Test Bank for Marketing Research, 9th Edition

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Marketing Research, 9e (Burns/Veeck) Chapter 2 The Marketing Research Industry 1) Information gathering to be used for decision-making goes back to the earliest days of recorded history. In the United States, surveys were used in the early 1800s to determine ________. A) the popularity of political candidates B) the popularity of saloon entertainers C) the popularity of early sports teams D) the popularity of regional foods Answer: A LO: 2:1: A brief history of the marketing research industry Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 2) ________ conducted the first known application of marketing research to a business marketing/advertising problem. A) A group of students B) An advertising agency C) A farm equipment company D) A publishing company Answer: B LO: 2:1: A brief history of the marketing research industry Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 3) Who conducted the first continuous and organized market research effort and is acknowledged as the “Father of Marketing Research”? A) Charlie Young B) C. J. Craig C) Charles Coolidge Parlin D) Jed Bartlet Answer: C LO: 2:1: A brief history of the marketing research industry Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 1 Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. 4) ________ is the term used for research conducted within an organization. A) Internal research. B) Market-side research. C) Supplier-side research. D) Client-side research. Answer: D LO: 2:2: The different types of marketing research firms Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 5) The responsibilities of those in the market research department in a small or medium-size company primarily focus on ________. A) helping others in the firm know when to do research and in finding the right supplier firm to conduct marketing research B) helping others in the firm do the research and conducting the analysis C) executing the research, conducting the analysis, and reporting the findings D) designing the research, executing the research, and reporting the findings Answer: A LO: 2:2: The different types of marketing research firms Difficulty: Difficult Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 6) Which of the following is regarded as one of the most important emerging trends for clientside marketing research departments? A) Do-it-yourself research applications B) Online survey platforms C) Online secondary research platforms D) Statistical analysis software solutions Answer: A LO: 2:2: The different types of marketing research firms Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 7) Which of the following is NOT one of the contributors to the rise of do-it-yourself (DIY) research? A) Specialized internal research teams B) Online access to secondary data C) Increasing number of tools are being developed for firms. D) Better knowledge of data analysis software Answer: A LO: 2:2: The different types of marketing research firms Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 2 Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. 8) Which of the following best describes the reason do-it-yourself research holds such appeal? A) It is cost effective and there is an increasing availability of marketing research tools. B) There is no need to outsource the research so is it cost-effective. C) Its cost effectiveness and the ability to visualize data. D) The increasing availability of marketing research tools and ability to visualize data. Answer: A LO: 2:2: The different types of marketing research firms Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 9) When research is conducted by an outside firm, the research is referred to as ________. A) in-house research B) supply-side research C) do-it-yourself research D) client-side research Answer: B LO: 2:2: The different types of marketing research firms Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 10) Which of the following is an annual publication that lists the top global marketing research firms in the world by revenue earned? A) Honomichl Global Top 25 B) AMA Platinum Top 50 C) AMA Gold Global Top 25 D) MRA’s Top 50 Answer: C LO: 2:3: The industry structure of marketing research Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 11) What is a chief characteristic of full-service supplier firms? A) They focus primarily in quantitative research. B) They provide services at a reduced cost due to economies of scale. C) They have the ability to conduct the entire marketing research project. D) They provide qualitative services only. Answer: C LO: 2:3: The industry structure of marketing research Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 3 Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. 12) What type of research firm specializes in one, or, at most, a few marketing research activities? A) A full-service supplier firm B) A syndicated data service firm C) An internal supplier firm D) A limited-service supplier firm Answer: D LO: 2:3: The industry structure of marketing research Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 13) On which type of demand does the marketing research industry rely? A) Derived demand B) Latent demand C) Irregular demand D) Full demand Answer: A LO: 2:3: The industry structure of marketing research Difficulty: Difficult Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 14) ________ represent the fastest-growing regions of the world for marketing research. A) India and China B) Africa C) Mexico and Brazil D) Europe and the United States Answer: B LO: 2:3: The industry structure of marketing research Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 15) Which of the following represent the five largest markets, by country, for marketing research? A) China, India, United States, and Brazil B) United States, China, India, Saudi Arabia, and United Kingdom C) United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, and China D) United States, Germany, France, India, and United Kingdom Answer: C LO: 2:3: The industry structure of marketing research Difficulty: Difficult Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 4 Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. 16) ________is NOT a major source of online information allowing marketers to explore the many different types of research firms that operate worldwide. A) GreenBook B) BlueBook C) Quirk’s Researcher SourceBookโ„ข D) Thomas Registerยฎ Answer: D LO: 2:3: The industry structure of marketing research Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 17) The marketing research industry is undergoing great change after many years of relative stability in marketing research methods. Which of the following is a reason for this great change? A) New sources of data and technology B) Expanded focus on qualitative methods C) Reluctance of clients to adopt new research methods D) New uses of traditional research tools Answer: A LO: 2:4: New challenges to the marketing research industry Difficulty: Difficult Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 18) Which of the following brought about significant change in the 1990s with online panels becoming a primary source of data? A) New software approaches B) Electronic surveys C) Automated sampling D) Survey volunteers Answer: B LO: 2:4: New challenges to the marketing research industry Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 19) Clients are increasingly demanding that marketing researchers provide which types of reports? A) More complex reports B) Reports showing multiple types of data analysis C) Simple straightforward reports D) Lengthy reports with support from outside researchers Answer: C LO: 2:4: New challenges to the marketing research industry Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 5 Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. 20) In a 2015 survey of the marketing research industry by GreenBook, one of the greatest challenges for the industry is ________. A) employing qualified individuals B) obtaining new sources of data C) developing new software approaches D) obtaining enough funding for investment in technology Answer: A LO: 2:4: New challenges to the marketing research industry Difficulty: Difficult Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 21) Which of the following is NOT a newer method of primary data that are gaining traction in the research industry? A) Online communities B) Mobile-specific qualitative methods C) Social media research D) Phone and mail surveys Answer: D LO: 2:4: New challenges to the marketing research industry Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 22) Marketing researchers not only need to be skilled at gathering and analyzing data, but also at communicating results effectively because of ________. A) The multiple new types of data and methods now in use B) The multiple new types of social media C) The multiple new types of interactive resources D) The multiple new types of traditional data and methods Answer: A LO: 2:4: New challenges to the marketing research industry Difficulty: Difficult Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 23) There exists a need for researchers to ________ in order effectively communicate. A) understand the broader implications of new research technologies B) dig deeper into data and deliver strategic insights with their results C) dig deeper into data and deliver tactical insights with their results D) understand the broader implications of social media data Answer: B LO: 2:4: New challenges to the marketing research industry Difficulty: Difficult Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 6 Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. 24) There is an increasing demand for researchers to present results ________. A) with full statistical analysis and commentary B) with competitor data and profiles C) in unambiguous, understandable, easy-to-grasp reports D) in an understandable format that connects to the client’s strategic plan Answer: C LO: 2:4: New challenges to the marketing research industry Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 25) One of the most compelling challenges for the marketing research industry is finding individuals who combine tech savviness and analytical skills with the ________. A) ability to perform high-level statistical analysis B) ability to understand new software technologies C) ability to understand syndicated and social media data D) ability to synthesize data and present it in a compelling way Answer: D LO: 2:4: New challenges to the marketing research industry Difficulty: Difficult Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 26) ________ is devoted to developing best practices regarding issues such as social media guidelines, calling cell phones, telephone monitoring and recording, and online sample and panel management. A) MRA (Marketing Research Association) B) Insights Association (IA) C) AAPOR (American Association for Public Opinion Research) D) CASRO (Council of American Survey Research Organizations) Answer: B LO: 2:5: Industry initiatives for self-improvement Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 27) “Sugging” refers to the practice of ________. A) fundraising under the guise of a survey B) selling under the guise of research C) collecting data through telephone interviews D) surveying under the guise of selling Answer: B LO: 2:5: Industry initiatives for self-improvement Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 7 Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. 28) “Frugging” refers to the practice of ________. A) collecting data through telephone interviews B) selling under the guise of a survey C) fundraising under the guise of research D) surveying under the guise of selling Answer: C LO: 2:5: Industry initiatives for self-improvement Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 29) Which of the following launched an initiative to encourage the routine disclosure of methods used in research information that is released to the public? A) MRA (Marketing Research Association) B) AMA (American Marketing Association) C) AAPOR (American Association for Public Opinion Research) D) CASRO (Council of American Survey Research Organizations) Answer: C LO: 2:5: Industry initiatives for self-improvement Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 30) What does the GreenBook Research Industry Trends (GRIT) report detail? A) Provides insights by contrasting supplier (marketing research firm) views on issues with buyer (client) views. B) Provides insights on supply-side and client-side pricing issues. C) Compares and contrasts different approaches on survey methodologies. D) Provides insights by contrasting supplier (marketing research firm) views with buyer (client) views on useful types of research methods. Answer: A LO: 2:5: Industry initiatives for self-improvement Difficulty: Difficult Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 8 Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. 31) ________ is the circumstance in which there is an exemption under the Do Not Call Registry. A) Calling U. S. citizens to sell an unsolicited offer B) Calling U.S. citizens for conducting surveys C) Calling U.S. citizens for investment purposes D) Calling U.S. citizens for telemarketing purposes Answer: B LO: 2:5: Industry initiatives for self-improvement Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning 32) Which of the following has gathered and monitored trends in the marketing research industry? A) Burke Institute B) American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) C) GreenBook D) Industry Financial Survey Answer: C LO: 2:5: Industry initiatives for self-improvement Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 33) ________ is the annual publication examining perceived threats and attitudes toward changes in the industry, forecasts revenues, and profiles innovations. A) Quirk’s Researcher SourceBookโ„ข B) Thomas Registerยฎ C) ESOMAR Directory D) GreenBook Research Industry Trends (GRIT) Answer: D LO: 2:5: Industry initiatives for self-improvement Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 34) Which of the following publishes an annual Global Market Research report that includes many measures of industry performance? A) ESOMAR B) AAPOR C) MRA D) CASRO Answer: A LO: 2:5: Industry initiatives for self-improvement Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 9 Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. 35) The Insights Association “Code of Ethics: Responsibilities to Subjects and Clients” discusses the ethics of collecting data from subjects and on the behalf of clients. Which of the following is NOT considered a responsibility to either subjects or clients? A) Respect the rights and well-being of data subjects and make all reasonable efforts to ensure that data subjects are not harmed, disadvantaged or harassed as a result of their participation in research. B) Only inform clients when a project is conducted on behalf of more than one client. C) Not use any data collected solely for a specific client for any other purpose without permission. D) Always distinguish between research and non-research activities so as to maintain public confidence in the integrity of research. Answer: B LO: 2:6: Areas of ethical sensitivity in the marketing research process Difficulty: Difficult Classification: Application AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning 36) Which is the one issue that may pose an ethical problem for researchers? A) Working on political campaign polling B) Conducting research on the environment and climate change C) Working on a project in which the outcome may not be in the best interests of society D) Investigating emerging social media trends Answer: C LO: 2:6: Areas of ethical sensitivity in the marketing research process Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning 37) Researchers’ code of ethics includes respecting the rights and well-being of data subjects and make all reasonable efforts to ensure that data subjects are not harmed, disadvantaged or harassed as a result of their participation in research. This code falls into the category of ________. A) concern for society B) fair dealings with clients and subcontractors C) maintaining research integrity D) duty of care Answer: D LO: 2:6: Areas of ethical sensitivity in the marketing research process Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning 10 Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. 38) Researchers’ code of ethics includes not using any data collected solely for a specific client for any other purpose without permission. This code falls into the category of ________. A) honesty and transparency B) proper study design C) proper study supervision D) duty of care Answer: A LO: 2:6: Areas of ethical sensitivity in the marketing research process Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning 39) The major associations created a common ethical code to accurately represent their qualifications, skills, experience, and resources. This code falls into the category of ________. A) fair dealings with respondents B) honesty and transparency C) fair dealings with clients and subcontractors D) maintaining research integrity Answer: B LO: 2:6: Areas of ethical sensitivity in the marketing research process Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning 40) The abbreviation, “PRC,” stands for ________. A) Public Researcher Certification B) Professional Researcher Certification C) Professional Researcher, Corporate D) Professional Researcher Certificate Answer: B LO: 2:6: Areas of ethical sensitivity in the marketing research process Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 41) What organization sponsors the certification program in the U.S. for marketing researchers? A) American Marketing Association B) Marketing Research and Intelligence Association C) Marketing Research Corporation D) Insights Association Answer: D LO: 2:6: Areas of ethical sensitivity in the marketing research process Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 11 Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. 42) What organization sponsors the certification program in Canada for marketing researchers? A) Marketing Research and Intelligence Association B) American Marketing Association C) Marketing Research Corporation D) Insights Association Answer: A LO: 2:6: Areas of ethical sensitivity in the marketing research process Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 43) Which of the following is NOT an advantage of obtaining certification as a professional marketing researcher? A) Puts researchers in a select group of like-minded professionals B) Would be able to charge higher fees for their services C) A visible badge of distinction, demonstrating professional skill, commitment, and dedication D) Have taken training in both the research and legal fields Answer: B LO: 2:6: Areas of ethical sensitivity in the marketing research process Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning 44) Some students go directly to work in the marketing research industry after obtaining undergraduate degrees. Which of the following is NOT one of the most common majors for undergrads who want to enter the field? A) Business analytics B) Statistics C) Archaeology D) Anthropology Answer: C LO: 2:7: How to investigate careers in the marketing research industry Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 45) Some marketing research jobs, particularly those in client-side companies, require ________who have no direct experience in the field. A) comprehensive training B) extensive on-the-job experience C) a graduate degree D) certification Answer: C LO: 2:7: How to investigate careers in the marketing research industry Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 12 Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. 46) IBIS World predicts that the number of employees in the marketing research industry will ________. A) see jobs expand annually through 2022, but also experience a leveling of wages. B) expand at an average annual rate of about 1% through 2022, C) not see annual job expansion with a corresponding contraction in wage levels. D) not see annual job expansion, but with a corresponding slight increase. Answer: B LO: 2:7: How to investigate careers in the marketing research industry Difficulty: Difficult Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 47) Charles Coolidge Parlin conducted the first continuous and organized research in 1911, when he was hired by the Curtis Publishing Company to gather publishing information. Answer: TRUE LO: 2:1: A brief history of the marketing research industry Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 48) Prior to the Industrial Revolution, in an economy based on exploration with involvement in the shipping industry, there was not much need to “study” consumers. Answer: FALSE LO: 2:1: A brief history of the marketing research industry Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 49) A. C. Nielsen and George Gallup are known as the “Fathers of Marketing Research.” Answer: FALSE LO: 2:1: A brief history of the marketing research industry Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 50) Even into the late 1950s and 1960s, marketing research was seen as dispensable for companies to track consumption changes in increasingly expanding markets. Answer: FALSE LO: 2:1: A brief history of the marketing research industry Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 13 Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. 51) The development of computer technology in the 1970s led to the automation of data management and analysis for larger firms. Answer: TRUE LO: 2:1: A brief history of the marketing research industry Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 52) In the 1990s, increased globalization and the growth of the internet led to further dramatic changes in the marketing research industry. Answer: TRUE LO: 2:1: A brief history of the marketing research industry Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 53) With globalization, marketing research supply-side firms established branches all over the globe, leading to mergers and acquisitions in the industry. This merger and acquisition activity has continued non-stop for almost 30 years. Answer: FALSE LO: 2:1: A brief history of the marketing research industry Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 54) Client-side research is research that is conducted within an organization. Answer: TRUE LO: 2:2: The different types of marketing research firms Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 55) Supplier-side departments may appear in organizational charts under a variety of names, such as consumer insights, but they serve the basic function of providing information to decision makers. Answer: FALSE LO: 2:2: The different types of marketing research firms Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 14 Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. 56) Medium-sized and smaller firms may assign an individual or team to conduct some of the research, but often their responsibilities lie in helping others in the firm know when to do research and in finding the right supplier firm to help conduct marketing research. Answer: TRUE LO: 2:2: The different types of marketing research firms Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 57) Do-it-yourself (DIY) research, which has been called the “democratization” of marketing research, is considered one of the most important emerging trends for client-side marketing research departments. Answer: TRUE LO: 2:2: The different types of marketing research firms Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 58) The emergence of DIY marketing research has been inhibited by limited online access to secondary data and better knowledge of data analysis software such as SPSS. Answer: FALSE LO: 2:2: The different types of marketing research firms Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 59) Data analysis and visualization dashboards (such as those offered by Burke and Tableau) are tools not commonly used by DIY researchers. Answer: FALSE LO: 2:2: The different types of marketing research firms Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 60) Marketing research tools like online survey platforms (such as Qualtrics and SurveyMonkey), statistical analysis tools (such as SPSS, SAS, and R), and social media monitoring tools (such as Hootsuite and Meltwater) are useful to DIY researchers. Answer: TRUE LO: 2:2: The different types of marketing research firms Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 15 Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. 61) Supply-side marketing research is research conducted by an outside firm hired to fulfill a company’s marketing research needs. Answer: TRUE LO: 2:2: The different types of marketing research firms Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 62) Full-service supplier firms have the ability to define the problem, specify the research design, collect and analyze the data, and prepare the report. Answer: TRUE LO: 2:3: The industry structure of marketing research Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 63) Firms can specialize in marketing research services such as online communities, questionnaire development and pretesting, data collection, or data analysis. Answer: TRUE LO: 2:3: The industry structure of marketing research Difficulty: Difficult Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 64) Three professional organizations publish industry resources and provide a better understanding of the many different types of research firms and their specialties. The three organizations are New York AMA Communication Services (GreenBook), Insight Association (Blue Book), and Quirk’s Researcher SourceBookโ„ข. Answer: TRUE LO: 2:3: The industry structure of marketing research Difficulty: Difficult Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 65) The marketing research industry is one of the few that does not rely on derived demand. Answer: FALSE LO: 2:3: The industry structure of marketing research Difficulty: Difficult Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 16 Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. 66) The fastest-growing regions of the world for marketing research are Africa and the Middle East. Answer: FALSE LO: 2:3: The industry structure of marketing research Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 67) The five largest markets by country for marketing research are the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, and Japan. Answer: TRUE LO: 2:3: The industry structure of marketing research Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 68) The marketing research industry is currently facing a number of important challenges including evolving sources of data and methodologies, the need to improve communication of results, and the need to hire talented and skilled employees. Answer: TRUE LO: 2:4: New challenges to the marketing research industry Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 69) New challenges confront the marketing research industry. The industry must evolve or die. Answer: TRUE LO: 2:4: New challenges to the marketing research industry Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 70) Social media monitoring is the fastest growing method in the industry. Answer: TRUE LO: 2:4: New challenges to the marketing research industry Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 71) Older and established marketing research companies find it difficult to keep abreast of new technologies, while new, upstart marketing research companies cannot always deliver on what they promise. Answer: TRUE LO: 2:4: New challenges to the marketing research industry Difficulty: Difficult Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 17 Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. 72) With the multiple new types of data and methods now in use, marketing researchers not only need to be skilled at gathering and analyzing data but also at communicating results effectively. Answer: TRUE LO: 2:4: New challenges to the marketing research industry Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 73) Most researchers support the opinion that the marketing research industry has been adapting to new opportunities at an acceptable pace. Answer: FALSE LO: 2:4: New challenges to the marketing research industry Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 74) Newer methods that are gaining traction in the research industry include online communities, mobile-specific surveys, mobile qualitative methods, social media research, and neuromarketing. Answer: TRUE LO: 2:4: New challenges to the marketing research industry Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 75) There is an increasing demand that marketing researchers provide simple and straightforward reports that “tell a story” rather than give clients lengthy, complex documents. Answer: TRUE LO: 2:4: New challenges to the marketing research industry Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 76) A 2015 survey by GreenBook notes a need for individuals who can combine tech savviness and analytical skills with the ability to synthesize data and communicate results. Answer: TRUE LO: 2:4: New challenges to the marketing research industry Difficulty: Difficult Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 18 Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. 77) Led by some active professional associations, several initiatives have been undertaken to improve industry performance. Answer: TRUE LO: 2:5: Industry initiatives for self-improvement Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 78) Several industry initiatives have been created to keep the public informed about the value of research, the appropriateness of research methods, and the ethics the industry uses in collecting research information. Answer: TRUE LO: 2:5: Industry initiatives for self-improvement Difficulty: Difficult Classification: Application AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning 79) Telemarketers used “sugging” for years to entice the public into taking what they thought was an opinion survey but actually was a lead-in for a sales pitch. Answer: TRUE LO: 2:5: Industry initiatives for self-improvement Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning 80) “Fund raising under the guise of research” is known as “frugging” and is illegal. Answer: FALSE LO: 2:5: Industry initiatives for self-improvement Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning 81) The Transparency Initiative was launched in 2014 by the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) to encourage the routine disclosure of methods used in research information that is released to the public. Answer: TRUE LO: 2:5: Industry initiatives for self-improvement Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning 19 Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. 82) The National Do Not Call Registry was established that allows U.S. and international citizens to register their telephone numbers to be protected from receiving unsolicited telemarketing calls. Answer: FALSE LO: 2:5: Industry initiatives for self-improvement Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning 83) Unsolicited phone calls for the purpose of conducting surveys were exempted from the restrictions imposed by the Do Not Call Registry. Answer: TRUE LO: 2:5: Industry initiatives for self-improvement Difficulty: Difficult Classification: Application AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning 84) Quirk’s Researcher SourceBookโ„ข report provides insights by contrasting supplier marketing research firms’ views on issues with buyer-client views. Answer: FALSE LO: 2:5: Industry initiatives for self-improvement Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 85) ESOMAR publishes an annual Global Market Research report, which examines many measures of industry performance. Answer: TRUE LO: 2:5: Industry initiatives for self-improvement Difficulty: Difficult Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 86) The professional associations serving the marketing research industry have all established rules, standards, or codes of ethical conduct. Answer: TRUE LO: 2:5: Industry initiatives for self-improvement Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 20 Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. 87) Insights Association stresses the industry’s ethical responsibility to be honest, transparent, and straightforward in all interactions. Answer: TRUE LO: 2:6: Areas of ethical sensitivity in the marketing research process Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning 88) Even though supplier firms have codes of ethical conduct, they have no obligation to accurately represent their qualifications, skills, experience and resources. Answer: FALSE LO: 2:6: Areas of ethical sensitivity in the marketing research process Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning 89) Supplier firms only retain all data and research materials to meet industry quality standards, company processes or as requested by a specific client. Answer: FALSE LO: 2:6: Areas of ethical sensitivity in the marketing research process Difficulty: Difficult Classification: Application AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning 90) In the United States, professionals may earn the Professional Researcher Certification (PRC). Answer: TRUE LO: 2:6: Areas of ethical sensitivity in the marketing research process Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 91) IBIS World predicts that the number of employees in the marketing research industry will expand at an average annual rate of 7% through 2022, with wages predicted to increase at an average annual rate of 11%. Answer: FALSE LO: 2:7: How to investigate careers in the marketing research industry Difficulty: Difficult Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 92) Some marketing research jobs, particularly those in client-side companies, require a graduate degree for new employees who have no direct experience in the field. Answer: TRUE LO: 2:7: How to investigate careers in the marketing research industry Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 21 Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. 93) Describe the evolution of the marketing research industry from the early roots in the 1800s to the present. Note key events from early beginnings to its evolution as a mature industry today that caused it to grow. Answer: Answers do not have to completely or comprehensively recount the history of market research. However, answers should cover the key events and milestones of the development of the marketing research industry. Key points that may be mentioned are as follow: Gathering information dates back to the earliest days of recorded history. Surveys were used for politics in the United States in the early 1800s. The first known application of research to a business/marketing/advertising problem was conducted by an ad agency in 1879, and the first continuous, organized research was started in 1911 by Charles Coolidge Parlin. The industry began to grow in the early 1900s as the Industrial Revolution separated business owners from customers. Many developments occurred during the 20th century that allowed marketing research to evolve into a mature industry. LO: 2:1: A brief history of the marketing research industry Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 94) Describe client-side and supply-side marketing research. Provide an example of a typical project for each. Answer: Students should be able to clearly distinguish between client-side and supply-side marketing research. Answers should include something similar to the following: Marketing research may be divided into client-side research and supply-side research. Client-side research is marketing research that is conducted within and for a firm (such as research that is conducted by a marketing research department within a manufacturing firm). Supply-side research is research that is conducted by an outside firm to fulfill a company’s marketing research needs. Advanced answers will also include comments such as: Firms that conduct supply-side marketing research are also called agencies, or simply suppliers. A few large firms and many small firms characterize the industry. The largest firms have revenues in the billions of dollars. Firms are classified as full-service or limited-service supplier firms. All answers should provide a clear example of a typical project for each type. LO: 2:2: The different types of marketing research firms Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 22 Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. 95) Do-it-yourself (DIY) research has been called the “democratization” of marketing research. Discuss the factors and reasons that it is considered to be one of the great emerging trends affecting client-side research departments. Answer: Do-it-yourself (DIY) marketing research refers to firms conducting their own marketing research. Answers should state that DIY marketing research has been facilitated by online access to secondary data and better knowledge of data analysis software such as SPSS. Comments should note that DIY research could provide the information needed to solve the user’s problem in a cost-effective way. An increasing number of tools are being developed so firms can conduct their own marketing research. Advanced answers may mention online survey platforms (such as Qualtrics and SurveyMonkey), statistical analysis tools (such as SPSS, SAS, and R), social media monitoring tools (such as Hootsuite and Meltwater), and data analysis and visualization dashboards (such as those offered by Tableau and Microsoft Power BI) as new valuable online tools. LO: 2:2: The different types of marketing research firms Difficulty: Difficult Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 96) There are two types of supply-side firms or agencies: full-service firms and limited-service firms. Discuss the differences and similarities between full-service supplier firms and limitedservice firms. Provide examples of the typical projects or engagements each might perform. Answer: Answers should clearly discuss differences and similarities between full-service supplier and limited-service firms. Discussion may include comments to the effect that research that is conducted by an outside firm to fulfill a company’s marketing research needs is called supply-side research. A firm that is engaged in supply-side marketing research is often referred to as an agency, or simply as a supplier. Comments will recognize that these firms specialize in marketing research and offer services to buyers needing information to make more informed decisions. In most cases, client-side marketing researchers also purchase research from marketing research suppliers. General Motors, for example, while conducting research on electric cars, may hire a research firm in California to provide feedback from consumers who test-drive prototype cars. Large and small firms, for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, and government and educational institutions purchase research information from suppliers. Comments will recognize that limited-service supplier firms specialize in one or, at most, a few marketing research activities. Firms can specialize in marketing research services such as online communities, questionnaire development and pretesting, data collection, or data analysis. Some firms specialize in specific market demographic segments such as senior citizens or Hispanics. Typical projects or engagement examples may be those from the text or from the student’s experience. LO: 2:2: The different types of marketing research firms Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 23 Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. 97) There are many new challenges facing the marketing research industry that have emerged in recent years. Some practitioners say the industry “must evolve.” Describe and discuss some of the challenges facing the industry. What trends will force the industry’s evolution? Answer: Discussion will note that marketing research clients are constantly seeking what has been called the holy grail of business: faster, better, and cheaper. The fast pace of technological change in the marketing research industry provides tools to help meet these needs, but also leads to important challenges. These challenges include the need to incorporate new and evolving sources of data and methodologies, the need to improve the communication of results, and the need to hire talented and skilled employees. Answers may mention that some researchers believe that the marketing research industry has been adapting to new opportunities too slowly. Older and established marketing research companies find it difficult to keep abreast of new technologies, and new, upstart marketing research companies cannot always deliver the insights that they promise. LO: 2:4: New challenges to the marketing research industry Difficulty: Difficult Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 98) Discuss the marketing research industry’s proactive efforts regarding self-improvement including specific initiatives and how they improve the practice of marketing research. Answer: Comments should note that the marketing research industry has been proactive regarding self-improvement, largely through industry initiatives, extensive continuing education programs, and certification. Answers should discuss several of the following in greater detail: best practices, maintaining public credibility, monitoring industry trends, improving ethical conduct, continuing education, and certification programs. Responses should indicate a knowledge of “sugging” and “frugging”โ€“both practices considered detrimental and unethical. (Sugging is “selling under the guise of research,” while frugging is “fundraising under the guise of research.” Both are unethical.) Advanced answers will mention and explain “The Transparency Initiative” and the National Do Not Call Registry as critical parts of the marketing research industry’s effort to engage in self-improvement. LO: 2:5: Industry initiatives for self-improvement Difficulty: Moderate Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 24 Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc. 99) Define the Professional Researcher Certification. Discuss what it is intended to do and the impact on the marketing research industry. Answer: The discussion will note that the PRC is a response to a need to establish a credentialing program in the industry. Answers will mention that several organizations, led by the Marketing Research Association (now renamed the Insights Association), established a certification program for marketing researchers. The Professional Researcher Certification program (PRC) is designed to recognize the qualifications and expertise of marketing and opinion research professionals. The goal of PRC is to encourage high standards within the survey profession to raise competency, establish an objective measure of an individual’s knowledge and proficiency, and encourage professional development. Achieving and maintaining PRC validates the knowledge of the market research industry and puts researchers in a select group of likeminded professionals. The certification is a visible badge of distinction, demonstrating professional skill, commitment, and dedication. Answers may also differentiate between the U.S. and Canadian certification programs. In the United States, professionals may earn the Professional Researcher Certification (PRC). In Canada, the designation of Certified Marketing Research Professional (CMRP) is granted through the Marketing Research and Intelligence Association (MRIA.) LO: 2:6: Areas of ethical sensitivity in the marketing research process Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 100) Discuss the preparation for marketing research jobs for both undergraduates and graduate students. Answer: Following graduation, some students go directly into a marketing research job with a bachelor’s degree in marketing, statistics, business analytics, computer science, psychology, sociology, anthropology, or another related field. Internships and entry-level jobs in marketing research have a variety of names. Common names include research analyst (or just “analyst”), consumer insights analyst, qualitative research analyst, user experience researcher, digital analyst, and social media analyst. Some marketing research jobs, particularly those in client-side companies, require a graduate degree for new employees who have no direct experience in the field. There are some excellent master’s degree programs in marketing research. Quirk’s maintains a directory of colleges and universities that offer certificates, concentrations, programs, or degrees in marketing research. Quirk’s website also provides an active job-posting service that allows students to explore the types and locations of current job openings in marketing research. LO: 2:7: How to investigate careers in the marketing research industry Difficulty: Easy Classification: Application AACSB: Application of knowledge 25 Copyright ยฉ 2020 Pearson Education, Inc.

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