2020 HESI Grammar A2 Entrance Exam With Answers (165 Solved Questions)

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HESI A2 Entrance Exam Preface: I gathered this information from within an online study group in which many people share questions and advice for test takers. To my knowledge nothing in this document is taken illegally from bought resources and used without permission of the manufactures. PLEASE inform me if this document violates any rules and I will remove it. This is a combination of MANY files and posts within the groups. I had to go through the questions and rewrite for comprehension, reformat for this document, highlight, and change answers from many incorrect ones. This took hours to compile as a one stop document to entirely prepare you for the HESI Exam. That being said: I would not charge for something like this since it is a cumulation of many people’s efforts. However, if anyone wants to donate to me for my time and effort as well as the sample study plan at the bottom of the document, it would be very much appreciated!!! My cashapp is $eliarnn. HESI VOCABULARY Abstain To voluntarily refrain from something. Constrict To draw together or become smaller. Accountable To be responsible. Contingent Dependent. Acute Sudden, intense. Contraindication A reason something is not advisable. Adhere To hold fast or stick together. Convulsive Having or causing shaking of the body. Adverse Undesired, possibly harmful. Cursory Quick, perfunctory, not thorough. Ambivalent Uncertain, having contradictory feelings. Defecate Expel feces. Ambulate To walk. Deficit A lack of something. Apply To place, put on, or spread something. Depress Press downwards. Assent To give consent, to agree. Depth Downward measurement from surface. Audible Able to be heard. Deteriorating Worsening Bacteria Single-celled, microscopic organization. Diagnosis Identification of an injury or disease. Bilateral Present on two sides. Diffuse Spread over a large area; generalized. Cardiac Of or relating to the heart. Dilate To enlarge or expand. Cavity An opening or an empty area. Dilute To make a liquid less concentrated. Cease Come to or bring to an end. Discrete Distinct, separate. Chronic Lasting or recurring over a long period of time. Distal Distant; away from the center (such as of the body) Chronology Order of events as they occurred; timeline. Distended Enlarged or expanded from pressure. Compensatory Offsetting or making up for something. Dysfunction Impaired or abnormal functioning. Concave Rounded inward. Empathy Ability to share what others are feeling. Concise Brief, to the point. Equilibrium Balance. Congenital Present at birth. Etiology The origin or cause of a disease or condition. Consistency How thick or thin a liquid is in relation to how it flows Exacerbate To make worse or more severe. Exposure To come into contact. Lateral On the side. Extension Lengthening; unbending a joint. Lethargic Difficult to arouse Fatal Resulting in death. Manifestation An indication or sign of a condition. Fatigue Extreme tiredness, exhaustion. Musculoskeletal Of or relating to muscle and skeleton. Febrile Related to or caused by a fever. Neurologic Of or relating to the nervous system. Flexion Bending a joint. Neurovascular Of or relating to the nervous system and the blood vessels. Flushed Reddened or ruddy appearance. Nutrient Substance that provides nourishment. Gastrointestinal Of or relating to the stomach and the intestines. Occluded Closed or obstructed. Hematologic Of or relating to blood. Ongoing Continuous. Hydration Maintenance of body fluid balance. Oral Given through or affecting the mouth. Hygiene Measures contributing to cleanliness and good health. Otic Of the ear. Impaired Diminished or lacking some usual quality or level. Parameter A characteristic or constant factor, limit. Impending Occuring in the near future. Patent Open. Imply To suggest without explicitly stating. Pathogenic Causing or able to cause disease. Incidence Occurrence. Pathology Processes, causes, and effects of a disease; abnormality. Infection Contamination or invasion of body tissue by pathogenic organism. Posterior Located behind; in the back. Infer To conclude or deduce. Potent Producing a strong effect. Inflamed Reddened, swollen, warm, and tender. Potential Capable of occurring or likely to occur. Ingest To swallow for digestion. Precaution Preventative measure. Initiate To begin or put into practice. Precipitous Rapid, uncontrolled. Insidious So gradual as to not become apparent for a long time. Predispose To make more susceptible or more likely to occur. Intact In place, unharmed. Preexisting Already present. Intubate To insert a tube into something. Primary First or most significant. Invasive Inserting or entering into a body part. Priority Of great importance. Kinetic Of or relating to movement. Prognosis The anticipated or expected course or outcome. Labile Changing rapidly and often. Rationale The underlying reason. Laceration Cut; tear. Recur To occur again. Latent Present but not active or visible. Syndrome Symptoms that, when together, reflect a specific disease or disorder. Renal Of or relating to the kidneys. Therapeutic Of or relating to the treatment of a disease or disorder. Residual Remaining, continuing. Toxic Causing harm, poisonous. Respiration Inhalation and exhalation of air. Transdermal Crossing through the skin. Retain To hold or keep. Transmission Transfer from one person to another. Status Condition. Trauma Injury, wound. Subcutaneous Under the skin. Triage Assign degree of urgency/priority based on severity of condition. Sublingual Under the tongue. Ubiquitous Seeming to be everywhere at once. Supplement To take in addition to or to complete. Urinate Excrete or expel urine. Suppress To stop or subdue. Vascular Of or relating to the blood vessels. Symmetric Being equal or the same in size, shape, and relative position. Virulent Extremely harmful and severe. Symptom An indication of a problem. Virus Microscopic infectious agent capable of replicating only in living cells. Vital Essential. Volume Amount of space occupied by a fluid. These are questions that have been on the test in May 2020 or later! *Highlighted are the terms (not descriptions) to know.* These are based on memory of the test takers, so they are not exactly as seen on the test. 1. The lower surface of a structure is referred to as….INFERIOR 2. Injurious? TOXIC 3. Equilibrium? SENSE OF BALANCE 4. Site? LOCATION 5. The patient gave his Assent? AGREEMENT 6.The technician wore gloves as precaution? PREVENTIVE MEASURE 7. The ____ of his right eye was damaged. LENS ( correct word usage) 8. The inebriated man staggered while walking to his car. STUMBLE 9. The nurse noticed an ominous sign? Dangerous 10. A well known person, with connotation of infamy, is most likely? NOTORIOUS 11. In health field, the act of urinating is? VOIDING 12. The maintenance of adequate hydration? FLUID BALANCE 13. Acute? SEVERE 14. What term means to suggest, to hint, to express indirectly? IMPLY ( it’s not infer) 15. Labile? UNSTABLE 16. The nurse checked for any patency in drainage of all devices? OPEN 17. What term means to bring about, cause to happen, to accomplish, and to make? EFFECT 18. Exhilarating ? REFRESHING 19. Place under observation? SURVEILLANCE 20. Ingest? SWALLOW 21. What term means unruly, intractable, adverse? UNTOWARD 22. He had three discrete symptoms? SEPARATE 23. Contemplate? PONDERING 24. Deteriorating? WORSENING 25. The abrupt…. SUDDEN 26. Bilateral? TWO SIDED 27. Hygiene? CLEANLINESS 28. Occluded? OBSTRUCTED 29. Ominous? THREATENING 30. The sound could be heard ______ ……. ? THROUGHOUT The answer choices were: through, though, throughout, thought 31. The students thought the _________ was very difficult. EXAMINATION Answer choices: examined, exams, examining, examination 32. There was no ________ as to why she treated her boyfriend. JUSTIFICATION Answer choices: alibi, justification, rational, 33. Receipt? A WRITTEN ACKNOWLEDGE FOR GOODS 34. What term is exclude, to shout? OSTRACIZE 35. Feasible? PRACTICAL 36. Ubiquitous? WIDESPREAD 37. Vertigo? SENSE OF MOVEMENT 38. Empathy? ” I AM ALSO NEW TO THIS TOWN. I KNOW HOW HE FEELS” 39. A nurse encourages participation from all group members and open to new ideas in decision making? DEMOCRATIC 40. Very sensible? REASONABLE UNDERSTANDING 41. Jaundice? YELLOWING OF THE SKIN 42. To gather together? ASSEMBLE 43. Bending of the joint? FLEXION 44. Medication use as a treatment for constipation? LAXATIVE 45. A number of people ________ to the United States……. in search for textile goods? EMIGRATE answer choice: emigrate, emigrating, immigrating, migrated 46. Scientist worked fearfully in the _________ LABORATORY (know the spelling) 47. After becoming an invalid, the man became ungracious…….. recuperating ? INJURED 48. Dynamic? IN MOTION 49. Overt symptoms? Easily Observed 50. Never judge a book by _______ cover? ITS 51. A word that denotes a comparison? THAN 52. The bad smell made him _____. GAG answer choices were: remember, attach, gag, 53. The student found out his test results during ______. Evaluation answer choices: evaluation, interview, laboratory 54. The nurse needed _______ in the emergency room. ASSISTANCE ( correct word usage) answer choices: assistance, assisting, assistant, assist 55. Insidious means NO OBVIOUS SYMPTOMS. 56. Know how to spell MEDICATION. 57. The woman toldโ€ฆ..? BEHAVIOR 58. The artist was very ____ in his art work. CREATIVE 59. Something that remains is referred to as…Residual. 60. Rational means…Reason. HESI GRAMMAR Things to know: Noun-person, place, or thing. Pronoun-word takes place of noun Verb-action. Adjective-descriptive word. Adverb-word describing a verb or adjective. The angry man loudly stormed out of his room. The angry man loudly stormed out of his room. The angry man loudly stormed out of his room. The angry man loudly stormed out of his room. The angry man loudly stormed out of his room. Subject-Verb Agreement: A subject must agree with its verb in terms of number. Comma in a Compound Sentence: Compound (sentences with 2+ independent clauses) sentences must have a conjunction (and,but, or, nor) with a comma before. Run-On Sentence: 2+ sentences are written as one. This is wrong if written with no punctuation or just a comma. It can be made right with a conjunction, dash, semicolon, or a colon. Cliches: Expressions that have lost their originality. Euphemisms: A mild version of a more blunt ot offensive term. (Ex: the euphemism of the word โ€œdeadโ€ is the phrase โ€œpassed away.โ€ Affect vs Effect: Affect is to influence. Effect is a result. Among vs Between: Among shows relationship involving 3+ people, a group, or things. Between shows relationships involving two people or things. Amount vs Number: Amount refers to bulk items. Number refers to countable units. Good vs Well: Good is an adjective; it comes before nouns and after linking verbs. Well is an adverb in most cases; it is only an adverb when talking about health. Bad vs Badly: Bad is an adjective (description). Badly is an adverb (modify an action). Can vs May: Can implies ability to do something. May implies permission to do something. Farther vs Further: Farther means measurable distance. Further means to a greater extent. Fewer vs Less: Fewer refers to countable number. Less refers to degree or amount-in bulk or in the abstract. I.e. vs E.g.: I.e. explains. E.g. provides an example. Lie vs Lay: Lie means to recline or rest. Lay means to put or place. Which vs That: Which is used to introduce information that is not necessary to understand the meaning of the sentence. That is used to introduce information that is necessary. Who vs Whom: Who can replace he, she, they, I, or we. Whom replaces him, her, them, me, or us. These are questions that have been on the test in May 2020 or later! *Highlighted are the terms (not descriptions) to know.* These are based on memory of the test takers, so they are not exactly as seen on the test. 1. WHICH SENTENCE IS GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT? a) Whoโ€™s coming to the party? b) Whose to blame for the economy? c) Whoโ€™s hat is this? d) Whose going to vote? 2. WHICH SENTENCE IS GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT? a) I went two the store. b) I want ice cream, too. c) The nurse gave him too shorts. d) I want to know your name. 3. WHICH SENTENCE IS GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT? a) He did well on his diet. b) He done well on his diet. c) He did good on his diet d) He done good on his diet 4. WHICH SENTENCE IS GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT? a) Several lost his or her keys on the train. b) Does everyone have their train tickets ready? c) Is everyone ready for their ice-cream sundaes? d) Somebody left his or her jacket on the train. 5. WHICH SENTENCE SHOULD REPLACE THE FOLLOWING INCORRECT SENTENCE? โ€œThis door to remain unlocked when occupied.โ€ a) This door will remain unlocked when the office is occupied. b) This door to remain unclosed while open.

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