A History of Western Art, 5th Edition Test Bank

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Chapter 02 – The Language of Art Chapter 02 The Language of Art Multiple Choice Questions 1. The overall plan or structure of a work of art is known as its A. balance. B. composition. C. expression. D. shape. 2. The characteristic way in which an artist combines formal elements is known as the artist’s A. style. B. expression. C. balance. D. composition. 3. A flat surface having a direction in space is referred to as a A. line. B. value. C. plane. D. curve. 4. The simplest form of balance is symmetry, which is achieved when A. an equilibrium exists between the two sides of an equal axis, even if the sides do not resemble each other directly. B. a perception of depth is created. C. only primary colors are used. D. two sides of a work are mirror images of each other. 2-1 Chapter 02 – The Language of Art 5. Which type of line indicates force and counterforce? A. wavy B. perpendicular C. zigzag D. parallel 6. Which type of line indicates aggression and sharpness? A. wavy B. perpendicular C. zigzag D. parallel 7. Which type of line indicates gracefulness and the human body? A. wavy B. perpendicular C. zigzag D. parallel 8. Which type of line indicates balance and harmony? A. wavy B. perpendicular C. zigzag D. parallel 9. Which type of line indicates delicateness and weakness? A. angular B. thick C. thin D. flat 2-2 Chapter 02 – The Language of Art 10. Which type of line indicates aggression and strength? A. angular B. thick C. thin D. flat 11. Which type of line indicates calmness? A. angular B. thick C. thin D. flat 12. Cross-hatching implies depth by A. suggesting relative proximity to a light source. B. drawing the eye to one part of the composition and thereby establishing other objects as peripheral. C. making a nearer object overlap a more distant one. D. placing the base of one object closer to the bottom of the canvas than other, more “distant” objects. 13. What is a vanishing point? A. the shading on an object used to imply depth B. the edges of a picture plane C. the point where orthogonals seem to converge D. any object whose existence is implied in a painting but which exists outside of the composition 14. Using the word “plan” in an architectural sense, what would be the plan of a cube? A. cube B. square C. circle D. triangle 2-3 Chapter 02 – The Language of Art 15. In art, irregular shapes are referred to as A. geometric. B. biomorphic. C. axonometric. D. orthogonal. 16. An architectural drawing in which all parts of a building are diagrammed as if the building is turned at an oblique angle to a flat drawing service is said to be A. foreshortened. B. a plan. C. biomorphic. D. axonometric. 17. How many principal colors are there in the spectrum? A. three B. four C. seven D. twelve 18. Which of the following is NOT a primary color? A. blue B. yellow C. red D. green 19. Hues containing a common color in different proportions are said to be A. analogous. B. tertiary. C. achromatic. D. axonometric. 2-4 Chapter 02 – The Language of Art 20. An artist wishing to create a strong, eye-catching contrast should juxtapose two A. monochromatic colors. B. primary colors. C. complementary colors. D. analogous hues. 21. Another word for a color’s saturation is its A. value. B. intensity. C. shade. D. tone. 22. Which of the following colors is generally regarded as “warm”? A. blue B. green C. violet D. yellow 23. A work that depicts figures and objects more or less as we see them is said to be A. illusionistic. B. naturalistic. C. stylized. D. idealized. 24. A work that depicts figures and objects in such a way as to resemble their actual appearance is said to be A. realistic. B. idealized. C. stylized. D. romanticized. 2-5 Chapter 02 – The Language of Art 25. A work that depicts figures and objects so convincingly that an appearance of reality is created is said to be A. illusionistic. B. naturalistic. C. stylized. D. romanticized. 26. A work that depicts figures and objects according to an accepted standard of beauty is said to be A. naturalistic. B. illusionistic. C. realistic. D. idealized. 27. A work that depicts figures and objects with some nonorganic surface elements among more realistic elements is said to be A. illusionistic. B. idealized. C. stylized. D. romanticized. 28. A work that depicts figures and objects in a fanciful, mysterious, or nostalgic way is said to be A. realistic. B. illusionistic. C. naturalistic. D. romanticized. 29. The difference between nonfigurative and abstract works is that A. abstract artworks might contain recognizable subject matter. B. nonfigurative artwork might contain recognizable subject matter. C. abstract artwork might not accurately depict real objects. D. nonfigurative artwork might not accurately depict real objects. 2-6 Chapter 02 – The Language of Art 30. Whose series of studies that resulted in Composition (The Cow) traces the progress of an image from naturalism to geometric abstraction? A. van Gogh B. van Doesburg C. Calder D. Bernini True / False Questions 31. Since art is primarily a visual medium, scholars do not distinguish between actual and simulated textures of works of art. FALSE 32. Adding white to a color alters both its hue and its value. FALSE 33. Tertiary colors are formed by combining two primary colors. FALSE 34. Not all colors are visible to the human eye. TRUE 35. The vanishing point of a composition is always located on the composition’s horizon. FALSE 36. Alexander Calder’s Cat provides evidence to support the argument that there is no relationship between signifier and signified. FALSE 2-7 Chapter 02 – The Language of Art 37. Westerners, who read from right to left, would likely understand the directionality of a sloping line differently from people who read from left to right. TRUE 38. Artistic lines have more qualities than geometric lines, which have only length and direction. TRUE 39. Leonardo’s Vitruvian Man exemplifies the principle of symmetry. TRUE 40. By definition, balanced art must be symmetrical. FALSE Essay Questions 41. What are the various categories into which the subject matter of artistic works is divided? How distinct are the divisions among the categories? Answers will vary 42. What are the various attributes of colors? How can those attributes change? Answers will vary 2-8 Chapter 02 – The Language of Art 43. What are the various types of shapes used in works of art? What qualities do different shapes express? Answers will vary 44. What is the significance of the story about Apelles’ and Protogenes’ dueling lines for the modern student of art? Is there more to the story than just the ancient proverb to which it gave rise? Answers will vary 45. How can two-dimensional lines be used to convey three-dimensional depth? Answers will vary 46. How are understandings of lines and shapes related to human physiognomy? Answers will vary 47. How do different types of lines express different qualities? Answers will vary 2-9

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