A Speaker's Guidebook: Text And Reference, 6th Edition Test Bank

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Giving It a Try: Preparing 2 Your First Speech TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS 1. The first step in creating a speech involves determining the purpose of the speech. 2. Audience analysis is a systematic process of getting to know your listeners relative to the topic and the speech occasion. 3. The general purpose of a speech is usually only to inform the audience. 4. There are two general speech purposes: to inform and to persuade. 5. The specific purpose of a speech is the same as the general purpose. 6. The general purpose of a speech focuses more closely on the goal of the speech than the specific purpose does. 7. A thesis statement is a short statement that clearly expresses the central idea of a speech. 8. Forming a specific purpose for a speech occurs after you formulate your thesis statement. 9. In the planning stage, a speaker can use the thesis statement as a guidepost to make sure that he or she is on track. 10. An effective speech should be organized around at least four or five main points. 11. Supporting material can include personal experiences. 12. Every speech has three major parts: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. 13. An introduction serves to introduce the topic and the speaker, to tell the audience the specific purpose of the speech, and to catch the audienceโ€™s attention. 14. During the body of a speech, the speaker should alert the audience to the specific purpose of the speech. 15. The speech body contains the main points and subpoints of the speech. 16. Supporting material is used mostly during the body of the speech. 17. All main points should support the speechโ€™s thesis. 18. In the conclusion, the speaker should restate the speech purpose and reiterate how the main points confirm it. 19. An outline provides the framework on which to arrange the elements of your speech in support of the thesis. 20. In a speech outline, coordinate points are given less weight than the main points they support. 21. Coordinate points are also referred to as main points. 22. It is not necessary to select an organizational pattern as the speech becomes more complex. 23. Speaking outlines generally contain points stated in complete sentences. 24. Presentation aids are always visual in nature. 25. Presentation aids that summarize and highlight data can help the audience retain ideas and understand difficult concepts. 26. To deliver an effective speech, it is only necessary for a speaker to practice one or two times. 27. Even the most seasoned speakers experience speech anxiety. MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS 28. The first step in the speechmaking process is A) conducting research. C) developing main points. B) stating the purpose. D) audience analysis. 29. The first step in the speechmaking process is ______, and the last step is ______. A) selecting a topic; considering presentation aids B) analyzing the audience; practicing delivery of the speech C) stating the speech purpose; outlining the speech D) composing a thesis statement; gathering supporting materials 30. Audience analysis involves the study of an audience through techniques such as A) interviews and questionnaires. B) observation and tape-recording. C) surveys and assumptions. D) interviews and conjecture. 31. Audience analysis is a systematic process of getting to know the listeners relative to A) the speech occasion and the organizational pattern. B) the topic and the time limit. C) the topic and the speech occasion. D) the general speech purpose and the time limit. 32. To inform, to persuade, and to mark a special occasion are the three types of A) general speech purposes. C) thesis statements. B) specific speech purposes. D) speech occasions. 33. Anne chose to give a speech to her classmates about the categories of computer games. The general purpose of Anneโ€™s speech was A) to inform. C) to mark a special occasion. B) to persuade. D) None of the options are correct. 34. The ______ of a speech is what the speaker intends the audience to learn or do as a result of the speech. A) general purpose C) audience analysis B) specific purpose D) topic selection 35. An effective speech should be organized around ______ main point(s). A) one C) four or five B) two or three D) seven or eight 36. Supporting material illustrates main points by ______ the speakerโ€™s main ideas. A) substituting C) verifying B) disproving D) All of the options are correct. 37. Which part of a speech alerts audience members to your specific speech purpose? A) introduction C) conclusion B) body D) outline 38. In which part of a speech should the speaker illustrate each main point using supporting material? A) introduction C) conclusion B) body D) outline 39. Which part of a speech represents the speakerโ€™s last opportunity to motivate listeners and memorably state the theme of the speech? A) introduction C) conclusion B) body D) outline 40. In an outline, what kinds of points support main points? A) coordinate C) equivalent B) subordinate D) superior 41. Outlines are based on the principle of A) coordination and subordination. C) primacy and recency. B) general and specific purpose. D) topic selection. 42. Which kind of outline is usually brief and contains key words or phrases? A) working C) specific B) speaking D) operational 43. Presentation aids A) can include visual aids, audio aids, or a combination of different aids. B) can be simple or more involved. C) can help the audience retain ideas and understand difficult concepts. D) All of the options are correct. 44. A speech should be practiced at least how many times? A) six C) once B) two D) four FILL-IN-THE-BLANK QUESTIONS 45. Selecting a topic is the ______ step in preparing a speech. 46. The process of ______ helps to determine how receptive the audience will be toward a given topic. 47. To inform, to persuade, and to mark a special occasion are _________ speech purposes. 48. A(n) ________ speech purpose states what you expect the speech to accomplish. 49. After a speaker has identified the general and specific purposes of the speech, he or she should then write a concise ______ statement that identifies what the speech is about. 50. Unless you are speaking about yourself, plan to research your topic to find __________ that provides evidence for your assertions. 51. The part of a speech that contains the main ideas and supporting material is the ______. 52. In an outline, ______ points are of equal importance and are indicated by their parallel alignment. 53. In an outline, ______ points comprise the substance of the main points and are identified by their placement below and to the right of the points they support. 54. Speakers should familiarize themselves with both ______ outlines and speaking outlines. 55. A chart that summarizes important information and an audio recording are both examples of _______. 56. One of the most effective ways to evaluate your speech and bolster confidence during rehearsals is to ______ your speech. ESSAY AND SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS 57. Describe the steps in the speechmaking process. 58. List two factors a speaker should take into account when selecting a topic. 59. How can a speaker analyze the audience? 60. Why is it important to identify the purpose of a speech? 61. What makes a good thesis statement? 62. How does supporting material help to illustrate the main points of a speech? 63. Why should a speech be separated into its major parts? 64. Identify the functions of the introduction, body, and conclusion. 65. What is the principle of coordination and subordination? 66. Explain the difference between a working outline and a speaking outline. 67. How do presentation aids benefit a speech? 68. Discuss the importance of rehearsing a speech. 69. Explain how using audio and video recorders during speech rehearsals can bolster speaker confidence. ANSWER KEY FOR CHAPTER 2 1. False 24. False 47. general 2. True 25. True 48. specific 3. False 26. False 49. thesis 4. False 27. True 50. supporting material 5. False 28. D 51. body 6. False 29. B 52. coordinate or main 7. True 30. A 53. subordinate or sub- 8. False 31. C 54. working 9. True 32. A 55. presentation aids 10. False 33. A 56. record 11. True 34. B 57. (No answer) 12. True 35. B 58. (No answer) 13. True 36. C 59. (No answer) 14. False 37. A 60. (No answer) 15. True 38. B 61. (No answer) 16. True 39. C 62. (No answer) 17. True 40. B 63. (No answer) 18. True 41. A 64. (No answer) 19. True 42. B 65. (No answer) 20. False 43. D 66. (No answer) 21. True 44. A 67. (No answer) 22. False 45. second 68. (No answer) 23. False 46. audience analysis 69. (No answer)

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