ-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 36 Chapter 2 57. _____ is concerned with determining what activities should be performed and assessing how well they are performed. a. The financial accounting system b. The value chain c. Operational control d. Traditional costing ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-1 – LO: 02.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-08 – Information Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/21/2017 12:41 PM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1P3W QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJ1-GW4S-NPBZ-G7TS-NQDB-GRSU-1QJS-8YSU-YAUG-GOSSBAL ID: R3BW-8RSU-RATW-CC5G-CAJS-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 37 Chapter 2 58. Which of the following is an objective of the operational control system? a. Providing information to external users b. Facilitating stewardship evaluation c. Increasing value to customers d. Increasing post-purchase costs ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-1 – LO: 02.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-08 – Information Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/21/2017 12:42 PM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PNN QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJ1-GO5G-G3BW-CRAU-NATS-GHSU-OC5G-8YSU-G3DG-GOSUBAL ID: GCJ3-CASU-OCJO-8YAG-NPJU-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 38 Chapter 2 59. A cost that expires without producing any revenue benefit is known as a(n) _____. a. loss b. expense c. profit d. surplus ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-2 – LO: 02.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/21/2017 12:43 PM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PNB QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJW-8F1U-KCTW-CPOS-K3TA-CASU-KCB1-8RSU-YQJT-GOSUBAL ID: G3MN-8RSU-RCTS-GRAS-EC3A-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 39 Chapter 2 60. The cash or cash equivalent value sacrificed for goods and services that are expected to bring a current or future benefit to the organization is/are called: a. Expenses b. Cost c. An activity d. A loss ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-2 – LO: 02.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PB3 QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJ1-CWHG-CP3S-8YHU-OC5B-GWSU-GAMD-8YSU-E3DF-GOSUBAL ID: 1AMN-GHSU-OQBI-GA3S-GATA-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 40 Chapter 2 61. A cost used up in the production of revenues is a(n) a. unexpired cost. b. loss. c. expense. d. asset. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-2 – LO: 02.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PBA QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJT-GW3D-R3T3-GO4U-YP5D-GESS-RQBU-CESU-QC5R-GOSSBAL ID: EPDN-CASU-CC3U-CEAD-OQJT-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 41 Chapter 2 62. Which of the following is an example of a loss? a. the cost of a product delivered to a customer b. the cost of a delivered advertising campaign c. the cost of the purchase of equipment d. the write-off of an obsolete product ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-2 – LO: 02.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PNG QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJW-CR4D-KAUR-CITS-RA3S-CESS-C3B1-CRSU-GCDD-GOSSBAL ID: KC3S-GYSU-KCTO-8Y3G-GCBZ-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 42 Chapter 2 63. Which of the following is an example of an expense? a. the cost of a proposed advertising campaign b. the cost of a product delivered to a customer c. the cost of the purchase of equipment d. the write-off of an obsolete product ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-2 – LO: 02.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 12/30/2016 12:59 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PNF QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJA-C31D-KA5D-GIOU-NQBZ-CASS-CPMF-8YSU-CCT3-GOSUBAL ID: O3DF-CCSU-GQJT-CAHD-RPDG-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 43 Chapter 2 64. A(n) _____ is a basic unit of work performed within an organization. a. allocation b. object c. driver d. activity ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-2 – LO: 02.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/21/2017 12:44 PM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PNR QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMD-8Y5D-QPDG-GRHG-GA5R-CESU-O3T1-8RSS-CCBO-GOSUBAL ID: YCTI-CCSU-KPMD-C31S-RA5G-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 44 Chapter 2 65. Which of the following statements is true of traceability? a. It uses well-specified economic events as inputs, and its processes follow certain rules and conventions. b. It is used for investment decisions, stewardship evaluation, activity monitoring, and regulatory measures. c. It is the ability to assign a cost directly to a cost object in an economically feasible way by means of a causal relationship. d. It is concerned with determining what activities should be performed by managers and assessing how well they are performed. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-2 – LO: 02.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/21/2017 12:45 PM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PND QUESTIO GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJ1-GITD-E3BZ-CP1D-NAJA-CASU-YC3A-CESS-N3T3-GOSSL ID: NCMD-GYSS-CQJZ-CF1U-EQBI-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 45 Chapter 2 66. Factors that cause changes in resource usage, activity usage, costs and revenues are called a. indirect costs. b. drivers. c. assignments. d. cost objects. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-2 – LO: 02.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PBU QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJT-GR5S-NPJ3-CO5U-QA33-GESS-CCDN-CRSU-YCB1-GOSSL ID: EPUR-CRSU-GPMG-CO4U-GCJU-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 46 Chapter 2 67. The most likely method to assign the cost of an assembly-line supervisor when the assembly line is the cost object is the: a. driver tracing method b. arbitration method c. allocation method d. direct tracing method ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-2 – LO: 02.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PB1 QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJ3-CTOU-QAUD-COHG-E3B1-GOSS-KA3U-8YSU-E3BI-GOSUL ID: QA3Z-GWSS-KPJO-8YHS-GP3I-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 47 Chapter 2 68. Which cost assignment method would likely assign the cost of heating in a plant that makes beds and dressers when the bed product line is the cost object? a. driver tracing b. direct tracing c. allocation d. arbitration ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-2 – LO: 02.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PBT QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJ3-GE5S-NQJ1-GW4G-KQJI-GRSU-OQBT-8YSU-EQJO-GOSUBAL ID: QCB3-GRSU-RQDR-GB1U-QPMB-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 48 Chapter 2 69. Which cost assignment method would likely assign the cost of maintenance for machines in a department that does cutting when the cutting activity is the cost object? a. driver tracing b. direct tracing c. allocation d. arbitration ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-2 – LO: 02.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PBO QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJW-8Y3S-RPBS-CW4D-NCJW-GHSU-KAJI-8YSS-ECB1-GOSSL ID: NPUF-CRSU-NP5N-CO5S-G3JO-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 49 Chapter 2 70. Which of the following expenses incurred by a department store is a direct cost for the women’s shoe department? a. the salespersons’ commissions in the women’s shoe department b. the salaries for individuals working in the accounting department c. the advertising expense for the service department d. the allocated rent expense for the clothing department ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-2 – LO: 02.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PBZ QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMR-CA5U-CPB1-8FUD-QQDB-GRSS-KCDG-CRSU-QPMG-GOSUBAL ID: YPTT-CCSS-KPTI-GH3G-G3BU-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 50 Chapter 2 71. Which of the following costs incurred by a chair manufacturer would be traced to the product cost through direct tracing? a. the depreciation on factory equipment b. the supervisor’s salary c. the insurance on the factory building d. the woodworker’s salary ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-2 – LO: 02.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PBS QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJU-GA3U-YAUD-G3TU-OCB3-GESU-13MG-8RSS-G3UN-GOSUBAL ID: E3MN-CRSS-RAJU-8YHU-YCTZ-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 51 Chapter 2 72. Direct costs a. are incurred for the benefit of the business as a whole. b. would continue even if a particular product were discontinued. c. are those costs that can be easily and accurately traced to a cost object. d. can be assigned to products only by a process of allocation. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-2 – LO: 02.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PBI QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJO-CFUD-YCTI-CJTD-RPMN-CESU-GQJT-8YSU-RQDB-GOSUBAL ID: GATU-GOSS-N3JS-GOAD-OQDB-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 52 Chapter 2 73. The direct costs of operating a college computer center would NOT include a. rent paid for computers. b. a fair share of college utilities. c. paper used by the center. d. computer consultants’ salaries. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-2 – LO: 02.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PBW QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJS-CJTS-G3JU-CEAU-1AJW-GHSU-CC5B-8YSS-GPMN-GOSUL ID: GA5N-GESU-KPDB-8BTU-CCB1-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 53 Chapter 2 74. Which of the following methods of assigning costs is based on convenience or some assumed linkage, and reduces the overall accuracy of the cost assignments? a. direct tracing b. driver tracing c. allocation d. all of the above ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-2 – LO: 02.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PKN QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJW-CAHU-NAMF-GRHD-EQBI-GOSS-RA3A-8YSS-NC5F-GOSSL ID: G3JS-CWSS-GC3I-GJ1S-NCTW-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 54 Chapter 2 75. Which of the following costs incurred by a bus manufacturer would NOT be directly attributable to the finished product? a. the wages paid to assembly-line production workers b. the tires for buses c. the windshields for buses d. the depreciation on factory building ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-2 – LO: 02.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PKB QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMB-GF1U-EQJW-GT1D-YA5F-GWSU-KQMF-8YSU-QAJZ-GOSSBAL ID: EQDB-GESS-R3BZ-8FTD-K3JW-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 55 Chapter 2 76. The assignment of indirect costs to cost objects is referred to as: a. Allocation b. Direct tracing c. Physical observation d. Cost management ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-2 – LO: 02.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PJ3 QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJA-8YHU-CQMB-GTOU-RA3T-8RSU-E3J1-8YSU-EPDB-GOSUL ID: RP3W-GESU-RCT1-GW4G-C3BI-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 56 Chapter 2 77. What is a disadvantage of assigning costs evenly over all cost objects? a. not all costs will be assigned b. total costs will be distorted c. costs may be distorted by consumption patterns of other cost objects d. none of these ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-2 – LO: 02.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PJA QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJA-GCHU-G3TS-GBUD-KA5F-GWSS-C3TU-CRSU-O3BU-GOSSBAL ID: GC5D-GWSU-KPJS-C3UD-1CJO-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 57 Chapter 2 78. The three methods of assigning costs to cost objects are direct tracing, driver tracing, and _____. a. observation b. arbitration c. assignment d. allocation ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-2 – LO: 02.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/21/2017 12:46 PM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PKG QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJW-CA3U-EQBZ-GAHS-EPBO-GWSU-N3UR-CRSS-EPJU-GOSUBAL ID: GPTI-8YSU-EC3U-GOHG-EA5F-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 58 Chapter 2 79. Which of the following would NOT be a cost that could be directly traced to a custom piece of furniture based upon physical observation? a. the wood and upholstery materials that are in the final piece b. the depreciation paid on factory equipment t c. he labor of the worker assembling the piece of furniture d. the labor of the woodworker who finishes the wood of the piece ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-2 – LO: 02.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PKF QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMG-GB1U-KPUG-GCAU-RATT-CRSU-KAJI-8RSS-GP3S-GOSUBAL ID: RP5G-8RSU-GCDF-GC5U-GATI-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 59 Chapter 2 80. The precision of driver tracing depends upon a. physically observable relationships. b. the strength of causal relationships described by the driver. c. allocation estimations. d. both b and c. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-2 – LO: 02.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PKR QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJS-8B1G-K3DD-GTTU-KA5R-CASU-1QBA-8RSU-OCTW-GOSUBAL ID: CPUD-GYSU-OAUN-CE3U-CA5B-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 60 Chapter 2 81. If physical observation can NOT be used to identify the exact amount of resources consumed by a cost object, the next best approach is a. driver tracing. b. allocation. c. estimation. d. none of these. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-2 – LO: 02.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PKD QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJ3-GBUD-R3DG-GP1G-GAJU-GOSS-N3MR-CRSU-K3TW-GOSUBAL ID: NCDD-GESU-NA5F-8F1D-1ATS-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 61 Chapter 2 82. Services differ from tangible products on three important dimensions: intangibility, inseparability, and _____. a. profitability b. sustainability c. utility d. perishability ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-01 – BB-Industry United States – v1 – IMA-02 – Global Business KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/21/2017 12:47 PM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PJU QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJS-GC4U-C3T1-CF1D-1AJO-GYSU-NAT3-8YSU-1PUD-GOSUL ID: Y3TO-GHSS-KQBI-G3UD-KCJW-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 62 Chapter 2 83. With regards to products, perishability can be defined as a. buyers of products who can not see, feel, hear or taste the product before it is bought. b. services that cannot be stored. c. buyers and sellers who must be in direct contact for the sale to take place. d. buyers of the product who do not need direct contact with the manufacturer of the product. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-01 – BB-Industry United States – v1 – IMA-02 – Global Business KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PJ1 QUESTIO GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJO-GA5U-KPTI-CA3D-CQJ1-CESU-1PT3-CRSS-N3J3-GOSUL ID: EC31-8RSS-CP5N-GO3S-GCJS-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 63 Chapter 2 84. Intangibility of services means that a. products cannot be seen, tasted, heard or felt before the purchase. b. products cannot be stored. c. exchange takes place in direct contact. d. both a and c. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-01 – BB-Industry United States – v1 – IMA-02 – Global Business KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PJT QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMG-GW4G-CP33-CC3G-KCMR-COSS-CQBT-8RSU-EQBU-GOSUBAL ID: GAMF-GRSS-RA3A-GCHD-YA5B-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 64 Chapter 2 85. An example of a tangible product, rather than a service, would be a. housekeeping. b. insurance coverage. c. paper. d. medical exam. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-01 – BB-Industry United States – v1 – IMA-02 – Global Business KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PJO QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMR-GE4D-OC5B-8YAG-KPDD-GYSU-Y3JT-8RSS-CQBA-GOSUBAL ID: EPBW-CASU-NQBO-G71D-CQDF-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 65 Chapter 2 86. With regard to services, inseparability means that a. products cannot be stored. b. direct contact must take place for an exchange. c. products have a physical presence. d. none of the above apply to inseparability. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-01 – BB-Industry United States – v1 – IMA-02 – Global Business KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PJZ QUESTIO GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJA-GPTD-GAJO-CA3G-GPJT-COSU-Y3J1-CRSS-N3TS-GOSUL ID: QPJO-CESS-EPJT-CE4G-K3BI-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 66 Chapter 2 87. An example of a service, rather than a tangible product, would be a. medical exams. b. cloths. c. trucks. d. radios. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-01 – BB-Industry United States – v1 – IMA-02 – Global Business KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PJS QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJ3-GR5U-G3UG-GTOU-NQJ3-CASU-Y3DR-8RSU-E3TA-GOSUBAL ID: 1CBW-GASU-YA31-CF1U-RC3O-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 67 Chapter 2 88. Which of the following is a service organization? a. grocery store b. CPA firm c. cattle ranch d. department store ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-01 – BB-Industry United States – v1 – IMA-02 – Global Business KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PJI QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMR-CC5D-1PMR-GBTU-CPBO-GWSS-KCMR-CRSS-NCT3-GOSSBAL ID: EA5F-CCSU-KCJA-CP1D-OC5B-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 68 Chapter 2 89. Which of the following will be included in traditional product costs? a. Customer service costs b. Marketing costs c. Research and development costs d. Production costs ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/21/2017 12:49 PM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINU-1PJW QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJ1-8BTD-CPB1-GPTS-KCDN-CRSU-GATU-CESU-YAUG-GOSUBAL ID: YQBA-GOSU-KATA-GW3D-KQJO-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 69 Chapter 2 90. Product value-chain costs assist managers in meeting which of the following objectives? a. product mix decisions b. tactical profitability analysis c. external financial reporting d. strategic design decisions ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-11 – Strategic Planning KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NOKN QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJT-CEHU-NCTZ-CF1U-EATT-CWSS-CCDN-8YSU-R3TW-GOSUBAL ID: YAUR-CASS-NAJI-CW3U-GCMF-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 70 Chapter 2 91. Value-chain product costs include which of the following? a. customer service costs b. marketing costs c. research and development d. all of the above ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-11 – Strategic Planning KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NOKB QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJI-GPTD-NA3U-CFTS-RCJT-GRSU-GCUR-CRSU-NPBZ-GOSUBAL ID: RQMF-COSU-OP3A-8R3S-KPMB-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 71 Chapter 2 92. Which of the following costs would NOT be included in operating product costs? a. production b. marketing c. research and development d. all of the above ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NOJ3 QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJ3-CA5D-GP3S-CE5D-RCMB-GESU-N3B1-CESS-RPTW-GOSSL ID: N3JW-CASU-NC33-C31U-1PMG-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 72 Chapter 2 93. Which of the following managerial objectives is served by traditional product costs? a. Product mix decisions b. External financial reporting c. Strategic design decisions d. Tactical profitability analysis ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/21/2017 12:50 PM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NOJA QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMN-GR4D-NPBA-GFTS-CP5D-8RSU-GAJA-8YSU-RPJA-GOSUBAL ID: CA3W-GHSU-KCJW-CCAD-Q3UF-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 73 Chapter 2 94. Which of the following costs is NOT a product cost? a. rent on an office building b. indirect labor c. repairs on manufacturing equipment d. steel used in inventory items produced ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NOKG QUESTIO GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMF-GH5D-G3TZ-8BTD-ECJI-8RSU-OAJZ-8RSS-K3B3-GOSUL ID: R3B1-8RSS-RPBA-CAAG-G3UD-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 74 Chapter 2 95. Which of the following costs is an example of product costs? a. selling commissions b. nonfactory office salaries c. direct materials d. advertising expense ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NOKF QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJT-CCAU-GCTU-CT1G-NCBO-CESS-CPMR-8YSU-GPMB-GOSSBAL ID: NPBZ-CASS-GCTA-CA4G-NCBO-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 75 Chapter 2 96. During the month of January, Marcos & Henesey, Inc. had total manufacturing costs of $165,000. It incurred $62,000 of direct labor cost and $40,000 of manufacturing overhead cost during the month. If the materials inventory on January 1 was $5,800 less than the materials inventory on January 31, what was the cost of materials purchased during the month? a. $53,650 b. $68,800 c. $58,000 d. $93,800 ANSWER: b RATIONALE: SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS: Direct materials used = Total manufacturing cost โˆ’ (Direct labor cost + Overhead cost) = $165,000 โˆ’ ($62,000 + $40,000) = $165,000 โˆ’ $102,000 = $63,000 Direct materials purchased = Direct materials used + Difference in inventory balances = $63,000 + $5,800 = $68,800 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE Multiple Choice : HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJE COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 CTIVES: NATIONAL STAN United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking DARDS: STATE STANDAR United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs DS: United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIE 1/27/2017 1:23 AM D: QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NOKR QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMD-GBTU-QQBA-G31S-KCJ1-8RSU-1PBS-CESU-RPJ3-GOSUL ID: 1PJA-GRSU-R3BO-GR5D-YATZ-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 76 Chapter 2 97. Which of the following costs is a product cost? a. lease payments on cars used by salespersons b. president’s salary c. property taxes on factory building d. depreciation on office equipment ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NOKD QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJZ-8YAU-CCUD-CFTD-NC33-GOSU-QC5N-8YSS-KCJT-GOSSL ID: ECUR-COSU-EPJU-GOHD-EPTS-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 77 Chapter 2 98. Which of the following costs is a period cost for a manufacturing company? a. controller’s salary b. wages of machine operators c. insurance on factory equipment d. fringe benefits for factory employees ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NOJU QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJ1-CW3G-RA5G-CWAS-K3TA-GWSS-C3T1-CESU-KAJW-GOSSBAL ID: RP3U-GESS-CAJI-GY5D-KAUD-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 78 Chapter 2 99. In a traditional manufacturing company, product costs include a. direct materials only. b. direct materials, direct labor, and factory overhead. c. direct materials and direct labor only. d. direct labor only. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NOJ1 QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJT-G31S-E3T1-GRAG-KAJW-GHSU-1A3A-8RSS-GQBU-GOSUL ID: C3JU-CCSU-KQJO-GI1S-EATA-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 79 Chapter 2 100. According to the rules and conventions of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), only production costs should be used in calculating product costs for _____. a. tactical profitability analysis b. pricing decisions c. product mix decisions d. external financial reporting ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/21/2017 12:58 PM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NOJT QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJU-GR3G-C3TZ-GB1U-KC5N-GESS-GQBA-8RSU-1QBU-GOSUBAL ID: OCTA-CCSU-NCDR-CE5D-EQJA-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 80 Chapter 2 101. If total warehousing cost for the year amounts to $950,000, and 35 percent of the warehousing activity is associated with finished goods and 65 percent with direct materials, how much of the cost would be charged as a product cost? a. $285,000 b. $332,500 c. $617,500 d. $950,000 ANSWER: c RATIONALE: SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS: Total product cost = Total cost ร— Percent of direct materials = $950,000 ร— 0.65 = $617,500 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTI COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 VES: NATIONAL STANDA United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking RDS: STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/21/2017 12:59 PM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NOJO QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMF-GTTU-YQMD-GRAU-NAMD-GASU-ECTS-8YSU-CQDGBAL ID: GOSU-YCMF-CCSU-OQMN-8R4S-CAJZ-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 81 Chapter 2 102. Which of the following costs would be included as part of direct materials in the production of an automobile? a. glue for a sticker applied to the automobile b. steel c. gasoline used to fuel machines in production d. none of these ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NOJZ QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJT-G3TU-OQJS-CE5U-NPBA-8RSS-GCTO-8RSS-RATS-GOSUL ID: QCTS-GHSU-Q3BT-CAHU-NC3Z-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 82 Chapter 2 103. All of Eva Enterprise’s operations are housed in one building with the costs of occupying the building accumulated in a separate account. The total costs incurred in July amounted to $48,000. The company allocates these costs on the basis of square feet of floor space occupied. Administrative offices, sales offices, and factory operations occupy 9,000, 6,000, and 30,000 square feet, respectively. How much will be classified as a product cost for July? a. $9,600 b. $6,400 c. $16,000 d. $32,000 ANSWER: d RATIONALE: SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS: [30,000/(9,000 + 6,000 + 30,000)] ร— $48,000 = $32,000 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NOJS QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJ3-GHHD-Y3MB-GEHD-NPJS-GCSU-YQMR-8RSU-KPJA-GOSUBAL ID: R3JA-8RSS-CCJW-CCHS-EPBW-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 83 Chapter 2 104. Which of the following costs would be considered a direct material? a. glue in the production of automobiles b. labor used to finish product c. paper used in the production of books d. depreciation on the corporation’s office building ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NOJI QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJT-GYAG-C3UB-CR4U-CQMB-8YSU-Y3DD-CRSS-CCTU-GOSSBAL ID: K3DN-GASS-NQMB-G71G-GPJA-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 84 Chapter 2 105. The difference between a supply and an indirect material is that a. supplies are not necessary for production. b. indirect materials are not physically part of the product. c. supplies are not necessary for production and are not physically part of the product. d. supplies are necessary for production and are not physically part of the product. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NOJW QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMB-CTOU-GPJI-CCHU-YA3I-CASS-RA3A-CESS-NPTU-GOSSL ID: KQB3-CCSS-CCUD-GC4S-CCT3-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 85 Chapter 2 106. Which of the following costs would be included as part of direct labor? a. a materials handler b. a cutter in the production of shelving c. an assembly-line supervisor d. a janitor ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NO1N QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJU-GBOS-GPMN-GC4G-KATI-8YSU-O3DD-CESU-GQMD-GOSUBAL ID: Q3DN-CWSU-EQMG-8R5U-NQBU-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 86 Chapter 2 107. Which of the following costs would be included as part of factory overhead? a. depreciation of plant equipment b. direct labor c. depreciation on the corporation’s office building d. paper used in the production of books ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NO1B QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMD-GW5G-R3JZ-CRHS-KPJS-8RSU-EA3U-CESU-QA5F-GOSUBAL ID: QPBW-GASU-RCJI-GHAU-GCJ1-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 87 Chapter 2 108. Which of the following items would NOT be classified as part of factory overhead of a firm that makes sailboats? a. factory supplies used b. depreciation of factory buildings c. canvas used in sail d. indirect materials ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NOT3 QUESTIO GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJZ-G7TD-Y3TZ-CJ1S-NC3O-CWSU-13UR-CRSU-NAT3-GOSSL ID: E3BA-GRSS-E3JW-8YHD-Y3T1-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 88 Chapter 2 109. Wages paid to a janitor in the factory would be classified as a. direct labor. b. direct janitor salaries. c. supervisor salaries. d. factory overhead. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NOTA QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJW-CR4D-K3UN-8Y3D-1AT1-CESU-NPUF-CESU-RQBS-GOSUL ID: OATI-CESU-CQJO-8Y3U-KCTT-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 89 Chapter 2 110. All of the following costs are included in factory overhead EXCEPT a. factory supplies. b. indirect labor. c. plant foreman’s salary. d. direct labor. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NO1G QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMR-GH4U-CA3W-GFUD-RPDB-CRSU-N3MF-CESU-O3UN-GOSSBAL ID: KPB1-GASS-G3T1-G7TG-RPTI-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 90 Chapter 2 111. Selling and administrative costs are classified as a. product costs. b. conversion costs. c. period costs. d. factory overhead. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NO1F QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJA-G7TD-CCJU-GTTS-KAMB-CESU-1A3U-8RSS-GQBS-GOSUBAL ID: EATZ-COSS-G3UD-CF1U-CPMN-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 91 Chapter 2 112. Which of the following costs is NOT a period cost? a. receptionist’s salary b. steel used in steel railings c. depreciation on sales staffs’ cars d. sales commission ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NO1R QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJO-GOHU-Y3JW-8Y4S-CCB1-CASS-GPTA-CRSU-E3UN-GOSSL ID: CQBT-8RSU-NP5G-CTTD-Q3BT-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 92 Chapter 2 113. Which of the following costs is a period cost? a. depreciation of factory equipment b. transportation-in for material shipments c. amortization of a patent for the company’s product d. depreciation of office computers ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NO1D QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJI-8FOU-KAUF-8B1G-C3MF-CCSS-EQJU-CESU-1CDR-GOSUL ID: QC5B-GRSS-CPTZ-GY5D-G3MG-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 93 Chapter 2 114. An example of a period cost is a. president’s salary. b. insurance on factory equipment. c. property taxes on factory building. d. wages of factory custodians. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NOTU QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMD-GW5U-K3JW-GT1U-QQJI-GYSS-NPB3-8YSU-OCBT-GOSSBAL ID: GPJU-GWSU-13BI-CAAD-YPBU-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 94 Chapter 2 115. An example of a nonproduction cost is a. wages paid to assembly-line employees. b. manufacturing supplies. c. insurance on manufacturing facilities. d. the treasurer’s salary. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NOT1 QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMB-GAHD-EQB1-GWAD-GPJS-GRSS-KCTT-8YSS-R3DF-GOSSBAL ID: E3TI-GHSU-1PBA-CW4D-QCDD-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 95 Chapter 2 116. Which of the following costs are expensed in the period in which they are incurred? a. Direct materials costs b. Product costs c. Factory overhead costs d. Nonproduction costs ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NOTT QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMB-8BOU-KC3T-GTOS-RQMD-8YSU-C3MN-CRSS-GP3I-GOSUBAL ID: CQMD-COSS-CCMD-CI1U-K3BI-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 96 Chapter 2 117. Order-getting costs would NOT include a. marketing costs. b. customer service costs. c. advertising. d. salaries of sales personnel. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NOTO QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJZ-COAU-QQBW-CPOS-RQMN-8RSU-YP5R-8YSU-YPTS-GOSSBAL ID: EC5F-CRSU-GPBU-G7UD-Y3UR-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 97 Chapter 2 118. Period costs do NOT include a. order-getting costs. b. order-filling costs. c. order-making costs. d. all of the above are period costs. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NOTZ QUESTIO GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJS-C3TU-CPTI-CC5U-KAUR-GYSS-RQJT-8YSS-NPJA-GOSUL ID: RATO-CESS-RA3A-GI1G-C3B1-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 98 Chapter 2 119. Prime product costs include a. only factory overhead. b. only direct labor. c. direct labor and factory overhead. d. direct materials and direct labor. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NOTS QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJW-GP1G-NA3I-8F1G-CPJA-CCSS-ECUN-CRSU-YPDF-GOSSL ID: N3B1-8YSS-EQBW-GTUG-KP3W-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 99 Chapter 2 120. The sum of direct labor and factory overhead is referred to as a. period costs. b. conversion costs. c. prime costs. d. direct product costs. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NOTI QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJO-GCAD-GPMD-GHAS-ECUR-CWSS-ECT1-CESU-KA5F-GOSSBAL ID: RQBO-GHSU-EPTT-GOAD-CA3U-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 100 Chapter 2 121. Conversion costs do NOT include a. direct materials. b. direct labor. c. factory overhead. d. any of these costs. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NOTW QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJT-GYHD-RA3A-CA3U-QCJ1-GHSS-CC31-8YSU-QCT3-GOSUL ID: KA5G-COSS-CCBT-CPOU-G3BT-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 101 Chapter 2 122. Which of the following would NOT be included in the conversion cost of an automobile? a. screws used in assembly b. assembly worker wages c. depreciation on machinery d. steel ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NQNN QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJS-GP1D-1PBA-CI1G-C3TA-COSU-GA3Z-8RSU-Y3DF-GOSUBAL ID: CCDN-GWSS-NC5R-GA5U-EATW-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 102 Chapter 2 123. Costs that are expensed in the period in which they are incurred are called: a. Direct materials costs b. Product costs c. Noninventoriable costs d. Inventoriable costs ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NQNB QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJW-CITS-EPJU-8Y5G-GP3S-CESS-EPUB-CESS-E3MF-GOSUL ID: CQBW-8RSU-E3DB-COAD-NPUN-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 103 Chapter 2 124. Information from the records of the Abel Corporation for July 2018 was as follows: Sales Selling and administrative expenses Direct materials used Direct labor Factory overhead * $1,230,000 210,000 264,000 300,000 405,000 *variable overhead is $205,000, fixed overhead is $200,000 Direct materials Work in process Finished goods Inventories July 1, 2018 July 31, 2018 $36,000 $42,000 75,000 84,000 69,000 57,000 The conversion cost is a. $960,000 b. $1,179,000 c. $705,000 d. $564,000 ANSWER: c RATIONALE: $300,000 + $405,000 = $705,000 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/4/2017 11:45 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NQB3 QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMB-GR5U-YC5N-8YAD-QA3W-GWSS-EP3Z-CESS-RP5R-GOSSBAL ID: EPTS-GCSS-K3DR-GI1D-YCDG-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 104 Chapter 2 125. Information from the records of the Abel Corporation for July 2018 was as follows: Sales Selling and administrative expenses Direct materials used Direct labor Factory overhead * $1,230,000 210,000 264,000 300,000 405,000 *variable overhead is $205,000, fixed overhead is $200,000 Direct materials Work in process Finished goods Inventories July 1, 2018 July 31, 2018 $36,000 $42,000 75,000 84,000 69,000 57,000 The prime costs are a. $210,000 b. $264,000 c. $300,000 d. $564,000 ANSWER: d RATIONALE: $264,000 + $300,000 = $564,000 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/4/2017 11:47 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NQBA QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMG-CAHS-E3J3-CC3D-R3TU-CWSS-CP5B-CRSS-KPDG-GOSSBAL ID: KCJT-GHSU-RPTU-CW5G-CQJT-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 105 Chapter 2 126. Information from the records of the Abel Corporation for July 2018 was as follows: Sales Selling and administrative expenses Direct materials used Direct labor Factory overhead * $1,230,000 210,000 264,000 300,000 405,000 *variable overhead is $205,000, fixed overhead is $200,000 Direct materials Work in process Finished goods Inventories July 1, 2018 July 31, 2018 $36,000 $42,000 75,000 84,000 69,000 57,000 The variable product costs are a. $969,000 b. $769,000 c. $764,000 d. $1,179,000 ANSWER: b RATIONALE: $264,000 + $300,000 + $205,000 = $769,000 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-28 – Variable and Fixed Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/4/2017 11:49 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NQNG QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJI-8F1D-CPBW-GTTU-QQB1-GCSS-GQDN-8YSU-CC3O-GOSUBAL ID: RA5N-GRSU-OC5B-CA3S-KCDD-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 106 Chapter 2 127. Information from the records of the Abel Corporation for July 2018 was as follows: Sales Selling and administrative expenses Direct materials used Direct labor Factory overhead * $1,230,000 210,000 264,000 300,000 405,000 *variable overhead is $205,000, fixed overhead is $200,000 Direct materials Work in process Finished goods Inventories July 1, 2018 July 31, 2018 $36,000 $42,000 75,000 84,000 69,000 57,000 The total product cost is a. $1,179,000 b. $969,000 c. $615,000 d. $764,000 ANSWER: b RATIONALE: $264,000 + $300,000 + $405,000 = $969,000 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/4/2017 11:52 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NQNF QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJI-CO5D-NQBW-GE5U-RA31-GYSS-NCT1-8RSU-GQDF-GOSUL ID: EP5B-CASS-GAUR-CE5D-1QJS-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 107 Chapter 2 128. Information from the records of the Conundrum Company for September 2018 was as follows: Sales Selling and administrative expenses Direct materials used Direct labor Variable factory overhead Factory overhead Direct materials $307,500 52,500 66,000 75,000 50,000 51,250 Inventories Sept. 1, 2018 Sept 30, 2018 $ 8,000 $10,500 Work in process 18,750 21,000 Finished goods 17,250 14,250 Conundrum Corporation produced 20,000 units. The prime costs per unit for September were a. $7.05 b. $8.8125 c. $14.7375 d. $20.00 ANSWER: a RATIONALE: $66,000 + $75,000 = $141,000/20,000 units = $7.05 per unit POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/13/2017 3:06 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NQNR QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJZ-GOHD-GCTO-COHG-GPJ1-CESU-YATA-CESU-KP3Z-GOSUBAL ID: YAMB-CCSU-QA3O-GWAS-CPUF-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 108 Chapter 2 129. Information from the records of the Conundrum Company for September 2018 was as follows: Sales $307,500 Selling and administrative expenses 52,500 Direct materials used 66,000 Direct labor 75,000 Variable factory overhead 50,000 Factory overhead 51,250 Inventories Sept. 1, 2018 Sept 30, 2018 Direct materials $ 8,000 $10,500 Work in process 18,750 21,000 Finished goods 17,250 14,250 Conundrum Corporation produced 20,000 units. What are the conversion costs per unit? a. $7.05 b. $8.8125 c. $12.1125 d. $14.7375 ANSWER: b RATIONALE: $75,000 + $50,000 + $51,250 = $176,250/20,000 units = $8.8125 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/13/2017 3:07 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NQND QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMG-CJOS-NC5B-GTTG-ECTS-GCSS-K3BO-CESU-1P5B-GOSUL ID: KAJ3-CCSU-1P3S-CRAU-KPDD-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 109 Chapter 2 130. Information from the records of the Conundrum Company for September 2018 was as follows: Sales Selling and administrative expenses Direct materials used Direct labor Variable factory overhead Factory overhead Direct materials $307,500 52,500 66,000 75,000 50,000 51,250 Inventories Sept. 1, 2018 Sept 30, 2018 $ 8,000 $10,500 Work in process 18,750 21,000 Finished goods 17,250 14,250 Conundrum Corporation produced 20,000 units. If production increased to 32,000 units next year, what is the effect on variable product costs per unit and total product costs per unit respectively? a. remain the same; remain the same b. remain the same; decrease c. increase; remain the same d. decrease; increase ANSWER: b RATIONALE: variable product cost per unit remain the same; total product cost per unit will decrease POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/13/2017 3:08 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NQBU QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMR-CE5U-EAUR-CFOU-RP3O-GHSU-N3B1-8YSU-YCDN-GOSUBAL ID: 1AT1-CRSU-YC5B-GTTG-GCJU-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 110 Chapter 2 131. Information from the records of the Conundrum Company for September 2018 was as follows: Sales Selling and administrative expenses Direct materials used Direct labor Variable factory overhead Factory overhead Direct materials $307,500 52,500 66,000 75,000 50,000 51,250 Inventories Sept. 1, 2018 Sept 30, 2018 $ 8,000 $10,500 Work in process 18,750 21,000 Finished goods 17,250 14,250 Conundrum Corporation produced 20,000 units. What are the total variable costs per unit? a. $7.05 b. $9.55 c. $2.175 d. $6.25 ANSWER: b RATIONALE: $66,000 + 75,000 + 50,000 = $191,000/20,000 units = $9.55 per unit POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-28 – Variable and Fixed Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/13/2017 3:09 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NQB1 QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJU-GITG-NA5G-GBUD-QA33-GOSU-E3DG-CESU-RAMR-GOSSBAL ID: NCJ1-COSS-NAJU-GIUG-RQB3-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 111 Chapter 2 132. Information from the records of the Conundrum Company for September 2018 was as follows: Sales Selling and administrative expenses Direct materials used Direct labor Variable factory overhead Factory overhead Direct materials $307,500 52,500 66,000 75,000 50,000 51,250 Inventories Sept. 1, 2018 Sept 30, 2018 $ 8,000 $10,500 Work in process 18,750 21,000 Finished goods 17,250 14,250 Conundrum Corporation produced 20,000 units. What is the total product cost per unit? a. $14.7375 b. $12.1125 c. $12.175 d. $12.2375 ANSWER: b RATIONALE: $66,000 + $75,000 + $50,000 + $51,250 = $242,250/20,000 = $12.1125 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/13/2017 3:12 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NQBT QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJI-CWAU-OPJI-GH5G-R3JS-8YSS-GPDN-CESS-NCJT-GOSUL ID: CAUF-GCSU-KCBW-CR4U-NA5N-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 112 Chapter 2 133. Product costs are converted from cost to expense when a. units are completed. b. materials are purchased. c. units are sold. d. materials are requisitioned. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NQBO QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJ3-CA4G-E3TI-CW3G-RAT3-CCSU-OA5R-8RSS-CQMR-GOSUL ID: RCJI-CASS-R3BA-GC5D-OCUG-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 113 Chapter 2 134. A company has purchased some steel to use in the production of steel railings. If this steel has NOT been put into production, it would be classified as a. finished goods inventory. b. factory supplies. c. work-in-process inventory. d. direct materials inventory. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NQBZ QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJ1-GBTD-O3JS-GJTU-N3BS-8RSU-OCMG-CRSS-KCJ3-GOSSL ID: NPMD-8RSU-NPUF-CW3U-KQB1-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 114 Chapter 2 135. The income statement prepared for external reporting is a. based on a functional classification. b. referred to as absorption-costing income. c. called full-costing income. d. all of the above. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-09 – Financial Statements United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NQBS QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMR-CC4U-RCT1-GR5D-EQMG-CCSU-RATO-8YSS-NP3A-GOSUBAL ID: EPUD-CRSU-N3UN-GJ1G-NCBS-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 115 Chapter 2 136. Which of the following costs would NOT be included in calculating inventory values under the absorption-costing basis? a. direct materials b. fixed overhead c. selling and administrative expenses d. direct labor ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NQBI QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMB-GE3G-RAMB-G71G-RQJI-GASS-G3UR-8YSU-RQJU-GOSUL ID: 13BI-GESU-YQJI-GB1U-KAUR-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 116 Chapter 2 137. When calculating the absorption-costing income for external reporting, all a. manufacturing costs ultimately become nonmanufacturing costs. b. manufacturing costs are product costs and product costs are never expensed. c. costs of selling manufactured products are classified as product costs. d. selling and administrative costs are classified as nonmanufacturing costs. ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NQBW QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJ1-GO4D-1AMB-G71D-YPTO-GCSU-NP3O-8RSU-O3MG-GOSUBAL ID: EPDB-8YSU-Y3BU-GO5U-YCTI-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 117 Chapter 2 138. Which of the following accounts would appear on the financial statements of ONLY a manufacturing firm? a. materials inventory b. bonds payable c. prepaid insurance d. retained earnings ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-09 – Financial Statements United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NQKN QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJA-GH3U-OATI-CC4G-EQJ1-CRSU-1PMB-8RSU-KCMR-GOSUBAL ID: EAUN-GASU-CCJA-GC4U-NCT3-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 118 Chapter 2 139. Which type of inventory is normally sold to other organizations? a. direct materials b. factory supplies c. work in process d. finished goods ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NQKB QUESTIO GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJZ-GWHD-NA5G-8B1S-G3JI-CESS-NCJA-CRSS-GATI-GOSUL ID: OC3A-GASS-NP3I-GW3S-G3DD-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 119 Chapter 2 140. The records of Bentler Shoppers, Inc. for December 2018 shows the following information: Sales Selling and administrative expenses Direct materials purchases Direct labor Factory overhead Direct materials, December 1 Work-in-process, December 1 Finished goods, December 1 Direct materials, December 31 Work-in-process, December 31 Finished goods, December 31 $2,050,000 250,000 205,000 298,000 350,000 50,000 85,000 64,000 41,000 72,000 55,000 The net income for the month of December is: a. $875,000. b. $916,000. c. $884,000. d. $770,000. ANSWER: b RATIONA SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS: LE: Cost of goods manufactured = (Beginning direct materials + Direct materials purchases โˆ’ Ending direct materials) + (Direct labor + Factory overhead + Beginning work in process โˆ’ Ending work in process) = ($50,000 +$205,000 โˆ’ $41,000) + ($298,000 + $350,000 + $85,000 โˆ’ $72,000) = $875,000 Cost of goods sold = Cost of goods manufactured + Beginning finished goods โˆ’ Ending finished goods = $875,000 + $64,000 โˆ’ $55,000 = $884,000 Net income = Sales โˆ’ Cost of goods sold โˆ’ Selling and administrative expense = $2,050,000 โˆ’ $884,000 โˆ’ $250,000 = $916,000 POINTS: 1 DIFFICU Challenging LTY: QUESTIO Multiple Choice N TYPE: HAS VARI False ABLES: LEARNIN COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 G OBJEC TIVES: NATIONA United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking L STAND ARDS: STATE ST United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs ANDARD United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement S: United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWOR Bloom’s – Applying DS: NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CR 10/7/2016 9:27 AM EATED: Copyright Learning. Powered Page 120 DATE MCengage 1/27/2017 3:31 AM by Cognero. ODIFIED : QUESTIO JFND-GO33-GINW-NQJ3 Chapter 2 141. The merchandise inventory in a merchandising business corresponds most closely to which of the following items in a manufacturing firm? a. materials inventory b. cost of goods available for sale c. cost of goods manufactured d. finished goods inventory ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NQJA QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMF-GA3U-RAUB-COHU-KPTZ-CCSU-1AUR-8YSU-G3MF-GOSUBAL ID: GP3W-GRSU-OC5G-CPOU-CP3U-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 121 Chapter 2 142. Beginning work-in-process inventory is $188,000, ending work-in-process inventory is $220,000, cost of goods manufactured is $850,000, and direct materials used are $162,000. What are the conversion costs? a. $688,000 b. $980,000 c. $656,000 d. $720,000 ANSWER: d RATIONALE SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS: Conversion costs = Cost of goods manufactured + Ending work-in: process โˆ’ Beginning work-in-process โˆ’ Direct materials used = $850,000 + $220,000 โˆ’ $188,000 โˆ’ $162,000 = $720,000 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULT Challenging Y: QUESTION Multiple Choice TYPE: HAS VARIAB False LES: LEARNING COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 OBJECTIVE S: NATIONAL S United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking TANDARDS: STATE STAN United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs DARDS: United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS:Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREA 10/7/2016 9:27 AM TED: DATE MODI 1/21/2017 1:03 PM FIED: QUESTION I JFND-GO33-GINW-NQKG D: QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMD-CIUD-R3TS-CFOS-NC3A-GRSS-CC3O-8YSU-O3BS-GOSUL ID: 1PUR-CCSU-1P3O-GC4S-N3BS-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 122 Chapter 2 143. The following information pertains to Steel Wheels, Inc: Cost of goods manufactured $350,000 Beginning work-in-process inventory 110,000 Ending work-in-process inventory 80,000 Manufacturing overhead 50,000 What are the prime costs for the year? a. $360,000 b. $480,000 c. $270,000 d. $300,000 ANSWER: c RATIONALE: SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS: $350,000 + $80,000 โˆ’ $110,000 โˆ’ $50,000 = $270,000 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Challenging QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/3/2017 1:02 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NQKF QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMN-GA5S-ECBA-GC3D-NQBW-GYSU-Y3DR-8YSU-NATS-GOSSBAL ID: EQB1-GYSU-CAJT-C3TD-RCTA-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 123 Chapter 2 144. Inventory balances for Balmer Company in April 2018 are as follows: Raw materials Work in process Finished goods April 1, 2018 $ 40,000 67,500 150,000 April 30, 2018 $ 35,000 59,800 120,000 During April, purchases of direct materials were $58,000. Direct labor and factory overhead costs were $82,000 and $110,000, respectively. Prime costs for April were: a. $145,000. b. $140,000. c. $88,000. d. $152,700. ANSWER: a RATIONALE: SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS: Prime cost = Direct materials cost + Direct labor cost = ($40,000 + $58,000 โˆ’ $35,000) + $82,000 = $145,000 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJE COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 CTIVES: NATIONAL STANDUnited States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking ARDS: STATE STANDAR United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs DS: United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/21/2017 1:06 PM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NQKR QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJO-GE3S-R3TI-8YAD-C3BW-GOSU-GP5G-CESU-RCJO-GOSUL ID: GCJS-CRSU-QQJS-8BTD-1CUD-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 124 Chapter 2 145. Inventory balances for Marshall, Inc., in June 2018 are as follows: Raw materials Work in process Finished goods June 1, 2018 $1,125 2,000 4,500 June 30, 2018 $ 875 1,550 3,750 During June, purchases of direct materials were $1,500. Direct labor and factory overhead costs were $2,500 and $3,500, respectively. Conversion costs for June were a. $8,200. b. $7,750. c. $7,500. d. $6,000. ANSWER: d RATIONALE: SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS: $2,500 + $3,500 = $6,000 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/13/2017 3:19 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NQKD QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJW-CW5D-QQBT-8RHU-NCMB-GRSU-1C3U-8RSU-GPBU-GOSUBAL ID: E3JZ-GASU-E3TZ-CW4S-NQBI-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 125 Chapter 2 146. Inventory balances for the Jameson Company in October 2018 are as follows: Raw materials Work in process Finished goods October 1, 2018 $ 27,000 48,000 108,000 October 31, 2018 $21,000 37,200 90,000 During October, purchases of direct materials were $36,000. Direct labor and factory overhead costs were $60,000 and $84,000, respectively. What is the cost of materials used in production? a. $36,000 b. $42,000 c. $47,800 d. $54,000 ANSWER: b RATIONALE: $27,000 + $36,000 โˆ’ $21,000 = $42,000 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/13/2017 3:23 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NQJU QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJU-GA5D-N3UN-CWAU-1ATZ-GASU-CPTS-CRSU-K3JI-GOSSL ID: KA3T-GASS-EPJT-GTUG-EAJ1-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 126 Chapter 2 147. Inventory balances for the Jameson Company in October 2018 are as follows: Raw materials Work in process Finished goods October 1, 2018 $ 27,000 48,000 108,000 October 31, 2018 $21,000 37,200 90,000 During October, purchases of direct materials were $36,000. Direct labor and factory overhead costs were $60,000 and $84,000, respectively. What are the total manufacturing costs added to production in the period? a. $186,000 b. $180,000 c. $144,000 d. $174,200 ANSWER: a RATIONALE: $42,000 + $60,000 + $84,000 = $186,000 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/13/2017 3:26 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NQJ1 QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMD-CCHU-YA3O-8Y3G-GPUG-GCSU-QP33-8YSS-GPDF-GOSSBAL ID: GP5G-CRSS-CA5B-CCHG-KCUR-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 127 Chapter 2 148. The sum of the total additions to work in process during a period is a. total manufacturing costs added. b. factory overhead applied. c. material used. d. cost of goods manufactured. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NQJT QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJA-CE5G-KATT-GWAD-KAMF-COSU-GCDB-8YSU-KP5D-GOSUBAL ID: YPMD-GWSU-OPDD-8Y3U-CCMN-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 128 Chapter 2 149. Inventory balances for the Jameson Company in October 2018 are as follows: Raw materials Work in process Finished goods October 1, 2018 $ 27,000 48,000 108,000 October 31, 2018 $21,000 37,200 90,000 During October, purchases of direct materials were $36,000. Direct labor and factory overhead costs were $60,000 and $84,000, respectively. What is the cost of goods manufactured? a. $180,000 b. $186,000 c. $194,000 d. $196,800 ANSWER: d RATIONALE: $42,000 + $60,000 + $84,000 + $48,000 โˆ’ $37,200 = $196,800 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/22/2017 9:20 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NQJO QUESTIO GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJS-CA3S-NPJ1-8Y4D-KAT1-8YSS-GC5G-CESS-ECBT-GOSUL ID: YC3I-COSS-CQJA-8R3D-NPJA-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 129 Chapter 2 150. The ending work-in-process inventory is deducted on the a. balance sheet. b. income statement. c. statement of cost of goods manufactured. d. statement of cash flows. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-09 – Financial Statements United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NQJS QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMD-CE3D-N3DR-8YHG-CQMF-GYSU-EQBS-8RSU-YAJW-GOSUBAL ID: YATZ-COSU-E3MN-CC5D-EC3W-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 130 Chapter 2 151. The following information for the Sutton Glass Company has been provided: Cost of goods manufactured Work in process: Beginning Ending Direct labor Direct materials used Factory overhead $100,000 15,000 20,000 30,000 ? 45,000 What is the amount of direct materials used? a. $25,000 b. $30,000 c. $35,000 d. $100,000 ANSWER: b RATIONALE: SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS: $100,000 + $20,000 โˆ’ $15,000 โˆ’ $30,000 โˆ’ $45,000 = $30,000 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 : NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/3/2017 4:05 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NQJZ QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJA-CR4S-GQJW-8F1U-KP3O-CRSU-OQBO-8RSU-RCDF-GOSUL ID: NA33-GOSU-Q3DF-CEHD-RPBI-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 131 Chapter 2 152. Cost of goods sold equals cost of goods manufactured a. when finished goods inventories remain constant. b. when work-in-process inventories remain constant. c. plus beginning work-in-process inventory minus ending work-in-process inventory. d. when materials inventories remain constant. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NQJI QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJS-GEAU-Q3UD-GY3G-NATS-GRSS-RPDN-CESU-1P5G-GOSSBAL ID: E3DD-CRSU-QPBU-GYHD-CA3T-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 132 Chapter 2 153. Selected data concerning the past year’s operations of the Motor City Corporation are as follows: Selling and administrative expenses Direct materials used Direct labor (50,000 hours) Factory overhead application rate Direct material Work in process Finished goods $225,000 467,500 450,000 8 per DLH Inventories Beginning $75,000 112,500 60,000 Ending $67,500 135,000 37,500 The cost of direct materials purchased is a. $467,500. b. $460,000. c. $437,500. d. $445,000. ANSWER: b RATIONALE: SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS: $467,500 + $67,500 โˆ’ $75,000 = $460,000 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/3/2017 4:16 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NTKN QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMF-CA4D-E3BT-CI1U-RAT1-GRSU-RQBU-CRSU-N3DF-GOSSBAL ID: C3UB-CASU-RAJW-CA3D-NQBI-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 133 Chapter 2 154. Inventory balances for Spiritlight Ventures for November 2018 are as follows: Materials Work in process Finished goods November 1, 2018 $ 9,000 16,000 36,000 November 30, 2018 $ 7,000 12,400 30,000 During November, purchases of direct materials were $18,000. Direct labor and factory overhead costs were $20,000 and $28,000, respectively. The cost of goods manufactured in November was a. $68,000. b. $77,600. c. $74,000. d. $71,600. ANSWER: d RATIONALE: SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS: $9,000 + $18,000 โˆ’ $7,000 + $20,000 + $28,000 + $16,000 โˆ’ $12,400 = $71,600 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIV COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 ES: NATIONAL STANDAR United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking DS: STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/13/2017 3:31 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NQJW QUESTIO GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJZ-G31U-NCBW-CTOU-YAJ1-CESS-EPJA-CESS-CP5B-GOSUL ID: 13DD-GRSU-1AUB-GJ1S-RA5G-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 134 Chapter 2 155. The following is the data for Lauren Enterprises: Selling and administrative expenses Direct materials used Direct labor (25,000 hours) Factory overhead application rate Direct materials Work in process Finished goods $75,000 265,000 300,000 $16 per DLH Inventories Beginning Ending $50,000 $45,000 75,000 90,000 40,000 25,000 What is the cost of goods manufactured? a. $1,115,000 b. $965,000 c. $955,000 d. $950,000 ANSWER: d RATIONALE: SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS: $265,000 + $300,000 + $400,000($16 ร— 25,000) + $75,000 โˆ’ $90,000 = $950,000 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVCOCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 ES: NATIONAL STANDAR United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking DS: STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/4/2017 12:15 PM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NTKB QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJ3-GCAS-K3MF-CE4U-OC5G-8YSS-CATU-CRSU-KAJO-GOSUL ID: KQB3-CESS-KQBZ-CA4U-RA33-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 135 Chapter 2 156. The following is the data for Lauren Enterprises: Selling and administrative expenses Direct materials used Direct labor (25,000 hours) Factory overhead application rate Direct materials Work in process Finished goods $75,000 265,000 300,000 $16 per DLH Inventories Beginning Ending $50,000 $45,000 75,000 90,000 40,000 25,000 What is the cost of goods sold? a. $565,000 b. $950,000 c. $965,000 d. $980,000 ANSWER: c RATIONALE: $265,000 + $300,000 + $400,000 + $75,000 โˆ’ $90,000 + $40,000 โˆ’ $25,000 = $965,000 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/4/2017 12:15 PM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NTJ3 QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJ3-CR4U-NATA-GY4D-EAMR-GASU-O3DF-CESS-EP3I-GOSUL ID: GATO-CWSU-K3JS-CITU-EQJ3-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 136 Chapter 2 157. The cost of units completed during a period is called a. cost of goods sold. b. cost of goods manufactured. c. current manufacturing costs. d. finished goods inventory. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NTJA QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMD-8RHU-R3BU-CW5D-NC3I-8YSS-RCMR-CRSS-KCTA-GOSUL ID: GPBA-CESS-EPB1-8FOS-GP31-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 137 Chapter 2 158. The records for the previous year for Sarasota Boat Builders, Inc., shows the following data: Selling and administrative expenses Direct materials used Direct labor (100,000 hours) Factory overhead application rate $300,000 530,000 600,000 $5 per DLH Inventories Work in process Finished goods Beginning $150,000 80,000 Ending $160,000 50,000 The cost of goods sold is a. $1,630,000. b. $1,880,000. c. $1,600,000. d. $1,650,000. ANSWER: d RATIONALE: SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS: $530,000 + $600,000 + $500,000($5 ร— 100,000) + $150,000 โˆ’ $160,000 + $80,000 โˆ’ $50,000 = $1,650,000 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJEC COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 TIVES: NATIONAL STAND United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking ARDS: STATE STANDARD United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs S: United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/3/2017 6:55 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NTKG QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMB-CE5S-RATS-G31G-CQDF-CRSS-R3JZ-CESU-QA5B-GOSSBAL ID: NCJT-CCSU-RA5G-COHU-RPBW-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 138 Chapter 2 159. The following information has been provided for Hopen Enterprises: Cost of goods manufactured Work in process Beginning Ending Direct labor Materials placed in production Factory overhead $7,500 1,200 1,400 4,000 1,500 ? What is the amount of factory overhead? a. $2,000 b. $2,200 c. $1,400 d. $5,500 ANSWER: b RATIONALE: SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS: $7,500 + $1,400 โˆ’ $1,200 โˆ’ $4,000 โˆ’ $1,500 = $2,200 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/3/2017 6:50 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NTKF QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJU-GT1S-KAJW-CC3U-RP3W-GESS-CA5F-8RSU-OCDR-GOSUL ID: QP3O-CESS-NP3A-GA5S-K3JS-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 139 Chapter 2 160. The following information is from the records of Stretch Limousines, Inc.: Net direct materials purchase cost Total direct materials used Beginning direct materials inventory $225,000 275,000 125,000 The ending direct materials inventory is a. $175,000. b. $75,000. c. $50,000. d. $100,000. ANSWER: b RATIONALE: SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS: $125,000 + $225,000 โˆ’ $275,000 = $75,000 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/3/2017 6:52 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NTKR QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJZ-GA3S-RAMD-CCHU-C3DR-GRSU-1PJZ-CESS-EPBO-GOSSBAL ID: N3BI-GWSU-EAMG-CFOU-KPBO-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 140 Chapter 2 161. The Sumter Company recently had a fire in its accounting office, destroying most of its records. Only the following information could be salvaged for 2018: Direct labor Factory overhead Cost of goods sold Work in process, January 1 Finished goods, January 1 Work in process, December 31 Finished goods, December 31 $400,000 200,000 800,000 80,000 160,000 100,000 120,000 The cost of direct materials used in production during 2018 is a. $140,000. b. $180,000. c. $200,000. d. $260,000. ANSWER: b RATIONALE: SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS: $800,000 + $120,000 โˆ’ $160,000 + $100,000 โˆ’ $80,000 โˆ’ $400,000 โˆ’ $200,000 = $180,000 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECT COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 IVES: NATIONAL STANDA United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking RDS: STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/3/2017 7:52 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NTKD QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJI-GO5D-KP5N-GFTG-NA3A-GCSU-1ATS-CESS-GC3S-GOSUL ID: KCUN-GHSU-1P31-8R3D-KCDB-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 141 Chapter 2 162. Information from the records of Chrome Ponies Enterprises for June 2018 is as follows: Sales Direct labor Selling and administrative expenses Direct materials purchases Factory overhead Direct materials Work in process Finished goods $41,000 10,000 7,000 6,000 13,500 Inventories June 1, 2018 June 30, 2018 $1,200 $1,400 2,500 2,800 2,300 1,900 What was the cost of materials used in production? a. $6,200 b. $6,000 c. $5,800 d. $19,500 ANSWER: c RATIONALE: $6,000 + $1,200 โˆ’ $1,400 = $5,800 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/4/2017 12:17 PM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NTJU QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMF-8RHU-GPTS-8YHU-RQJU-GOSU-C3B3-8RSU-EPDR-GOSUL ID: YP3T-CESS-C3UB-CTTD-YCB1-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 142 Chapter 2 163. Information from the records of Chrome Ponies Enterprises for June 2018 is as follows: Sales Direct labor Selling and administrative expenses Direct materials purchases Factory overhead Direct materials Work in process Finished goods $41,000 10,000 7,000 6,000 13,500 Inventories June 1, 2018 June 30, 2018 $1,200 $1,400 2,500 2,800 2,300 1,900 Chrome Ponies Enterprises’ cost of goods manufactured in June is a. $29,300. b. $29,700. c. $29,200. d. $29,000. ANSWER: d RATIONALE: SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS: ($1,200 + $6,000 โˆ’ $1,400) + $10,000 + $13,500 + $2,500 โˆ’ $2,800 = $29,000 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIV COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 ES: NATIONAL STANDAR United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking DS: STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/4/2017 12:19 PM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NTJ1 QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJS-GE3S-GQMG-GCHG-ECJO-CWSU-YA3T-CRSU-GPBI-GOSSBAL ID: NCDD-GASU-QQMD-C3UD-1CTA-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 143 Chapter 2 164. Information from the records of Chrome Ponies Enterprises for June 2018 is as follows: Sales Direct labor Selling and administrative expenses Direct materials purchases Factory overhead Direct materials Work in process Finished goods $41,000 10,000 7,000 6,000 13,500 Inventories June 1, 2018 June 30, 2018 $1,200 $1,400 2,500 2,800 2,300 1,900 What are the total manufacturing costs added? a. $18,500 b. $19,300 c. $29,000 d. $29,300 ANSWER: d RATIONALE: $6,000 + $1,200 โˆ’ $1,400 + $10,000 + $13,500 = $29,300 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/4/2017 12:21 PM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NTJT QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJ3-COHU-QP31-CE5D-CPTW-GOSS-KCDB-8YSS-RA3O-GOSUBAL ID: QCUN-GESU-KC3S-GR3U-EP5D-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 144 Chapter 2 165. Information from the records of Chrome Ponies Enterprises for June 2018 is as follows: Sales Direct labor Selling and administrative expenses Direct materials purchases Factory overhead Direct materials Work in process Finished goods $41,000 10,000 7,000 6,000 13,500 Inventories June 1, 2018 June 30, 2018 $1,200 $1,400 2,500 2,800 2,300 1,900 What is the gross margin (profit)? a. $11,500 b. $11,600 c. $ 4,500 d. $ 4,600 ANSWER: b RATIONALE: $41,000 โˆ’ ($1,200 + $6,000 โˆ’ $1,400) + $10,000 + $13,500 + $2,500 โˆ’ $2,800 + $2,300 โˆ’ $1,900 = $11,600 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Challenging QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVE COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 S: NATIONAL STANDARD United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking S: STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/4/2017 12:23 PM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NTJO QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMR-GI1D-NC3T-GWAS-GCJI-GCSS-EC3Z-8RSS-KATA-GOSUL ID: 13BZ-GHSU-13B3-GY4S-GPBZ-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 145 Chapter 2 166. Information from the records of Chrome Ponies Enterprises for June 2018 is as follows: Sales Direct labor Selling and administrative expenses Direct materials purchases Factory overhead Direct materials Work in process Finished goods $41,000 10,000 7,000 6,000 13,500 Inventories June 1, 2018 June 30, 2018 $1,200 $1,400 2,500 2,800 2,300 1,900 What is the cost of goods sold? a. $36,500 b. $28,600 c. $29,400 d. $29,500 ANSWER: c RATIONALE: ($1,200 + $6,000 โˆ’ $1,400) + $10,000 + $13,500 + $2,500 โˆ’ $2,800 + $2,300 โˆ’ $1,900 = $29,400 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Challenging QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/4/2017 12:23 PM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NTJZ QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJ3-GH3S-RQMN-8BOU-13TS-GESU-EA3I-8RSS-GCTO-GOSUL ID: KP5N-GCSU-EP5R-GHAD-RC5N-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 146 Chapter 2 167. Morton Manufacturing shows cost of goods sold for the month of March was $90,000. The finished goods inventory was $15,000 on March 1 and $17,500 on March 31. Beginning and ending work-in-process inventories were $20,000 and $25,000, respectively. What was the cost of goods manufactured during March? a. $92,500 b. $90,000 c. $87,500 d. $97,500 ANSWER: a RATIONALE: SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS: $90,000 + $17,500 โˆ’ $15,000 = $92,500 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NTJS QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMR-GOHU-GPTS-GO3U-GPJ3-GRSU-E3MF-8RSU-NCJW-GOSSBAL ID: GCDD-CRSS-C3MN-GHAS-GATU-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 147 Chapter 2 168. Assume the following information for the Blue Knights Corporation for the year ended December 31, 2018: Sales Cost of goods manufactured for the year Beginning finished goods inventory Ending finished goods inventory Selling and administrative expenses $2,250 1,350 450 495 300 What is the cost of goods sold for the year ended December 31, 2018? a. $1,305 b. $1,605 c. $1,350 d. $1,650 ANSWER: a RATIONALE: SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS: $1,350 + 450 โˆ’ $495 = $1,305 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/3/2017 9:34 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NTJI QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMR-GRHG-ECBU-GJOU-CP3S-CRSU-GCTO-CRSU-RQDD-GOSUBAL ID: Y3UD-GESU-EPBT-GT1D-RAT1-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 148 Chapter 2 169. Rebel Yell, Inc., recorded the following data for April: Beginning finished goods inventory Beginning work-in-process inventory Ending work-in-process inventory Ending finished goods inventory Factory overhead costs Direct materials used Direct labor $60,000 40,000 80,000 50,000 200,000 160,000 100,000 What is the cost of goods manufactured for April? a. $470,000 b. $420,000 c. $460,000 d. $430,000 ANSWER: b RATIONALE: SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS: $160,000 + $100,000 + $200,000 + $40,000 โˆ’ $80,000 = $420,000 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVE COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 S: NATIONAL STANDARDS United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking : STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/3/2017 7:00 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NTJW QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMG-GRAU-KC3W-C3TG-ECT3-GHSU-QCT3-8RSS-GQMN-GOSUBAL ID: NPBI-GHSU-RQMB-GCHD-GCJW-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 149 Chapter 2 170. The records of the Williamson Company show the following information: Direct materials used Direct labor Factory overhead Beginning work-in-process inventory Beginning finished goods inventory Ending work-in-process inventory Selling and administrative expenses $90,000 130,000 150,000 15,000 20,000 42,000 37,500 What was the cost of goods manufactured during the year? a. $370,000 b. $365,000 ANSWER: a RATIONALE: SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS: $90,000 + $130,000 + $150,000 + $15,000 โˆ’ $42,000 = $343,000 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/3/2017 7:01 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NT1N QUESTIO GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJ1-CTUD-GP5N-GFUD-NAJ3-CRSS-NATI-CRSU-G3UD-GOSUL ID: N3JO-8YSU-13UR-CJ1S-CC3S-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 150 Chapter 2 171. Which of the following is NOT an example of a difference between the income statement of a service organization and the income statement of a manufacturing organization? a. A service company will never have work in process. b. The service company will not have a finished goods inventory. c. Fulfillment costs may be added to cost of goods sold of a service company. d. Research and development expenses are not usually a major component of a service organization. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-09 – Financial Statements United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NT1B QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJO-GRAU-1CBO-GJTD-OQBU-CRSS-KCDD-CRSS-KQJS-GOSUL ID: KAJS-8YSS-NQJI-G3OU-GPJA-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 151 Chapter 2 172. Which of the following items would NOT appear on an income statement of a service organization? a. selling expenses b. cost of goods sold c. administrative expenses d. gross margin ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-09 – Financial Statements United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NTT3 QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMD-CA4G-KCTT-GWAU-NCJA-GESU-GATT-8RSU-Y3TU-GOSUBAL ID: Q3JS-COSU-CCJ3-G31U-KA3I-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 152 Chapter 2 173. Which of the following items is NEVER relevant to the cost flows of a service organization? a. finished goods inventory b. materials inventory c. work-in-process inventory d. all of the above are always relevant. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NTTA QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMN-8BTD-N3JZ-CJUD-NPBU-GWSU-NAMF-CRSS-EAJO-GOSUBAL ID: RP3T-GESU-GQMF-GT1S-K3JZ-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 153 Chapter 2 174. Assume the following data for Rodriguez Services, an accounting firm, for November: Beginning materials inventory Beginning work-in-process inventory Ending work-in-process inventory Ending materials inventory Actual overhead costs Direct materials used Direct labor $20,000 40,000 50,000 10,000 100,000 60,000 200,000 What is the cost of services sold for November? a. $370,000 b. $350,000 c. $360,000 d. $330,000 ANSWER: b RATIONALE: SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS: $60,000 + $200,000 + $100,000 + $40,000 โˆ’ $50,000 = $350,000 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 : NATIONAL STANDARDS United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking : STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/3/2017 7:03 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NT1G QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJS-GY3U-CP3A-CW5D-OCMD-CASS-EQDF-CRSU-NQBA-GOSUBAL ID: 1PTU-GOSU-CC3W-GHAD-1CTS-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 154 Chapter 2 175. A small engine repair shop purchased materials costing $9,000 in July. The beginning inventory of material parts was $4,500 and the ending inventory of material parts was $4,000. Payments for direct labor for July totaled $27,000, secretarial costs were $2,000, and overhead of $5,000 was incurred. In addition, $5,000 was spent on advertising and $2,000 for the franchise name. Revenue for July was $50,000. What is the cost of services sold for July? a. $41,500 b. $43,500 c. $50,500 d. $40,500 ANSWER: a RATIONALE: SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS: $9,000 + $4,500 โˆ’ $4,000 + $27,000 + $5,000 = $41,500 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/3/2017 5:04 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NT1F QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMF-GY5U-RC5N-CC5D-EPJO-GASU-RPBS-8RSU-N3DD-GOSSL ID: RQBI-GOSS-RATU-GC5G-GC3I-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 155 Chapter 2 176. A small engine repair shop purchased materials costing $9,000 in July. The beginning inventory of material parts was $4,500 and the ending inventory of material parts was $4,000. Payments for direct labor for July totaled $27,000, secretarial costs were $2,000, and overhead of $5,000 was incurred. In addition, $5,000 was spent on advertising and $2,000 for the franchise name. Revenue for July was $50,000. What is the gross margin for July? a. $41,500 b. $43,500 c. $1,500 d. $8,500 ANSWER: d RATIONALE: SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS: COSS = $9,000 + $4,500 โˆ’ $4,000 + $27,000 + $5,000 = $41,500 GM = $50,000 โˆ’ 41,500 = $8,500 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJEC COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 TIVES: NATIONAL STAND United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking ARDS: STATE STANDARD United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs S: United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/3/2017 5:05 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NT1R QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJZ-CI1D-GA5F-GCHU-G3DN-GESU-KAMF-CRSU-C3BT-GOSUL ID: Q3JA-CCSS-NP5F-GR4S-GQJA-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 156 Chapter 2 177. One or more of the following is (are) a cost accounting system(s) that use(s) only unit-based activity drivers to assign costs to cost objects. a. Activity-based management b. Activity-based costing system c. Functional-based cost management system d. Both a and b ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-5 – LO: 02.05 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NT1D QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJU-GBTU-KCTZ-C31S-CCBA-CASS-CPBT-CESS-RA3U-GOSSL ID: EPMF-GHSU-O3JS-CAAD-EP3U-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 157 Chapter 2 178. Which of the following would be associated with a functional-based cost accounting information system? a. setup costs assigned to products using the number of setups as the driver b. materials handling costs assigned to products using the number of moves as the activity driver c. customer service costs assigned to products using the number of complaints as the activity driver d. purchasing costs assigned to products using number of direct labor hours as the activity driver ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-5 – LO: 02.05 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-08 – Information Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NTTU QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMB-CI1G-GATU-GCHU-RQJA-8RSU-ECDB-CRSU-Q3BS-GOSSBAL ID: K3JI-8YSU-N3BU-COAD-CQDB-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 158 Chapter 2 179. In a functional-based management system, one is NOT likely to find a. unit- and non-unit-based cost drivers. b. maximization of individual unit performance. c. narrow and rigid product costing. d. allocation intensive cost assignment. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-5 – LO: 02.05 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-08 – Information Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NTT1 QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMN-GF1D-EQMN-GWHD-OATW-GWSS-KQBI-8RSS-ECT1BAL ID: GOSU-GAMF-CWSS-ECTT-GC3G-EA3A-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 159 Chapter 2 180. In a cost management system, the cost view does NOT include a. resources. b. activities. c. driver analysis. d. products and customers. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-5 – LO: 02.05 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-08 – Information Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NTTT QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJU-GP1U-OAUF-CPTD-C3DF-CWSU-O3UG-CRSS-CATW-GOSUBAL ID: Y3UG-GCSS-ECUF-8Y4U-13J1-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 160 Chapter 2 181. The system that focuses on the management of activities with the objective of improving the value received by the customer and the profit received by providing this value is called. a. Activity-based management b. Contemporary cost control c. Functional-based cost management system d. JIT ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-5 – LO: 02.05 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-11 – Strategic Planning KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NTTO QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJW-GHHU-N3T1-CW3U-K3B3-GHSU-CA5R-8YSU-OQDG-GOSUBAL ID: E3B3-CWSU-RCB1-GT1D-CPBO-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 161 Chapter 2 182. Which of the following items would be associated with both a traditional cost accounting information system and an activity based cost information system? a. Overhead is assigned on a plant-wide rate based on direct labor hours. b. Customer service costs are assigned to products using number of complaints as the activity driver. c. Direct labor cost is assigned to products using direct tracing. d. None of these. ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-5 – LO: 02.05 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/2/2017 11:57 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NTTZ QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJI-GOAD-13B3-GRAU-GPUF-CCSS-KAJ1-CRSU-NPT1-GOSUBAL ID: QC3A-GRSU-QQB3-GR3S-GAMN-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 162 Chapter 2 183. In a cost management system, the process view does NOT include a. resources. b. activities. c. driver analysis. d. performance analysis. ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-5 – LO: 02.05 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-08 – Information Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NTTS QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMB-GH5D-C3TW-G7UD-EA3O-8RSU-YC3A-CRSS-EPTT-GOSUBAL ID: EAMF-CCSU-Y3UF-GIUD-GPMF-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 163 Chapter 2 184. Which is NOT a benefit of an activity-based cost management system? a. greater product costing accuracy b. increased cost of implementing the system c. improved decision making d. enhanced strategic planning ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-5 – LO: 02.05 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-11 – Strategic Planning KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NTTI QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMF-GY5U-Y3TW-CEHU-OA3O-CCSS-GC3O-CESU-RPMG-GOSUBAL ID: KQBI-CRSU-QP3O-GTUG-N3MR-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 164 Chapter 2 185. In an activity-based management system, one is NOT likely to find a. tracing of costs to activities. b. only unit-based drivers. c. broad flexible product costing. d. systemwide performance maximization. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-5 – LO: 02.05 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-11 – Strategic Planning KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NTTW QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJU-CA5D-C3TU-CE4S-EA5D-GWSS-CC5G-8YSU-OQJW-GOSUBAL ID: QCMB-GYSS-E3JZ-CWAG-NCBZ-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 165 Chapter 2 186. Which of the following is a trait of a traditional cost management system? a. unit-based drivers b. tracing intensive c. use of both financial and nonfinancial measures of performance d. detailed activity information ANSWER: a POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-5 – LO: 02.05 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/2/2017 1:17 PM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NO4N QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJU-GC5D-OCBT-CR5G-EPUN-CASS-GATW-CRSS-E3BT-GOSUBAL ID: QCTS-GCSU-GCBO-CRAD-KPTW-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 166 Chapter 2 187. Which of the following is NOT a trait of a traditional cost management system? a. unit-based drivers b. narrow and rigid product costing c. allocation-intensive d. focus on managing activities ANSWER: d POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-5 – LO: 02.05 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/2/2017 1:21 PM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NO4B QUESTIO GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJ1-G71U-13B3-8R3G-NPJA-CCSS-RPUG-CESU-RCUG-GOSSL ID: GA3S-CCSS-G3BO-GJUD-CCTO-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 167 Chapter 2 188. Which of the following is a trait of an activity-based cost management system? a. allocation-intensive b. narrow and rigid product costing c. non-unit-based drivers d. focus on managing costs ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-5 – LO: 02.05 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-11 – Strategic Planning KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NO33 QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMB-GAAS-K3BZ-GFTD-1CDB-GASU-CATZ-CESU-OP5N-GOSUBAL ID: QCDB-GWSU-1ATI-GBTG-RPDN-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 168 Chapter 2 189. The optimal level in the trade-off between measurement and error costs is when a. measurement costs are greater than error costs. b. measurement costs and error costs are minimized. c. measurement costs are less than error costs. d. the total of measurement costs and error costs are maximized. ANSWER: b POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-5 – LO: 02.05 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NO3A QUESTIO GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJA-8R3U-RAJ3-CA4D-YATS-8YSS-GQBO-CRSS-CP5F-GOSSL ID: G3JA-CCSS-EPMD-GIOU-GPUR-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 169 Chapter 2 190. Error costs can be defined as a. the costs associated with the measurements required by the cost management system. b. unit costs assigned based on activities. c. the costs associated with making poor decisions based on bad cost information. d. none of these ANSWER: c POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-5 – LO: 02.05 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Remembering NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NO4G QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJT-GC5U-EC3T-G7UG-EPJI-GHSU-RPB3-CESU-QQB3-GOSUL ID: CCMN-CESS-CPT1-GC3U-RC5R-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 170 Chapter 2 191. Describe a cost management information system, its objectives, and major subsystems. ANSWER: The cost management information system is an accounting information subsystem that is primarily concerned with producing outputs for internal users using inputs and processes needed to satisfy management objectives. The objectives are as follows: To provide information for costing out services, products, and other objects of interest to management. 2. To provide information for planning and control. 3. To provide information for decision making. 1. The major subsystems of a cost management information system are the cost accounting information system and the operational control information system. POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTYModerate : QUESTION T Subjective Short Answer YPE: HAS VARIAB False LES: LEARNING COCM.HANS.18.2-1 – LO: 02.01 OBJECTIVES : NATIONAL S United States – BUSPROG – Analytic TANDARDS: STATE STAN United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-26 – Management Functions DARDS: United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-08 – Information Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 5 min. DATE CREA 10/7/2016 9:27 AM TED: DATE MODI 10/7/2016 9:27 AM FIED: QUESTION I JFND-GO33-GINW-NO4F D: QUESTIOGCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMR-CFTU-1CJI-GC5S-RCBZ-CWSS-GCJW-CRSS-KA3I-GOSUL ID: GCTO-GWSS-E3JU-CE3D-O3DN-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 171 Chapter 2 192. Explain the differences between direct tracing, driver tracing, and allocation. ANSWER: Direct tracing is the process of identifying and assigning costs to a cost object that are specifically or physically associated with the cost object. Driver tracing is assigning costs using drivers, which are causal factors. The driver approach relies on identification of factors that allegedly capture the causal relationship. Allocation is the assignment of indirect costs to cost objects based on convenience or assumed linkages. POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYP Subjective Short Answer E: HAS VARIABLE False S: LEARNING OBJ COCM.HANS.18.2-2 – LO: 02.02 ECTIVES: NATIONAL STA United States – BUSPROG – Analytic NDARDS: STATE STANDA United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-25 – Managerial Characteristics/Terminology RDS: United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATE 10/7/2016 9:27 AM D: DATE MODIFIE 10/7/2016 9:27 AM D: QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NO4D QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMB-GH4G-RA33-CR5G-NPTW-GCSS-GPBS-8YSU-NAT1-GOSUBAL ID: NC3O-CESS-RAJT-CTUG-RCUG-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 172 Chapter 2 193. Classify the following costs incurred by a step railing manufacturing company as direct materials, direct labor, factory overhead, or period costs: a. Wages paid to production workers b. Utilities in the office c. Depreciation on machinery in plant d. Steel e. Accountant’s salary f. Rent on factory building g. Rent on office equipment h. Maintenance workers’ wages i. Utilities in the plant j. Maintenance on office equipment ANSWER: a. Direct labor b. c. d. e. Period Factory overhead Direct materials Period f. g. h. i. j. Factory overhead Period Factory overhead Factory overhead Period POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Easy QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NO3U QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJT-GTUG-NCBT-C3UD-N3JW-GYSU-GP3U-8RSU-G3DD-GOSUBAL ID: YCBT-GHSS-GQJ1-8RHU-NPTW-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 173 Chapter 2 194. Big Foot Athletics designs and manufactures running shoes. A new model of shoes, Fast Track, has been developed and is ready for production. Required: Which costs will the production manager collect from the value chain, and how would these costs be used in different decisions? a. traditional product costs b. operating product costs c. value-chain product costs ANSWER: Production costs would be included in all of the above definitions. a. traditional product costs: Direct materials, direct labor and manufacturing overhead are the traditional product costs. They would be used for external reporting, budgeting, and control of costs. b. operating product costs: In addition to the traditional product costs, marketing and customer service costs would be considered in analyzing profitability of the product. Strategic questions about the operating design, i.e., materials and plant layout, would be addressed. The focus is on the revenue and cost of Fast Track. c. value-chain product costs: Production costs of Fast Track must be viewed in relation to other products. Strategic pricing and product mix decisions must be made. The profitability of all the product lines is at issue. POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-3 – LO: 02.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 15 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/3/2017 6:19 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NO31 QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJW-CRAD-GPJW-GEHS-NPTW-CCSU-RAJA-8YSS-CPJS-GOSSBAL ID: GP5N-GESU-CA3W-GE5U-QPTU-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 174 Chapter 2 195. Information from the records of Masibo Company for the last month is as follows: Purchases of direct materials Indirect labor Direct labor Depreciation on factory machinery Sales Selling and administrative expenses Rent on factory building Direct materials Work in process Finished goods Beginning $30,000 9,000 22,000 $ 65,000 25,000 32,500 12,000 205,900 21,000 28,000 Inventories Ending $30,100 10,100 20,100 Required: a. Prepare a statement of cost of goods manufactured for the last month. b. Prepare an income statement for the last month. c. Determine prime and conversion costs. ANSWER: a. Masibo Company Statement of Cost of Goods Manufactured for the last month Direct materials: Beginning inventory Add: Purchases Materials available Less: Ending inventory Direct materials used in production Direct labor Manufacturing overhead: Indirect labor Depreciation on machinery Rent on factory Total manufacturing costs added Add: Beginning work-in-process inventory Total costs in process Less: Ending work-in-process inventory Cost of goods manufactured $30,000 65,000 $95,000 30,100 $64,900 32,500 $25,000 12,000 28,000 65,000 $162,400 9,000 $171,400 10,100 $161,300 b. Masibo Company Income Statement for the last month Sales Less: Cost of goods sold Add: Cost of goods manufactured Beginning inventory finished goods Cost of goods available for sale Less: Ending inventory finished goods Gross margin Less: Selling and administrative expenses Operating income Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. c. $205,900 $161,300 22,000 $183,300 20,100 163,200 $ 42,700 21,000 $Page 21,700 175 Prime costs = Direct materials cost + Direct labor cost = $64,900 + $32,500 = $97,400 Conversion costs = Direct labor cost + Overhead cost = $32,500 + $65,000 = $97,500 Chapter 2 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 176 Chapter 2 196. The following information pertains to Ressler Company: Direct materials purchases Beginning direct materials Factory overhead Beginning work-in-process Cost of goods manufactured Ending finished goods Gross margin Selling and administrative expenses Beginning finished goods Ending work-in-process Ending direct materials Direct labor Direct materials used Operating income (loss) Total manufacturing costs added Cost of goods sold Sales $ 85,800 15,200 72,600 13,200 315,000 30,000 32,000 10,000 20,000 11,000 15,500 ? ? ? ? ? ? Required: Determine the following values: a. Net income b. Total manufacturing costs added c. Cost of goods sold d. Sales e. Direct materials used f. Direct labor ANSWER: a. Net income = Gross margin โˆ’ Selling and administrative expenses = $32,000 โˆ’ $10,000 = $22,000 Total manufacturing costs added = Cost of goods manufactured + Ending work-in-process โˆ’ Beginni b. work-in-process = $315,000 + $11,000 โˆ’ $13,200 = $312,800 Cost of goods sold = Beginning finished goods + Cost of goods manufactured โˆ’ Ending finished goo c. $20,000 + $315,000 โˆ’ $30,000 = $305,000 d. Sales = Gross margin + Cost of goods sold = $32,000 + $305,000 = $337,000 Direct materials used = Beginning direct materials + Direct materials purchased โˆ’ Ending direct mate e. = $15,200 + $85,800 โˆ’ $15,500 = $85,500 Direct labor = Total manufacturing cost โˆ’ Direct materials used โˆ’ Factory overhead = $312,800 โˆ’ f. $85,500 โˆ’ $72,600 = $154,700 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIV COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 ES: NATIONAL STANDARD United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking S: STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 15 min. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/27/2017 3:36 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NO3O Page 177 Chapter 2 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 178 Chapter 2 197. The following costs were incurred by Texman Company: Direct labor Direct material purchases Depreciation on plant Factory supervisor’s salary Plant maintenance Plant utilities Sales Selling and administrative expenses Beginning direct materials inventory Beginning work-in-process inventory Beginning finished goods inventory Ending direct materials inventory Ending work-in-process inventory Ending finished goods inventory $ 950,000 645,000 55,000 98,000 26,000 30,000 2,555,000 480,000 72,000 54,000 75,000 68,000 51,000 88,000 Required: Calculate the following values: a. Direct materials used b. Cost of goods manufactured c. Cost of goods sold d. Operating income ANSWER: a. Direct materials used = Beginning direct materials inventory + Direct materials purchased โˆ’ Ending direct materials inventory = $72,000 + $645,000 โˆ’ $68,000 = $649,000 b Cost of goods manufactured = Direct materials used + Direct labor + Factory supervisor’s salary + Depreciation on plant + Plant maintenance + Plant utilities + Beginning work-in-process inventory โˆ’ Ending work-in-process inventory = $649,000 + $950,000 + $98,000 + $55,000 + $26,000 + $30,000 + $54,000 โˆ’ $51,000 = $1,811,000 c. Cost of goods sold = Beginning finished goods inventory + Cost of goods manufactured โˆ’ Ending finished goods inventory = $75,000 + $1,811,000 โˆ’ $88,000 = $1,798,000 d. Operating income = Sales โˆ’ Cost of goods sold โˆ’ Selling and administrative expense = $2,555,000 โˆ’ $1,798,000 โˆ’ $480,000 = $277,000 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 : NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/27/2017 3:42 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NO3Z QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZCopyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 179 ON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMG-CIUD-YAMD-CC4U-EQDN-COSU-RCMN-CESU-RCTTBAL ID: GOSU-GPTU-CWSS-N3TS-GH4S-KCDN-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Chapter 2 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 180 Chapter 2 198. Information about Mobile Enterprises for the year ending December 31, 2018, is as follows: Sales Selling and administrative expenses Net income Beginning inventories: Direct materials Work in process Finished goods $300,000 18,000 8,000 20,000 18,000 62,000 Ending direct materials is 20 percent larger than beginning direct materials. Ending work in process is half of the beginning work in process. Ending finished goods increased by $8,000 during the year. Prime costs and conversion costs are 70 percent and 60 percent of total manufacturing costs added, respectively. Materials purchases are $113,200. Required: a. Prepare a statement of cost of goods manufactured. b. Prepare an income statement. Note: Find the numbers for the income statement first. ANSWER: a. Mobile Enterprises Statement of Cost of Goods Manufactured For the Year Ended December 31, 2018 Direct materials: Beginning inventory* Add: Purchases* Materials available Less: Ending inventory* ($20,000 ร— 1.20) Direct materials used in production Direct labor [(.7 ร— 273,000) โˆ’ 109,200] Manufacturing overhead [(.6 ร— 273,000) โˆ’ 81,900] Total manufacturing costs added Add: Beginning work-in-process inventory* Total costs in process Less: Ending work-in-process inventory* ($18,000 ร— 0.50) Cost of goods manufactured $ 20,000 113,200 $133,200 24,000 $109,200 81,900 81,900 $273,000 18,000 $291,000 9,000 $282,000 b. Mobile Enterprises Income Statement For the Year Ended December 31, 2018 Sales* Less: Cost of goods sold: Add: Cost of goods manufactured Beginning inventory finished goods* Cost of goods available for sale Less: Ending inventory finished goods* ($62,000 + $8,000) Gross margin Less: Selling and administrative expenses* Operating income* *These items are provided. POINTS: 1 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. DIFFICULTY: Challenging QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False $300,000 $282,000 62,000 $344,000 70,000 274,000 $ 26,000 18,000 $ 8,000 Page 181 Chapter 2 199. Foremost Corporation incurred the following costs: Beginning direct materials inventory Beginning work-in-process inventory Beginning finished goods inventory Ending direct materials inventory Ending work in process Ending finished goods Factory supervisor’s salary Depreciation on plant Sales Selling and administrative expenses Plant maintenance Plant utilities Direct material purchases Direct labor $17,000 8,000 18,000 15,000 13,000 24,000 25,000 10,000 650,000 100,000 5,000 9,000 185,000 200,000 Required: Calculate the following values: a. Direct materials used b. Cost of goods manufactured c. Cost of goods sold d. Operating income ANSWER: a. $17,000 + $185,000 โˆ’ $15,000 = $187,000 $187,000 + $200,000 + $25,000 + $10,000 + $5,000 + $9,000 + $8,000 โˆ’ $13,000 = b. $431,000 c. $18,000 + $431,000 โˆ’ $24,000 = $425,000 d. $650,000 โˆ’ $425,000 โˆ’ $100,000 = $125,000 POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 : NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/24/2017 3:59 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NO3I QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMMN-CWAU-G3TI-GYHU-QQMB-8RSU-N3B1-8RSS-GAMGBAL ID: GOSU-O3JS-CESU-K3DR-GE5D-KCBU-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 182 Chapter 2 200. Brigade Builders, Inc. designs decks, gazebos, and play equipment for residential homes. The following was provided for the year ended September 30, 2018: Direct labor Direct material purchases Administrative expenses Overhead Selling expenses Beginning direct materials inventory Beginning designs in process Ending direct materials inventory Ending designs in process $800,000 80,000 155,000 95,000 325,000 43,000 21,000 18,000 45,000 The average design fee is $900. There were 3,500 designs processed during the year. Required: a. Prepare a statement of cost of services sold. b. Prepare an income statement. c. Discuss three differences between services and tangible products. ANSWER: Brigade Builders, Inc. a. Cost of Services Sold For the Year Ended September 30, 2018 Beginning materials Purchases Materials available Less: Ending materials Materials used Direct labor Overhead Beginning design in process Ending designs in process Cost of services sold b. Brigade Builders, Inc. Income Statement For the Year Ended September 30, 2018 Sales Cost of services sold Gross margin Selling expenses Administrative expenses Net income c. $ 43,000 80,000 123,000 18,000 105,000 800,000 95,000 21,000 45,000 $976,000 $3,150,000 976,000 2,174,000 325,000 155,000 $1,694,000 Services have three attributes that are not possessed by tangible products: intangibility, perishability, and inseparability. POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-4 – LO: 02.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-09 – Financial Statements Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Applying Page 183 Chapter 2 201. Define activity-based management. In your answer, present the activity-based management model in good form. ANSWE Activity-based management focuses on the management of activities with the objective of improving the value R: received by the customer and the profit received by providing this value; it includes driver analysis, activity analysis, and performance evaluation and draws on activity-based costing as a major source of information. Exhibit 2-7 in the text presents the model. POINTS 1 : DIFFIC Moderate ULTY: QUESTI Subjective Short Answer ON TYP E: HAS VA False RIABLE S: LEARNI COCM.HANS.18.2-5 – LO: 02.05 NG OBJ ECTIVE S: NATION United States – BUSPROG – Analytic AL STA NDARD S: STATE S United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs TANDA United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement RDS: United States – v1 – IMA-11 – Strategic Planning KEYWO Bloom’s – Remembering RDS: NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE C 10/7/2016 9:27 AM REATE D: DATE M 10/7/2016 9:27 AM ODIFIE D: QUESTI JFND-GO33-GINW-NTNN ON ID: QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJA-GEHG-GQBO-GT1S-EP5D-COSU-KCTT-8RSU-RCMG-GOSUBAL ID: GCUR-COSS-CCB3-CTOU-CQDR-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 184 Chapter 2 202. In choosing a cost management system, the controller must balance the total costs of implementing such systems. What costs must be balanced to determine total cost? How do traditional and activity-based cost systems balance the trade-offs? ANSWE Error costs and measurement costs must be considered in choosing a cost management system. Activity-based R: cost management has greater measurement costs due to analyzing many activities but has greater accuracy and fewer error costs. Functional-based cost systems have lower measurement costs but higher error costs. Controllers must assess the need for accuracy in costing, pricing, and managing profitability. POINTS 1 : DIFFIC Moderate ULTY: QUESTI Subjective Short Answer ON TYP E: HAS VA False RIABLE S: LEARNI COCM.HANS.18.2-5 – LO: 02.05 NG OBJ ECTIVE S: NATION United States – BUSPROG – Analytic AL STA NDARD S: STATE S United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs TANDA United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement RDS: United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWO Bloom’s – Understanding RDS: NOTES: Time Estimate – 10 min. DATE C 10/7/2016 9:27 AM REATE D: DATE M 1/2/2017 11:25 PM ODIFIE D: QUESTI JFND-GO33-GINW-NTNB ON ID: QUESTIO GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZN GLOBA 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJO-CA4D-GQBW-CP1U-R3JI-GESS-RA3O-CESS-NPTA-GOSUL ID: YP33-GYSU-ECB1-GT1S-GP5R-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 185 Chapter 2 203. The cost of goods sold for the Immaculate Corporation for the month of April 2018 was $450,000. Work-in-process inventory at the end of April was 95 percent of the work-in-process inventory at the beginning of the month. Overhead is 80 percent of the direct labor cost. During the month, $110,000 of direct materials were purchased. Revenues for Immaculate were $600,000, and the selling and administrative costs were $70,000. Other information about Immaculate’s inventories and production for April was as follows: Ending inventories-April 30 Direct materials Work in process Finished goods $ 19,000 ? 105,000 Beginning inventories-April 1 Direct materials Work in process Finished goods $ 22,200 40,000 208,500 Required: a. Prepare a cost of goods manufactured and cost of goods sold statements. b. Prepare an income statement. c. What are the prime costs, conversion costs, and period costs? ANSWER: a. Immaculate Corporation Statement of Cost of Goods Manufactured For Month of April 2018 Direct Materials: Beginning inventory* Add: Purchases* Materials available Less: Ending inventory* Direct materials used in production Direct labor below Manufacturing overhead ($128,500 ร— 0.80) Total manufacturing costs added Add: Beginning work-in-process inventory* Total costs in process $ 22,20 0 110,0 00 $132, 200 19,00 0 $113, 200 128,5 00 102,8 00 $344, 500 40,00 0 $384, 500 Less: Ending work-in-process inventory ($40,000 ร— 38,00 0.95) 0 Cost of goods manufactured $346, Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. (from COGS statement) 500 DM used = $22,200 + $110,000 โˆ’ $19,000 = $113,200 CGM = $450,000 + $105,000 โˆ’ $208,500 = $346,500 Page 186 Chapter 2 Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 187 Chapter 2 204. The following items (partial list) are associated with a functional-based cost accounting information system, an activity-based cost accounting information system, or both: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. materials purchasing cost incurrence assignment of purchasing cost to products using direct labor hours assignment of purchasing cost using number of purchase orders usage of direct materials direct materials cost assigned to products using direct tracing materials handling cost incurrence materials handling cost assigned using direct labor hours materials handling cost assigned using the number of moves as the driver computer materials handling equipment decision to make a part or buy it from a supplier costing out of products report detailing individual product costs Required: 1. For an activity-based cost system, classify the items into one of the following categories: a. interrelated parts b. processes c. objectives d. inputs e. outputs f. user actions How would the choices differ between the two systems? What are the costs and benefits of each? ANSWER: 1. The activity-based cost accounting system: a. interrelated parts: computer b. processes: cost assignment: direct tracing of materials, driver tracing of purchasing costs (orders), materials handling cost (moves) c. objectives: costing out of products d. inputs: direct materials cost, purchasing cost, materials handling cost e. outputs: product cost report f. user actions: make-or-buy decision 2. 2. The difference in the costing systems is found in the processes. A functional-based cost system would not use nonunit drivers such as moves and orders to assign overhead but would use a unit driver like direct labor hours. There is increased accuracy of the cost assignments in an activity-based system, and a more comprehensive idea of costs may be used for decision making. The activity-based cost accounting system is more expensive to develop but has the benefit of more comprehensive uses for cost information. The functional-based cost system is simpler and less expensive to implement but the information generated is less versatile. POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Challenging QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES COCM.HANS.18.2-5 – LO: 02.05 : Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement Page 188 Chapter 2 205. Describe several of the major differences between a traditional cost management system and an activity-based cost management system. ANSWER: The traditional cost accounting system assumes that all costs can be classified as fixed or variable with respect to changes in the units or volume of product produced. The activity-based cost management system’s objective is to improve the quality, content, relevance, and timing of information. A comparison of the two systems is shown below: Traditional 1. Unit-based drivers 2. Allocation-intensive 3. Narrow and rigid product costing 4. Focus on managing costs 5. Sparse activity information 6. Maximization of individual unit Activity-based 1. Unit and non-unit-based drivers 2. Tracing-intensive 3. Broad, flexible product costing 4. Focus on managing activities 5. Detailed activity information 6. Systemwide performance maximization performance 7. Uses financial measures of performance 7. Uses both financial and nonfinancial measures of performance POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Moderate QUESTION TYPE: Subjective Short Answer HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: COCM.HANS.18.2-5 – LO: 02.05 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States – BUSPROG – Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States – v1 – ACBSP-APC-27 – Managerial Accounting Features/Costs United States – v1 – AICPA-10 – FN-Measurement United States – v1 – IMA-07 – Cost Management KEYWORDS: Bloom’s – Understanding NOTES: Time Estimate – 15 min. DATE CREATED: 10/7/2016 9:27 AM DATE MODIFIED: 1/16/2017 6:03 AM QUESTION ID: JFND-GO33-GINW-NTBA QUESTI GCID-E7BW-1TBP-GH4S-KPUB-CEAD-GQMB-CIO1-4P3W-CWHN-4P5D-GA4N-4C3S-8YH1-4QJZON GLO 8FOS-NPDB-C3DI-GWN8-EPRW-EMJT-GE3U-GPJW-GEAD-KCT3-GESU-GCUD-8YSU-QPMG-GOSUBAL ID: NPMN-GOSU-K3MG-GPOU-NCJO-E7JI-YT4D-JFNN-4OTI-GO4W-NQNBEE Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 189

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